WV the examiner Wednesday Nev 22 I978 17 by Jean Jennett 4240238 TURKEY SHOOT sale of farm implements recently Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson Michael and Jane spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Joe Wilson in London Mrs Frank Wooldridge of Florida is visiting with her mother Mrs Esten Davis Helen Smith of Whitby spent weekend with her parents Mildred and Kenneth Smith Marion McVanel of Toronto spent weekend here and visited her father in Coll ingwood Remembrance Day was observed in Christ Church Nov 12 Captain Tim took the ser vice and gave sermon on Peace The flowers on the altar in memory of Lawrence Davis who paid the supreme sacrifice were from Wilfred Davis and Mrs Dan Hammond Mrs Rita Burbidgc of Nashville spent weekend with Mr and Mrs Ken Smith and Mr and Mrs Vic Wiggins of Toronto Barbara Goodwin of Toronto spent weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest Goodwin Mrs Larry Smith and Mrs Rick Bates attended conven tion at the Royal York in Toron to recently for the 4H Club Mrs Lorne Carruthels is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie Mrs Keith McVanel of Barrie and Miss Marion McVanel of Toronto visited with Mrs Min nie Arnold recently Jack Hirons of Toronto spent day recently with his mother BLADE BONE REMOVED blade short rib IOCIStS EVERSWEET SLICED CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF or chuck shoulder butt pork ChOpS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF CIOSS Ilb Ol DOIIEIESS ShOUldEI lOCIStS OUR REG PRICE158 LB BARRIE FOOD CITY Bayfield Street Hwy 26 27 Closing SaturdayNov25th at 10=OOpm Reopenlng TuesdayNoV2uthat 10=OOam FRESH PICNIC Pork Shoulder $108 Roasts FRESH SWIFTS PREMIUM Wieners MAPLE LEAF COOKED BONELESS TO 3LB AVG Country Kitchen Hams LB MAPLE LEAF IVsLB AVG BY THE PIECE MAC CHEESE MOCK CHICKEN PICKLE 8r PIMENTO BOLOGNA OR PEPPER LOAF Sandech Meats SNOPSVs Old Vienna Salami 133 WHOLE CUTUP FROZEN TO 3LB AVG stewing hens PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Cod Fillets CANADA GRADE EVISCERATED It TO sLB AVG $115 LB Brome Lake Ducks cur FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF Cross Rib Steaks LB MAPLE LEAF Cocktail Sausages ML 89¢ or Wieners PKG Irene Hirons SHOPSYS Knuckers or $149 14LB Frankfurters Pm CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF LEAN BONELEss $14 Stewing Beef LB Football Salami SALAMI SHOPSYS $329 by Mrs Norris Cochrano 4246637 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN $139 Ocean Perch Fillets LB MAPLE LEAF COOKED $219 Dinner Pork Shoulders LB an excitin new kind of family en ertalnment ALUMINUM FOIL reyn olds wrap ilililti1gttlilll Senior Citizens bus left FirQ ng Angus on Friday evening to see The truck and travel unit of Sheba Shrine Club are holding turkey shoot at Davis Arnolds Farm Nov 25 at pm Shotguns only Lunch will be available Brian Graham is the president of the truck and travel unit 39TH ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Jim McDermott Sr celebrated their reth wed ding anniversary Nov 11 They spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Watson of Kitchener Bob Davis held successful taping of the Tommy Hunter Qt Show Those on the bus from CAssréRoLElia VOlllllIC here were Mr and Mrs Bill WITH Gauley Jr Mrs Florence Den FOR MAPLE LEAF hey Mrs Hilda Henderson ub 900 Breakfast Sllces Mrs Olive Ruddich Mr Vin r¢ cent Walkem and Mrs Donalda Cochrane This show will be cassuwu $2 99 televised Dec 29 WltH OVLH Congratulations to Mr and 2k HY $2 39 Lll mm Corned Mrs Michael Attwood nee gt AfLSlRHlI Lynn Miskeyl 0n the birth of Stiunm WllH UVEH baby boy little brother for Mt 3249 25 R0 SNOPsv COLE SLAW OR Kelly and grandson toSam and OIBPKLQ $199 ZUIQVIWI 3269 Potato salad TUB Leona Miskey Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Gignac of Calgary on the birth of baby boy Paul Michael Joseph great grandson for Mr and Mrs Alf Knight of Angus Clayton Smith is in Toronto General Hospital He is brother of Mrs Shirley Knight Mrs Lillian Melson and Mrs Almeda Rivers Alf Knight who is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital in Bar me The ladies Aid and WMS monthly meeting met at the home of Mrs Ella Mooney Devotions were taken by Mrs Olive Menary The Bible reading from Matthew 11 was well prepared by Mrs Florence Denney Mrs Leona Miskey read two poems Remem brance Day and ur Duty followed hymn The Garden of Prayer sung by Mrs Olive Menary Mrs Leona Miskey Mrs Hilda Henderson with Mrs Doris Ryckman played the piano The roll call was answered with the word Prayer from verse in the Bible There were 11 members present Mrs Florence Denney read the minutes followed with corresponding letters The of fering was received and dealt with Business of the meeting ASSORTED FLAVORS lEllO jelly DOWCIEIS BONIMART REGULAR RIPPLE OR SALT ll VINEGAR FLAVORED pOtfltO chips REGULAR OR DIET 750 ml RET BTL 20 OEP OUR REG PRICE 37 FACELLE ROYALE ASSORTED COLORS paper towels PER BTL OUR REG PRICE115 DEL MONTE SEASONED 14FL OZ TINS OUR REG PRICE46 EACH OUR REG PRICE$281 PRODUCE OF USA FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS fEd OI white OUR REG PRICE 89 MANJOR ASSORTED FLAVORS fruit drinks CARAMEL CRUNCN ARROWROOT DIGESTIVE GINGER CRISP NICE SNORTCAKE RICH TEAI FRUIT SHORTCAKE OR BUTTER RINGS Peek Freon blscuits POWDERED Fab detergent TO OZ PKGS OUR REG PRICE71 EACH CANADA GRADE ROBIN HOOD CHERRY BLUEBERRY APPLE CHOCOLATE LEMON OR CARAMEL followeg making Manifor thie Decem er meeting rs dMHH soggyliiiich rs en PM PRODUCE or USA ru ru cake 2419 Derek Shorney had an opera PKG tion on his hand in Royal Vic toria Hospital in Barrie He is now home RED LABEL tIsllllsdale mm McConnell Orange FruiQ is or Ruth Lea Drink °vlL Cake 35 $1 30 mlMARl leCl IN Hill MOON PUlll ll lABll Oil Dessert SolSpread MrsédBemice Train recent Pears 31 Margarine 13 so enjoy weeks holiday wit he lamb in Tom i°°° assassinate Slliï¬liï¬mém skis VISITS Mrs em MacDonald and 222 s139 123 51 $139 WE79 Red Delicious Apple no McCAIN FROZEN PEEP Deucst Carlyle sgent few days last ow DELUXE MR0 week wi Mrs Little of Thor Romar 9° 299¢ JIMIW WW PRODUCE OF USA mill Dog Food 3aagnlémmaayru PRODUCE OF MEXICO size 89¢ OANAOA No GRADE we 99¢ pizza AT FAlR l50l Mr and Mrs John Ramsay IECLE arm waialg 33 69¢ Tangerines DOZEN cucumbers 24 to Mount St Louis and Mr and °°° on $249 ONIARIO GROWN 1202 Mrs OHallam spent moo mm MW MADE CANADA PKG amount on sum sum CANADA NO GRADE tom at mm mm °°° 89° Cooking Onions No hl Lo PATIENT Coroal Chinese rt an ire EACH We are sorry to hear that Mr Dinners 332 Lune Tinney is patient in the mm on mm Penetanguishene General gilgkes 119 mad PRICES ErrEcnvE rnou Hmpiwl we wish him Garbage 99¢ wumrsmv NOVEMsEnuNon1uuerl speedy recovery mum AOASI mm mm Bags 32102gargmfmclga Instant 89 sum IIKECVIVI erNEsmv novEMOER 22MB lllll JNI mosmosnunmv man 251 I7 its 31 mm AT Locnlous usreo The firstever World Wine Fair will be held in Bristol July 19 30 The organizers report that exhibitors have booked and several hundred further appli cations for space are being processed RIGHTS RESERVED I0 llMll OUANIIIIES Granola Bayer Bars 33 Aspirin