Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Nov 1978, p. 4

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The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau ot COMPOSING ROOM Circulations ABC bit 0M BUSINESS Published dailyexcep Canadian ress may re pu is news test News ADVERFSNG Jack KernevJoreman Sunday and this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence Sean Finlay managing edl or Le Sew manager an Goug accoun ant 169 KW 55 09 statutory holidays France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner sheila McGovern city editor SALES De va Ml Is 00 Saunders Bi MCFarane wire who 39 Slévens Ga Mcparand iLome WI WEEKLY by comer The Examiner claims cop rght on It rgnal he and ad ertsng materal Sue Burke lifestyle editor Vikki Grant 90cm ws Dave Fuller sports editor giaenzgggiv Marion Cyooeck llsllmgwgoy YEARLY by Mar Created by its employees and published in this newspaper RT Monday NOV 1978 serving borne and Simcoe county 5ng 655 969 lgglfilayttoor $4680 Copyright registration number 2038l5 register 61 eve BY MAIL Barrle Stephen NtChOllS CIRCULATION Published by Canadian News ers Company Limited Dennis Lanthler Brenda w°°°5 BtllHalkes manager Ham 630 N°°V°59 °C°5 65°09 T°°°i Cam Susan Kitchen St Montreal tan Mulorew CLASSIFIE Steve white assistant manager Gnu SIMCOE COUNTY 80 eld Stree Borne onlono LAM Au Planer Rum Bals superwsm Randy New Bo girl 650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arts cm Freda Shin AV LaPMle PanEgszooz MOTOR THROWOFF ing out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space BC BrUe Rowland pUblSher Efrezeonhgrfigfggegtgrgagz Egfingifigfiood Elagmaegfiger loo oreman $398 Year tualty occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the errogho ANAoa curred whether such error is due to the negligence its servan or NEWSROOM CIRCULATION DVEITISING ClASSIFlEDS BUSINESS ggityétggeeg gigga operator Janice Morton Cheryl Aiken zgigggmfégasfl Wemafl ELSEwggnyegr wise and Mere sh be no Bunny on insemon any aayeryisemeni 7266537 7266539 7266537 728 24M 726 653 Keep fighting for centre The Supreme Court has ly been settled about the uled but has anything real other Street Fireball It is almost certainty that the Firehall will start coming down this week The Supreme Court decision is total defeat for the Friends of the Fireball The FOF had two aims first to save one of Bar ries few remaining historical buildings second to give Barrie an arts and cultural centre Debate has raged for four years about the historical value of the building with the FOF and its supporters citing architectural merit and those who wished to tear the building down citing ugliness and age The FOF has lost that debate both in the Supreme Court and in the court of public opinion It appears the attempt to have an arts and cultural centre in Barrie has also failed Of the FOFs two aims the attempt to have an arts and cultural centre was by far the most important for this communitv It is odd that this community can pay nearly $500000 for park in another township without qualm and at the same time hesitate to support arts and culture The fault is not in supporting minor sports but in not giving the same support to arts and culture There is place for arts and culture in Barrie thcrc should be public money available for arts and culture The Friends of the Firehall have so far not convinc ed the residents of Barrie arts and culture should gct public support That doesnt mean the support isnt thcrc The Friends of the Fireball should be encouraged to persuade the city to use the land for an arts and cultural centre That land should not be allowed to stand vacant or used for parking lot It should be used for the benefit of this city as an arts and cultural centre letters to the editor Cartoon slurred nuclear workers Dear Sir On Sept 16 1978 The Examiner printed an editorial cartoon with the caption work in nuclear power plant and assure you there is no danger On behalf of the workers of the Nuclear Divisions of the Ontario Hydro Employees Union wish to express my disappointment in The Examiner for the following reasons the apparent ignorance of the Caner From the legislature By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Burcuu Thomson Ncws Scrvicc OTTAWA Constitutional history in this country isalittlclikcanoldtimc sailing ship For years it has been bcczilmcd ac cumulating barnacles drifting with the currents of change tcauscd by war and city pansion of social programsi towards fedcral shorc Now at last the protesting crcw of provincial prcmicrs have convinccd thc write your ID 199 If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses It you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all it there is matter of concern that makes you wont to write to your MP or MPP it it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too DIIAL Dr Iynoril MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont In HIM MPPeeLDUHerinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Sltlehlr Stevens MPeYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Gin Mitgu MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PIOVINCIAl George Taylor MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPPSimcoeEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto George McCIguo MPPW DuHerin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto dian nuclcar plants safcty rccord the unnecessary slur on thc work done by the workcrs of the nuclear stations and thc unfair implication that we are all liltllitlttl frcnks In futnrc plczisc rcfrziin from in suiting anndizin rciidcrs with American hystcriii Sinccrcly Les Harrison hicfStcwart Division 17 Ontario llydro limployccs Tnion Ship of state has new course iljllillll to riiisc illt sziils and risk tacking iiilo thcwind So slowly crciikiiig littlc with igc tlic good ship aniidii is changing dircction towards provincial land on thc llilllltlll Its all vcry friigilc and tcntzitivc and oiic major storm could probably sink thc wholc proccss llut it start hiis bccn iiiiidc Sonic longtinic obscrvrrs of fcdcral provincial confcrcnccs scim iinpicsscd with this minivictory ll thc niccting just con cludcd ncrc tithcis remain doubtful lhc optimists rczilly scc if as psychological triumph in that for fhc first time in yczirs thcrc is an impression of movcmcnt that thc constitutional logjam has bccn brokcn that thc fcdcral govcriimcnt has finally bccomc flcxiblc lcssimists likc Albcrtas Prcinicr lctcr Loughccd rcmiiin convinccd the federal shift is morc form than substnncc and that tawa has riddch cvcrything it agreed to with qualifications and conditions But Ontarios Ircinicr llill Davis probably caught thc mood of thc confcrcncc bcttcr whcn hc spcziks of thc first ministcrs bcing in the proccss of accomplishing very significant for Canadians Davis of coursc is ii pcrcnniul optimist but this time he may havc causc The fcdcrzil position as dcfincd by Prime Ministcr Iicrrc Trudinu is similar to what tinturio has ad vocatcd Basically Ontario is attcnipting to dcfinc proper balancc of powcrs trying to transfer enough authority to thc provinccs to satisfy thcir aspirations without at the some time cmasculating ttawzis ability to direct the country ththcr everybody clsc is working on thc samc premisc is qucstionablc and in Qucbccs casc thcrcs not cven any doubt But ill lcasl there are individual items to be resolved in thc months bcforc the first minis tcrs meet again in February And thats change from tho past Few of thcm arc of the kind that will excite the man on the street and scndhim to the bar ricades although some Wcstcrncrs might disagree on the matter of resource development and control and Easterners on fisheries For years the federal ship has sailed towards centralization if the proposed changes arc actually carricd out well have chongcd dircct ion towards dcccnlralizat ion Whether itll tcar its bottom out on tho shoals that lie iihciid or soil safely into port or return to its usual bccalmcd state remains totally open question Parliament Your business Brian Marr beyond the amount paid tnr siirh advertisement Hill during constitution meeting lWItlXltl leictlit if tlttuiiu Bllltllll llioinson Ncws Scri icc Qucbcc Prcmicr ltclic chcsquc may ll£lt uppcnrcd casually disintcrcstcd during most of hill fcdcrul provincial constitutional coiifcrcncc but it probably wasnt czisy llc was ncitlicr casual nor disintcrcstml As proponcnt of sovcrcigiit issixizition lAvisquc has no iliiding inicrcst in tw iddling with thc prcscnt constitution hc would prcfcr to gct on with lll mori lltlltill op tioii but lic titlllltll illltiltl to lypi tlic currcnt discussions So lliilt £l tiicbcc ll ljl lit llusincss illltl onsumcr Affairs nilst lhoinsoii Ncws Scri icc llcrcs an oiilyintinidii paradox lhi govcrnmcnt that run afford to oil pziy ill cstimiitcd $142 million in uncinployincnt lllSlllillltt bcncfits Ill onc yciir is virtiuilly cliniiniiting thc financial basis of tlic cimtixc arts in ccrtziin lllilh iii ordcr to suvc about $0 finiillion lhiits typiciil of lllt lrudcziu iljillltliltll to rcstriiint in public spcndiiig illillt cuts 11 thc most visiblc iilciis squiindcring il iisuiil in thc hiddcn intis chcrol support of thc girls in iiniidii has bccii frocn sincc tllc rcstriiints progriim bcgnn in Uctobcr 1973 Now thc govcrnincnt proposcs to cut $5 million from tlic budgcl for miiScums $808000 from thc zinndo ouncil $1311000froinflitNationalArtstcnlrc In making thcsc cuts which will liic liltll most scvcrc impact in siiizillir cinlris of population thc govciniiicnt obviously rcnsoncd that nobody cxccpt thc irtists thcmsclvcs would ciirc What moch tllc cuts cspcciiilly ironic is that for yciirs rcgulutory zigcncy of thc samc govcrnincnt has bccn in cffcct or dcring cubic tclcvtsion systclns in zmiidii to pirzilc US llllllltltlill programs inid to black out ccrtziin US stations ostcnsibly lo protcct Yiiiiiidiiin culturc and to sulcguzird Canadians from cxposurc to thc culturc of anothcr country Let it bc granted to kccp things in pcr spcctivc that jobs hciilth cducutioii and other basics must bc accorded priority But any maturc community if it has any pride trcasurcs its arts and its artists hcy are one of thc things that inukc coniip better placc in which tolivc and work Unfortunately they can hardly cvcr bc sclfl supporting lf tuxrating costs in todays in flationary cnvironmcnl had to bc incl strictly through thc salc of tickets thc thcatrcs and muscums would becomc thc privntc prcscrvcs of thc privilcgcd fcw SCOOPS part of tnnudu hc has ilttlillttl lc will try to gct thc bcst ltitl possiblc iindcr thc prcsclit systcili And with public opinion polls consistcntly indicating that thc pcoplc of Qucbcc favor it form of rcncwcd fcdcrnlism to illl of thc lllllplltltlltt options thcrc is no way thc prcmicr could ignorc lhcsc talks particularly whcn lriinc Ministcr lrudciiu Wits offcring ii llltiltlltXillltlttltlillilllltltiiltll It is obviously it difficult iiiidcrtiiking llmiiii irgiicd zit lioinc tligil fcdciolisln is llllltlllt ind docs not work thc picinicr had to turn up tll llllilt llrtltll to iiiicxpcctcd Cash and culture the federal role liiiy llllSllltSMN Illlltillllll lltHl ciioiigh iccogiiic this incl illlll hclp to tinoiicc iitistic unrlcrtukiiigs through tllltll corpointccontributions And sonic busincsscs profit in rcturn ll hzis bccn cstiinzitcd tliiit cvcry $1 spciil on tickcls iit thc Striitford tint chtivnl gcncrutcs $8 in rcvcnuc to thc community to liotcls illltl rcslninnnts to hiiirdrcsscis illltl buliy Sillcrs lliit busiiicss ciiiit txikc up tlic stuck by itscll No doubt sonic iltistic ciidciiiors do cly niccly through iicccss to fiiciidly cor poriitions biil thiits no comfort to cqiiiilly woitliwlnlc crciitivc cntcrpriscs in siiiiillcr citics without that kind of iicccss to funds RllfilthhlllllJlY lhc finiinciiil rcsponsibility is pllllltllll thc fcdcriil govcrnmcnts lrincc Edward Island cant bc cxpcctcd to flllfllltl thc notional tours of llllt of irccn iiiblcs nor Munitoligi tlic tours of tlic ltoyiil Wininpci liiillcl lhc city of Ottawa Will its iicgligiblc industrial tax base cant mccl thc National Art cntrcs dcficits through incrciiscd taxation of proiwrtyowncrs in thc capital SHrcliiry of Stiitc lohli ltobcrts is tlic illtilltl ministcr ultimntcly rcsponsiblc for gchrnmcnt financing of thc crciitivc arts in an undiitcd mcssiigc in an undatcd issuc of Enscmblc ii nizigiixinc publishcd by his dc piiitmcnt hc said hc cxpcclcd that within ycur study of thc sliitc of thc arts in nnzidzi would bc ttlllplllttl llc indicated that this study would rcvciil whcthcr thcrc should be spccific cffort for artistic support within thc St1llll disadvantiigml regions of thc country cit ing lhc Atlantic provinccs as an cxznnplc in thc mcantimc however have comc thc budgcl cuts that could spcll the cod of thc crczitivc arts in those conununilics that hnvc littlc or no support from busincss llic lllllltglull revolution is coming to thcilrtsiis it is ttmthcrzirciisof lifc This is no timc to abandon thcm to financial starvation MY CLIENT HAS MREED 10 REPLACE fllE FAULTY AND MY CLIENT HA5 AGREED TO Renes appearance deceiving fcdcrnl flcxibilil cvcn it ll is morc zip piirciit lllilll rm and sciin to bc rcccptivc whilc still trying to dcmonsfrntc that its all basically it wiistcof timc lNlQllI lltlzSSlli Ii to thc onc hand hc had to acknowlixlgc that something sccnis to bc niovmg whilc still arguing that nothing short of sovcrcigntynssociotion to bc dccidcd on our own turf will sulficc And whiic lrudcnii llltl thc othcr prcniicrs irgucd ovcr priorituns ind objcctivcs rcgnrding con stitutional ltliillll lcvisquc tricd to look dis micrcstcd lnlc iiimg czircful not to miss oiic word No otlicr prcniicr fcll this kilid of prcssurc thilc of thc fucsday scssioii thc Qucbcc prciiiicr wits snggcsting that tinkcring with thc prcscnt constitution was not of particular intcrcst to llllll lic was hiding burning inlcnsily litcr lll thc cvcning during it diniicr piirly ll lrudciius rcsidcncc lAycsqiit to cplodc ill illigcl Within tllltll ot sciirzil othcr picinicrs loiirlcttcr words wcic cXcllzingcd its tllc Qucbcc picniicr iiccuscd thc primc ministcr of using llllll md pcrlinps othcrs for partisan political purposcs llc was rcfcrring spccilicnlly to liudciius dctcrniinzition to liiid llllllilllfl undcr which constitutional inicndiiicnts could bc iimdc lll nniidn lliis lltl ltttitii could wziit likgiy shot buck thc priiiic ministcr tlic pcoplc of Qucbcc could bc told that thcir prcinicr would prcfcr to continuc asking thc British lurlinlncnt for iimcndmcnts llc wondcrcd how that would sound inc picniicr dcscribcd it its no incrcdihlc ixrforniiiiicc pcrforiiiiincc thiit was to spill ovcr slightly on tclcvision lhc following lit is lrudciiu ind lccsquc continucd to disngrccovcrnnimcnding formula ll llNi tl It was liccoining cvcn lnorc difficiill for thc cxprcssivc littlc prcmicr to balance his iippiircnt disintcrcst nngcr caisualncss borcdoin and intcnsily And frudciiu knowing that his provincial opponcnt was in difficult corncr took zidviintngc of cvcry opportunity to talk dircctly with ucbcccrs oyou want us to go to tcstminstcr cvcry tiinc wc want it clinngc iiskcd lliidciiu ls that what you llilt in mind will ncvcr ltttpl anything that will icinforcc an interiortin colonialism said thc prcnucr llut then at another point he said that thc Icftovcrs of colonialism dont sccni to disturb niiybixly llc appcnrcd to bc in difficulty as thc primc ministcr kcpt pressing his priorities He said lnidcziu didnt understand the cvolution that has taken placc in Qucbcc But thcn hc acknowlixlgtxl that his dcmands hadnt un dcrgonc any basic cliiingc in the last 15 years or so It must hiivc bccn frustrating cxixiricncc for lcvcsquc as hc watchcd the prime ministcr develop it possible Sllflli for his ncxt clcction campaign As he gich dcinonstriition of studicd disintcrcst on tclcvision hc must lizivc wondcrcd just how lrudcziu might dcvclop that thcmc about the prcmicr clinging to the apron strings of Britain suspcct that lcvcsquc was mighty rclicvcd to scc committcc of ministers lilkt ovcr thc wholc incssy iffiiir blag Sn CAN ANYONE REFUGE MY WIFE AND KIDS The world today Francophone connection By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service tl Canada responds through its French language heritage to second commonwealth of nations the socalled francophonie nations of the Frenchspeaking world This week in Ottawa President Leo ld Senghor of Senegal one of the major ack and Frenchspeaking countries of Africa and other francophonie leaders are discussing our future role in this second commonwealth it already is substantial and continues to yaw with the announcement few ays air that $12 billion in credit has been aw rd the Export Development Corporati geria to expand the facilities of the In Guilt and gas corporation But President Senghor of Senegal jolltal by President Moussa Tradre of Frenchspeaking Mali are after the largest foreign com mitment of all Canadian aid in $3billi0n and 23ycar project to develop the Senegal River valley Frcnch West German and Arab money is committed to related facilitics large dam agricultural installations to go with the river dcvclopment The Scncgal River valley project is not new but was put to Canada 10 years ago when President Scnghor and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau were newlyinstalled political leaders BEGAN to YEARS il lndccd the enthusiasm of the im rcssive Senegalese president helped spu Prime Minister Trudeau to involve Canada more deeply in the Frenchspeaking world This was in 1969 the era of euphoria about our other official culture and also the year of the Official Languages Act at home It was good time to suggest the Canadian ovcrscas prcscncc was not only in the British omnionwcalth but in thc lircnch one as well Accordingly zinada participated in host of international confcrcnces in francophonie nations on economic development relations with the European ommon Market culture and language social change But Quebec under increasingly tuitionalistic premiers and provincial governments had thc same idea to try to be thc official rcprcscntzitivc at such meetings by trying to ltlilpl Canada This of coursc was and is impossible under thc British North Amcrica Act and required Primc Ministcr lrudciiu to write and publish guidclincs for Qucbcc for such conferences But somc of thc francophonie nations continued to scnd conference invitations to Qucbcc ity often before they went to Ot lawn and iXcasionally without informing the capital city at all No onc now rcmcmbcrs that Canada broke off diplomatic rclations with tiny Gabon over this problcni of informing the federal govcrnmcnt first one of the few occasions we havc cvcr done so with developing country chcrthclcss zinadiun aid and trade thrusts to francophonic nations mainly in Africa but fcw important ones in Southeast Asia ll£lt continucd at it steady pace through ltH anadian International lkytiolillltlll gcilcl aid and EDL capital 800d llldllS Wilt WILL NlITlll lriinc iinistcr Tludtlllt will soon have to find substitutc for thc rctiring JeanPierre ioycl the newlynamed adviser to External Affairs Ministcr Don lamieson on the francophonie world And if loc lurk forms Conservative govcrnmcnt ncxl spring with lot of unilingnnl lcstcrn tanadian aides around him it will bc intcrcsting to see how he llilllllt this important forciin rolc Protecting the dollar WASHINGTON li The US govern mcnt movcd from talk to decisive action Wednesday with series of steps to rap the American dollar The moves are like to put clamp on the American economy and spill over affecting the Canadian economy as well Most important among the decisions Was that increasing the Federal Reserve Board lending rate by record one percentage poitlt to 95 per nt thereby ensuring that all tiniiimrcialindingrates will rise and make credit more expensive for the manufacturer investor and consumer President Carter also announced the US will get about $30 billion in currency ex changes and international Monetary Fund drawings to buy unwanted dollars on foreign markets thereby strengthening the dollars valuc These moves will oncc again put Canadian interest rates under pressure because of the necessity for kecping anndian rates high enough to draw foreign investment capital Ihcy raise questions about thc strength of US markets for Canadianmade products in the coming months The US government also decided to in crease sales of its gold reserves and require US banks to increase currency reserves deposited with the central bank and to en courage lhcin to borrow surplus dollars overseas Carter has been orccd into the latesi move txonomists here say bccausc he is deter mined fo make his voluntary antiinflation program work But it is calculated ma noeuvre that carries large clcment of risk for the US and countries such as Canada af fected by the actions bible thought iivc instruction to wisc mun and he will bc yct iiscr ltiltll just man and llc will incrcaisc in lcurning lrovcrbs tlzfl lhc truly wirc will always have an open mind llc chcr fccls that hc has arrived but only on his way

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