The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau at circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presso and local news stories published in The Examiner COMPOSING ROOM Jack Kerney toreman Glenn Kwan asst toreman Don Saunders Lorne Wass Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WE KLY by carrier 90cents WIt Cad an Stan Wraoyg YEARLYby carrier Bill Raynor $4680 Ed Allenby BY MAIL Barrie Janie Hamel 54530 Susan Kitchen CIRCULATION SIMCOE COUNTY CLASSIFIED Bikes manage Sharongempleton 650 Ruth Blais supervisor lsevewnite assistant manager 9°G MOTOR THROW OFF 5W Alva LaPlante PRESSROOM Year Aminmn Elaine Porter Don Near loreman Pewv Chane Victor Cordeiro Fred Prince ELSEWrJEa gfaNeCfNADA Dana Hariewood Harris Blanchard Brian Marr ADVERTISING Len Sevlck manager SALES Bert Stevens Barb Boulton Julie Franks Brian Donlevy Aden Smith Steve Skinner BUSI NE SS Marian Gouah accountant Dorothy Bowland Gail McParland Vikki Grant Nlarion Cyopeck NEWSROOM Sean Finlay managing editor Sheila McGovern city editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Scott Haskins sports editor Sue Burke lltestyle editor RE PORTERS tan Mulgrew Pat Guergis Carl DeGurse Stephen Nicholls Betty Armer Dave Fuller Marina Quattrocchi photographer The Examiner claims copyright on all original news andadvertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper the examiner Friday Aug 25 1978 serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited I6 Boylield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher CIRCULATION ADVERTISING 7266539 7266537 Copyright registration number 2038l5 register at National advertising ollices 65 Queen St Yoronlo 864 m0 640 Catncarl St Montreal The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages aris log out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space at tually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability lor non insertion at any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement NEWSROOM 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 BUSINESS 7266537 Heed urging on welfare Welfare in Canada has like Topsy just growed Canadians have decided to be generous to those who dont or cant fit into the working mainstream of our IIIIIIIwaetliieflposialia will soon be back to normal again Interpreting the news PromOtion for McCague By DEREK NELSON society Recently Canadians have been taking closer look at that generosity The Association of Municipalities of Ontario is the latest group to examine the welfare structure In many ways the Association is also the most important group as it represents the level of government closest to the people The Association wants those on welfare to be given the right to work if they wish to work The startling thing is the surprising news that municipalities cant allow those on welfare wanting work to work on municipal projects All welfare and social services should give the best assistance possible to those needing help and do everything possible for people receiving assistance to stop receiving it and take full and active part in socie ty The Association suggestion supported by the city of Barrie is not backward step It is an attempt to make welfare better thing for those getting it and for those giving it tion letters to the editor The government of Ontario should heed the suggcs Upset by Criticism in editorial DcarSlr am very upset at the criticism made against Mrs Monkman in thc editorial of Aug 17 The statements are harsh and un justified Mrs Monkman has been highly respected wellknown community active lady for 34 years in Cookstown Knowing Mrs Monkman per sonally feel no one betterqualificd could get involved in matter of this Nature and importance without not knowing the facts You are accusing Mrs Monkmon of not having attended any of thc meetings by the school board bet ween parean and teacher too have not attended any such meetings because had never heard of any such meetings being held How well were they advertised If they were advertised at all Docs it matter if we attended the meetings or not What we are concerned aftcr all is what is going on in the classroom and not what parents are told at meetings In fact had never even heard of Human Relations being taught in our schools until my own son took the course last year am very firm supporter of the petition with which personally can vassed in Adjala Township dare say that 95 per cent of the pe0ple have interviewed havc never heard of Human Relations have studied the matter closer because of very embarassing situa tions occuring in the ClflSSlOOlll The course content has very heavy stress on sex and very ex plicit at times wholeheartedly agree with Mrs Monkman that the course is hardly in accordance with the moral guiding all of us The coursc is redundant unv necessary and expensive frill also zlgrcc that the course will lead to the breakdown of thc parentchild relationship ur children orc ulrczidy too cx poscd to sex and zirc preoccupied with it Is it rczilly helping our children to go to school to learn all about masturbation how not to gct prcg nant the availability of various con traccptivcs whcrc and what to do in casc of abortion is nccdcd toll of that beginning iradc What has huppcncd to inorle valucs Lets stop that nonscnsc before it is too late Aftcr all Ihc children are still ours the parcnls responsibility ur schools should stick with academic courscs ruthcr than such personal and privzilc mutlcrs as sex Why do wc not how religious ilr structions ill our schools Is it not becxusc thcrc arc so many diffcrcnl religious sccts to havc religious in structions in school should intcrfcrc with onc illltlllltl lhc Sillllt thing applies to scx for which wc all have different vicws To teach scx ill the classroom lll group sessions docs definitely in terfcrc with moral values of many of us You arc also accusing Mrs MOllkanlll of not wishing to discuss the courscwith the school board You arc indccd terribly misin formed May inform you that it great effort has bccn madc to cull for such nilcling Keep up lhc good work Mrs Monkman you havc many sup porters Mrs Lydia Brinkmziii Loriill Pleads with mayor for fields MAYOR ROSS ARCHER CITY OF BARRIE BARRIE ONT Your Honor submit to you this letter as plea from the youth of the City of Barrie The youth that are so very much in need of recreation fa cilities that we do not have The Barrie Minor Baseball Association during the summer of 78 have over 500 registered players We have total of 33 teams of which six are Represerr tative Teams made up of boys age ed from nine to 16 These rep teams in addition to playing their regular schedule in the York Simcoc Baseball Associa tion have taken part in tour naments in manycentres such as Niagara Falls Scarborough Osh awa Walkerton Peterborough CNE etc We are unable to find adequate playing facilities and in fact some of our rep teams have been forced to play number of their home games out of town This is fact we find hard to swallow especially so when we are advised that two out of town fastball adult teams have been forced by their league to play their home games in Queens Park this dcspilc thc loci that their own municipality how provided thcrn with cxccptionzll playing facilities Barrie Minor Baseball needs it park for the 1979 season park that will be suitable for players agr ed ninc to 13 and available on full timc basis Wc liuvc used thc Poinswick Park in lnnisfil two nights week this season but we have no assurance we will bc able to do so again next season even so we would not have adequate fa cilities Please do not tell me that we are in period of restraint the facilities that we require are not hiin cost items We can afford them and we need them now We cannot wait until 1983 to do so is to deny generation of our children recreation facility that they want and should have it is to deny them summer pasttime that promotes their health and pro vides them with companionship and challenge Mr Mayor on behalf of over 500 kids and their parents ask you to help us Yours truly Larry OBrien President Barrie Minor Baseball Association The world today It ltlll ARBIIUN liorcigii Affairs Analyst lllonison News Scr ici hmcsc lcudcr Ilun Kuofcng liiiS illltild truvcllcd furthcr froln lcking and thc Peoples Republic of hinll than iiiiy olbci llltl of that country lhc latc Mao lsctung wcnt us for as Moscow III thc longegonc hcydu ol clorw Slno Sovict ItlillltllIS which cndcd Ill lfttiji The late hou Enlzli traivcllcd into Europc and WiIS prcscnt at thc famous lcncvn Agrccmcnt of 1951 which dividcd lndohlni into two scpiirutc nations and whcrc lhc Iolc John Foster lullcs rcluscd lo shukc lllS llillltl But IS chief of slutc which function llllil Kuo fcng now holds this ptlltllillltlll into lllt two ommunisl stutcs ol Romunizl zuid Yugoslavia IS most significant for lnorc than tllc Iizivclling distance from lcking Hun IS making hincsc foreign policy Ill ltlS spccchcs as he movcs around and lhc con stunt lhcmc is strong antiSovicl rcmurks llc has pickcd thcsc two ttllllllltS in lulllllmillly Communist ltonlziliizi though mllrely surrounded by hcr brolhcr ommn nisl stoic including the luS Sit on the cost remains munrick within thi Soviil Eu lopciin bloc So docs hcr lcndcr in power sincc 19m 15 Your business lty INEI EGAN lilisincss ind tonsulncr Affairs Analyst Iholnson Niw Servici Shach of Scurfzicc illitl Lililc ocsm lhcyrc trying to lilkt ovcl lhc rnckcl muscling ampzlgnolil out lhcy it this cusc Irc majority of lhc provincial politicians who lakc curc ol thi VilllthplOVllltlilllOlltIltS lhcrllckcl lono Hilnpattlloln lllt fcdcrol ministcr risponsiblc for thc big money nnlkcr Loto Tunzidal is thcir turgct The federal governlncnt was supposcd to gci out of the lottcrics licld oftcr the Olympic debt was paid off sold Albcrtu Culturc Minister Horst School on behalf of the eight provincial ministcrs who hovc suggested to Calnpugnola that there be no expansion of Ottawas participation in Loto Canadas activities and that ttuwa end its control of that program by 1981 Her counterproposnl is that thc lttltlill govclnrncnt continm indcfinilcly to control Lolo Canada on thc understanding that it wont sell tickets for less than the present $10 It brings back memories of the old gangland movies to see one level of govcr nmcnt promising to stay out of the territory of the other level which however wants control of everything WEVE COME LONG WAY VINQ will long ll olii primc ministci Romanian lrisidcnl Nillilac cliuscscu IS rcmurk illllt loniriiilliisl bloc lcudcr who IIIiIIIIlillIlS inllinillc llittlt and technical itSSOtlilllOllS wn ll Wcstcrn throw and thc Unilcd Statcs ltlUMHINISIAllltillli lint tl homc lic Inuintillns orthodox MurxN tdcology which IS Ililposcd on blisiczllly consclyulivc and rural tuition wrlh ltS ol tlic scrrcl polici iXlIlttlillltt of his ncxl vdoor ncigliliol lcrmitting Iluirmun Hun to sound off in lltS country against lhc Russians may bc morc of in sign of illlliltlt causcscus ability tosuryiic than omrodc lluus lhc Russians lubcllcd lluzls remarks lIl liuchurcst as slzllidcr but continued to say nothing about thc Romanian lczidcrs gnlncsninnsliip ltoninnio IS thc only Soviet Europclin sotcllili notion with no Russian occupying troops and tanks within her lcrrilorics lhc lluu unitSoyicl blast wasnt going to chungc lllill ltltllllltlSlllp now lllc Moscow lciidcls ccrlzlinly dont nccd unotlicr Europciin invusnin chzlrgcd against lhcm in thc loth lnniycrsory ycur that the lost ol lhc world and many in lhc Russian rulcd bloc rcnicmbcr zcchoslovokiu Provinces wa nt and theyre muscling Iona lngiciilly onc would cxpcct govcrnmcnls Io lic washing lhcir hands of the lotteries For one thing the advertising and ad ininistrntivc costs conncclcd with lottcrics lntkc llltlll vcly cxpcnsivc way of raising govcrnmcnl rcvcnucs something like 50 ccnts ill costs for cuch dollar retained versus about thric ccnls for cilch dollar of incomc lilXtHSilltSlitK For illIOllltI its clcnr that lllc heaviest buycrs ol Ioltcry iickcls Is it proportion of disposable ilicollic lrc those who can lcnsl spzlrc lhc Illoncy And from the buyers point of View thc odds against winning and the payout in relation to the tukc make our lotteries olic of thc poorcsl gmnblcs lhc gumblcls chunccs llt considerably highcr ill the race track or ill ii casino in say Lns Vegas IIchvcl the trick is that thc houscV our elected rcprcscnliltivcs retained the right to set the rules and the odds lhc only gumcs in town arc the govern iliclltstxinsoitl lotlcrics so the govern ments arent worried that anudian gum blcrs will complain about the low ratc of return And if thcy have to pay out 50 cents to takc in $1 who cares Its dollar that they wouldnt otherwise have had and much of the 50 ecnis can be spent ill politically profitable ways YOU ARE All UNDOWMEIIIED we in Miami émthWgï¬pWfliywtï¬mgikn iv Chinese leader travels more than any of former leaders And now in Yugoslavia the successful breakaway Communist state of 30 years ago Hun and Yugoslav President Marshal Tito arc lthClllllg Ill even stronger antiSoviet remarks Without mentioning the country or the exact cvcnl Hua did attack the Soviet in VilSlOIl of Czechoslovakia ten years ago And hc rcpczllcd hincse charges that thc truc impcrialism is being pructiscd from Moscow and not from the West chicmlier that President Carters National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brr zezinski was on an important hinesc visit last May proposing lnorc and more aid and trade with Peking He too views the Sowet olnmunisl syslcln as an oldfashioned rind reactionary form of Russian totalitarianism Nor is Chaimiun Hun without his own worries as he hots up the strong antiSoviet line Back home Chinese military forces guarding the long borders with the USSR are not so large or as wcllcquippcd as the opposing Soviet forces lllAS FEARS sudden USSR invasion of north China and Munchuriu could wipc out Chinas new industries in short ordcr Hun knows that too lottery racket SWEET DREAMS On top of all that theres good chance that some of the rizcs announced with such fanfare at each raw wont have to be paid out cither because the winning number was never sold or because the holders of some winning tickets may never come forward having died or left the country for exam Ie In clause of our new national pastime it could be argued that the money spent on lotteries provides the holder with an in tangible but valuable benefit the basis for pleasant dream of wealth and some days or weeks of sweet suspense It can also be argued with some truth that government lotteries help to keep within Canada much of the Canadian gambling monc that used to go outside the coun try or example to the private corporations that runs the Irish Hospital Sweepstakes And then theres the lotteryfinanced support to cultural and recreational causes such as Wintarios $85 grant to the State Farm Basketball Team in Toronto to assist in the purchase of two genuine leather baskctballs Lotteries are Canadas big growth business of the 19705 For better or worse theyre here to stay The question is Which level of government will control the action Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO One item Bill Davis has get ten extremely ood at in his years as premier is cabinetshut ling His latest series of changes illustrates that once again He moved two ministers who have been feeling flak from the media and other critics but did it in such way neither man should feel let down George McCague DuffennSimcoe was shifted out of environment where eve body from the political opposition to Idiverse coalition of environmentalist groups has called for his resignation As minister hed made séveral decisions that modified past ministry directives for ex ample to International Nickel and the Reed Paper Co that were intended to force those companies to clean up their act He also did it in such blase way in the lil co case delegating authority to middle management ministry official in Sudbury that he looked like he was ducking criticism PROMOTION But nobody every questioned McCagues administrative competence and Daviss giv ing him chairmanship of management board is almost an inspired move Contrary to some press reports it is not demotion Although it has little public visibility chairman of management board is one of the three top jobs in the provincial govemment Its where decisions are made on what out tax dollars are spent on The other minister whos been having severe publicity problems is Reuben Baetz Ottawa West in the energy portfolio Its minor ministry and could well be abolished which is in essence what Davis has done by giving both energy and natural resources to veteran cabinet minister Jim Aulds Leeds SIDEWAYS Baetz will go to culture and recreation another minor post in what is in effect sideways shift to ministry more suited to man whos been involved with social services rather than technology most of his life If he doesnt perform there hell likely be dumped in the next shuffle With those two moves Davis took care of his publicly perceived two major trouble spots His other shifts are equally interesting however lom Wells Scarboro North going to in tergovernmental affairs seems to be pan of the ongoing grooming of thc man 40 be Daviss eventual successor OTHERS Dr Bette Stephenson TorontoYork Mills was going stale in the labor ministry and now gets shot breathing life into her own performance and into selfsatisfied educa tion portfolio vacated by Wells She also icks up colleges and universities which pro bly should never have been separated from education in the first place Dr Harry Parrott Oxford secures ma jor promotion by going to environment but whether or not hell prove capable of handling its publicrelations aspect is still an open question Like McCague he has administrative talent and like McCague he doesnt suffer fools gladly which isnt necessarily wor thwhile attribute in the environmentalist world The new cabinet face is Dr Robert Elgic York East in labor He performed well as chainnan of the select committee on health care costs Cbnados story Children auCtioned By BOB BOWMAN Slavery in Canada ended officially in 1834 when Britain abolished slaveryI in the colonies However by that time ere were only about 50 slaves left in Canada because the abolition movement had begun in 1793 when Upper Canada prohibited the import of slaves The legislation permitted pea le to retain the slaves they already had but ir children would be free when they became 25 years of age The antislavery movement soon spread through the other Britis North Arnerican colonies and legislation as not necessary because courts of law refused to recognize the rights of masters overt slaves The last slave sold pu cally ï¬n Montreal was Emmanuel Allen for 36 pounds on Aug 51797 Some parts of New Bninswick had system that was perhaps worse than slavery and it continued for many years Rather than provide houses for destitute people some countries auctioned them to citizens who would look after them The indigents went to the lowest bidders There were examples of small children usually orphans who were ut up for auction bid of $20 year might the lowest This meant that the bidder Id look after the children for one year andr eeiveszpfmnthe county These children and other indigents man of them ill or cruelly handicapped would taibe treated like slaves or worse They had to work hard for their keep and some of them died of malnutrition and exposure The cruel system ended after it had been exposed by reformer Other August 25 Events twoGen Amherst captured Fort Levis above Lachine ra ids 1824First co erence of Methodist Church NCanada