Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1978, p. 4

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Mortday0qt23 1918 y¢gtv fild Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 Brlan Donlevy serving barrte and slmcoe county 273553 Aden smlm Stephen Ntcholls iStove Skinner Dove Fuller LBrEggiwogds lb Boytield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 limit 33333me Nancy Figueroa Shliiner Bruce Rowland publisher K271 Amman ADVERTISING ClSSIFlEDS BUSINESS Lo Cohen photograph gag323 7266537 72824 7266537 Betty Armor camera operator Tough act to follow Gordon Walker has tough act to follow Walker was sworn in Wednesday as Ontario cor rectional services minister taking Frank Drea place Drea new consumer and commercial relations minister is one of the most dynamic of Ontarios cabinet ministers He brought new life and innovation to oneof the most unpleasant cabinet posts that of running the provinces jails It is to be hoped that Walkers appointment to cor rectional services does not mean an end to the untelligence and common sense which Drea applied to the many problems of Ontario jails Mr Lamontagne Postmaster General of Canada Ottawa Ontario K1A 0C3 Dear Mr Lamontagne The postal workers have gone too far In fact this letter should have been sent four years ago since the pay scale then would be more com mensurate with the skills required for the job Any kid with paper route could do better at handling the nations mail Our company has had contract with courier service for the past five years We find the service in leers to the editor Fire ihetoi at PO saysreader comparable to that of the post of fice We may pay premium for the source but at least we get what we pay for an we dont have to be con cerned about delays and misdirected parcels which could result in the loss of thousands of dollars of business or man house re quired to do the work twice say fire the lot and hire only non union employees at half the pay Tired of Paying for Nothing David Brenneman Barrie Get rid of the unions now Mr Lamontagne Ottawa Ontario K1A 0C3 Dear Mr Lamontagne agree 100 per cent with Mr Brenncmans views know for fact that thousands of people would also agree with the Queen park By DON OHEAHN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Theres new cloud on the already stormy horizon of labor relations that is worth keeping an eye on In its long battle for acceptance and stature labor leadership has used wagc increases as its main tool for winning and keeping rank and file support But recently it has become apparent that wages perhaps because the average worker now is quite comfortable financially are losing their former compelling attraction And labor leadership whether intuitively or because it has recognized this has been subtly changingits appeal Wage issues are still up front But coming on strongly in the background is class ap pealvor it could be called the snobbery of envy You may or may not have noticed this but in recent confrontations in labor equality has been prime issue write your mp mPP If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Portia ment printed below are their mailing od dresses if you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP it it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL or amid MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Ion Mlno MPPeelDutterinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Sheik Stovom MPYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Goo mtg MP GreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PIOVINCIAL Mo ioytor MPP Simcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Gums Pork Ioronto GUI Hi MPP SimcooEait Ontario Legislature Queens Part1 toronto Georg MPP Dultorin Simcoo Ouoons Park Toronto disaster that the post office is creating and stop should be put to itNOW Get rid of the unions once and for all Fed up with this whole mess Mrs Donna Boyer Barrie Class struggle next for labor In the drastic Air Canada ground workcrs walkout leaders of the most rambunctious local unions had common theme We will not be secondclass citizens This was prob ably thc main fusc in that disorderly and largcly unreasonable disputc Then in the Toronto Transit tominission strikc here in Toronto the one the Ontario government had to cud tlicrc is littlc question that the most stubborn and inciting issue was that thc nicn wcri bcing offcrcd loss than transit workers in othcr ncarby systems Iride was offcndcd And otlicr con troversies of today show that this is becoming constant in labor relations And going furthcr onc can soc that up pcaling to it is tactic again whcthcr un consciously or purposely that is bcing uscd generally and apparently is growing into the main thrust of labor strategy FUTURE lNlIASY In the House here for cxamplc labor spokesmen in the NDP have been in creasinglv centring on it to the extent of asking the government Why do you hate the working classes This implies unhappy prospects for thc future Class appeal can bc vicious tact ic Wages as an issue at least re tangible So many dollars and cents are involved and they are physical something that can bc concretely argued about But questions of class and social staturc have no substance They are largely spiritual ethereal and can never be satisfied unless we look to lay when everybody is company president aiirl has twofadillacs With wages there could be satisfaction at least for the moment But ambition for status am never really be satisfied And labor relations of thc future could be both frustrating and bewildering for the public with work force that is constantly unhappy and frustrated we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but if you wish pen name will be used include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editoriol page Send yours to letters to tho Editor Ilio Exoriihor Port Mfico Box 310 IAIIIE Ont MM 476 the examiner iV gtV vi val NEWSROOM Soon Finlay managan editor Shelia McGovern ctty editor Blll McFortone wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor sue Burke Iltestyle editor Advisorismo SALES Bert Stevens lJuile Franks as XW Parliament Hill By strawtin Macl IIl ll Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service In the aftermath of that anti government minielection have no idea what may happen to Prime Minister Trudeau in the months ahead except that we should systematically ignore cvcrything that Libcrals say about his futurc And that gocs for anything that Trudian might say about himsclf They are at it alrcady rallying around thc wounded dragon reassuring cacti other for the benefit of the public that it wasnt rcally Your business Ily VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Servici Its common human failing to blzuiic thc nicsscngcr for thc bad ncws he brings Thus lhc food rctiiilcrs havc bccn rcaping much of thc blami for big incrcuscs in priccs of food cspccially bccf Its true that food retailcrs and processors and distributors arc guidcd by the profit motch rather than by scnsc of altruism But special study just issucd by the Anti Inflation Board as one of its last scrviccs bc fore it cxpircsi is uscfnl to thc cxtcnt that it draws public attention to tho fact that sonic othcr clcuicnls also hiivc il bearing on priccs of food To take the iiiosl obvious thcrcs the weather If precipitation and tcinixraturcs arcnl within normal rangcs some foods dont grow shortages arisc and priccs go up in keeping with the law of supply and demand ltccf prices respond to thc sanic law fcw years ago when grain priccs soared tlic cost of fouling livcslock in somc casts cxcccdcd the farmers potential incomc from tho salc of slaughter cattlc Sircs of licrds wcrc reduced and priccs of bccf have riscn ac cordingly And the Canadian dollars decline from premium over the US dollar two years ago to value of about 84 cents today has of course been furthcr impetus to price iii creases on the many foods that Canadians necessarily import from tlic llnitcd Slatcs PROFIT LEVELS The AIB howcvcr sct out to look at tho levels of profits and profit margins that is aftertax profits as percentagc of sales in the food industries Without commenting on what those profits ought to be the AIB found that food processors are earning about 30 per cent less Len Sevlck manager COMPOSING ROOM BUSINESS UPCK Kelney toreman 9393 mumam lenn Kwon asst loremait Gall McFarland 8° Saxfloors Vlkkl Grant wlitlpzadzzsan Marlon Cyopeck Stan wMy Blll Raynor CIRCULATION Attenbv Janie Hamel Blll Hotkos manager Susan Knchen Steve White assistant manager Ron Glider Rand 175 Barbara Strlgi QsvtaMearson lPRESSRO0M Elaine Porter Don Near toreman Chew Aiken iFred Prince asst toreman Harris Blanchard tartan Marr es Irudcuus fault that thc party was thoroughly trounccd last Monday No no tlicy all cry there isnt llic slightest thought of changing leadcrs lhc partys campaign coinmiltcc gathcrcd in Ottawa tbc day following thc voting dis astcr and cochairmiin Kiith llil known affccttonalcly as thc riiinmakcr was right thcri with another cloudbnrst ot riuissuruncc that lrudciiu still commundcd trcmcndous loyalty from his party And Marc Lalondc another campaign chairman was thcrc to confirm that no othcr Libcral lcudcr could luivcdonc iny bcttcr in thc byclHlions than lhc profit margin pcriniltcd by tho Alli and thc food rctailcrs about 30 pcr rcnt lcss lncrciiscs lll ovcr ill proccssor and iitailcr lltl profits huvc not ltttll significant contributing factor to thc risc in food priiis during thc first months of thc cir thc Alli said In fact it found that on iivcrugc rctiiilcrs had bccn taking substantial losscs on bccf salcs until rcccntly losscs that lhcy ob viously Iiiiidc up on other items sincc their profit margins cdgcrl up by onctcnth of pcrccntagc point in firsthalf 1978 lltllH WARS llic food busincss is aflcr all it com pctilivc onc with cxccptions ll1 ccrtziin casts lricc wars cvcry now and llicii lciid to ktip compctitors on lliclr tocs and rcsult lll prcs surc by the retailing chains on thi manufacturers and IlXlSSOIS to cut costs lhc comparatively rcccnt arrival of gcncric products and lhc growth of privatc brands havc also had modcrating influcncc on rclail food priccs gcncrally And the prolifcratioii of public regulation in thc food industry as in othcrs has bccn significant itcm of added optrating cost If llic result of gclicrlcs is to significantly diminish further the low profitability of suixirmarkcts and manufacturcrs thcn tlic longrtcrm cffcct can only bc countcr productch to the best intcrcsts of anudiau consumcrs says Ai Langbo chairman of thc iroccry Products Munufactuicls of Tanada and presidcnt of Kcllogg Salado Canada Ltd anadians incrciiscd thcir spcnding on food and bcvcragcs by to pcr ccnt to $19 ti billion last ycal llic prixcssors rctnincd 263 pcr ccnt iis profit comparcd with 329 pcr ccnt profit margin dccadc carlicr lhc food and licvcragc industrys profit lust ycar was 128 pcr cent of cquity iiivcslcd slightly liiglicr than the mcdian point of all niaiiufacluring 125 per cent SfAtlthtlI STARBRIGHT Published dally except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY hy carrier 90cents YEARLY by carrier $4630 BY MAIL Barrie $4680 SIMCOE COUNTY $3650 MOTOR THROWvOFF $39oyeor ELSEWHERE IN CANADA 338503 year St Montreal 495 fitVa 2744 llll liudiuui himself wouldn bu lhc argumcnt that his own pcrsoiial unpopuiarity causcd thc dcbaclc Ihcri is an tlill govcrnmcnt fccling that cprcsscd ilsclt provincinlly and is mphswag tsclf ltltlill now tic rathimhid lllll ILl llc said lic would rigli lii iin bcforc ncxl yiars cinirnl ch lint lii as llitlcl iiycliriiuii tilll you HM sonic run you win sonic and whcii wm an iic traction point and whcn low am the at traction point logcthcr thcsc ltltlil moiingc to makc tlic byclcctions sound likc mcrc pcbblcs on their path of progrcss Thcrc arc illltl ot rotisoiis why all of tlicsi posl clcclion coiiimcnts zirc worth ignoring And lltl first is thit Lilwrnl of ficials rcgirdlc ot lticii pcrsonai ticlmgs iiivcr but ncwr publicly blami loadcr for any disastirs ln proncling lil lcndcr Lalondc cvcn wcnl so far as to bliimc thc public for failing to undcrsland LOlllliltlli policics sccond rcuson to ignorc all the current outbursts of loyalty is that curiously cnough thcy all conic from pioplc who would likcly lllt thcir high positions lrulvuiu wcri to lttlt And unotlicr rumor is tho politically at llli point thcrc tlillltlr in lth and nothing to gain by pointing an ill clismg tingcr ill tlic party lciidcr It lrudiuni is to stcp down tlic statcd rcnsoii will lunc nothing to do with bcing unpopular bcinc liability or bcing unuhlc to dctcat thc lorics lhc tllllSt will be morc noble than this for thc good of the country or tlic good of thc family And tlic rctiring lcudcr would be givcn colorcd tclcvision set and ussurunccs that thc party lll scorccly surviic without him Ilrllll7l Illiltllllf licn thi lllllt culiic for liltll liurcnt to stcp down in ltlni following Lilicriil polling purgc it was tlic Mlltillllll grcastng of tho skids sincc thc launching of thc Quccn Mary St lAtllltlll was so busy ac kiiowlcdgiug congratulations on his courageous campaign that ho hardly had tlic tiinc to write his rctircnicnt spcccli That the libcril way of doing lhiii Within the next couplc of mont is the Libcral hicracliy will dccidc whctlicr licrrc lrudciiu should stop down And this dccision will bc rcnclicd only aftcr ii sciics of sophisticatcd public opinion polls indicatc the partys clcclornl possibilitics unilcr lrudcnu And onc ot thc major considcriitions will involvc corporutc donations to thc Iilcruls which had bccn tiipcrmg off prior to tho byclcctions Another considcration say insidcrs will bc tlic availability of lllllltlth cundidotcs undci tlic currcnt llilllll And if Inc is optimism lllill Trudinu can somcliow turn things around and ll1tl rca soiiziblc tllillltt of forming cvcn minority govcinmcnt cliguiccs uc hc will gct thc piirtys full support ltut it that support is not forthcoming tlic priiiic mimstcr cun licgiu looking for noblc musts bccausc llt cant do it on hisowu In llic incautiinc we can ignorc lllt plutitutlcs The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Aildit Bureau at Circuiotions ABC only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner The Examiner claims copyrighton all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 7038 register National advertising offices 65 Queen st Toronto 864 till 640 Cathcari The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable lor damages aris too out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space at tuolly occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negllgence oi its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyondthe amount paid for such advertisement From the legislature Test ahead for Miller By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Ontarios new treasurer Frank Miller is genial Open man whose Iightheartedness is going to be severely tested in the next few months He has to write budget for Ontario And the key direction hell take when he makes preliminary statement later this month or early next Already there is speculation that Miller will deviate from his predecessor Darcy McKioughs tightfistcd restraint program The visible symbol of restraint was McKcoughs aiming for balanced budget in 198 although its worth noting he never declared such target sacrosanct Instead it was perceived as worthy goal one that should result if galloping provincial expenditures were brought under control by slowing their rate of growth and the economy ruvi vcd Flllili llll So Darcy put on the squeeze limiting the monetary increases given various ministries and inumcipalitics and even reducing the number of civil servants lie was operating on the currently fashiorialilc theory that government spends too high rxirccntagc of the national wealth and that Itflutlll£1 government expenditures will free up funds for use in the private sector Its trunm that only the private sector goncratcs real calth and fuels the economic tszilisltfli we nosd for jobs and to pay for social programs In llit sinw Milixwugh succeeded In aiiihcr lll appcircd to fail NI lI ltiVl tic did restrain government growth and his success is usually and misleadingly called cutbacks Government still spent more money Just iiidzi spend as much as critics lllgtI£il do Hut the capital freed doesnt appear to have joitol the ccoiioniy back into running at high limit In chaszlig his goal of balanced budget IcKcougn managed to keep his expenditures down to and cm under what he said they would lic Hill rc ixwtalions always pm tudgii god ct lllll ITt lltlt Now ilillcl 1i to kl czflc wlitZIEcl if f0llOW lhc some plc or no Ilis alternative is to take what is sometimes called an activist role for government by increasing tXlXIitlltulcS debt and the deficn The theory here is that government spending can crcaic jobs and that the dcficilsdori really lUkli Inflation will bu usually lightly passulowi Ini hinting liizicr vii cniitmue the balaiiuxivbuiigcl goal although he it likely postponc thc target date ycar or two to take into account thc shortfall in revenue that bulcvillcd Ytlclxcougl madame the new Careful route for Gandhi LONDON itli Indira Gandhi former primc ministcr of India who is to visit Britain ncxt month is picking careful routc as she rcclimbs ttic steps to power In hcr rcturu to politics after sixmonth rclircincnt lllt txiordlcducatcd Mrs Gandhi is ignoring hcr own stiite of lttar Iradesh and othcr northiri statcs wlicrc byclcctions arc in tho off on liistcud she is running in the remote constituency of thikmagular in the southern Karnalaka rcgion Thc Hindispeaking northern belt which rejected licr in 1977 still is largely untested ground on which to mount comeback There is widcsprcad disillusionment in the north against thc ruling Jaiiala party of liimc Ministcr MOIilljl Dosai but Mrs Gandhi appcars unwilling to risk another dcfcat on licr liomc ground Reports publishcd licrc indicatc that Mrs Gandhis cmcrgcncy opcrations tcriiicd ex ccsscs by commission appointml to look into lici ictivitics as prime minister have bccn lurgcly forgotten among lllt tlttlOllllQ If so thc Ianutii giwcrnmcnt has not forgot ion or forgix cii hcr llclorc slic was rcliictantly granted per mission to visit lirimin an Indian court in structcd hcr that Slc commit no ict contrary to Indian law Shc was rciiuircd to submit flight sclicdulcs and to issurc nldgcs that she would priscnt horsclt to thcm on ltlllltlld MAY lth MOIIVAIIUN It is this situation which may bc lltltll iting licr rcturn to polil ics llicrc is growing dnngcr that shc will be prosccutcd bot for iibusc of power during licr cmcrgincy ruli ind tot itlcgoil criminal oflcuccs llowcvcr tillscltl suiy shc has it good cliancc of winning scin iii licl chosen constitucncy Attcr that shc could cuicrge as lcadci of tlic opposit ion It would bc onc thing for ii govcrniiicnl to zirrcst itlltl imprison dcjcctcd and dcfcutcd Mrs illlltllll and sonictliing clsc for it to take on ncwly clcctcd opposition lciidcr Mrs inndlii has rclcrrcd to llic Janalu party as scllvout to Western powcis but it will bc to woo listciii powci that she comes to Britain Slic is cxpcctcd to takc quict line here its slic nddrcsscs public nicotings of Indians calls on llritish community loaders and talks to Brit iin mcmbirs of larliniiicnt llcr cincrgcncc as political force once more has had unscttling iffccls in some quar tors matched his ex ir deficits than he in the balanced to riaxth his 11 question is what economic

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