Group surveys city doctors on new Mental Health Act Members of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights were in Barrie and surrounding communities polling doctors and psychiatrists for their views of bill to ammend the Mental Health Act Thursday JOE DUNPHY not encouraged Joe Dunphy spokesman for the group said it has been con ducting survey to determine what the medical community thinks of the new bill He said the results are not encouraging Were finding that an average of 80 per cent of the doctors we talk to havent even read the bill said Dunphy Weve been to Windsor Kit chener London Toronto Hamilton and Ottawa and wellbegoingtoKingstontoo Dunphy says that under the present Mental Health Act pa tients can be held for up to 30 days for psychiatric examina tion During this time the pa tient loses most of his rights he said We want to see more rights given to the patients and this new law will do that he said There are quite few cases of abuse on record because of the old law This bill would narrow dowil the criteria for commit tat He said many patients fiiid that after the 30 day examina tion theyve lost their job and their friends Hee said the ac tual examination only takes about an hour and there is no reason for keeping patients for 30days Dunphy said Nova Scotia has only 48hour holding period and England has an equally short period He said Dennis Iimbrell provincial health minister originally proposed 72hour testing period but criticism forced him to extend that to five days in the new bill The results of the province wide survey will be tabulated and available today Dunphy said The Toronto based human rights group which is spon sored by the hurch of Scien tology says its information campaign alld survey were pro mpted by survey of 50 Toronto psychiatrists that showed many had not read the bill aiid subse quently had misunderstandings of what it meant Students were ob conscious when enrolling at college More people than even before applied for fulltime courses at Georgian College and registra tion is up five per cent said Murray Geddes registrar The trend seems to be towards programs which lead to specific specialized jobs Geddcs said ill news release The students want to know exactly where the program will lead them following gradua tion This is reflected in the slight drop ill design arts where it is more difficult to identify employment available on gaduation There are 1106 fulltime post secondary students at the Bar rie campus as well as 31 part time In Orillia there are 395 post Comp doesnt want rezoning secondary and students There are 312 fulltime and 13 parttime students at the Owen Sound campus About 2600 people have enrolled iii courses offered through the continuing educa tion division aiid 461 people are enrolled in the adult training division At the Barrie campus enrol ment is up in the applied arts and technology divisions EmOlilltnls iii the business division stayed about the same 122 parttime and design art was down slightly 1n Owen Sound student registration in all programs is up about 11 per cent Marine engineering and iiznigation technology programs were over subscribed business and survey technician programs are full to capacity alld icddes says only design arts aild lcgal secretarial programs were not filled to capacity Health science enrolment at all three calilpuscs is up slightr Iy with the dental hygienist and dental assistant as well as dispensing optician programs all over subscrilwd More students could havc been acccptcd ill tllc mental retardation counsellor and diploma nursing programs ili rillia he said The fact that students are seeking courses wllich will result in jobs placcs glcatcl responsibility on us to providc them lcddcs said asks for continued vorionce BARCLAY Staffl The Gilford Sports amp operators want to continue running the camp for another year without any rezoning Two representatives froiil the camp appeared before liliiistil Councils committee of the whole Wednesday night to ask for an extension of their present property variance which allows them to operate the recrea tional facilities in lural rca The camp ran three oneweek sessions in the summer Stan Thompson told committee and had vciy successful results Tllc caiiip was attended by young people interested in sports aiid he said he received no complaints frolil neighbors of the calnp regarding noise Ed lembery camp operator told The IIxailiincr tllc calilp directors do not want to apply for rezoning becausc they liayc ilot made definite plans for their loo acres of land aild therefore do not walit to Iiavc the area designated as specific use zone ulitil tlicy decide what they want to do there Also he said thc lcilgtiiy pro ccss of rezoning would takc too much time to cnalilc the camp to open nevt ycai i1tltllltit1 of thcir prcsciit variance would allow them to operate iicxt summcr with minimum of complications he said omiilittcc approycd the pro icct lil principle but will rcconi mend to council thc tpltliil gct approval for tllc itlltllltt through thc tttllllilllltt of ad justnlclit iii thc normal man iicr Woman continues tight Iogoinst water pollution Lake Simcoe is dying says Mary Ann Kleinsteibcr Raw sewage and chemicals running into the lake are destroying oxygen and killing waterlife she said She said unless something is done people will eventually be unable to swim or fish in Lake Simcoe Mrs Kleinsteiber of Innisfil spoke to about 40 male members of the Barrie Huroiiia Rotary Ilub at the Continental inn this week Mrs Kleinsteibers personal fight against pollution ill Lake Simcoe began several years ago when she noticed green slime algae on rocks at the edge of the lake She said she notified officials at all levels of government iii cluding letters to Premier William Davis aiid the ministry of the environment and ltStil tatioiis to the Alcona Business Association alid Innisfil c01th cil People in government have been looking iillo Lakc Simcoc pollution for years alld they still are Gentlemen dont hold your breath she told the ltotarians The algae Mrs Kleinstciber noticed is caused largely by the chemical phosphorous Phosphorous comes from human aiid animal sewage aiid substances like washing detergents She said bacteria count of the lake done during spring 1978 showed count over so which is Group seeks support for new high school Christian secondary school for Simcoe ounty may be step closer after meeting Monday founding meeting for Simcoe Tounty hristiail Stttllb dary School Association will be held in the Blue Flame Room at Consumcrs Gas to Ferris Lane at 730 pm Interested individuals from all denominations in Simcoe County area are urged to attend this meeting says recent news release The objective of the meeting is to establish an official association choose an intcriln board of trustees approve proposed constitution and set ot bylaws by which the associa tion will be operated lhc association oncc found ed will work to establish all iii terdcilomiliational Thristian high school with curriculum which is both Thrist centred and high ill academic standard and which will preparc todays youth to live as Thristialls iii the everyday world thc release says Further information about the associations aims and ob jcctivcs can be obtained by coir tacting Simon Frankruytcr at 72r5815 or Bill Willcox at 72662643 IMPERIAL Satorday Matinee at 130 pm only GOQSZILLA MEGALON hcavy pollution of scwagc origin Mrs chinstcibcr calch tor scwagc trcatmcnt plants to bc built lhc plants would process scwagc aiid otiicr run ills lxtorc tlicy went into tllc lakc alid removi dangcrous chciliicals She said section of lalid lll lnllislil was sct asidc for such plant aiid it was approvcd by the provincial govcriiilicnt but the govclnliiciit postponed thc projch until thc Barrie annch tion question was resolved Millions of dollars arc spent each year on studies that arc performed by cxpcrts lll various fields hilt what dccisivc action is bcing takcii to rcsolvc these proliltllls She said illciilbcrs ot llinisfil council have told hcr the treat inclit plant will iicvcr llt built in her lith iillc ihatcvcr happcns you can be cctlaill you taxes Will bc iii creased so let us all work hard to cut red tape and ensuri solilcthiiig is dolic to savc Lachiinctxfslicsaid Farm crops in Simcoe County were affected by the early sum mer drought and heavy September rainfall this year say local representatives of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Keith Mcltuer of the North Simcoe office said the dry spell caused spotty and uneven ger mination in corn crops and delayed harvesting of silage and grain corn Most of the silage corn is off the fields now McRuer said Some of the grain corn was poor and harvested as silage But generally corn quality was good and the quantity was not down significantly he said The second cut of hay this summer was short due to the drought but McRuer said the first and last cuts were ex cellent think we will have ade quate hay to meet our needs he said Potatoes were tllc hardest hit crop in most parts of the couir tv Clint Nesbitt of the South Simcoe office said tiic drought hurt the young potato plants work of art Every Saturday morning at Georgian College youths from to years old mix creative energy with piles of wet clay and potters wheel to make things like bottles dishes and pots The ceramics course gives youths basic knowledge says Hartley Woodside of Oro Station course instructor He says the course is full and plans for future ceramics courses have not yet been made Lisa Jones ll left and Margot Deon l2 are not putting the finishing touches on their composition Actually the Barrie girls were clean ing up after the lesson making pile of scrap bits of clay Examiner Photo Board supports Roadrunners will help pay for new track Georgian lid ltiltlllllliltl Iiilintlipilosi1lollllili Ill tlllm1iti track and tlcld tacill built lit Sacred llcalt School lililliity orgailiotlolis would ltt iblc to ilsc tll tlicilitlcs lltcr school lltllll Wiltii ltoadruilncls initially may want Ihc Jtltll typc oi tinth bomilw thc build le ported tllc Sacicd lltitll plo Vlttl BOYS weather affected some crops but good harvest reported I44 ONLY the examiner Frigay 0930 1978 1l particularly the red skinned varieties He said normal yield is 250 hundredweights an acre but this year the average yield is expected to be less than 200 This could cause shortage of stored potatoes next yearand could mean higher than normal prices then he said Nesbitt said the 20 per cent decrease was only an average He has spoken to individual farmers who have reported drop in their yields of 50 per cent mommies Quality Woodstoves full price range Jotul Godin Millscroft III 51 Dario 0m 1282120 SIMCOE ECONOMY INSULATION Insulate Wwith Rockwool The fully fireproofmaterial Over 25 years servicc ll work guaranteed Free estimates Before you buy glvc usa try SCO TTMUIR MINESING 7281267 100 ONLY in Midland lllc Silllcoc ouiity ltoiilaii atholic Stpalatc School Board gavc 1l glpprmal to thc pioicct at inclting at thc IIdilcatioli clitrtu lelicsday night The Catholic hoard ligrcii to pay $73m towards thc sjiooio cost of thc facility providing ltoadluilllcrs club of track and tilId clitliilsiasts can pcr suadc Wintarlo alld Midland to also pay tllll ot the cost Plans for thc facility includi loo lilctrc track socccr and football ticlds and ill tor throwing ttiil Iikc discus and iavclin ltoadruiiililcrs want the cost of the facility to hc split cquall ltlttll thcliisclics lllt atliolic board llitarlo and Midland Wintario and Midland havc ilot yct indicated support lhc tacillty would be the most claboratc ill Siiilcoc oun ty said llllstcc Mary lo Quil ty She chaircd committcc that rcconilncndcd tlli atholic board support thc propct lhc comiillttccs ltporl said the facility would bc bcilclicial to thc physical cducation pro gram at Sacrcd cart as wcll as neighboring schools par ticularilySt lhcrcsas The report also said liialiy schools would bciictit bccausc track and ficlds liiccts could thcn bc held at Sacrcd llcart Itoadrunncrs and othcr coin tricd to gct support tol lllt pro Ittl lill1lllll 1971 it hadplalis tor largcr facility tttsllllt about slurooo lhc plans wcic sillttl down when tiic club had tloublc tills ing that much moilcy llustcc lidwnld lalcollli said hc worricll othcr schools Soft Contacts Longer eyeweor day full money back guarantee BETTER VISIO 30 DUNLOP ST Contact lens 79° FINEST QUALITY STYLES FASHION ptiool lt othcl iinlillclpalltics lltlt thronin with as good dcle as lllls wc certainly hac schools that could uw it said lillltl inccllt lIgail liustccWilliam Hodgms said the board would he gcttiilg tull usc of thc facilin fora traction of llltttl 73706 MEILUN Dt DENTURE THERAPIST Complete DenturerService Hours om pm Mon thru Set 280 Dunlop St Barrie 72868l0 Member Denturist Society TEST DRIVE AND COMPARE THE EXCITING Hat is the only import that gives you both year40000 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