the examiner Friday Oct 20 1978 Suspect wounded in blazing gun battle man identified by Michigan State Police as Billy Hardesty is wheeled by ambulance stretcher after being wounded twice by police after barricading himself in rural Sumpter Township home Thursday morning Four persons were killed and three wounded Whats all the fuss about Elderly man enjoys sunshine outside Vancouver Post Office Thursday as building is picketed by members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers CP Photo by Mrs Campbell 4361084 Lakelands Senior Citizens Club 28 met on Wednesday tobcr at Lakeside llall Alcona Beach The meeting was opened by the singing of Canada and our theme song The president Bud Parker welcomed eveiyone As it was our election of officers each executive member gave their yearly reports Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Dot Haynes secretary and Williams gave her yearly report as approved by the auditors Welfare convener gave her report of sending 10 cards for the year getwell and sympathy cards Vice President McNeish and Secretary Dot Haynes on vacating their offices thanked everyone for the support they had received from the members and the president Parker thanked everyone also fir their support and their co operation After officcs were vacated Ed Scott and Fessenden conducted the elec tion The new executive is presi dent Bud Parker vice president Winnia Stamp so cond vicepresident Thris Walkem secretary Betty Gray assistant secretary Helen Chaplin treasurer Ena Williams assistant treasurer Sadie Butler entertainment Ed Scott and Bert Butler bus convener Alice Parker lunch convencr lcarl Spring pianists Betty tell Sadie Butler and Deans librarian Bert Butlcr membership Win nia Cousins sick and sunshine Evelyn Brady auditors Jean Trosby and Audrey Waygoixl and press Evelyn Brady llrl LOAN Mr Cummings cxprcssml his thanks for the loan of the wheelchair as they could enjoy the bus trip of our club to Niagara pot luck luncheon is planned for October at the hall We had short hour of cards scrabblc darts and crib bagc lhc hostesses of the day provided lunch The Stroud Womens instituti met on October lti at the Stroud Iomplex Citixeiiship and World Affairs with Mrs Ross and her committee are con ducting the program Slides of Mexico Australia New Zealand and the far East were shown Thanksgiving visitors at Mr and Mrs Brady of Stroud were Mr and Mrs Brady and children from Bellevillc and Mr and Mrs llutchin son and Gail from Toronto Mr and Mrs Allen Todd of Victoria Street had their family home for Thanksgiving dinner which included Mr and Mrs Stanley Todd and family of Goodwotxl Mr and Mrs Jim Stead and Family ol rccmore and Mr and Mrs lcrry Dowding of loronto Mr and Mrs Fraser and Ross of fretmore and Mrs lifford Ross and Mrs Grace Fraser of Richmond ilill spent Thanksgiving with their sister Mrs tainpbcll of Victoria Street East JCTTi NillllllIll lhc Stronil Senior itilens enjoyed their regular lucsday afternoon get together with president Mrs Ruby Kcll giv ing hearty wclionic lack Mc ullouglr trip conventr said the bus was filling for Royal Winter lilll on November to and tentative plans were under way for bus load to attcnd the loininy lluntcr Show latcr Jessie ampbcll program con vcncr announced that for lucs day October lit there would be costume contest Youd better wcar one or else Bid cuchrt and cuclirc were played and refreshments were lijoyctl llid you go north to sec the colois Well dont feel had It you could not just stare and look cast on Victoria Slrcct llIc colors are magnificent lhanksgiving services were held in both village churches with Rev Gerrard Bylard in Presbyterian and Rev File in St James United Both auditoriunis were beautiful ltKtllilltxl with fruits and gardens and fields Mr and Mrs Tyiil Spence have returned from holiday to renew fellowship with relatives in England at Liverpool lhey visited with Mrs Mable Stein yrils mothers sister who is now in her 80s and quite active Mrs Stein spent many years from 1926 as nursing mis sionary in lndia yiil had come to tanada in 15927 with his family So the next stop was at Lands End in South England There they visited in This photo released by police in Ypsilanti Mich Thursday shows Billy Edward Hardesty 2i who was wounded and then subdued in blazing gun battle at his home in western Wayne County Mich Thursday morning as the police sought him in the shooting deaths of three men and the wounding of two others Hardes tys parents were found dead after his arrest AP Photo Stevens raps move to borrow t1l WI The gov crnincnt is asking for authority in one six paragraph bill to bor row more money than the en tire dcbt accumulated by an ada during the Sccond World War onscrvativc finance critic Sinclair Stevens said lhursday During debate on the bill to give the govcrnmcnt powcr to borrow $17 billion Stcvcns said ll was irresponsible and an at front to Parliament for finance Ministcr lciin thicticn 1o £lgtl for quick passage of the ligisla tioii hrcticn cxpliiincd the bill lll to llllllttlt spccth til thc total $7 billion is to bc riiiscd to pay off tltc government iiSll lltttlS in the fiscal year ending iii March itfi sto billion to go toward llll cash dcficit Ill lttTtt tltt Stevens said ll larliainint approved lllc bill 1hc countrys national debt will tump to sit billion fioiii Sgo billion in tum lic ftl lriiiic lllilltl liudinu took ottitc lht national debt at lllt flltl oi lhcwiir itiis$13 Tbillion Slcvctls litlcl proposed itl amendment that would deny thc government lllt borrowing authority on grounds that it has not provided any economic in formation on planned lttlttllllt iiid lttlf1t during lllt next year Stctcns notcd that thrcticn had asked liii lianicnt lll March loi tllllioltty to borrow Sufi ltll lion lhc llllillitf iiiiiiistcr said then the amount should pro vidc thc govciiiincnt llll sut licicnt borrowing powrs 1o nitct all cash ltttlllltllltllls for flicliscal yiar tif Iii Now tlic govtriiincnt 1S iskiiig for $7 billion more for tlicsaiiicyciir thatched roof cottagc home of tnclc Robert urry tt Brighton they called on former St roiid resident Gloria Atkinson Wtbin and nict licr family They spent the last to Lin tll Yorkslurc whcii yril was born visiting with ttitlsllls and lorinci neighbors chp Saturday October 21 open for lrcsbytcrian ladies sponsored coffee party and bake sale from lotu to 11 Saturday Novcnilwr It for St James cotfcc party and in lllt distant future on February 17 1979 lllt Woiiicns lllSllllllt col Itsparty oookstown by Marjorie Eldridge 4584487 Why We Need lhanksgiv ing was the tcxt of thc tlctobcr it morning service conducted by the Rev Rice at ookstowii United hurch Four received baptism namely has James Floyd and Judith Amy larissa son and laughter of Mr and Mrs Ronald Wood Johnathon Ralph son of Mr and Mrs Ralph orrigan and Jack loliii Stephen son of Mr and Mrs Steven Tlark duet entitled Heard liorcst Praying was ha r7 moinzcd by Miss lleather McDowell and cousin Miss Brenda Johnston of BelgraVc accompanied by Mrs McDowell solo Bless This House was rendered by Dr McFa rla iid PCs hold on in Chatham CHATHAM Ont tCPt Its been bad week for Prime Minister Trudeauwand the Ontario Progressive Con servative party couldnt be happier The prime minister who hasnt set foot in the Chatham area in months was cited as one reason the Ontario Tories field on to the Chatha mKent seat in Thursdays byelection Andy Watson won for the Conservatives knockin goffa strong Liberal contender and an NDP candidate who showed early strength but faded in the late counting Watson who said he knew it would be cliffhanger said he was helped by the antilrudeau feeling in the riding Dr Brian Gamble the losing Liberal would not concede that antiTrudeau feelings were the deciding factor but said it may have affected the result Ron Franko of the Nlll made no reference to the prime minister In 15 fedcral byelectioiis Monday lrudeaus Liberals won just two seats dropping five to the Progressive Con servatives ln Wednesdays Saskatchewan election the Liberals were wiped out losing all 11 seats they held at dissolution The win for Watson though was not entirely unexpected in that the victory maintained littycar hold the Tories have on the seat However it broke one strcak that pluiscd Premier William Davis it was the first win in five bycleetions since he took over as premier in 1971 All five seats were vacated by cabinet ministers hi this one arcy McKcough gave up the treasury portfolio as well as his seat Final vote figures lhursday were Watson 9032 Gamble 8521 Franko7511 In the 1977 Ontario general election McKmugh received 10769 votes Franko 6482 and Darrell Gall of the Liberals 5919 Standing in the legislature now is 37 Liberal 34 MW 36 vacant one The vacancy was caused by the death last month of ioliii Rhodes industry and tourism minister byclection for his Sault Ste Marie seat is expected early next year Liberal Leader Stuart Smith said he was disappointed at the result but was encouraged by the partys strong showmg in riding that has been onscrvat ive for so long its encouraging that when Liberals are sinking like stones everywhere in the country weve inadc that kind of improvement Watson said he was helped greatly by antiliudcau feeling in the riding till tli lioininion Ltd food store 111 Montreal which added ground beef to its ground pork was among trl businesses convicted of violating tidtinl coiisuinci laws in the second quarter of lltTtl list released lliursda by thc consumer and coiporatc at fairs department Eiltt includcu ti Stcmbirgx stoic Ill Brock illc ml which sold pri packtigcd llltlilllltN weighing 145s than dcciarcd on the libcl and to stores in Qucbcc which sold tllSltIltttlS short wright intit The Montreal ltomiiiioii store Lcs Stipcringircbcs was fined Wait for selling lllt llllVltllt of ground ltttl and pork as tlllt ground pork iolation of the lttltlJl fluid and lirugs ct llic Stciiificius liitt lillltftl $Lftttti on two tii111tlttill for Stllllttl inict maltl labillcd til1iI ind cgittililix lhc treat tlaiitit iiid la tlltt toiiipiiiiy of tiiiuli lttl hood Stortx iii Burlington int as llllttl stooo tor tllllli wrongly lillitllttlltithltitx l1 tllslltllltl to iiott that offences of this kllltl iirt llll oc curring toiixuiiici llitll Minister iircn lliiiind and it llt ltltlt llic tllillgtx wctc laid by to spcctois in lllt department lttltl illitldlltills branch who op criiti out of tillltlS in most ma torcitics in tliccouiitiy llicy arc ltStlttllSllilt foi fll suriiig tttlllplldlltt with about docn fcdcrnl consumer prottc tioii laws cowrun lillxllltSS of thc retail import llltl lllitllllliii turmg lttlS The following tintario bust lltt uic ctiiitctctl tll ltllit llttllS of tlic hood Illtl Drugs tl lll tlic April ltittc period Mr and Mrs loc Lamb lSll ttl on lhanksgiviug Monday with ltcv Robcrt and Mrs tainpbcllm Midland Mrs Lamb for the past con pic of wccks has llttll lll llioi iiliill guest of Mr and Mrs lnt tilit her daughter and son in law Mrs Glass is cagirly anticipating visit soon from her son ttival from Victoria Britisholiimliia Robert ltlldridgc was admit lctl to St Michaels Hospital Ill Toronto on Scplcinlicr tht for minor surgery The following week he returned home by Metro ambulance beinguig the line along with him lltst wishes for much litlltl hcalth gooiit to Bob lllltlll ongratulations to Mr and Mrs lctci Farts on the birth of son laul llavid lroud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gcorgc Farts Work is well under way on the construction of business building on the north side of Quecn Street West of Masonic llall It is understood that there will be stores or office space at the street level with provision for two apartments above llliil Illtll The news of the October fire at the Ripplicovc lnii in Aycrs liff Quebec for the people on the Barrie Horticultural Socic tys lal toloi Tour and llltll iclatchs and friends was received with sorrow number of the victims were wellknown in the ookstowti area Mrs Jean McDowell was the former Jean Graham of 34 businesses convicted of violating laws Silvtiv ood liidustrics Limited of loronto was filled Shoo for selling product as lt crcain mix which did not con taiii all the iiigrtdiciits required in thc ct lltillllltlilli Stores Limited llI lrciiton ttnt also was llllttl Shoo for selling regular ground bch with fat content of Mt pti ccnt lhc maximum fat titllltttl permitted for rcgular ground bcif illlftlttlll vlistcr iiid toiistniicc ltflridc of Kingston ttiit was llllttl Stu toi Wllllttl prc priliitt itill lltitlt and to niiow without litlttlllllt thi tivtttitiiiitity llitll hiiictto ownci oi tliilitli lttl iil tiitli lti tui got lltit1 dcd tiittnci foi ciliiig chickii ltL llltl bucks lug only lhc following lllllitllti lunr wcii ttllltltll of lttlllltiIIS of lllttiflltliilltl liosuits it Sictiibciits lllllllttl iii ttttawa tincd $io tor tllllil itinptw littllitl to lit it than thi tlttlitlltl tcight lhi stoti wi tlso llllttl for illlilt puckntlin til ittl potatth mtl pniih onions which wcnhcd be than whi co1cictl lot itlt litit lltltlgt lliltl llitl ill loioiito was tintd itlt til sjioo ioi tllllft llitll ttl1l cashew itllttl pcottlits tilll Iltti lopo1il1 hotls llllllttl of Sinifoi 1h tut wisliiicd SJm lliillxllltlilllllttllltlttllt ltlttltt ltllitt tit ltitiitilti also was llllttl Woo foi llllll short wcight llttlt titlilitl illtl tlSllltl tillt which ii not lt gallottiotlc liiidii llainng llllS Ltd of Iwccd tint was llllttl Slfio for thitltl thc illegal unit of ii Iiiicioidinclliiigfiicwood llllttll tciicltcilioicictifly ictircd tll taiiic Jean and wcrc classmath it lcachcix tollcgc er Mary Gould also tcaclici pciishcd Slic her husband lxcn and fainin rcsid ttl just south of this ltlllll and slic taught at Bow Boidcii tor fcw yciiis Mrs litlll lluddlcstonc had rcsiilcd on onccssion ti liinistil tlllt Killylcagh School Httllttll Ill tlic ttillis along with her lins band lcicy IItlllllltlIISl ltiklttll and District Lions tlub hcld thcir icfobcrtcst and iisino Night at ookstown turliiig Rink on Saturday night October tttitt Winners of the cash draws wcrc as follows $11ttttt piic was split betwccn Ed Ncy and Bill Lynch $15011 prrc went to Mary Ross $100 piic went to Doug Brown and four Sfitt piics went to Wayne and Lynda llltlt Allcn lell lsabcl Rowe and Bobllart lhc Alpines supplied the music for the dance Gary Bowen held the lucky ticket in the draw for the stereo compo ncnt Mrs Bert olcinan enjoyed several weeks holidays at her cottage in the Parry Sound district liebbic Rcivc flew to ltart mouth Nova Scotia where she spent six weeks with friends and went to Prince Edward Island HYMIAIIIIIIS Syinpathics go out to the relatives of the late Mrs Bulinaii formerly Ethel Nevillsi who died on September Joan Kennedy whoops it up Mrs Joan Kennedy wife of Massachusette Democratic Sen Edward Ken nedy shrieks with delight as she grabs floating balloon during the Yankee victory party at Studio 54 in New York Thursday night She was paying her first visit to the disco AP Photo OHIP official RCMP officer disciplined after incidents ttittiixtti of lltlill of tlic ttiitiiio llcalth llblllillltt Han and an litMl officci tl1 disciplined llltl Stpitliilt tlltltltlllS involving twittitotitiiibiyitlittllll lbcrt tillrini Board17 di iccoi o1ttllllslltiiniltondis llltl oificc told illt royal coin ttlliltltlllitlll of litiiltb lvttittl liiuisday that llittltl till llt Lltll it tortiml iip il1tlitl lttlltt lll hearing tllitltl thc luliiii iiicc tt ttlllltl liinit liti13illtitliltttttilitlltltitllt bctiiwwr was tlill policy to lll1 iii low cii lot izicni 1111 iii llt xiini llt iclicf iiiisctl ttlttl tiillnttittl in an iid liillllll twc manual that said in fitiilitiiB itinoliitig polici iiiiti flit litttttltt idciititj ionl tlltl tootiom 33111 be con ltllliitf iiitoiiiiitoii 111 lit Ili ttllll tllt tr opt llt fitoru lili mom or wt ttt zthur lzniiiiigtoi laxiyci itpimciiiiig thc lli ll ii llli lltitlllll ttttl dist Ipliiiii it two was takcii ttittil ton tutti lllltittt ltlldttll tll lttlttltll who lltlltslttl Ill litilllilltttll ttit tllll Loiidoii ttlllt ll lcii lliiiittt oi ttllll cu ltilllltli binoch iiiiploytc mtltl lciiiui told liirii llt had pti sou ttllll iilciitificgitoii card and iigt lliflltl llltl wotttlctctl tt chm otild bi tinidt to dc itllllllti ll the iiiiii ind ttllll lllllllltit lilillt lltti llainit ilfl tic put lciiiult telephone tilll on hold iiid kid 1i tllttl isoi foi ittlltt iiid wn told to pioidc no llllttlllttltttlt tllllt ti sub pociia oi siniri l1tllllll wcri pttkltltttl llttllllttill ciitcrid as tl tii Ill lltl zoiti you to Norman and tccil ttll and families it tlic tltillll of llltll sister Mrs John torbctt incc Maig cillsi on Scptcnibcr 33 and to the family of tliston Winter of Baltic who it onc lllllt liiid barbti business In tookstown tlltl who died on Scptcnibci tu at Royal Victoria lltlSltllill Mrs llittllltili liffiii of thnrcli Stricl passed away lltltlttll at Slttlltlll Memorial Hospital Ill liston on cdncsday Scptiinbcr 17 lhc ltitc Mrs litfin was in her tiitrd yciir and was loriucrly an tctic member of thc Womens ln stitutc and painting club ililotI tondolcnces go out to her husband daughter Myra at lltilllt llltl sons lcd Kenneth and daughter Lois lntcrincnt was in tookstown liutcd thurch tcinctcry Rev Rooncy officiated lltl long llllltSS thcilcath occurred of Maxmc tarlcy thc daiuthfer of the late Thomas and Elizabeth Marling on tic tobcr at Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston Maxine was born and raised in ookstown dcar sister of five sistcis and five brothers Besides her husband Dudley she leaves two daughters two stcpdaughtcrs and stepson and grand tlllltlltll The late Mrs tirlcy rcstcd at the llnghcs luncit Home and at St Johns Anglican thnrch iii ookstown Rcv Dave Ward took tlic funeral sclvlcc on Saturday iictobcr Interment was at lrospcct tcinctcry llI loroiito dcncc by lennington showed lllt lttlli ciiicl supcrintcn dcnt Randolph Schramni is sued memorandum last Nov 17 warning officers not to 11 quest infoiination fromttllll subsequent mscrt to the RtMl operations manual fold incinbcrs of thc forcc not to STARTS scck ttllll information without search warrant or subpoena issuer by court of competent jurisdiction The commissioner Mr Jus lltt lloracc Krcver reiterated his previous statements calling for no disciplinary action until his report is released THURS OCT 19th IN STRIPTEASE THIS TO SAT DINNER FROM CONTINUOUS snows mom noon To Mi INTRODUCING THE GREATEST FOOD VALUE it lUNCliES mom $495 Hktf1 94 DUNLOP WEST In on our 5dr 7373180