CEOO CARTOON HILARIOUS HOUSE FRIOHTENSTEIN if UNIVERSITY OF THE 39 CANADIANI VALCADE 030 CHRISTOPHER OSEUP AGAPE CARTOONS 700 PUBLIC POLICV RUM FAITH FOR TODAv PROFESSOR KITZEL ROSSROADS NIYEN MILLER 730 CROSSROADS DIRECTIONS ROMPER ROOM CIRCLE UARE GOSPEL SINGIN TIME CHINESE SHOW 800 DAY DISCOVERY BLACK FORUM MOVIE DRAMAROMANCE omrado 1940 ROCKETSHIP FLINTSTONES FATHER MEEHAN THIRD STORY JIMMY SWAGGART MIDDLE EAST JIMMY SWAGGART FARM REPORT ORAL ROBERTS WHATS NEW CROSSROADS POLKA DOT DOOR OUEENSWAY ATHEDRAL VOCE DELLAl PERANZA OLD TIME GOSPELI HOUR CONCERNS ROGER RAMJET IT Is WRITTEN 12 CROSSROADS DAY DISCOVERY JEREMY WOODY LE PIC MACEDONIAN MAGAZINE FISH TALES av THE PEOPLE 13 RH HUMBARD HISPANOVISION JIMMY SWAGGART SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIETl 0F 830 0F 15 930 HOUR LES FLOUMP CHAI JEWISH TVl MAGAZINE 945 UNE FLEUR MAl DIT 1000 PEOPLES CHURCHI LAMP UNTO Mvt FEET gREET WOODPECKER Ill CORONATIONt WOODY ITALIAN PANORAMA Gil DISCOVERv GREEK SHOW LE JOUR DU IGNEUR SOUNDS OF THE EAST 10300 ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLEI Too DISCOVERV 12 ONE OF KIND f1 FLOWER SPOT KIDSWORLD PORTUGUESE DAY OF DAY OF HOW REx HUMBARD MEETING PLACE PEOPLES CHURCH 12 THE CHURCH 63 CHURCH SERVICE 1100 JACKANORY PLAVHOUSE DEBATS DE LAS SEMBLEE NATIONALE DU QUEBEC VOZ DA PROFECIA FACE THE NATION ANIMALS ANIMALS ANIMALS ALL IN TUBE AUTOUR DE MOI PORTUGESE FIN DE 145 guu ITALIANo 1150 ID PROGRAM NANNOUNCED SCHOOLHOUSE 1130 FESTIVAL 155 ROCK AFTERNOON 12006 GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD CANDID CAMERA MUSIC To SEE MOVIE HORROR Face of Fu Manchu 1965 ALBUM TV ITALIAN PANORAMA Sunday tv ONTINUES REX HUMBARD MOVIE SCIENCE FICTIONDRAMA Flvo MIIIIon Years to Earth 1988 ED GRANDEUR NATURE LA SEMAINE VERTE 1230 HERALD OF TRUTH NFL TODAY PREGAME MONEVMAGAzINE NEWS ID EN SE RACONTANT LHISTOIRE DICI MEMORIES OFl gREE CE 1245 AGRICULTURE 100 33 COUNTRV ANADA NFL FOOTBALL Chicago Bears vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers EMERGENCY ONE ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY INITIATION LA MUSIOUE ll 62 HVMN SING MOVIE MYSTERYDRAMA Yesterdays Chlld ID PORTRAITS DE gEFS DORCHESTRE AUX FRONTIERES DU ONNU ITALCINE MOVIE COMEDY The Couple Takes WIIC 1972 it CFL FOOTBALL Calgary Stampeders vs Hamilton TigerCats hrs BUILDING DECENT TURE ITALIAN COOKING MOVIE HORROR She Watts 1971 ORAL ROBERTS FOOTBALL ANADIEN CHALLENGE MOVIE DRAMA To All My Frlonds on Shore 1912 THERE AINT NO FLIES ON ME IN PRIVATE LIFE TODAYS WOMEN HEE HAW Guests Larry Gatltn Ava Barber Joe HquIns VALUES AND MOR ALITY IN SCHOOL PEOPLES CHURCH MOVIE ADVENTURE Famlly Flight 130 200 230 300 330 1972 SUNDAY SURPRISE 513 QUESTION PERIOD THIRD TESTAMENT 4000 CONCENTRATION ISSUES AND ANSWERS FLIM FLAM TINY TALENT TIME 13 CTV SPORTS SPECIAL The CanadIan International ChampIon Shlp Stakes IIve from Woodbine Canadas II Chest horserace wIth purse OI $200000 Ex pected Me Up Includes Seattle Slaw Excelter Overskate and Regal Em brace 60 mm KIDSWORLD NFL FOOTBALL Denver Broncos vs Bal tImore Colts 430 CHILDREN TELEVI SION AND CHANGE MOVIE MY$TERY The Invlllble Mans Revenge 1944 UNTAMED WORLD Creaturos ot the Water This episode explores the anImaIs birds reptIles and ampthIans whose habitats Center on the waters OI Atrica WILD KINGDOM EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE NOW SECRET RAILROAD 500 SHOW BIZ FESTIVAL OF LIVELY ARTS Movement In MusicOrIts Treat To Tap Your Feet Beverly Sum 13 hostess commentstor Gunther Schullerconductsthe New York PhIlharmonIC Or chestra Miss SIIls and maestro Schuller explore the urge to move to mum and show how some great composers were not only Iascmated by II but used It to make therr mUSIC even better 60 mrns NEWS STAR TREK LAWRENCE WELK SHOW 12 CHIPS 113 UNTAMED WORLD Creatures at the Water ThIs episode explores the animals buds reptiles and ampthIans whose habttats center on the SCOfWI I17 ICC delightful superb TRAVEL HOLIDAY AWARD WINNING Restaurant WINE CELLAR Terrac Cato CIaSSIC FRENCH CUISIne SWISS HOSpItaIIty GRAVENHURST Muskoka Ontario waters OI Africa VISION ON BUGS DUNNV AND ROAD RUNNER SECOND REGARD THIS WEEK IN PARLIAMENT 530 MUPPETS SHOW OPEN ROADS ID BIG BLUE MARBLE 520 EVENING 600 WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY Ringo The Refugee Rac coon young raccoon loses his home and lamity to the Wheels of progress when shopping center scars his woodland par adise 60 mins NEWS CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS FAMILY BROWN OUNTRY POLKA DOT DOOR GLOBAL NEWSWEEK HEBDODIMANCHE 630 CONSUMER BUYLINE HERE AND NOW NEWS NEW FACES 13 POLKA TIME SPORTS GAMES PEOPLE PLAY 700 12 BEACH COMBERS Constable Sam Jones shapely deIIIOn to the GIbsonS constabulary arnves in the torm of Constable Samantha Jones NO sooner has she 101000 the torCe than shes up to her aulettes In mystery 60 MINUTES HARDY BOYS Joe Hardy and his brother Iace grave danger at an archaeoloarcal Srte In Greece where they have gone to recover stolen Army missile 80 mos SMITH AND SMITH MCMILLAN AND WIFE CAUSE DE MON NCLE 123 THE DEVIL AND DANIEL MOUSE COMEDY SHOP ONCE UPON 730 TIMEMAN LES BEAux DIMANCHES 000 12 PROGRAM MING UNANNOUNCED ALL IN THE FAMILY When an elderly aunt 1195 alone and unloved Edith IS the only one who comes to ay lInal respects 13 BATTLESTAR GALACTICA The gIant Battlestar Galactlca laces destructIon when confront ed by an Impassable laser cannon and pursued by an omlnous wave 01 Cylon pItot tIghters Pt 01 twopart epIsode 60 mIns HEE HAW 1OIh AN NIVERSARY CELEBRA TION Roy Clark and Buck Owens are the hosts 01 thIs speCIal markrng the lust decade at the two cesslul country comedy serres It wrll be presented from the Grand Ole Opry In Nashvdle Guest stars Ernie Ford Loretta Lynn Roy Rogers Dale Evans Mel TIllIs Kenny Rogers Larry GatIIn Charley PrIde and many others hrs UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS SHULMAN FILE 030 ED OUIZ KIDS LES BEAux DIMANCHES 911a SIDESTREET ScorpIo Rrsrng The Ger man head 01 muItInatIon aI corporation comes to wed the head ot Can adIan muItInatIonnl corpor atIon to discuss IInanCIHI matters However the primary reason lor hIs VISII 18 to discuss Protect Scor p10 world Wide securuy force for wealthy busm essmen 60 mrns LIKE MOM LIKE ME Stars Lrnda Lavtn KrIsty MCNIChOl collego prolessor who Is deserted by her husband moves w1th her daughter to another town where both are compelled to make the necessary ediustrnents to new way 01 life SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE Fmal Chapter WalkIng Tall Stars Bo Svenson LIFE AT STAKE 900 STEINGARD PHOTO STUDIO II ClAPPERT ON ST BARRIE 72699 PORTRAITS WITH THE SOFT TOUCH WEDDINGS PASSPORTS ETC BOOK EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS RECORD REVIEWS By STEPHEN GAUER Listening to the latest punk bands from England is little like beating your head against the wall it feels so good when you stop case in point Blatantly Offenzive the first album by The Electric Chairs to reach North America The title is very accurate unfortunately Punk rock is barely three yearsold and yet its already starting to drown in its own cliches exposing itself to the kind of lethal and outrageious parody that The Electric Chairs do so well or so badly depending on your point of View Their music is polished Sex Pistols the same thundering repetitive guitar work the same monotonous rhythms and the same ir reverent noscthumbing lyrics The hairs sing songs with titles like Toich Love Bad in Bed Out of Control and several others too obscene for family newspaper Lead singer Wayne County tries to sound mean and rotten just like Johnny but its such an 0b vious pose you havc to laugh at it The group cant decide whether to satirize rock roll or play the punk rock game seriously lhc Boomtown Rats arc Irelands first punk band Theyve had few hit singles in England but judging from their first North American album Tonic for the Troops their success may not spread Songs like Never Loved Eva Bruun Watch Out for Nor mle lcoplc and Living in an Island are amusing to listcn to couplc of timcs but fadc prct ty qIIIckly aftcr that WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT 930 EB ALICE Its Iost weekend when AlIce Flo and Vera to lock the bad habIts once and tor all lock themselves In AlIces apartment and 90 cold turkey together CITY LIGHTS Bum THE MOSSEVS ChronIcIes ot Canadran FamIIy Part study of one OI Canadas most Illustrrous lamIIIes that also serves to show the socral development at much OI Canada srnce the beginning ol the 19th cen tury 60 mm 13 W5 UNKNOWN WAR LA LUTTE DE 1000 LHOMME POUR SA SUIVIE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO ITS MIRACLE 1030I12 OMBUDSMAN TELEJOURNAL TRAVEL 78 PORTDIMANCHE 111 CBC NEWS NEWS 111 CTv NEWS INTROSPEC MONEY TALKS CHRONIOUE DE FRANCE Jacques Secrc tIn Un Maitre du Tennis ac Table MARITIME OUNTRY CINEMAGAZINE 9121 NEWS 113 NEWS MARCUS WELBY 104583 1100 1110 11 15 1120 1130 MD MOVIE DRAMA Heaterl 1974 QUESTION PERIOD GOOD NEWS DOSSIER AFRIOUE IN PRIVATE LIFE NIGHT MUSIC MOVIE DRAMA The Skyscraper WIlder ness 1937 1150 OMOVIE MYSTERY Feathered Serpent 1946 1200 MEDICAL CENTER 12 MOVIE MYSTERY Dinner at the Ritz ea 1136 the examiner Frlday Octzo 107s 5A painless look at punk rock Still for punk band The Hometown Rats do show sparks of originality in their lyrics and instrumental arrangements They even use horn section on the most ambitious song of the album Rat Trap look at workingclass boredom But if youre going to attempt that level of sophistication why pose as punk band Now for the good news The first album by The Shirts New Wave band from Brooklyn that records in England is good New Wave might be described as punk rock for the middle classes its more sophisticated more intellectual and much more durable than the hardcore stuff You can ac tually play The Shirts album several times without feeling sick to your stomach couple of the songs suffer from those dreadful punk rhythms but most of the material is good strong rock with fine vocals by Robert Racioppo and Annie Golden whose high piercing voice sounds like Gracie Slick going through puberty and some very interesting lyrics The Shirts like to sing about dcspiar and emptiness but they do it so well you dont mind the pretentious lyrics They like to spoof past musical styles too Lonely Android neatly satirich Spacey rock and those noncnsc pop songs from the early ills lhc Shirts prove you dont havc to be mindless when you want to shake some life into rock roll little in tclligcncc goes long way in the music business The Elcctric hairsz Blatanlly tlffcnzivc Attic LAT IIISGI IIII Iloomtown Rats Tonic for the Troops Ensign SH IJI75ll Ihc Shirts Ihc Shirts apitol SW IIISHI DAVID IYTNIIIOMS The first song on iayton lhomas new album promises that tho anadian singer is go ing to lay down some rock roll but hc does lot more than that The album brcczcs through varicty of styles rock countryrrxk pop blues jazz and gospel with so much flair and good humor you cant rcsist it lIytonlhomas has ncvcr soundcd morc relaxed and morc confident as Singer and hes collcctcd some cxccllcnt musicians including the Iircckcr brothers from the US to back him up llc wrotc cight of thc tcn songs on tho album including Im Frcc Man gutsy spiritual and Libcratcd Girls Dont ry wrtty parody of prewar pop music lbc album is abundant proof that layton Thomas docsnt nccd Blood chal and Tours to make good music Ilcs found cvcrything hc nccds in Toronto IIitl IaytonThomas layton AIH Itccords 510221101 126255 Georgtan BABRC DRAPERY MILL OUTLET north or ELAINE OVERHOLT Where has Elaine Overholt been hiding Her first album on Attic Records is delight just the right kind of music to snug gle up to on cold winter night Overholt has strohg supple voice that has just enough of smoky edge to it to give it distinctive sultry sound She shines on love ballads like Youre So Beautiful Cant Say No and Lord How Hate to Say Goodnight Overholt can wrap herself around tender lyric without squeezing it to death She knows how to interpret lyrics even pedestrian ones and she never gets gimmicky or pushy The album is triumph of good arrangements good singing and good material fine debut by new Canadian singer Elaine Overholt Elaine vcrholt Attic LAT 1046 CHICAGO Chicagos first album since the death of guitarist Terry Kath proves that the sound is mightier than the man Hot Streets features the same style of homogenized rock thats made the group so successful for the past decade Chicago fans should enjoy the album anyone else will pro bably fall asleep listening to it The Songs are consistently bright bouncy and bland The new guitarist for Chicago Donnic Daucus c0n tributes one song Aint It Tame The lyrics dont say much but aucus doesnt Show littlc more life in his dead vocals than ctcra anGLamm do on the rest of the material At one point he Sings Time for Movin on Time enough to Grow hiczigo should follow that advicc hicztgo IIot Streets oIIIIn bin FI51I2I JOE WALSH The Best of Joe Walsh col lccts material recorded by the American singcrguitarish over the past cight years Two of the songs Funk No 49 and Ialkaway wcrc recorded during Walshs stint with The James Gang the rest of thc album was rccordcd with varicty of musicians Mr Joe Walsh fans thc album is probably must but for others cxpccling malcrial similar to Walshs current hit Lifcs llccn Good to Mc thc album will bc disappointment Walshs early work is mostly straightahcad hard rock with steamy guitar work harddriving rhythms and sonic prctty dull lyrics Songs Iikc Rocky Mountain Way and Wallowuy arc vintagc rocks songs from the curly 705 Help Me Through thc Night fcaturcs sonic nicc acoustic guitar work and an In tcrcsting countrymck vocal by Walsh lhc rcst of the album sccms too gimmicky Ind clut tcicd Ioc Walsh IlIc Host of Ioc 11 IlsII II IIIcords 90221111131 HUGE SELECTION or °Dress Fabrics Drapes °Upholstery and Drapery by the yard °Sewing Accessories AT REAL SAVINGS 547 Baytield St Barrie Malt