Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1978, p. 12

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Friday Oct 20 1978 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher CIRCULATION ADVERTISING 7266539 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 NEWSROOM 7266537 BUSINESS 7266537 Strong interest in government Nominations for election to Barrie City Council dont close until Monday and there are already 21 can didates for the 13 positions on council Almost half the candidates are trying to get coun cil seat for the first time There is obviously healthy interest in Barrie in municipal government And ther is also judging from comments made by the firsttime candidates unease and dissatisfaction with the way the city is now being run Good government is more than just choosing the right people for council It means getting good people to run for council and it means continued interest in government by voters Barrie has good people interested enough in the city to run for municipal office Barrie must also have interested voters who care enough to vote on election day and who care enough to stay interested for the next two years Underdogs Never On minielection night Monday we heard televi sion network commentator say he hoped the Liberals wouldnt do too badly If they did he said the Liberals might go into the next election as underdogs and might win We hope he is wrong The byelection results show the Liberal government has lost the confidence of the people of Canada The scandalridden Liberal government has mismanaged this nation Canada is in danger of becoming the banana republic of North America Canadians deserve better than what they have been receiving from this government The Liberals may go into the next federal election as underdogs We think they will come out of the election as weak opposition and that frankly is better than they deserve Wise decision made in Rome seminary in hiding during the vicious Nari xrupalion of Poland in ilic early ltilos and has served as priest archbishop and prince of the Polish thuich during the oininunist dictatorship these issues havc bccn paramount The world today By JOHN lllllltti Foreign ffairs ltzil st Thomson News Service The choice of Karol ardinal Wojlyla of Poland as the next pontiff with the name John Paul ll once again points up the wisdom of the princes of the church in choosing tip serving barrie and simcoe county NEWSROOM Sean Finlay managing editor Shelia McGovern city editor Bill McFarlanc wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Sue Burke iitestyle editor POR TE RS Carl De Gurse Stephen Nicholis Dave Fuller Dennis Lanthicr tan Mulgrcw Nancy Figueroa Stephen Gaucr Lesley Clutt Lori Cohen stntt photographer Betty Armor ramern operator ADVERTISING SALES Bert Stevens Julie Franks Brian Donlevy Aden Smlth steve Skinner Brenda Woods CLASSIFIED Freda Shlnncr Karen Atkinson Pton Chapcll Dana Homewood Parliament Hill It SIPIHXRI lacllfitili Ottawa lliireatt Thomson News Hen ice When Priiiic limstcr Trudian rosc ill the omiiionsand procccdwl to initially sniolhcr fory Lcadchiutlark with brilliant ridiculc it was not one of those spur of ilic inoiiiciil prixluctions chance happening or fleeting fling of oratory It was carefully tcscalclictl undertaking which followed scvcrnl iiitciiial strategy scs sions contrived collection of statistics and unanimous agrcciiictit that it was liiiic to launch direct assault on Joe laik the Your business Len Sevlck manager Ruth Blots supervisor COMPOSING ROOM dock Kerney foreman BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Delva Mills Gall McFarland Vikki Grant Marlon Cyopeck Don Saunders Lorne Wan Wilt Cadooan Stan Wray Bill Raynor Ed Ailenby Janie Hamel Susan Kitchen Ron Glider lBarbara strigt 1PRESSRO0M Don Near foreman CIRCULATION Bill Haikes manager Steve White assistant manager Randy Fielding Alva LaPIante Pat Merson Elaine Porter Chery Amen Harris Blanchard prion Marr lcadci lntil then Liberal strategists had thought it was best to ignore lark to pretend be scarcely existed but during the summer recess the profile of the youthful Tory leader kept rising and after he came out with that proposal to deduct mortgage interest from income tax the Liberal braintrust decided that he and not the onscrvativc party in general should draw the governments fire it it was larks intention to present himself as responsible potential prime minister then it would be up to the Liberals to present him as an irresponsible and unacceptable alternative nd that is why Leaders flay ill How to con trol your cashaholic Glenn Kwan asst toromart Fred Prince asst foreman The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureab at Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier 90cents YEARLY by carrier $4600 By MAIL Barrie $4600 SIMCOE COUNTY $3650 MOTOR THROWOFF 339 year St Montreal circulations ABC only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to The Associated Press Reuters or Aqence FrancePrqu and local news stories published in The miner The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 2038M register National advertising otiices 65 Queen St toronio MA NW 640 Caihcari The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages me out at errors in advertisements beyond lhr amount as my me SOME tualiy occupied by that portion of the advertisement Who in 0c ELSEWHERE IN CANApa curred whether such error is due to the negligenre of it srr an om $3850 Year wise and there shall be no liability for non insertion at any dartrtisement beyond the amount paid tor Such fldelISCMFnl Clarke under Liberal fire they dont ignore him now Parliament became such brilliantly bitter peisonal feud YTHERSGUUI Actually both Clark and New Democratic Party Leader Ed Broadbent delivered remarkably good speeches and on any other day they would have received frontpage accolades And it was really Clark who es tablished the personal flavor with his scatter shot attack on the prime minister It was ex actly what Trudeau wanted an opportunity for counter attack For those who have been nursing the belief that the prime ministers political days are numbered that he is merely tantalizing target for the agile Clark and that another election campaign will inevitably put him out of his misery this parliamentary per formance was stunning reminder of his awesome oratorical powers when backed against wall And the effect on his own folr lowers many of whom had thought he had lost the will to fight was enormous In less than two bouts Trudeau turned the Liberal caucus from gloom to glee Knowledgeable economists will tell you that the prime minister played fast and loose story Farmers win big victories By BOB HO Canadian farmer her3m potimrzx powerful after the First Vicr3 War United Farmers of firro Mr cm of me most auxprune unions er Kara on lfiii arr furryr of Ontario uni 2721 The Lnim Parrncr VICLUHUJ tr lfl arr if example in cm The Progre am elecef mom 1le farmer rorr held the near9 near The Oriana UV Tl ltt no we 3153 am Lmre we 13 3L3 12 Urge The as 1m THERIN fi iif lShtie Eastern Ca has rrRaii Zed fightini twii ltr faior 0ft barries story Population hit record NHL 2013 The town of Barrie bad population of 931 tNo The town of for thc timcs It would appear this strong and com passionate Polish priest who has helped direct the difficult pastoral role of the church within ommuiiist state also has the warm human qualities ofJohn Paul If so the church of Home has chosen pontiff wcllcquipptd to cope with the social and international issues facing Thrislcndom inourtime in the lltlllrlltiilllillllllSl West we have been consumed with such issues where the church is concerned as birth control and women in the priesthood But for those who keep the faith in om munist Europe and openly practisi Christianity the struggles of the church have been closer to oldfashioned concerns of oppression and survival For Pope lolin Paul II who attended write your 19 99 If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses ll you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal moiter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL Dr lynord MPhNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Ion IAIM MPPeelDuHerinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Siiduir Stovom MPreYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Gus Mltgn MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL Georg Taylor MPPeSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smlth MPPSimcoeEost Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Georg Macgun MPPDutterin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto Along with the yiij tough iiiilidcrl Stefan ardinal Vlysinski llic tatliolic piiiiiaic of Poland Pope loliii Paul if has signed public manilcslos warning the toniinuiiist government against attacks on lllt church and faith llillSIlltt He speaks fluent linglish licnch and Hobart the latter icllccting his two years of theological slndics at the ponlifical institute withinllicVaIican This means he will relate Vltll Wlllilll lllt Vatican bureaucracy and the tiiria the central idiiiiiiisirativc apparatus of llic ltoman atholic tliurcli even though he an outsider What must be appicciatcd lll thi Wcst is that the new Polish popc comcs from church considered to bc frontier church by the Vatican and from the circumstances of its survival in post war Poland ft is called frontier because ll exists within foiiiiiiuiiist state in the heart of Soviet dominated lltliopc and in the most atholic of Slavic nations next door to the 188 ft Nor is the church in Poland church Ill hiding but vibrant opcii force with an estimated tit per cent of poles believiiigtatli olics and churches bulging with the faithful SundayaficiSimday Nor has any Polish ptclatc faced the treatment of church leaders in the Hungarian church where ardinal Mindscntv was forced to seek cxilc for years within his country in the American embassy As result of his role in church surviving against communism it will be interesting to see how John Paul copes with Italian communism force slill powerful enough to rule in that country someday There is also the question of the socalled hristianMtnxist dialogue which is most active in Latin America and accepted by few of the atholic episcopatc in that area of high alholic population UNDIINSIANIN MARXISM The churchs first Polish pope has not dialogued with Marxism in the same way as Latin American priests have done so Any dialogue in Poland has been at the political lcvcl church versus Marxism iii stead of in tandem with its competing force All this means the new pontiff is an ac complished diplomat already as well as pastoral priest superb combination bible thought Let him know that be which converlelli the sinner from the error of his way shall savea would from death and shall hide multitude of sins James 520 Dont write that person off bring them in There is nothing greater He that wiiineth souls is wise with some of his statistics but this is not an In ll ILI lat Business iiiilt iiiisiiinri illl niist llionisoii cws Sci Itl ls iliiiia islmliolic llI yltlll iiiiiil That woid comall bf illllllll vltzilc oiiiaii to ltHtf Illl with moiicy Shr coiitciill tlia lillltlllli like ilcollolisiii lltl no ltiiowli cuic liit in licr new book Stunintoiiiaii iltiitiuut lioolc Hill pagcs $70M ilic tell how it can bc lcpl tiiidcrcontiol ll you cant control ttlllslll lltll lllltltllll slii tilylmcu you should follow lllt llt ltliltlllts tltstlillttl loi pcoplc who iiit coiiliol llilll drinking liont own clictpic boot lll Illtl certainly don own llltlll innit lical only in cash and when yoiii purw cinpty slopspciidiiii Adopt lllt buddy syslciii slic ltllt Iflll telephoni your tiicnd when you get an irresistible urge to spend foolishly llont go out of tlic hoiiic stick to ttlll shopping list and dont add one extra Iltlil ll you cant do this try ttleplioncaiidavoid temptation Yes its bit more expensive but youre avoiding laigci ilcasof tciiiplalion it your casbaliolisin should be too powerful for those techniques toiiian says llilll your income over to ptolcioiiil iiioiicy tiiiiiiagci who will orgaiiicyom lllllllilll ltlt and keep you in line fora ici Slit ONI lilINlIIt ltl Psychologists say that hopeless cx travagancc is inciilcatcd in children by parents wliodoiit givc their children piopci allowance and make them responsible for their own expenditure but who only give pocket money for treats and presents says tlieautlioi The result of this is that lhc child when grown tip thinks of cash as meaning treats and money for personal pleasure and never for dreary things such as taxes tlllttlllt xtlitr littlilll to shop by tlno to bring up more sensible llillilitil slit says is to lllttlt them in lllc lililll Illttlltlill llltlll as early as possible im tiili child monthly or yearly lllliJJlllt to conr all that the child spends ttll iiicliiiliiii clotlics ill the cusc ot oldci cliildicii llspucl drama in the first six months lttli they learn that early ovci purchasing of icc cream leads to later lack of model iiiakinggluc slitwarns lie firm at this point Kindness will not cqiiip your offspring to stand on thcii own lltl Ill lzilcl lllt Its iiiiportanl to allow youngsters to deal with llicii owii mistakes and contingencies il isc them but dont bail them oitt IIl Ill itli lltt own children toiiran applied the sysllitl with couplcof icfiiicinciits line it as to reward them with bonus at the end of each school term if their glasses werent broken illic breakage ratc dropped immediately and dramatically to CNN Another was to pay in fiill for their ovcr coals The child who is willing to save for its own overcoat doesnt exist The oniaii family used one other way of involving evcrybtxly in the budget Once every three inoiillis parents and ciiildrcii would hold regular confeicncc about spending The children would participate at as early an age as possible even though they might be bored At the conference all points of view would be heard with respect past disasters would be examined to see how they could have been prevented and new spending plan drawn up Once the business was completed the family would go out for dinner even if only ptua locclcbratc it iiol only helps to keep children from turning into cashaliolics but also instils feeling for responsible money management that can get married life off on the right foot for the children when that time arrives TALK Asoul uuiMrioYlliiti iii itcil itiizi COMPANIES AFTER its out now original innovation in politics and that his over all view of the taiiadian economy soars far above reality But economic location was not the primary purpose of his prcsen latioii lie was much more interested in the distinction of his toriiicntor OWN Ill Trudeau wrote most of the speech himself and associates say that it was his own decision to concentrate on tlarks seemingly cotiifortablc association with the six toii scrvativc provincial prcniicis He had rcr marked that tlark seldom criticized provincial demands and this could be vulnerable target The prime minister stuck his thumbs in his belt loops siicercd lit the direction of tlark and delivered his denunciation There are to premiers and one federal prime minister He would change it to It premiers That is fine fine way to do ll bill who would speak for anada Trudeau talked about that famous meeting lark had with the Tory premiers He came back from Kingston with very cclcbralcxl document showing how clcvci intelligent and wrsuasive he has been When you look at what he has done he has given away the shop to the provinces Hc iromiscd the provinces he would give them ic guaraiitws they wanted on equal iuitioii and spending powers he said in cultural matters he would recognize the primacy of the provinces he promised the provinces that regardless of the constitution and regardless of what the courts said he would recognize that the provinces have proprietary interest over offshore mineral rights No confrontation said Trudeau He just lost his shirt thatsall At time when there is an apparent cry for stronger leadeiship in Ottawa Trudeau may have jabbed larks most vulnerable flank And if he maintains this scrappy stance through an election campaign the effects could be crippling 59 THE HOME COMPANY mi 6A5 commit to ty increase Exp the war cfftir lltll of both tm YEs Earl Livingston wt know Barrie plumber joined fin to fits two sons Harry and Wilton ere ilicaly armed forces members Parker lclilliii tit llolgalc Street received his wings at the lttl iiiiiirici School at laryis Hut The Isl Hattalliori tire and Sinicoc Foresters were still waiting at flcbert NS for transfer Utltl The Liid Battalion had been placed on moic act ivc status The Canadian Army had two new lieutenants with lltt graduation of Jack Clark and Harold Mills from the anadian Army officcis training school at Brockville lvo Barrie ministcis had accepted charges clscwhcrc ltcv Dr and Mrs Shortt who had spent 17 years with the St Andrews Congregation were honored on their depar ture with Judge Wismcr making presenta tion Rev Herbert lamicson native of Bar rie 1ch St Georges Anglican Church to become rector of St Saviours Toronto ln sports news William Dymenl won his fifth successive Barrie and ounty golf cham pionship He was to leave the next week to join the Royal aiiadian Armoured Corps iim Willis accountant with the Barrie branch of the Bank of loronto set course record of 32 for nine holes at the Barrie Coun trytlub The Harrie Active Service lub held an afternoon tea for zoo people Mrs It Mom tagu Leeds presided assisted by Mrs Herb Robertson Mrs MacLaicn Mrs Wor thington Miss Adele Spry Joyce Flynn Jean Hamilton Joyce Little Margaret Urry Peggy Newman Mrs George Ullmaii and Mrs Frank Spry Borden for use lic popula we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please Make It on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned lot tors but if you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reioct letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to lotth to the Editor The Ennihor Post Office Box 370 IAIlItIE Ont 4M

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