Lets talk about controlling your heat levels for both winter comfort and fuel effi ciency YOUR THERMOSTAT Whats the best location Is your thermostat on an inside wall free from window and door drafts Does it record the average temperature in the house lf not think about mov ing it Be sure its away from radios television sets lamps or other heatproducing units that might cause false reading and shut off the furnace before the proper temperature is reached If it is near such appliances dont turn up the thermostat move the lamps TV sets etc Try lower temperature set ting Daytime summer tem peratures are often in range from 6065 degrees tISlti degrees Quite comfortable Yet in winter many of us insist that we can only be com fortable at 70 degrees 31 degrees or higher Give it try at 68 degrees 20 degrees If someone in the family feels little chilly suggest sweater Dont turn up the ther mostat for one person Heat is money Look at what you can save For each Fahrenheit degree above oil degrees your Illtl consump non goes up an average of percent It you permanently lower your thermostat setting from 72 degrees to 88 degrees 22 degrees to degrees ti youll save about 10 percent on your fuel consumption Look at it in dollars If you now spend $300 winter on heating 10 per cent saving on fuel saves you $30 It could be little more or less depending upon your in sulation local weather condi tions and the cost of fuel Set it back at night For an even bigger saving drop your thermostat by degrees about degrees at night Sleep and save Each degree of nightsetback saves per cent over an 8hour period Lowering your temperature from oil degrees to degrees 20 degrees to 17 degrees will save about per cent or $13 year Youll probably want an ex tra blanket on the bed If youd rather use an electric blanket along With the Iowvr tenitwraturc youll still save energy It costs less to keep you warm than the whole house Most doctors will tell you that its healthier to keep the trintxaaturedown For those who forget or cant face the thought of stepping out of bed onto chilly floor in the morning there are thermostats on the market which Wlll au tomatically lower the temperature at night and raise it again in the morning just before you get up ombined savings otlld you use an extra $15 If your present temtxirature is 72 degrees 22 degrees Ti all the time and you lower it to in degrees degrees during the day and cut it back another degrees degrees at night your combined saving could be if pcr cent lhats $43 onaii avinual futl bill of woo ttaiid tanarla tlt in cLtrzi 11 Itlllllll banils oi oil and llllJM no it wt oi initlital saving of about $200 million year for Canadian consumers Quite windfall Lower the temperature when youre away If everyone is at work or in school during the day or if youre away for the weekend set the thermostat to about 63 degrees 17 degrees It doesnt make much sense to keep the furniture warm When you come home set the thermostat for the temperature you want not higher The fur nace can only produce so much heat at one time Turning it up high will not speed up the heating process Zone controls Most electrical heating systems offer degree of zone control with dif ferent sections of the house con trolled by separate ther mostats If you have room or area that isnt occupied turn down its thermostat and close the doors leading to it Dont heat unused rooms With warnirair systems and water or steam distribution its usually possible to shut off the flow of heat to certain areas lf you have room that isnt be ing used guest room base ment pantry garage shut off all or most of its heat and close the door Send your heat to where you really need it llltllll€8 lose the damper crackl ing firc makes room cozy but what happens when the fire dies out If the damper is left open warm room air shoots up the chimney Just as soon as the fire out close the damper Take flashlight and make sure it fits tightly If it doesnt fix it yourself or call repairman Seal off an unused fireplace If you have fireplace thats never used close it up by put ting plug of some sort in the chimney or across the fire place opening Be sure you have proper ven ting iii new fireplace If you are buying new house with fireplace or are having one built insist that hot and cold air vents be installed at each side of the fireplace lhese vents will take out most of the heat that would otherwrse escape up the chimney BRAVES Drapes or curtains es pecially lined ones help to sulate windows and stop drafts lose drapes at night In winter as soon as the sun has gone down pull your drapes to help keep the warm air lll the room If you dont it will move outside by both conduction and radiation Let the winter sunshine in The suns warmth is free and can help to heat up room So keep the drapes open during the day In summer of course do theopposite liIXlIAlST FANS lse fans as little as possible in winter Each time you turn on kitchen or bathroom ex haust fan in winter warm air goes out and cold air is drawn in to replace it Take minute to make sure the filter in your kitchen tan is clean This will move out the odors and smoke more quickly so you can shut it oft sooner llont lct cold air sneak in llc stirr the flap on the outside tlll clown liglitl ll nu dont lite tw tat til Nil tll it up tor fin a4 iittlill it humidity irritates nasal tissue and dries out both skin and ur niture reasonable level of humidity can overcome these problems and help to conserve energy by cutting down on evaporation from your skin Heat is $5 NOW DRUM or DISC Any Popular Make or Model of Passenger Vehicle ALL WORK LICENCED MECHANICS Wm THAT WINTERS ALMOST HERE THE WORST IS YET TO COME HEAVIER TRAFFIC HIGHER SPEEDS go SUDDEN STOPS 4WH By lllw tirimi intsis whistling ltllhl turn when hearings Iflbllflllill master anti Wllt Mitt den tvooi lllfdf tlvviillf mitt Elllltlly test Mnynlhnsamtotndmtomwmm whommmmmmmmlw UNIROYAI CENTES II ll IIII ll Heating benefits can be gained from fireplace that has rmair outlets The air Illtll is drawn through tnts at the bottom is heated as it rises and then can be dtscliarged through outlets at thi top either into the room uherc the fireplace is located or can he passed through ducts to other rooms rnii SFEAKE GIVE vuun CARA El DRUMS or FRONT WHEEL DISCS iSHDCKS oALIGNMENT oTUNEUP tHRtl ltgw Lama 51 itst vi title muting new itil lair esar lacnu out to etiarwiit auei titt wheel ltt innqs lllStllllTihtl iniiit calipers trout tiroiise seals master dill wheel CilllltlfllS tirake hoses llltl hmowne mail stiteiy test ACT NOW OFFER LIMITED seals tirake timer and hat no BRADFORD ST 7285965 stforbtlavs 830 Saturdays it to noon