gr wrx 97 TB the examiner Tuesday Nov 197B MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON 558 Focus 600 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY UNIVERSITY OF THE AIR CAMERA ON CANADA SENECA TELECOLLEGE 625 WINDOW ON THE WORLD 626 EDITORIAL 630 SUNRISE SEMESTER CARTOON PLAYHOUSE IT FIGURES CARTOONS 655 MISSION EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT FILE 700 TODAY AUDUBON WILDLIFE HEATRE CBS NEWS GOOD MORNING AMERICA CANADA AM III DALE HARNEY SHOW PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 730 700 CLUB TVO VARIOUS PROGRAMMING 800 CAPTAIN KANGAROO ROCKETSHIP INSCHOOL PROGRAMMING DAYBREAK ITALIANISSIMO 830 ED ALLEN TIME 845 FRIENDLY GIANT 900 JEOPARDY FRIENDLY GIANT ALL IN THE FAMILY FROM Now ON PHIL DONAHUE SHOW TORONTO TODAY i8 CONTEST EXC TUE THUR Greek Horrlons TUE THUR 915 ONTARIO SCHOOLS 930 LIARS CLUB MATCH GAME VARIOUS OGRAMMING WHATS COOKING 100 HUNTLEY STREET 1000 DINAH CANADIAN SCHOOLS TUE FRI LETS MAKE DEAL AM BUFFALO BINGO YOGA 1005 CARD SHARKS 1030 MR DRESSUP PRICE IS RIGHT YAN CAN COOK NEWS 1035 TROUBLE WITH TRACY 100 HIGH ROLLERS SESAME STREET HAPPY DAYS BINGO DAYS OF OUR LIVES ED ALLEN TIME 1105 MAD DASH 1130 WHEEL OF FORTUNE YOUNG AND ESTLESS FAMILY FEUD VARIOUS PROGRAMMING CITY CLASSIFIED 1135 BRADY BUNCH 90 399000 0309 6906 THE 0009 AFTERNOON 1200 NEWS LEAVE IT TO BEAVER TIME FOR YOU UNCLE BOBBY SHOW MIDDAY MISTER ROGERS CARTOONS 1230 AMERICA ALIVEI NEWS SEARCH TOMORROW RYANS HOPE FLINTSTONES CD PROGRAMMING 100 HOLLYWOOD SOUARES NEWLYWED GAME STRIKES SPARES AND MISSES CBC NEws ALL MY CHILDREN PAUL BERNARD CITY LIGHTS 105 BOB MCLEAN SHow 130 DAYS OF OUR LIVES MOIRA HUNT As THE WORLD TURNS JOYCE DAVIDSON SHow FOR INSCHOOL STAY TUNED 158 ABC NEWSBRIEF 200 EDGE OF NIGHT ONE LIFE To LIVE ALAN HAMEL SHow MOVIE Come Back Little Sheba MOM GI Bluaa TUE Enchantment WED The Spy With the Cold Nose THUR PygmalIDn FRI 230 DOCTORS UNANNOUNCED GUIDING LIGHT IE YOURE BEAUTIFUL 300 ANOTHER WORLD TAKE 30 COMMANDER TOM SHOW GENERAL HOSPITAL IE LOVE EXPERTS 330 CELEBRITY COOKS MASH IE GALLOPING GOURMET 400 MOVIE Attack ot the Mushroom People MON Konga TUE Monster From PrehIstorIc Planet WED war at the Monsters THUR Godzilln vs The Thing DOUG HALL SHOW MERV GRIFFIN CHARLIE CHAPLIN EVERYDAY DEFINITION YOUNG STLESS MERRY MELODIES ODD COUPLE 430 HOGANS HEROES FOR KIDS ONLY LUCY SHOW MERV GRIFFIN ELECTRIC COMPANY LITTLE RASCALS MY THREE SONS 500 GET SMART GOODIES MIKE DOUGLAS BIONIC WOMAN EXC TUE UR six MllltOlt Dollar Man TUE I3 SESAME STREET BATTLE OF THE PLANETS IE MATCH GAME PROGRAM AND THE 809000 80 6900 0009 530 NEWS ODD COUPLE ALL IN THE FAMILY In DOUG HALL SHOW GILLIGANS ISLAND FAMILY FEUD TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 ea NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CBC NEWS CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEws ABC NEws NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY GOOD TIMES 645 HATTYTOWN TALES 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow TIC TAC DOUGH HEADLINE HUNTERS III NEWLYWED GAME ID PEOPLE AND PETS vellin GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MUPPETS SHow sues one NEWLYWED GAME GENE TAYLOR SHOW BATTLE OF THE PLANETS WHATS MY LINE ID ONE CANADA MAGIC SHADOWS therB Part II BOB NEWHART SHow 800 ELTON JOHN HAPPY DAYS CBS NEws COVERAGE OF THE 78 ELECTIONS cas um Correspondent Walter Cronkrte anchors the coverage Irom CBS News Election Night headquarters In New York Jmnmg him in reporting the results by region at Serials races 38 gubernatorial electrons and all House at Representatrve contests will he Harry Reasoner Roger Mudd and JHII her 78 VOTE ABC News All broadcast Spocrel report providing enter Give coverage at the gubernatorial and ID ID Four Senate races and all House at Roprasun tatIve races Throughout electron lehI ABC News Wlll carry two teDItIIS Irom COIIITSpOI dents around the nation on they gubernatorial state legislature and House and Senate ft THE NEW ADVENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN THE WORD Part The story ot public relahons executive caught In deadly IntrIgIIe surrounding the pubtrratrori It 41 controversral document that appears bu long lost ancrent eyrewrtness account ot thr lrle OI Christ Sirwon Randall the cynical pubIIc relations expert hire to prumotr new Bible based on the lrnd Is eager tr lrnd somethIng to DOIICVP In at trme when hIs menial me Is In sharrvbos hrs MIDNIGHT IS PLACE 93 WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT ADVENTUREDRAMA Dirty Mary Crazy Larry 1074 83 MOVIE 00 RENE SIMARD SHOW COPE EB LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY 855 VOTE 78LOCAL ELECTION COVERAGE 900 NBC NEWS ELECTION COVERAGE John Chancellor and David Brinkley wIll be co anchormon In NBC News electron coverage Tom Brokaw mil tollow the results In the 38 gutmrnatorral contrasts and Jessma SRvItch wIII cover the senatorial races Chancellor and Brmkcy wIll report on Interest on various stain ballots THREES COMPANY IN THE BEGINNING NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Journey to the Outer LIrnts NIrIetrrn CIIyDIEU teenagers at the Colorado Outward Bound School learn to Irve work and survive together wtth only hull knowledge or the outdoors Thoy graduate by clImbIng the 187 t5 toot Santa Rosa Peak In the Peruvian HS 35 HONEYMOONERS 930 FIFTH ESTATE rm program looks at CanadIan InvotvrerrIIItt In mysterious arms shipments to Emulhnrn Alpha one ot world embargo 60 Inrrrs TAXI Ono Iunah Blinta TIN taxi gang unites to Support thr dream at telluw cobble who gall uncr In ErletImo chance to Qttl Into the ring WlIll world champion WRC Welterweight toxrng nhampron Carlos Paloman garst stars 1000 QUINCY Quincy not near drrath thri vIctIm ol gunman bullet at the scent ot robbhry lltrmllJJ whlll his co workera Iran Iraally curry on hrs work under the emohonal strain ot the leaders uncnrtarn late 60 OMNIBUS Sense ol Theatrn ThIs program examnus the new Elizabeth ma III Brnmhstagerratt Itslostrvats IrtllgÃ©ï¬ agents new young laywnghls 35 NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA 1030 BEYOND REASON 1100 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS IE EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIECOMEDYROMANCE Grand Theft Auto 11205 COMMUNIOUE ENGLISH 1120 NEWS THE REAL STORY 1127 NEws 1130 NBC NEWS ELECTION COVERAGE CONTINUES CBS COVERAGE OF THE 78 ELECTIONS CONTINUES MOVIE DRAMA met Man 1964 STREET TALK QUESTION PERIOD 1145 CANADA AFTER DARK prriqran originates trIIrrI Frtmrmtm this week 80 Inrns 1150 MOVIE DRAMA DO You Take This Stranger 1070 1200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE DRAMA This Property l6 Condemned 1966 1210 EMERGENCY ONE 1230 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY FORCE The 1245 100 TOMORROW MARCUS WELBY MD 110 MOVIE MYSTERY The Tattered Web 1071 200 MOVIE ADVENTURE Outpost In Morocco 1949 historica lly speaking canadais By BOB BOWMAN This is the anniversary of thc completion of thc Canadian Ia cific Railway at CraigcllIchic BC Nov £823 Thcrc is wellknown picturr of Donald Smith with long whitc board and black top hat driving thc last spike It was surprising that Smith Lord Strathconal was ablc to be director of the railway Twelve years earlier almost to the day he had forced Sir John Macdonald to resign as prime minister of Canada In 1873 Macdonald was in volved in political scandal Ilc and other members of the gov ernment had received more than $160000 from Sir llugh Al lan who was given the charter to build the railway Macdonald fought hard to dc fend himself in the House of Commons He had not received the money personally It was for election campaign funds Gradually Macdonalds sup porters descrted him until hr ABUSIJ REPORTED REGINA CPI About 170 cases of physical abusr of chil dren were reported to thr Sas tchewan social service dc partments child protection could count only on majority of two members Smith rrprIscritcd Selkirk Man in thc IIousI ot omiiions but was away during thc do bath Macdonald mariagcd to get this riicssagc to him at Fort Zarltori Upon you and thc in tlucncc you can bring to bcar may trpond thc fatc of this ad ministration Smith madc an amazing trip to tlawa in rccord timc Then he rose in thc llousc arid said he could not vote cori scientiously for the govern mcnt Sir John Icapcd III his Icct and shouted that Ilt could lick that man smith quicker than hell could trizzlc Icathcr bill it was of no avail lhc damagi had bccn donc and ltIacdonald was torccd to rcsign thc follow ingday Smith lost his own seat in the House of Commons from man to 1887 when hr was unscach for corrupt practicIs in thc clcctiori if IIITII thn ricw company was registry bctwccn July and DI ftflTliitl 1977 The rcgistry also rcccivcd rcports of 75 casts of child ncglcct 34 of scxual abuse and six cased of criiotionally abused childrcn formcd in itltlli to build thc rail way Smiths namc was kcpt III thr list ot dircctors owing to Sit Johns animosity llowcver Macdonald and Smith savcd thc railway from bankruptcy bIforc it was complctcd and thcy bccamc tricnds again IIIIIIII NOV IIVIZ IS 1x05 llS explorcrs Mcriwc thcr litwis and William Tlark rcachcd mouth It olumbia Itivcr bctorc anadian cxplorcr David Thompson lltilti Lowcr Tanada ltlitiS wcrc dctcatcd whilc marching toitouscsloitil mar tfalgary was damagcd by fire Illtltl Libcrals won gcncral clcctiIIII Ittlii fruiscr Rainbow bought from Britain arrived at Esquimalt l£ 1950 First Canadian troops arrived at Iusan Korea ltllll Agriculturc Minister Hamilton outlined plans for World Food Batik nitcling at Itomc IlK SMALL Fltlll Io savc moricy atid avoid wastc sclcct small applcs and bananas for childrcti rathcr than largtr oncs which may only hc half catch Doctor says Bone scanning relatively By TIIOSTESON MI Dear Dr Ihostcsoii WHat are bone scans and are they as effective as xraysl Scanning is relatively new and highly sensitive means of examining bones It picks up phosphorus calcium and other minerals that may bc dcnscr in certain areas whcrc there arc tumors or other irregularities Icsts Show that hctwccn 15 and 20 per cent of patients with negativc xrays have positive bone scans Sonic conditions as ostcomyclitis may not show up in xrays yct arc dclcctcd in bonc scans lhc arca to bc scarinin is itijcctcd with material that adhcrcs to thc bonc mincral and shows up on thc picturcs It is more cxpcn sivc so thc Chtilpt xrays arc normally uscd and arc rcliablc in most cascs Dcar Dr Iliostcson thn we Wcrc kids mom uscd to in sist wc havc laxatch cvcry so oftcti bccausc shc read that it clcancd out pcrsons systcm iicvcr had any ill cffccls from it and am iti pcrfccl health to day Im wondering about doing this with tiiy own childrcn My doctor adviscs against it What is your vicw Mrs 11 Will this idca cvcr rlic lhc normally functioning digcslivc tract docs tint nccd to bc clcan cd out In tact thcrc is nothing iii it that is dirty or unhcalthtul Its chict role is to digcsl thc food wc cat and thc liquids wc drink and to cxtract thc llzll nutricnts from both Many poo pic would bc far hcttcr off if lhcy would allow It to IKIIDIIII thcsc functions without lll tcrtctcticc It is unIIkcly that lhc occa sioiial dosing IIII Iaxatnt did any harm smcc you cnjoy good hcalth today Itut that docsnl rtican it did any good It Is thc OsvréldyééébvfangAanSOntég new continuing use of laxatives that plays havoc with digestion 21300 with your doctor and ad vise against your taking where your mother left oft Laxatives have limited role in health Dear Dr Thostcson have heard of two supposed risks in taking birthcontrol pills One is that they will causc abnormal hair loss The other is that thcy causc profusc bleeding in case of injury Is there any truth in either statcmcnt Ilair rcactions cithcr ex ccssivc body hair or loss of scalp hair have been rcportcd by uscrs but no ccrtairi conncc tiori has bccn established As to thc blccding quitc thc oppositc is Iruc Usc of the Pill might causc iticrcascd blood clotting rathcr than cxccssivc blccding For this rcasori womcn with vcin problcms such as varicosc veins should consider other Incthods of birth control Dear Dr lhostcson Its no fun compcting with brcaktast ccrcal yet my body snaps cracklcs and pops from head to Inc am an active 62ycarod man and not overweight havcnl bccn ablc to discovcr the sourcc of this dryncss and hopc you can lcll ttic how to lubricatc my cartilagc or joints Ihcrcs no pain just clicking It sounds likc you ticcd grcasc job Itiforturiatcly wliilc the human body has bccn likcricd to wondcrful tiiachinc It lacks cotivcnicnl glcasc cups so bonc crackcrs havc to grin and bcar il Ihc causc is thinning of cartilagi bclwccti bunts rcsulting in clicking as It passcs nvcr bonc surlacrs Ihcrcs absolutcly nothmg Ill do about it nor any harm froth It BRIDGE Good response NORTH tl7 OQB V1042 A2 OKQJIIJ EAST 98654 VQB OQBS 652 TH J3 J6 097 Vulnerable EastWest Dealer South 064 West North East South Pass Pass NT Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag One advantage of the mod ern theory about the re sponse of two in lower valued suit is that Opener can rebid two notrump bid two of suit higher than the one bid first or raise his partner without Showing un due strength ACROSS iilrillrtId 15 ll rgt taser twin Pantry Lib Dlltilltlll Stalariitv iJII IN 14 Spanish 58 wwimg INHIIIIMIIJI lb AIMS DOWN 16 ApilrtrriIrtl orrupint VtrIItmli 17 Source of warm morals wanna III 18 TclevIsIrIrI It IriIIpIrs rrIv1r fl Hoartrosl 20 Colors titans 2i Aguc SmithyIII 2l MIXIII itilfil lvitr irlllhIi 27 Gets up NUIVIIII 32 Law In Rorrrr Rubbish 33 Joml Forms 34 North Airman itffil caprtal 10 Strong cart 35 Nevertheless ll Om Ger 36 Pertumc l2 VrIniIrI 39 Completu l9 Actrcss 01mm 40 Margariries 2i jtilrtnrnia IIY 42 Sword handle 22 Bates 46 Not young 23 Ahhor 47 Hall prefix 24 thqhttrss 51 Fools birds Twenty years ago South would have to rebid two diamonds North would probably bid just three clubs and South might well pass on the theory that he had opened minimum The play to make three notrump is easy South wins the first trick with the ace of hearts and goes after clubs West wins the second Club with his ace and plays king and another heart to make his last two hearts good South runs off the clubs after getting to dummy with the ace of diamonds and discards three spades and diamond on the long clubs South can take his king of diamonds for trick nine but greedy South might well try the diamond finesse to score couple of overtricks ALS 1113311231 Nebraska reader asks if we ever drop the bidding one trick short of game Years ago Oswald Jacoby gave the basic rule for st0plt ping at this unfavorable spot You only do so when you feel that you have either reached your limit or actu ally gone beyond it And of course you never stop when your partners bid of one less than game was force SOFTLY SOFTLY TASK daily crossword AIILIIIIiiI14liitli RI ItllN 00th 50 ro 25 Wright llltlII 2G LIIvelririd wittrrrtronl 44 Mortgage 45 Small children 28 Iirbliml A7 Axes proptISItIrIrI 48 Age 29 Tabb4m 49 Word on tln 30 irnqrr IIItertild Makm 50 Fatotul him Not Open tor Caesar 38 Iood Mn 52 Amcte Al Hatred d2 Strikes 43 thought Fr 54 Depressron InI tIals that Llillititfldtfltj November 1918 This coming year should be an exciting one tor yOU because youll be both enterprising and IearleSS Things will develop tavorably provided you dont let your boldness exceed your good judgment SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Theres hole in your pocket book that should be plugged Up immediately or you may lose more than you can atlord to You have tendency to speed toolishly SAGITTARIUS Nov Winthrop HAVE rvEAT FUPDSYw BE WITH YA WANT WU TO LAY OFF ALL YOUR WEIRD RECIPES Short Ribs WAY TOWN SUFEI WHICHgt6 MLES A9 HE Born Loser MAY HELP 00 MAW DMDmt It Ivrl NSL 7373860 23Dec MY RATHER eAiD IM TOO UNDIOCIPLINED AND THEN My MOTHER eAio C323 54551 CRIME HOLY TOLEDO OET LOAD OF THAT Doe OVER AT THE VOLKH NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 21 Tolerance and patience seem to be reserved tor outsid ers today When it comes to your tamily youll erupt the minute someone does any thing that displeases CAPRICORN Dec 22Jen 19 Dont seethe in silence today it an acquaintance makes depre catory remarks Let him know quickly how you Ieel AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Usually you cater to what is good tor the majority But today at the expense OI Othv ers youre overly protective 0t things that you deem are yours PISCES Feb 20March 20 Face yoursell Try to take on only that which you know you can handle You do yourself Qt97lbqt1AIx rumusmm Enos ALWAYS MAKES ME WAIT WHEN COME HERE To EAT BUT Doc COOKING IS IN MV BLOOD iHATélR l6 MY WIFE Ir HE FEELe THAT WAY WHY WEï¬NT LIE tilIfEcwuNE coke DARAI Team on CAN WHIPPot zT disservice by pushing your en ergy beyond its limits ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Be on guard when you speak weighing each word carelully today thoughtless remark could set OII sparks with one who has low boiling point TAURUS Aprll 20May 20 Someone you know very well is just trille too curious about something you consider per sonal Shell pry again today GEMINI May 21June 20 Youre apt to ignore your better judgment today and yield to someone who applies little pressure Dont be bullied CANCER June 21July 22 Coworkers are sensitive about their methods OI doing things today Fail to show little FoSlEIT 112 Muff In 59315 IM NOT BUFEJBUT THEFES ONE BUNCH kg no la snbv Riuvnnmio Your Wedding Invitations nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service YES we HAVE HAVE AN APPLE YOUVE 201 ram DROTH VOUQ CtREULm BER IiiFAR 0F It GIMME TWELVE MOEE SHEETS oF Trle COHMEMOEATltE BOURBON FLAVOEED ULYSSES SGï¬ANTSFAMFS respect tor their intelligence and you could easily bring on squabble LEO July 23Aug 22 You could misinterpret tends independent behavior as disloyalty Try not to expect more Irom others today than you have right to VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Bick ering is likely to disrupt the tranquility ol the home Iront today because everyone is hav ing tough time cooperating Be the lirst to strive tor unity LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Your work and possibly that of oth ers could sulter today because ot your carelessness and impa tience Coworkers will be quite irritated 6UYWHAT ARE YA GONNA HAVE I978 no Blur Inc RM US Pat mrtasnmvnt Mvhwiibim WONDER IF THERES AN EASEQ NAY