16 the examiner Wednesday Nov 22 1978 Andrea Fieldman 39 and her two children An MlNlREI lt Her blown coat spat tered with blood and white bandage covering her left eye Andrea Fieldinan returned home Monday after bnish with death in Israel The twoweek trip for Mrs Fieldman and her two sons An thony and Jordan 12 began as bar mitzyah present for Jordan but ended when the bus they were in was bombed Sun day by Fatah Palestinian guerrillas There was blinding while flash and my ears were ringing only few seconds later did realie what had happened that bomb went all in our bus said the ittiyearold wife of Montreal architect Sitting in the back seat with the two boys Mrs llltl111illl was injured when piece of the has hit her just under the eye Any higher attd probath ttllll have been blinded she and Her two sons slit leieil only biuises The bus was passing throuin the Israelroccupiul lcst liank ot the Jordan liiyer on Sunday when it stopped to let ott pas senger at the leyi ish settlement thony left and Jordan 13 arrived in Montreal Monday from Israel CP Photo Mother sons return home after brush with terrorists of Mizpeh Jericho about 11 kiltlliletles from Jerusalem KILLS IDlli Seconds later bomb belicy ed to have been hidden in beach towel exploded killing four persons sitting in the middle of the bus was stunned laed by the explosion Mrs Fieldinan said in an interview at Mirabel Airport There was panic II was every titan tor hiiiiselt Anthony and crawled out the iiido lordaii crawled out the door ltllllli wanted to get as tar away troni it as pos sible because they were afraid second bomb would go off she said Mrs lieldman said it was lordan ho decided they would sit in the rear of the bus In Israel when bus stops 30 people try to get on at the same time Iordan being smaller than the adults man aged to siiueee through the doorway and head tor the back here there is long seat that perinited lliein to sit on either sltleiil iue llad we sat anywhere else on the bus we might have been ktllttl Rio Algom president optimistic about expansion in Elliot Lake TORONTO ttlr It At bino president of liio Algom Ltd the giant uranium pro ducer is optimistic about ex pansion of the company lClliot Lake Ont operations and the future of the industry The pendulum is swinging from an antrnuelear reeling to recognition that nuclear piwer is essential to the worlds energy needs be said in re cent interview Uranium ls used in nuclear reactors Fears for the tanadian inr dustiy were expressed recently with the launching of rriajoi uranium developments in Il tralia But Albino said ustralian uranium is needed to assure adequatesuppliis Also Australia belieyes in orderly resource derelopiiienl and imagine that policy lll apply in uranium salts he said While it is true that lllt price it any commrxiity ill not go one way forever see no fundamental weakening in uia riium prices LEAR FOR FIXI VSIHV Meanwhile Albinos com pany is gearing tor an ex pansion that he anticipates will bring the Elliot Lake work JACK The little Store with BIG Savings force to about 1ioo by but It currently nuiiilxisaboiit17m turieiitly lill1lLillll1illli llllltt the tiliiike and New lllll operation 111 llllti1 talu io other ltttl tlli Staiileinli arr ltlilll rear tiatcrl to help supply iiiiiio new roii=iait lriiiii ttiitiriir llyilio Still lltilllt but £tiiillil1 reopening it current negotiations lll new iiiaiiiuiii custotiiers are zitistictoiy are the ililiiltei litlltiti and Noidiciiiints lhise llri iiiriies xyili be mull ltl vsllitlt Ililll it iiidyylieii lllllltwitlltl Albino said the laiiel mine and null should be operating at lllllllllil rate hi too tons ot oie day during ltltiorill Qiiirkes capacity is Toto tovis day XSSIRIIID ltKlilS lhe Quirke lancl Sillts eon tracts call toi delixery ot about in million pounds of Iiraiiiiiiii lelllt to lllllllt 111 liiitain la pan arid llil iiiiled State llllli littl Stanleigli operated by lll ston Mines Ltd an lgoiua at liliale will deliyeraboiit TL iiiil lion pounds to tiutaiio llydro troiii ltttltoylrtu lhe 51 Sbiilioii ttnlario llythoioiiiiatt itllttlilli1tll controceru letoie it was approxell by llli liltiiiri lltrllillll7ii lll letvriiny lbzrio tiiiiatt tha thr Nlilxv eypan ltlli llll ltlill illllitltill iiliis hoiisiiii strniciian at lllil Lake co ilwiit gt2 Io iiiillioii liiil will He expert that Slaiilcnth ill be In ltltitllltlltlll tlllllllL 1041 siiice site Illtlltlilllttll work is l1llltltl to star to iltls the tltl ot thi year he said lilioiaili lili et 1llilllllltll lit llllllllit ti lllltlltltl hope the lllllli liliil ill he brought iiiti itltlllitltttil duriiii the llittts lltllIX SII IIGS lnotlieidiyisioris lhiiiosaiil the copper mining operations til lirmex Mining toip Ltd in lrit isb oluiiibia II protitaliliv even ttllltlll1i the more triioy ant iiiolylideiiiiui Il1 liio gout hm it Hi per cent hiltrel lli on llie tllll tlll than cyi le loi topper has been longer and deepei than the industry es pIctHl he said iit Lorney vil weather the storm iio lgoin controlled by itio Iiiito Zinc orp Itrl ot INDUSTRIAL HOME CARPETING 305 BLAKE STREET SIMCOE PLAZA BAHRIE ONTARIO L4M 1K7 PItrjiiJE 737060 lilllillll is spending about $33 llllllltill this year tor ex plntnliiill edga rclowes by Marion Wright 7286797 NIIHS lowes II rispy tookies had their final wind up with Summary Night at Minising eiilral School This tals pro Jttl teatilied ljssenlial lkliblcs leverly Moore gaye the commentary on the exhibit entitled ooking lools aiid lechiiiriues lhe tliib held seven regular meetings one of which was party with the mothers being invited and two work incltings to get their lxiokscoinpletml liree senior and ttll begin iiers roiupleml llll eoiirse sui wssfiilly They were ltrenda Dicker tlicryl llyball llebbie timrge Shellie llayes liarbra Mac Kelly and Laverriere Marcia llonald lleidi McKee Mitchell eyerly Moore Sherry Shel lswell We must clear out smoke dunoged remnants that have been cleaned deodoriled at sovipgs up to 80 Take advantage of this oriceinuEfetime happening we hope Just few are listed 12 12 Twist light gold Reg $17480 12 Twist light gold Reg 12998 12 99 Short Shag Green Reg 19200 12 23 Level Loop Red Reg 29400 12 37 Short Shag Gold Reg 3900 12 310 Carved Rust Reg 3900 Fa too many to list this is only sample Do not be late ALSO AS BACK IN BUSINESS SALE GUARANTEED INSTALLATION FOR CHRISTMAS Now $4500 Now $2500 Now $5000 Now $10400 Now $1800 Now $1000 FIRENICE IIIOW COLORS TO CHOOSE TEFLON TREATED FREE UNDERPAD FREE INSTALLATION 599am PRINTS 17 COLORS DESIGNS GREAT FOR KITCHENS FAMILY ROOMS FREE INSTALLATION SCOTCH GARD MANY MORE to cuoos FROM 90DAY N0 FINANCE CHARGES CNARGEX MASTERCIIARGE 9950 TD Homecoming bitter ONDON nt TI Homecoming for Jessie Holmes has been bittersweet affair She and husband Dave first moved into their house two dec ades ago but until six weeks ago rs Ilol mes hadn set foot in it since she went to Victoria Hospital for throat exam ination Oct at 1971 She ended the examination quadriplegic Iloine tor the next seven years was suc cession of hospital rooms from Victoria to University Hospital then arkwood and finally yarstiy at Iynlhurst re lyibilitation hospital in loronto At 57 she has regained some use of her arms can manage whuleluiir and cope with day today tasks llul the shock of coming home has been intense The kids on the street have all grown up and the price of food in the supermarkets she says ostly renovations were necr essary to the house so she could get around The couple has not seen nickel of the settlement granted Mrs Holmes in mail practice suit tter medical complications and stay in Victoria Ilospi tals intensive care unit Mrs Holmes sued the doctors iii volved the hospital and others Finally all charges except the malpractice suit filed against the doctors were dropped In 1077 Ontario Supreme ourt decision Mrs Holmes was awarded 3710000 including $310000 allotted to the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan for past and future medical care costs But the doctors have up pealed the verdict and the case drags on Meanwhile Ilolmcs high school history teacher and pa rt tune theatre actor took an early retirement so lie could look after her and help with re novalions To do lliat he spent his re tireinent gratuity money he had saved over the years and then borrowed money pile tilled With 5011 loam bandolier Weller DualHeat Soldering Kit and solder lit slurd case super gilt or Chewbama the kids tavourite character trom Star Wars Made 01 Holly acrylic plush and cartridges Dual lOOMOwatt heat for qutck ettiCient soldering Kll includes 100140 watt soldering gun wrth extra tips accessories for quadriplegi patient 14 if Jesse Holmes 57 returned to her London Ont home Monday after spending seven years in various hospitals in 1971 Mrs Holmes went to the doctor for throat examination and ended up quadraplegic Her malpractice suit against the doctor has been appealed and the case drags on leaving Mrs Holmes and her husband Dave without settlement money they need for medical bills and home renovations CP Photo COLELLA DENTU RE THERAPY CLINIC Complete Denture Services 7264721 149A DUNLOP ST BARRIE MEMBER DENTU RIST SOCIETY Mrs Downing 7285614 ANNIVERSAIHES Gordon and Joy Williams celebrated their 40th wedding annniversary Nov They wereguestsofhonorat dimer party organized by fami ly and held at the home of their eldest daughter Louis Liv ingstone of Woodbridge May friends and relatives attended Earle and Jennie Sisler recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary They are the proud parents of five children and have 13 grandchildren and two great grandchildren Congratulations to Bruce and Sharon Batcman of East Street in Orillia 0n the birth of 91b oz daughter Lisa Marie sister for Julie Anne Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Downing of Holly and Mr and Mrs Bill Bateman of Crown Ilill OMING MEETINGS Littles Hill WI will meet at the home of Mrs Don Sngley Nov 21 at pm Topic will be IWeedsmuir history under the oonvenership of Mrs Srigley The Forts Airstream Mment Emirates EARN UP TO to and Mrs Bill Little Motto will be How Great is Our Heritage Roll Call Whats New Iherewillbeaspeaker The monthly meeting of the Community Centre Board will be held Nov 22 at the hall at 830 pm Renovations are under way for the new washrooms that are being put in Holly Community Centre Board sponsored Meet The Canadidate Night at the hall on Itursday night the time this is in print the ections will be over for another year The hall could have accommodated more people but those who took time to come out got very clear impression of the stands the candidates were taking on the various issues before the township at this time and in the future ITS SLY FOX GRANTHAM England CP Bennie the fox who has moved into Elizabeth Boods worths farm kitchen in this Lincolnshire community never chases chickens and is afraid of sheep But she loves strawberries preferably with sugar and will eat this treat out of the hands of the Blood worth family it On 5year certiï¬cates with interest paid annually Rates also available for to year certiï¬cates with interest paid semiannually annually or compounded All rates subject to change without notice For more information on The Forts Guaranteed Investment Certiï¬cates call our Toronto Ofï¬ce collect or write to Mr lens Gravlev Manager Suite 51445 Sheppard Ave East Mllowdale Ontario Tel 416 2245500 nu Serving Canadians with Ottices across Canada FORT GARRY TRUST MemberCanada Deposrt Insurance Corporation COM PA NV Put your money in The Fort Comical Meeskite puppets choose from assorted characters all about 12 long Made oi tlulty material these easytouse puppets Will give hours at enjoyment 502014 Complete With Abt 20 502013 21Pc V4 and 3i Drive Socket Set 19 299 incl eight ia dr sockets Private seven ti sockets 59 Plus plug socket extensrons spinner handle it to moulded carrying adapterandratchetPlasticcase 5474568 your handman 547259 PRICES IN EFFECT BNTIL DEC 23 1978 Reflector Energysaving orl lamp is decmatwe and practical all year round Complete wrth reflector and wall bracket 512299 00 in Fireplace 55 Gift Pack For the person who has everything Gilt pack in cludes two 6hr wax 1095 package of chimney soot remover and largecapacrly log holder 512185 Oil Lamp and 599 COOP Van 16 delivery van like the ones used by Co0p Has tilting load box and doors that open Made of durable plastic 50 BrassPlated Woodholder Large capacity decorative woodholder has rolled edges Can also be used as magazine holder 512184 Decorative 99 4Piece 3799 18Beltows Fireset su Wood and Vinyl bellows Attractive brass tated keep your tire blazing De corative redstained wood tinish Hangs on wall tor decorative touch 18 long 512307 EVERYONE CAN SHOP COOP Pleasant Place to Deal Simcoe District CoOp HI rm CW INNISFIL ST IARRIE 7266531 tinish set consrsts poker shoveL Another great gitt 512183 brush and stand FINANCING AVAIIAILE INROUGN 4m