Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1978, p. 13

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mWh the examiner Saturday Nov 197813 Candidates for Innisfil Township Councilng Kathe Jans The only reason Im running is because care care for the future of this community It is important to all residents not just chosen few care for the people on tight budget and fixed income and promise that will continue to make sure their tax dollars are not wasted care about communicating with the citizens of lnnisfil Township and when reelected will continue to make myself Klllli IANS available for your problems believe in an open government Its your money there should be no secrets will continue to push for the encouragement of industry into lnnisfil so our citizens have choice of employment was appointed by the reeve as chairman of parks and recreation and vicechairman of roads department have attended almost all of our annexation meetings held either in Barrie court Osgood Hall in Toronto or between our council and Barrics kept track for several months of my hours spend at council or on council business and they average 3537 hours per week am not complaining am just stating fact enjoyed iuy two years in office If you have any problem and you have contacted the respon sible department and received no satisfaction please write note to oun Kathe lans lnnisfil Township fficc seal it and deliver by hand to the municipal office and peisonally will see that it ap pears in front of council and the right department and an answer will be forthcoming If you feel lid my job well in representing you on council this past two yeais then may ask you for your support by voting for me on Nov 13 reeve Grant Andrade To all taxpayers and citizens of lnnisfil Township This election has been most interesting and stimulating experience personally have been meeting people and discuss ing problems and concerns during door to door camr paign ur township is im mense in stlc being well represented by lifterent life styles and needs The council you ill choose must first and foremost lll GRANT ANDRAIHI stitute goals and policies which put people first lui= ing the past two years while serving on the committee of adjustment have ex perienced the frustration of the people and it has coir cerned me applying the pro sent township policies want bylaw 1378 heard by the in tario Municipal Board as soon as possible learly the people are unhappy with bylaw that generated 18th objections Further negotiations are needed with the province re larger percentage of funding towards the water and sewage project The longer the project is delayed the more critical Lake Simcoe will be polluted with ever escalating costs Annexation Whatever the courts pronounce will re quire strong ability to negotiate in business like manner We must explore eery lead to create better job op portunities while remembering to restrain spending unless absoluter required The position of deputy reeve requires leadership ability and in the absence of the recve be able to give thc township strong image member of an energetic team am looking forward to representing you in December Blake Constable As the day for municipal elections draws near ap preciate the opportunity to report to lnnisfil electors am satisfied that definite improvements have been made in the department of public works Early in 1077 recommended reorganiza tion of our winter control snow plowing and sanding from four to five sections within the township This had the eflect that most cont mutcr roads in the township were serviced earlier in the dav This was well accepted and believe our service is the envy of most neighboring municipalities ur garbage contract was retendercd in 1077 and now seems to be very satislac tory Though localized drainage BLAKE ONSIABLIC problems still exist in the township must state that more of our budgeted funds were expended on drainage works completed in 1070 than ever before most important point to make is that even with an in flationary cost factor of at least 20 per cent these ser vices have been provided over the pst two years at the same annual cost as in 1070 This financial restraint was oiily achieved by improved efficiency in he use of time money and work procedures was pleased to play part in the reactiviation of the lakeshore sewage and water project and believe the credibility of the lnnisfil council with the Hon George Mcaguc minister of the en vironment had some bearing on this approval When work proceeds this project will stimulate more development and opportunities than In nisfil has ever experienced before The lnnisfil election campaign seems to be emerging as an open hunting season on Blake Constable event with no licence re quired My opponent is taking every opportunity to have the last great flee llaw To set the record straight Mr AnA drade must assume the responsibility for an almost $40000 overexpenditure of the 15176 public work budget and contrary to his state ment at the Sandy ove Spoke was not on that committee in 197576 have the experience and the time to serve you and respectfully ask for your sup port on Nov 13 for lnnislils sake vote for Big Blake John Jefford John Jef ford feels expansion is the way to progress We have to attract more industry to ln nisfil How Can we give commercial enterprise some inducement If so what will be the attraction First it must be an adequate water supply Second there must be good sewage system Third our offering must have access to transportation be it highway or by rail Fourth the JOHN llIITtlltl Bill Tipple llllllll1 Fred Watts lltlII ll cost of the proposed land site must be competitive with com munities elsewhere Fifth we have to evaluate petty restric tions on site control and health regulations and in so doing ex pedite the purchase from the land bank Sixth we must give every assistance possible from our building and planning department Seventh we must stress the employment of com potent local firms whether on the original lender or as sub contractors in all construction programs in the township Eighth housing has to keep pace with any industrial expan sion and these homes must be sufficiently divorced from in dustrial areas so as to maintain property values and to also re tain the relative housing units as entities not adjacent to in dustrialsites We need the jobs in the township Lets get after the federal and the provincial governments to assist us in iii dustrial expansion The lefford family John and Rita and their seven children have been associated with In nisfil Township for more than years John has served two year term as councillor in Elliot Lake being chairman of the protection committee He served with the Air lorce in illliltlil £Ill tll£l am happy to report that we did not have an increase of 13 or 10 per cent as in 1070 and 1077 btit rather decrease iii taxes for 107 Although have been your finance chairman for the past term of office it would not have been possible to bring about these improvements without the full eoojxration ot the rest of council and department heads ur largest saving for 107a over 1077 occurred because in ltiTi our budget reflected deficit ot $107000 from 1070 title to unanticipated annexation costs plus further annexation costs for 1077 of $75000 In mm our annexation costs have been reduced to $150000 and our taxable assessment has increased by 243 per cent liiipioeiiieiits to lllltt tow nsnip illtlltls were com plctcd with the Use of reserve Ladies and gentlemen have stressed for the past two weeks the same priorities of two years ago Industrial and conuuer cial plaas in our township tire station within the Sandy tove area 31 More parks in built up areas such as Stroud where there is no place for the children to play or for people to just sit and relax ell ltcstric tions on farmers from selling lots for strip housing on conces sion roads should be lifted 31 We need bowling alleys and mo tion picture theatres for people who cannot for their own reasons curl or skate tit ltistrictions on permanent and scasonal resident wishing to renmate or build additions must be drastically eased as long as health and building codes are adhered to Ive heard so many times since the trailer park was clos ml that it was going to cost so much for renovations Ladies and gentlemen our main asset John OLeary The business of running council is big business The council is like board of direc tors They have to make deci sions The departments make application for what they need The works department asks for equipment to do these jobs but somewhere down the line something happened because from what can see is that if you have equipment it cannot be left out in the cold it has to be put in heated garage JOHN ilJIAR tunds rather than adding them to local taxes and also in order to keep the municipal debt down because of the large debenture which will be iwccssary for our future sewer and water project However the Siincoc ounty board lcvy has increased liich had the effect of cutting our savings to you from nulls to mills me other itetii of dollar sav ings and better coverage has btcn complete overhaul of your lownships insurance coverage The end results were bettei coverage of township assets savings of $3000 in ltllllllllls for 1071 and dHluctiblc system which will continue to dollars in the ears ahead have and will continue to work in the best inttiests of all townshipresidents was tourists With the camping closed down our merchants lost as much as to per cent of their summer business No with tlic price charged to enter lnnisfil Park for each car that went in three turned around and drovc to the rclaurant and told the owners and quote Why should we pay $3 to eat in when we can go to Barrie and enjoy beautitul landscade parks for nothing We were told it would take 30 ycais to get the monies back due to the amount needed to put the trailer park back into operation Ive done my homeowork on this issue and say it will take less than 10 but the shopkeepers will start get ting their 10 per cent loss back as soon as it is put back in business We cannot afford to lose any Visitors through disalistaction We have also been told that our taxes did not rise this ci because through good manage ment spending has been cut worked for pipeline com pany We had hydraulic equip ment trucks etc We had 500 pieces of equipment and our garage was not as big as what the Township of Innisfil has believe if we bought some brooms for our truck drivers and plugged these trucks backhocs and roadgraders in at night we could get along with our original fivebay garage leaving four bays open which could be used for ire hall and garage for our police cars Our council chambers could be used as meeting place for our police force and ser viceable building could be built fireball similar to the con struction of ou works depart meiit could be built at minimum expense at the Sandy ove or to cover the Big Bay loint area We are an area of working people we do not have the money to waste on show place things We want practical buildings built We should be planning Phase of industrial planning which would involve Barrie as joint venture where maybe 500 acres of industrial land would be involved can not promise to change things but sure can try that is all can promise Learning French can be fun Now that pupils in separate schools in Simcoe County are taking French classes from Grade their language skills improve more rapidly than before Eileen Wilson French teacher at Mon signor Clair School says She says the younger pupils love taking French and are not embarrass ed when they make mistakes Above Grade class performs short play entitled Un Pique nique Left to right are Joe Barranca Denise Martin Dawn Llewellyn Beverley McKenzie and Debbie Quinn Examiner Photo John Roome Money is the key issue in In nisfil the spending of 52 million tax dollars we need tighter control over these ex penditures and would consider the application of zero base budgeting justifying spen ding from zero or fresh base each year not tacking on 1520 per cent to last years budget and hope that it all comes out right We must resolve the annexa question by tion negotia JtillN ROOKIE Seepe Walters Sltlilll WAI TllltS Jack Young JACK YULNG ThOse who need mostL benefit tion active alert negotia tion between good neighbours put stop to lining the pockets of Toronto lawyers The abysmal shambles laughingly called our official plan with its suspect official bylaw must be reworked im mediately we must ap proach this with vigor for each passing moment spells lost op portunity time seems to have no value in In nisfil get rid of the dead wood this is time to do it now new centre of growth must be established the Alcona concept is dead how much more money will be wasted on expensive engineering surveys when common sense and half an eye would tell you that the dumping of 17900 people on this fragile land is ludicrous Its dead horse lets get on with something new The preservation of the lake is of paramount im portance we must be vigorous in our participation in antipollution control and recognize it as an ongoing pro blem We need industry we desperately need industry to provide jobs and tax base to favor the homeowner aid the elderly and improve the quality of life Seepe Walters who seeks seat on council is running on platform of common sense diligent hard work and decisive action Mrs Walters white hair may mislead people but dont let it fool you She is dynamic driv ing force in the community and is anxious to represent her fellow taxpayers in lnnisfil in an honest and straightfonvard manner Mrs Walters an independent business woman has been tax payer in lnnisfil for more than 20 years She is very concern ed citizen who has been involv ed in till as leader Guides and Brownies laulcttcs at St Pauls Anglican hurclr and taught English to immigrant children She was also district president of the Womcns ln stitutc and is member of Associated ountry Women of the World John Jack Young has been member of lnnisfil lownship council for the past two years He is married and has three children daughter 21 son 10 and another daughter 14 Before being elected to council be had been involved inthe operation of the IGA store in Stroud from which he is now retired As councillor he has been serving as chairman of the pro tection services committee Protection services includes the bylaw enforcement depart ment the building department the firc department and pro vides contact between the police commission and council He says the drafting of new bylaws and upgrading of ex isting ones to meet changing conditions in he township has been challenging exercise He says bylaws should be designed to serve the people They intist be drafted to pro vidc protection to the communir ly and eiivironmenl with the Mrs Walters business background has included secretary to the commodore of the fleet for large steamship line for 10 years domg mostly public relations work ex ecutive secretary to the presi dent of large engineering company for three years and is at present conducting her own selfsupporting business in the investigation and information field Mrs Walters feels with so many complex issues before council at present steadying hand fresh outlook are definitely needed for profi cient cohesive unified team The businessmen tell her we are like Sleepy Hollow ln nisfil can be lively vital thriving township Accentuate the positive vote for Seepe Walters least possible inconvenience or harrassment to the individual He also served as vice chair man of finance which was chaired by Coun Tipple The fact that the tax rate in lnnisfil was lowered this year when most municipalities had an in creae was source of satisfac tion to the finance committee as well as to the entire council and township staff Young says that the threat of annexation of part of the township by the City of Barrie remains major factor in the future of lnnisfil Many pro jects have had to be postponed which normally could have pro ceeded These include subdivi sion proposals re examination of the official plan and proposals for new police and fire protection facilities Young believes that decisions made in the next two yeam could have tremendous effect on the lifestyle as well as the pocketbooks of lnnisfil residents says Milne of new programs The increasc ltl Guaranteed lncoiue Supplement and the new tliild Benefits System an iiouiiced last August by the federal govermneiit are design ed to provide for lliose who most need the money the tliosl Ross Milne Ml for leelr Duffering Siincoe told The Ex amiiier recently The government has adopted social policy objee tch which is designed to pro vide more dollars to those who need it most rather than to selr tie in time of severe restraint for the easier route of increas ing social benefits across the board Milne said the Mind The increase in the Guaranteed lncoiue Supple ment will give pensioners an iii crease of $10 per month each muplc relying entirely upon the Old Age Security and luaaranteed liicoiiie Supple ment will now receive $0222 an nually Milne said Milne said 24 million of Amadas 36 million families will bencf it from the new child tax credit system which allows maximum of $200 per child either as reduction in tax or is refund from the govern ment The new system will reduce the fainin allowance cheques which all eligible mothers now receive each month by $560 child This money would be redirected to families of average or below average in come through the new tax credit or direct refund Milne said The result of this system will mean an increase of 52mm to family with two children whose income is $7000 or less The same size family with an in come of $25000 will lose $7 12 Milne said lIXIltlIMIIIN llSl Personally am cominced that the very small sacrifice asked of families in higher in come brackets is extremely just and representative of what is best in Canadian tradition Milne said Milne said this small dif ference to higher income families creates benefit five times greater in the lowest in come brackets Under the new system the tax credit the tax exemption and the family allowance will be indexed to the cost of living Milne said No Cookstown election everyone was acclaimed lthSlUWN Staff Municipal elections re scheduled for Monday but ookstown has already elected its new village council George llefford was acclaim ed as reeve when lim urrie decided not to run for the posi tion instead urrie said he would run for council and was acclaimed iii one of the four ouncil seats Other members of council in clude Martin Connolly Betty ltlockhart and Ann Monkman onnolly and Mrs Monkman were on council during the past term Mr mw m2

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