Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1978, p. 5

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gti COMPOSING ROOM The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CPI and Audit Bureau of NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS Jack Kerney ioreman Published daily except Circulations ABCI Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in Seoni inlay nldnduitinttillor Ltn Smock manager Marlamowb Wmdn Glenn Kwanasst foreman Sumter arid this newspaper credited to CP The Associated Press Reuters or Aqencc Randy McDonald lIV cuttor SALES Dorothy Bowland Don Saunders Statutory holidays France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner Sheila McGovernasmsinntutyitiior Bert Stevens GEIMpaIand Lorne Wass WEEKLY bycarrier loll Iw Farlane Wire editor Barb Boulton Wilt Cadogan 90 cents The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advert5mg material stoo moons sportsidilor Julio Franks Marowwm Stan Wray YEARLY carrier created by itsemployccs and publshed In this newspaper Mar Qu ttrm tiotour ipiier Dina Graham Bill Raynor Wednesday July 26 1978 serVing borne and Simcoe county pro A50 SM EMUenby Wrasse Copyright mmmmn number mm mm Leo chlclh Janie Hamel Limited vim Sieve sunmm CIRCULATION Susan Kitchen 54630 National advertising oilices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 l7l0 640 Caihcart IS one ion ewspopers ompo iaItut ruis Bi Hakes manaqur Sharon tam SIMCOE COUNTY Momrpal an Demirso CLASSFED be on I6 Boyfietd Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Um Rum SUDNVIW jmecvgci Ron Gilder $3650 The News agrees publish no he an damages ans 5I Freda Stunner Laplamp PRESR°°M MOTOR THROW OFF mo out oi errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid lor the space at BrULe Row an MA pu Is er yrxzlAJSrlvtm K°Ak5° Elaine Porter Donfearmema wave tually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error at Fred Prince Harris Blanchard Brian Marr NEWSROOM 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 CIRCULATION 7266539 ADVERTISING 7266537 BUSINISS 7266537 Peony Chopell curred whether such error IS due to the negligence of its Servants or other Dana Honiewuod WISl and there shall be no liability lor non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount gold for such advertisement ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $38503year Victor Cordeiro PatMerson Dave utter II govciniiiciit and bureaucracy will act upon Canada Prime Minister lakeo Fukudas undertaking to trv to stimulate Jaiaiicsc imorts of new age is downing group of downtown merchants sponsor wet tshirt contest Simcoc ounty business sponsors seedspitting contest Barrie police are concerned because some people throw things off Highway 400 over passes in attempts to hit passing cars Everybody in Barrie sccms determined to drive like most of Barrics taxi drivers without considering that others use the roads as well Yahoos at concerts socm to think their ad mission fce includes the right to hccklc pcr formers and prevent them from performing Homeowners in their fight to keep lawns from turning brown water the sidewalks at the front of their homes forcing pedestrians to take to the strcct The prime minister of Canada givcs the finger at an international conference Is this the age of Bad Manners and Bad Taste Has the lowest common denominator become the on ly standard for society There are signs that this is the beginning of new dark age for society We are not talking of society as some sort of idle amusement for women with too much money That is in itself form of bad taste Weare talking about society as the means of getting along with each other of respecting each others rights and privileges and treating others as we would hope to be treated That type of society which has no place for the boors who are in thc asccndant today has been the aim of mankind since the beginning of time Universal education has not brought about an imlt provcment either in manners or taste If anything it has brought about the opposite and definitely cannot be counted on to produc anything but increasingly bad taste and bad manners in the future MANS HOME IS HIS CASTLE HULM Fest wom STARTE LEGRAM THIS IS RECORDED MESSAGE AT THE SOUND OF THE TONE YOU MAY REPLY TO OUR FRIENDLY COMPUTER AND MANS VHONE is HIS PLEA 78 Pressure on Canadian US Interpreting the news Fou rth coll for restraint LONDON CPI For the fourt con secutive year the British governme has called for wage restraint considering that the fight against inflation must take priority over union appeasement With Prime Minister James Callaghans Labor administration likely to go to the polls within matter of months the decision to curb wage boosts appears to be calculated political risk especially with the demands by unions for return to free collective bargain mg The unions had hoped that after three years of accepting restrictions on wage increases they now would be free to get as much as possible out of management particularly with the casing of previouslyvhigh inflation rate But the government has argued that the reduction in the inflation rate to about 75 per cent from the alarming 28 per cent four years ago was due principally to workers accepting curbs on their wage pa ckets GUIDELIer REDUCE What is more disappointing to the unions instead of continuing the 1977 recommended ceiling of 10 per cent wage increases the government has reduced the current guideline to five per cent With the national average wage ranging about £80 $170i the fivepcrcent limit would hold the average increase to about £4 l$850ira step behind the average rise in prices Guidelines do not have the force of law but the government through various means can bring pressure to bear on those firms which ignore the recommendations and bow to union demands for higher earnings In fact most unions pledged support to the governments inflation fight and it wason the basis of Laborunion compact that the guidelines generally became effective The question now is whether the unions will continue to heed the governments plea or try to seek better deal even if this means defeat for the Labor party in the next general election PKHFER LABOR PARTY The probability remains that the unions would prcfertohavethc Laborpartyinoffice The church long civiliznig influence seems to be Your than the opposition Conservatives who in more and more in the hands of huckstcrs and business previousyearsiiadtangledwiihtheunionsm Charlatans who feel popularity is more important than civilization Parents themselves products of the universal education myth are hardly prepared to stem the tide of bad taste and bad manncis Government encouraging as it does bad manners bad taste and mediocrity cannot hpr us only hinder U9 up to us Stemming the tide of the gutter is up to us and only The only way society will reach rcspcctability and respectability in society is consideration of others is if each one of us lcplorcs bad taste and bad man ncrs We can do it but only if we want to Constitutional changes ottocked mum mqwmm 101 has mipiiul oi minister to act Personally cant get too rcnt problems that derive essentially from Dear Sir checks or balances by keeping the the Philippines where the World licss liziiii upset with his actions Allirail thc liicssagc human failings American reluctance to The chief focus of media and monarch out Of Canada lttlllllt is being iltlyttl bitwiiii ictor Kol ilVillllv clcninllil to lhc poiiil practise sclfdciiial in cncrgy consumption public attention since the release of the governments Constitutional Amendment fiill has been on the provisions in regard to the Supreme Court and the Senate However believe that citizens should be aware that the till pro poses revolutionary changes in the constitutional monarchy changes which are in many ways more im portant to the average Canadian than any other of the iills pro posals The Bill presents monarchial facade behind lurks republican reality which removes the Queen from being part of Parliament and which concentrates power in the hands of the Prime Ministers ap pointee the GovernorGeneral The Governor would exercise power in his own right giving way to the Sovereign only when she was pre sent in Canada Not only is this gratuitous insult to the Queen whose labors and in terest have been directed so evidently to Canada but it also would allow for government to consolidate its own power without The deceitful danger of the Bill is that it maintains many of the Crowns trappings while these sym bols would in fact stand for altered ideas and quite different institu tion Equally it would preclude Prince Charles or Prince Andrew from scr ving as GovernorGeneral it would eliminate rcfcrcncc to the Queens Canadian Forces and it would abolish the happy status quo whcrcby both Queen and governor can exercise their powers fully within and without Canada Canadians determined to preserve their institutions should write their provincial and federal legislators to protest the Bills pro Visions detailed statement outlining its threat to Canadian Constitutional Government may be obtained by writing the Monarchist League of Canada chgcwood Cresc tawa Ont KIB 484 Your sincerely John Aimers Dominion Chairman Monarchist League of Canada Letters show societys division Dear Sir Your two letters to the Editor to day July 21 provide an interesting demonstration of the way our modern Western society is divided Both letters refer to the current Fireball controversy in Barrie One reflects economic and common sense reality the other sends up suffering world when if it emerges from such stupor of in fantile dreams to the cold dawn of realism Realism for example that recognizes crummy old Firchall for what it is crummy old firchall not for what it becomes in wishingwell full of artsycraftsy Ity VINCENT lItiAN Business and onsiiiiicr Affairs Amin st Thomson New Scry ice The Bonn cconoi ic summit already seems to have been an cxcrcisc in futility The July toil nitcling ot the political leaders of the major luslrialimt kniocracics was barcly ovcl when new pressure was felt on the Iiiitcd States and Canadian dollars lty the wcckciid the price of gold on thc London bullion markct had shot up to lccovcry high otSltlt Tfi It LEON Itl OIHJI cliiioi iiid llilIOl lirpo lr Korchiioi llllillilillll that tlic dctcndiiig tliainpuni li lirpo iiiziy Illt rccciicd ti surit sigiitil from his seconds whcii pail ot Yogin was dclivcicd to him prior to the end ot llic game which ended til draw According to the unusual complaint II illcgctlly is possible for one of tlic playcrs assistants to tilitl £lti to IiisJoss by thc type or lltlllllt ol Illl food thalis passed into tbcgaiiic coriiHl bch on rye could lllttlll kccp lighting yoiiicdoiiig good Itili whereas dish ot hard boiled eggs iiiight iiicaii go on tlicdctciisiu llltl lll for it opciuiig lsupposc it would bc rather difficult to pro vc Illl iiiidciliandcd sci ot signals unlcss ol course one oi llic players was handed scvcn course liiiicsc iiical coiiiplctc with itilltlllt cookies tiiic iiiiglil tccl that soiiicoiic was comiiiit ting tout play it the little mcssagc III the tor IIIllt cookic IittI scc tlic lilkbccr oililtcr iaiiibil in your future or Watch out for tiltSicilian licfciicc As tar as silent mcssagcs llt concerned thc liiiiiiWiistcr used on iiitcriiiitioiial onc iccciitly wliilc at tending the lIconoinic lrtidc Summit talks in Hull When new spnpcr iiicii asked him to pose tor Illtilt photographs bc simply cxicndcd his right index tiiigcr in an upward direction The liiciiiiilig was quite clcar to the photographers that the Prime Minister had concludcd tlic picturi taking session lhcrc were it lot of coiiiplnints rcgistcrcil ovci the use ot that gcsturc Many aliiidians felt that the lriiiic Miiiistcr was not bclitiviiig SCOOPS fills Bituirs Got Autoilltilc EVERYTHING To put it another and more realistic way the value of the US dollar as measured against gold and against the goodasgold Japanese yen had fallen well below its prc lionii level As the fourth annual economic summit con fcrcncc cndcd in the West German capital the participants issued statement in whichs they agiccd toa number of moves designed to deal with worldwidc unemployment without rckindlliiginflation ltut rather than dispelling thc scepticism that was widespread beforc thc conference began the announccmcnt of agreement Silent messages old as mankind in maiiiicr that lithooves giiiadian primc supposc wordless iiiissiigcs are as old as mankind ilsclt Wcvc all sccn enough ccil It lcIilc pictures to know that when thc ltoiiiaiis put their thumbs up iclor Mature livcd usually for fighting so heroically and when the thumbs wcrc turned down it meant Manny bring out the lions llic North American lndiaii dcvclopcd sccict nicssagcs to finc art with his smokc signals and sun rcflcctors Again according to thc iiimics only thc civilian scout atlaclicd to the Initcd States Army could cvcr dctcct what the Indians had in storc tor the wliitc man and no mic would listcn tohiiii oloiicl he would say nicaiiin no disrcspcct sirc bill wouldnt send the nicn through ltrokcii itlltll lass Wliy iiot the onoiicl would icply haughtin oloucls ipparcntly always rcplicd haughtin whcii given that kind of ad vicc The smoke signals you see up yondcr are ordering the hcyciinc the row and thc liliick tcct to iniliusli us when go through the pass Nonsense the Colonel would rcply The pass is Illt most lirch route and thats thc routcwc will takc lhc Scout of coursc had to beat the ln didaiis back single liandcdly thus saving the day tortlic taviiliy Which somcliow sccnis long ways away from what started out to say about hcss players and secret signals lcrhaps thc gambit will go down in the an nals of chess book tcrmiiiology as lxorchnois oniplaiiit shows probable futility of Bonn stems only to have heightened it That raises the question of whether these annual meetings have any real economic value or should be abandoned iSomc would say that Prime Minister Iicrrc Irudcaus contemptuous gesture to photographers didnt enhance the publics perception of the occasion Many of the commitments made at Bonn by the leaders of thc nonCommunist world are subjcct to approval of their respective governments ba ck homc lrcsidcnt liniiiiy artcr is likely to face major difficultios in obtaining US ongrcs sional approval of IUcl conservation policy that would allow that country to rcducc its oil imports and thus cut down tradc deficit that has bcconic cxccssivc by CS stan dards although not by anadiaii Its also doubtful whether the Japanese manufactured goods from such countries as thc lnitcd States and Canada In short theres plenty of room for doubt as to whethcr twoday meeting of political leaders can do much to cllcviatc serious cur and the in grained Japanese desire to export as much as possible while excluding all ini ports cchpt necessary raw materials EXCHANGE RATES What concerns us most are exchange rates and the exchange rate that concerns us most is the US dollar says anada Trust Co London Ont in commentary World problems have multiplied over the last six or seven quarters and the US has shown itself singularly incapable of dcaling with those problems in systematic way International financial markets are reac ting to this indccisivcncss by weakening the US dollar against othcl major world curren cics To come to grips with the declining US dollar we must see some success on the part of the artcr administration to push through kingress legislation specifically designed at solving the energy problem We must see specific legislation and private scctor initiatives to stem the horrcn dous tradc deficits that continue to accrue quarter after quarter We feel the US dollar is going lower over the next 90 days This will put further downward pressure on the Canadian dollar If the economic summit was the empty showpiece that it now appears to have been the western world has lost an important op mrtunity to put its house in order And if the participating countrics treat their Bonn commitments lightly as it seems they will then the future holds worse infla tion furthcr weakening of the US and Cana dian dollars and maybe even economic chaos manner which finally resulted in the defeat of Conservative administration What may be of greater concern to the unions than the immediate fivepercent guideline is the announcement by Denis Healcy chancellor of the exchequer that the government wants longterm approach to pay discipline He spoke of system in which collective bargaining is based each year in broad agree ment between government unions and employers That would suggest that return to free col lective bargaining may be long way off with the prospect that the government may be faced with increasing pressures from resentful unions which in the past have shown ability to use explosive tactics to get their way still survive By BOB BOWMAN In 1849 the Tories and the Whigs were the political parties in Canada The Whigs preferred to be called Reformers or Grits Their slogan was All Grit No Dirt and variations on the theme The Tories held convention in Kingston on July 26 and petition was circulated propos ing that Canada should join the United States The disgruntled Tories were mostly business men from Montreal and other parts of Lower Canada who violently objected to the Rebel lion Losscs Bill There were other grievances They had lost great deal of business because Britain had adopted free trade and Canadian products no longer enjoyed preferences in the mother country This led to depression and thousands of Canadians were emigrating to the United States The Annexation Manifesto was signed by 325 Tories including JJ Abbott who became prime minister in 1891 He recalled then that he had signed the manifesto in moment of petulance which he regretted later The Kingston convention provided John Macdonald with an opportunity to demon strate his ability to become an effective leader He had only been member of the legislature for five years but at Kingston he counteracted the Annexation Manifesto proposing the organization of the Britis America League Its objectives were to retain the connection with Britain the adoption of national com mercial policy and eventually confederation of the British North American colonies Macdonalds proposal had marvellous effect on the party and the Annexation Manifesto was forgotten Macdonald did not like the name Tories and was able to chan it to LiberalConservative party in 1854 en he formed coalition government with group of moderate Re formers The present name Progressive Con servative party was adopted in 1942 OTHER JULY 26 EVENTS tornIroquois attacked Jeanne Mances hospital at Montreal cloud of dreamy nimsensc cultural concepts that call for IWQuebeC Council fixed Prices 00f It is unfortunately the in massive government grants of tax mmmwies habitams of this cloud cuck09land payers money to maintain stMontcalm defeated British at Lake that seem to be in the economic and Yours truly George political ascendancy these days What hangover awaits long Douglas Greenwood Barrie ilssLouisbur surrendered after 28 days of attack Aca fans were expelled from Island of St John Prince Edward Islaiid

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