13 the examiner Wednesday Nov 221978 The only way to travel David Hoichkiss gets good use out of his bicycle When hes not riding it for pleasure hes using it in place of car When he doesnt feel like riding he walks his vehicle and uses the carrier for his poi rots Hotchkrss can often be seen riding along Tifhn Street Examiner Photol Archbishop father to Cambodian orphan MONTREAL ll archbishop usually is not ad dressed as Father but the rule soon may be broken in at least one case Msgr JosephrAurele IIourdc carries the title of Roman ath olic Archbishop of Ottawa but one person his loyeart old fosv ter son may prefer more fa miliar form The teenager ambodian war orphan is expected to ar rive in the new year from ref ugee camp in Thailand curr rcntl bonn tor Bonito oi Ills tellrmcountrymen ltntlier than an outright adoption it tgt fostering Isgr llourde said It an inter llcsaid lt ill be up to the boy to decide ll be taiits the it chbishop as legal father or tlllld rather keep the name lluot Ten The boy lost his thinese born mother and nnibodian lather in prisoners camp set up by the Khmer Rouge in 1973 His brother and sister Hlt exc cuted by ornmunisl guernlns The boy had been til labor camp for tound halt months betoiclleeinu lolhnilund The archbishop said be ex petts to meet lluol Tea in France in January before bringintthirntoiniinrli Msgr llourrlc lll he hopes his action will point out to Hi nadian Itoinan tnlbolns the plight of anibodinn war lt tims as as spot lighting the lnitcd Nations international Year of the hild Archbishop Joseph Plourde at prayer in the St Patricks Cathedral in Ot tawa last year The Archbishop is adopting l6yearold Cambodian war orphan who will be arriving in Canada in the new year CP Photo Gran 22rc36 CRANKAMPS Other in stock Values GP No 2478 plate 440 Crankamp $4355 GP No 2790 plate 550 Crankamp $4766 crNo42vw $3855 Plus Many more in stock values Fully guaranteed to fit most American European IIFREEII BATTERY INSPECTION ll VESPRA IAIRI 7287822 GI BATTIRV 322 in ST NIWMAIIH 395551 INI BATTERY MAN The Battery Specialist IO OFF TO SENIOR CITIZENS Mrs Campbell 4361084 Grand Representatives night in lnnisfil Chapter No 162 OES on Thursday November when Ms Lucille Metcalfe WM and Mr Melvin Metcalf WP honored Ms Eileen Smeaton Grand Represen tative of North Dakota was well attended Honored guests welcomed by Mrs Mctcalfe were Howard Nable General Grand Chapter Committee member Mrs Sheila Anderson Past Grand Matron Mrs Mary Smith Grand Secretary Mcrvyn Booth Grand Sentinel Mrs Alice Booth Grand organist District Deputy Grand Matr son Mrs Jean Manning of District Mrs Dallolder of District 10 and Mrs Dorothy Constable of District 21 Grand representatives are Mr Eric Harris of Parry Sound Mrs Irene Tiffin of illia Ms Helen Hunt of Newmarket Ms Aim Morton of Quecnsvillc Ms Mildred Qirrie of Brantford Ms Ivy Gannon of Pickering Ms Isabel Brereton of Toronto Ms Edith Watson of Caledon East and Ms Doris Stephenson of Toronto There were also 12 Past Grand Representatives 10 Past District Deputy Grand Matrons four presiding Matrons and three presiding Patrons with visitors from Bar rie Cookstown rillia Newmarket Queensville Toronto Pickering Caledon last Parry Sound Midland Brantford reemore and Quebec NiRATlIAIIUNS Cmgratulations to our 197980 council members and to those others who offered their ser vices to the township showing their willingness to be involved in what is often furstrating and thankless task ANNUALMEIIIINU Painswick Horticulture Society held its sixth annual meeting at the Stroud omplcx on Thursday evening with good attendance lcan thap man chaired the meeting welcoming all with special ltecvc Scott ltill lib District mention for Dons rs Representative and Coun Jans The secretary reports showed very busy year with excellent speaker many projects ac complished and community in volvement Treasurer Bernice Lentick showed the right side of the ledger and Wintario grant received are used Harold Hyne gave report of plans and pro jects for 1979 while the junior report was given by Dianne Smythc which showed we have young horticulture members enjoying gardening Jean hapman gave special thanks to each of her working executives and committees stressing the good cooperation everyone Bud Mitchell and Mary Neely members of Home Beautification were called on to present trophies and plaque along with cheques Tom Saunders won redit Union Trophy plauqe and money from the society for best lawn with Snider and Don and Jean hapman placing second and third Best front view trophy wont to lean hapinan and laudc Smith and Wilson second and third Ilest back view went to Don and lean Chapman lhe anadian lire trophy went to Wilson and Bill Horne se cond and third Bud announced this will be yearly competi tion and includes all Innisfil Township Reeve Gibbons extended con gratulations to Society and con ducted election of officers The 1979 officers are im mediate past president Jean Chapman president Bernice Lintick first vicepresident llaroly Hyno second vice prcsident Hillie Dcdong first year directors Sheila Gor man Mary Neely Jane Iriemstrd Sue Barber Carol Harris second year directors Edna Kelly Margret Turner Allen Morley Annie Doherty Doris Hyne aSsociate direc tors Louis Morley Bud Mitchell Margret Mitchell Robert Jlaydcn Mill ie Clayden auditors Eileen Loan llillic DcJong Secretary and treasurer are to be appointed by the board Jean liadertschcr of Natures Beauty demonstrated Christmas decorations making swaps bows door and wall hangings and la bl mngcments The st rilllfllsl things seem to make lovely and attractive conversations like say steak bones or cows horns This talented lady does them all She was thanked by presi dent Bernice Lentick Mrs Scott brought greetings and news from the district and also trip or two for crafty decora tions Special mention goes to the social committee Each table had lovely hand decorated clothes centre arrangements aritable for Christmas large decorated Christmas tree in the hall and refreshment table ccn trod by floral arrangements Reeve Gibbons won the 5050 draw and donated it to the society as did many of the cash rile winners ed garelm es bv Ma rion Wng ht 7286797 AIIICNIS FAIR Mr and Mrs Ntirrnnn McLean attended Iltt Itoan Winter Fair in Toronto rm out ly WI The NUVtlltlfll mostrim ol WwvvVVVVVV Clowes Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Tom Hutchinson with members and two visitors present The roll call was Describe your first home Mrs John McLean curator had Mrs Laurence Fraser show slides of Oro Township in the past They showed how the poneers days were int Many bees were held he ping neighbors such as barn rais ings threshing etc Fairs and the markets were events they all looked forward to Some of the old schools and churches were shown one being the flowcs Methodist Church which was torn down some years ago Modes of transportn lion Were also shown With Home niilir ur cars pioneer methods of nriiiiiiil compared wttli torln rrirclinnild Hyillrri Much rirvlil If dm to thou i¢ponililr for lollrv ting thew old pliolot ft Hpirl the Iann flmvlti lion led in lulrrimil 1m giver by Mr lom lnilr irisJr h4 rrN innling oil in hell ll limm of 11 littrulMr llir roll ririlrrz linking Ewingsft tlllllliy Il ill Sears Custom Drapery Fabric Sale 4a nu can owalummrWWWqunmmmunmull ioninn it reAU In aJT rl ll 93 seee MN 1a Visit your nearest store or phone us today for convenient athomeservice Cg SlmpsonsSears Ltd Reg and Was refer to SimpsonsSears Ltd prices Store address fayv2 Personal attention by our it our consultants 509 Baytield St Georgian Mall Barrie MONTUES SAT 930amto 530 pm WED THURS FRl 930 am to 930 pm High standards ol quality to your specifications Hero great opportunity to create your own wmdow treatments and save money too Let your imagination run tree as you look ever our selected range of antique satiris velvets Open weaves and slicers And pick the fabric that reflects the mood at your home it youre not quite sure ot wtiat yOur Window needs one ot our decorator conSLiltants Will be glad to help you in the comfort of your own borne There while looking over samples you can discuss plans have measurements taken and receive estimates Without obliga tion It you Wish y0u may even have yOur drapes delivered and installed by our experienced workmen And rem ember satisfaction or money refunded that our guarantee Orders taken are for delivery after January tst 1979 deliver lritt lltfdrlllrllltttl Itll irh sun at uqu Inn tttllntlllclll tiwiii Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account