Elli Therm Examiner AMVEXA T10 Some though Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Baylield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Henshaw Managing Editor Walls Editor Emevitus 4The Barrie Examiner Monday Sept 27 1976 This starts fourpart series of articles about annexation Mr Bentley former mayor and alderman of the city ex presses his thoughts and opinions and asks questions He has studied the Proctor Red fern Report which is the basis paper the people that are really in volved you and Regretfully throughout the four years discussmn on this topic our elected officials have chosen to meet only in private which in my opinion has denied the people involved the My position on this when have needed to be out in the open for some time the area cost to the individual in both Barrie and the townships the impact of capital cost requirements the effect ad ditional areas would have in providing jobs housing and ser philosophies of our council and the need for more industrial land creates the impression that all is well with world and that annexation will solve these needs disa ree for if you examine the trac record of our council you will find all sorts of can land As large percentage of Good Sound PlanningAn official plan has life span of about five years et the council has never start to update the official plan even though it is seven years old officially and actually nine to 10 vears old in concept Good sound planning Well fill those developers and lets keep Barrie small and the way it is If the thrust of council thinking is to keep the status quo why more land or the city argument or an opportunity to form Vices the philosophy of need In cerns and statements on by this councils definition is nexation Thoughts expressed knOWledSeable informed respect to long and short record not what planmng board sug hegllliggnlilgo ï¬gggï¬lntarg are not necessarily those of this opinion on annexation term goals and the related 1We need to preserve farm gests or for that matter what to the CRTC overlords Canadian content as everyone CKVR says we would love to but By BENTLEY predominate issue today is annexation Dailv we are reminded of it either by the proponents Barrie or the ponents In mayor and alderman was sim ply that when you discuss governing people you do it publicly For annexation is not as some would have you believe about land its about people In order that there be no the township councils as per ceive them to be Annexation defined is to ob tain or take for oneself The question then is why does Barrie want to take for itself this area of land Barrie of the area wanted is prime land does this mean they want con trol to preserve farm land and not for industry or do they wish to develop prime farm land The land is needed to meet the growth uirement of the any sound planning concept suggests but merely what their mood is on any given night The bay area the Kozlov property and the bay club are three relatively small areas that have been before council for four years with no decisions public hearing at which the public can ma presentations Doesnt it need then full and proper disclosure before the hearing of the aims and plans of the city so that the public has the opportunity to properly prepare its arguments Do you know what the Coun misunderstandin about these course means you and the SimcoeGeor ian Area Task The queSllon then is What knows is olite way of saying Canadian content SeyS We can amtmgmgn 328fllglï¬ articles am mil encumbered taxpayersWhydoweyvantit Force Barrige has stated it does the city intend todo with SLESSfl llcï¬erï¬hï¬ghpflg telewsed drec That puts CKVR in an interesting feels onpeople by confidentiality as it is on The only reasons given are doesnt want to be as large as this large area of land and most withthls land atom ex use But the CRTC the overlord of p081t10n My purpose in wrlllng this record thatlwould takenopart for SrOWlh Planning and the Force suggests Will this Importantly $3than the 990 dont and like to loo before what we see on television whether CKVR is business and no series lsto offer somelhougms in closed meetings on this mat dustrial land The implied boundary control then be used Ple WhOllVe therehave some in we like it or not has ruled that Canadian content must make up significant portion of television stations daily programming The Canadian content forced Barrie television station CKVR to drop Sesame Street in favor of locallyproduced pro gram rule has to business can afford to be blind to the wants of its customer as long as those wants are reasonable But CKVR is little unlike other businesses it has to have licence perate and that licence can be taken away by the governing body And the governing bod the CRTC says there shall he Cana explanations observations and alternatives that should be discussed and thought about by ter What would like to offer are thoughts on the matter that reason is of course control The motherhood issue of good sound planning coupled with for the Task Force requiremen ts or the stated wishes of Barrie lication of its intended use Ive heard it said many times too manv Im sorry to say buvina Next The People Problem READER FOR UM That decision has been met with digrkcolgtentil cries of matronly distress from rea as no choice mothers of young children in the so the mothers should be com area plaining to the CRTC asking if Canadian content is worth the te The mothers cries make two alienation 0f Canadians points The Canadian content rule may be $70000 Th $300000 wise hi car ir no vo un eer ire per annum since in Flrst sesamestreet 15 valuable 318m ist alga Yï¬edOUbtblllt bm It was With great surprise Fighters should be well paid for 1975 they were $207929 $136719 educational IIOOl pOSSl we that read Alex Arthurs letter the excellent job they perform in 1974 and $101827 in 1973 It Second 15 great babysntmg are wrong which appeared in the Reader and note that their salaries would be fair to say that this device being nomviolent non But when Canadian content FoQuhiqontSepttilth dd have increaied at modest year the degbt charge has in te rom 33369 in 1973 to creased an lmustsa thatl sexual noncontroverSIal and means the end 0f quality Program 4170 EM =4 dw he me ell in detail on my specific $41282 in 1975 $7913 or 42 per haven noticed any reat therefore perfect for the preschool mlng matter What lls orlglni mayoralty candidate policies cent in three years 14 per cent change in population expagnsion mmd then Canadian content for the sake made it clear at my press con average per annuml or industrial growth this year The mothers say keep Sesame of Canadlan content seems llttle ference announcement that The administrative salaries In fact the industrial Street on at11 weekdays ridiculous WW be emu my 0nth other handthavejumped development budgetis $30000 form for Mayor and my licies from $377991 in 1973 to $725400 less than last year and housing to the Barrie blic be ore the in 1975 to $813856 in 1976 starts are downin the City mdolseptem While it is suggested that Aid Arthur seems tobecon Ihlslinlendtodo Council has turned down hiring cerned that we have had to em Sleeglesshto say am shockeg four more firemen this year it ploy person toensure that our in ce at my reporte is perha this year we could environment is protected et 15 YEARS AGO IN TQWN Softball League finals Contest general remarks concerning notafforg to hireany more fectively by checking industrial The Barrie Examiner Sept 24 marked by tussles was umpired by few aspects of municipal ex Also mentioned were cut effluentsSurelyhecantbeob 1961 Joan Margaret Pierce 19 of Ted Collins plate Larry Campeau pendiwre Cnncerns have backs in the public Works iectingto Safeguarding again Collingwood dies in cartrain crash first and Bill Hare third North leffrdll envrlmemfll midget 1976 3le al 53 Me Edens that at intersection of CPR crossing and Collegiate junior and senior squad gï¬duï¬y d3go lfbmigltf lgo $333835 gal 2328 $3333 ay and the conn 10th Concessmn of Vespra Township took Central Collegiate 250 and 320 Boost Barrie seem to have This program was bu geted for find it interesting that he Dr Wilfred Jury working on ex at Central grid Central juniors left you With the Impressmn 5775000 in 1975 and actually seems to qbieqt to hiring as cavation of Fort Willow west of missing QB Gary Maw and seniors lgaéllfemguhffngï¬ohersn5 05347321theonmgogner 31 Ciw 18mg em Barrie Historical plaque to be lost services of QB Don Amos who lhavelsincespoken with Aid paying SI ago chlow ï¬lmy 52 unveiled Oct by Coutts broke leg inpractice previous day Arthur and have now set my The overall Public Works ployees there wereat City Hall Barrie members of Canadian Army Gary Deermg and Al Moffat scored mlndyat ease that we are not budget increased from Idid not receive any immediate rifle team include Sgt Ralph two majors each in senior contest 51 eneméfs Wldluflheasiure 513399059l 73 low33914 answersFinally May Parker Cathline of Stabane Avenue and Doug Smith and Roy Atkinson iii iv asadedligatgtg ggï¬rgi Euggg 39 if ngï¬ncgslgpgrixï¬ï¬ï¬ytg Sgt Les White of St Vincent Street scored two majors each for juniors and as compromise we agreed to hold our breath am and compose the tine 32330499 reflecting the reduc employees Preparing for match against US John Murphy named general it 1980 everyday public spirited tion in our Connecting links Army Advance Marksmanship Unit manager of Barrie Utilities Commi 33$ Sgdmgung prayam ofAéfgrggï¬ggï¬igeggfewti owever ere are areas 033 BtidegFye also him 53 wh FROM PARLIAMENT HILL ea arrle an 15 no le preVlous wee in any way Figures and per budget for the Operations 261full time employeesm 1975 centages that may be quoted Centre hat hate lhcreased we had 272 full time employees during my campaign for mayor alone from 935005 in 1973 to This year we have five can be evidenced by the city budget of 5348075 in 1976 1500 prï¬batlonaggf firnployegs Eh budgets rcentl WI 500m lmev IN My platform to Boost perhe 1975 budget suggests the total of full timeemployees Barrie will beannounced very possible recovery subsidy to 277 In August this year we shortly and although manV however of 5151900 and if this also employed 84 temporary Britam Iris Re 10 rive at reduce some with this would like to take budget to 5155175 thls year or ponderingthis question we now this opportunity to make some an increase 01300 per cent haVElhe ï¬gures BySTEWAlllMilt11a porlillmllflurlilgllllllsllSlilkfs heingpaidtocomcto work observationson some of the faC Administration appears to bl Ottawa lliircau Willi the strike on public scr The policy was implemented ts presented in the Forum 131 have taken some leaps and ï¬t possl am ege IS Thtlmsnn NtWSSIIVlW Vilnl Whn normally lakt bus in 1965 and the subsidies have for bounds in pUblic works also Cb alilkge ml 13 0t Its bad enough being forced to work now can receive nine been piiid to federal public scr Aid Arthur madea comment Salaries fringe beneï¬ts and 00 eepmg 0° mg ByJ0H memlnlhelepumlcr Own merests l0 Clmplam to walk thrcc milcs to work cents milc for driving their vantsinWlnnipcgToronloaiid that our Fire Department car allowance for Ad BarnespmanmalkeveW one CF cunous Since the IRAIS COnSldeleClln lOUdl abOUl the human rights while Ottawas 1300 bus own cars In addition they get Montreal during transit strikes budget has lncreased by 91 per ministration only have in can only lake the figures quion of interests can be seen some Irish circles as heroic case if their complaints bol drivers 0n strike hm 45 cents mm or each pas in those Cities But with com over the past thrée vears creased from 5730 in 1973 to presented along with ex In th latest dlspme between force agalnSl BrlllSh domma Slered Osgravcs 90mm becomes intolerable when you scngcrthcv bring aiidthcy will tivclv small numbers in due mainly toincrcased Wages 5122 500in1976 or 68 per cent for Planslwns gwen thereln If at Britain and thelrish Republic non any republican govem his own country asaman ready watch muse public servants rounhursod rm parkmg Whod the MW ï¬rst payments for the new fire thispfliod anytime present figures and The clash originated when ment that attackstheIRA must to challengethc British govcrn whiningpaslnthmrwm Charges uml Increased lhsur WM employees Win ha lacroased costs of lire In our City Council and they are not correct or there is gloemgilggigzanupï¬ggagnmggï¬ ngtgï¬gntlgggees 0f bOWlng mghllére hds bun Suggmt it is amazing how nngcr can once iiipcg no one paid much all hydrant rentals and new Mayors budget notice that Sggcdiaigaï¬l gggégteig olr 10 complaint that in 1971 the This Observers suggest from British ministers that budd up when Willi sort fut Bill thosi ulll strvtintswho itnliontolheprattltt pumpu which costs between lnflatlon and our economy have me British government used tor ture against suspected terrorists in Northern Ireland Emphasizing that the prac tices had been stopped five years ago British authorities criticized the Irish government for continuing to pursue its complaint to the European Court of Human Rights holds true even though the government is undoubtedly supported in its antiterrorist drive by most Irish people It therefore seemed useful for Cosgrave to continue his hu man rights case ainst Britain if only to prove his credentials as an independent leader of an independent Ireland their complaints against the Irish court case are not gen uine But if the protests from West minster aid Cosgravcs cam paign against the IRA then the human rigth issue nicely scrr ves the interests of both lrcland and Britain The weekly Economist maga you are forced to stand at traffic light while half the pub lic service is being piiid to drive st you And am not particu liiirly proud of some of the things mumbled illltl iiciiily being flattened by one of those nineccntiirmilc vcliiclcs Actually one wellincnnilig fellow stopped and offered me ii drive their cars to work all year at their own expense are not cligibic for tiny of this cont pciisaitioii fficiillly they lllt not being inconvcnicncul bcl many of them iirc furious lUENl Treasury Board President liobcri Andrus has announced that this policy will bc tcrllll Its diffcrcnt lll tlawa whcrc 73000 public servants go to work each day The striking drivers say that because of the huge public serv ice population in Ottawa tile govcrliiilcnts policy amounts to strike breaking That says Mr Andras is 2i $00000 and $70000 It is true that capital ex penditures have to be made in order to ensure thc best fire protection equipment is available notim that $30000 for pumper has been claimed un der the 1976 budget The pumlt pcr has not yet been urchased taken its severest toll since the car allowance figure has gone from $450 in 1973 to $6300 in 1975 and 1976 1300 per cent in crease These are some of the increases had previously men tioned and would pear to be reater than the dou 1e digit in ationary figures referred to Aid Arthur refers to in planation and will accept same with kindness May conclude by saying Alex do not Launch myself on the road to preach hate campaign No there is definitely no hate in my cam paign am freely forgiving you for making statement along those lines perhaps you were 85 llll hill by lhls llm Wilsn all lhnlCilnnnlyhmlmu VulllSh lll lild if urchased an received creased costs for en under duress Ihave only love Bill b9hnd this critics At the same time of course line has madcthc samepoint gt even xnnkm to ublic sci liflci consulliit oi WithtlicVi Mill lln POI 11 OUIHHKhd dcrstalid that nlal serv ces and for Barrie and for Barrie some warmer London feelings the British government eagerly If Mr Iosgraves pcr Vim Vronme about Dublin policies Prime Minister Liam Cos grave is pushing into law pair of bills aimed at helping police catch more terrorists of the Irish Republican Army IRA endorses the Irish crackdown on the IRA which has been causing havoc in Ulster BENEFITSSEEN Thus it would be in Britains sistencc in nagging the British helps him to heat back the tide of terrorism that threatens the whole of Ireland then let him nag lichind all of this personal outrzigc is that Itdtiill policy of subsidizing eiiiployccs trims oils unions and stiiff associ ations and that is going to tiikc timc perhaps 11 lot of it In the iiitnntiiiic public servants are and unacceptable and it is not consistent with practices in other industries He can say that again in fact the policy is inconsistent with many things within gov tlic balance of some $40000 will then go into the 1977 budget dont think it is fair to imply that the entire cost of new umpcr is partly responsible or the Fire Department in report that this year we had to spend $92000 more in debt charges for pollution control plant expansion The budget igurc for 1976 is $299322 and last year it was $207929 dont citizens We are all only human and consequently we have cer tain oversights After all if elected Mayor shall want you to keep careful eye on the citys expenditures if eriimenl itself cream only 530900 is in mink it is air of you to remark Respectfully MUST AVG BOWNG some iiicsrllAiNT dud hsymhs budget and that the deb charges are Willard Kimie It is fact of IrISh domestic And asl trudged slowl alon politics however that no Irish the sidewalk watching those cars clicking off the dollars The tragedies ovemment can be seen to neel to Britain whose one time mastery over Ireland is still recalled with deep resent The Mackenzies and the Henrys Handelman unhappy With rent review written to all cputy ministers recently by Treasury Board Secretary GI sbiildcston That was the letter in which lic asked that they visibly dciiionstriitc the government all IBarrtr EXUmIIIPI By DON WHEARN oneof them alonellme gallon HUWMAN established mulng post at means business when it conics lSBayfield Street Queens ParkBureau But it is particularly difficult lw Allxmler the junction of the Red and to saving money The whole Barrie0ntario Thomson NewsServlce for Mr Handelman becauacat 2nhgndlwolllcxandcr Asshhholml Rivers Sop idea he said is to project an ltmelN ARBRON It took American news war between the 15 million Teleph0n97366537 TORQNTO Sidneli and heart he doesnl really helleVe 3le fnidlllcllllbl°rl tember 27 1801 lie might he iniiigecorrcsmiidingto Cllllllll rhrolgnlflulru Analyst papermanturnedexplorer Mr MOSlem Arahsln the n0rlh and Registration Number0484 elman 18 ml happy with rent in the program He is an ecom Ir exinler dickCIlIJC can the foundoruf Winnipeg realities in government that Thomson News Service Stanley to discover the source thefour million blacks and second Class Mall review mist who oesntgo for controls Ydh ldehexl fer The Selkirk settlers did not 05150l0us PUblh 80 llic Sudan stirs upin many of of the Nile staggering feat Chrlcansmtheouth Return tage guaranteed The program is supposed to in the market lace ï¬lm dl rltgr gamed arrive until 1012 icc us Vicuuiantstyleimagosolthe for thelate18705 Other than the bloodbath in Dal Sunda sand end next July 31 It was his job to administer ftt wast et l0 Both Henrys wrote valuable Wii=er Baker tile on defence of Khartoum by Gen The Sudans resent sha Indonesia in the antiCommu Statutory Holdays And the consumer and com the program however and he 1205 Efï¬mlneflr IOIlIllth At material about their ex wrvmlve Mp from ï¬rming omlGdmthe mad Mahdi emerged after British msl cnnl war wlnch followed excepted merCinl alliter minlSlel hays dldll Mu gel is 8k 90er pericnces lheeldersTraya Carleton attacle the subsidy Wlnslm Churchill mu hing it feat of the Mahdis huge army the long era of Sokamoinwhich Subscription rates daily by that If the government dec1des But not too enthuSiastically adas Pi elm was IT And Adventure in unndu And plan as ateiit hypocrisy in at the battle of Wilma at Omdurman in 1998 It was 500000 estimated were killed carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 togiveit secondlife it can get one could assume for really the drsa cra prlfme minis The India Temmrlw is View of governments ru ruzzywuzzy warriors Rich the last time the British square no Third World country has ex yearly Single copies 15 cents somebody elsetorunit thought wasnt given to admin 18383 Power r0m1374 regarded as one of the classics Sllnlnls Progranl and Burton and John ke would be used against rlenced the masswe blood By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly l3 hlS Pnhllc oblechpn l3 lstrallonlhnlShOUld have been The ï¬rst Mex Oltravelliterature There is no doubt that the looklhg or the sol ofpfhe primitive Africans the so ettintioftheSudan Slmcoe Counl $3400 yen ual the lrogmmls egalwel for exam lei only mcenlly camel Ca ad an 91 3an The youn er Henrys diary current outburst of criticism Nllu called fuzzywuzmes With There has been cml War too Balance of Canada 33600 year that it has practically put an have there een evening hear se 01763 ha Ell 9w and notebooï¬s were assembled about the subsidies heavily in Those are all legitimate im unruly curly hair like modern in Zaire theformer Belgian ly end to development of new ren ingswhich of course are nat by Elliott Coues and published fluenced Mr Andras when hc C0 When ll secured mde National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto +1710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian tal apartment and housing units at least in the highden sit urban areas ut beyond that one sus pects there is rsonal rea ural if renters who work during the day are to have their say T00 TOUCHY Chances of the government over from France He was at Michilimackinac during the In dians massacre in 1763 and was lucky to escape with his life Then he formed Canadas first as New Light On The Early History Of The Greater North west Unfortunately Alexander Henry the Younger was announced they would be termi nated Its just too bad that he couldnt do it immediately be fore we had to face the first it tawa bus strike in 57 years ages and accurate ones The Su dan was and is stormy vast forbidding and challenging place The Mahdi may not have pop music stars And in 1936 the socalled AngloEgyptian Sudan was created in an important treaty between Britain still major colonial power in Africa and the ence in 1960 and of course in Nigeria and the cruel Biafran war of 196809 These were bad enough But the Sudanese civil war only ining company with financial been mad any more than Press and Audit Bureau of Cir son He l3 In Wllh dro in the program next drowned in the Columbi If the ovemment is am to uad tian Kin Fuad recently terminated l5 Probably culations ministering what has been yeaffhoï¬ever are slight from the Duke of Glouces in 181 River malntalng any cmdlblllly Sin Emma h3g3 $3132 3mm eAngio tian treaty of the bloodiest we have seen in The Canadian Press is ex tbtghead8Che If there were to be an election ms Ian was to rt its restraints pro am it has to think so that year eftt eSudan What It the emerging countries of this dusively entitled to the use or CHORE between now and then and if it or east from $3139 $309 OTHER SEPT 27 EVENTS slash at these ittle bureau But he did belong to funda remains today as an independ world since the horrendous republication of all news Anybody running lhls Pm were returned with majority it failed owin glee fay MTDBVld Thom son 888 Orallc Perks before being mentalist and fanatical sect of ent Islamic state in Africa the riots at the timeofthepartition dispatches in this paper 818 WOUld have had it sibly might canal to astgthg °d° Munrrlved at Church Factory PUShed by ublic opinion Islam his present successor el largest geographic national en of India in 194748when millions credited to it or The Associated PFOhlemB ut if it is still the gOVern 5mm Stag Mgrie Ne all toJom Hudsons Bay Company Travel subsid es perhaps dont sadlkelMadhi having led an tity in Africa containin about died Pleas or Reuter and also the Forone lhmlllls one0f those ment and is in minority the the erHe Sewn 188Grand Trunk opened cost us much over the long unsuccessful rebellion ainst 40 per cent of the arabe land The Sudan points up our in local news published therein youcantWin propositions controls will almost certainly new serVice between London and haul but we pay an enormous the Sudans present mlitary of theArabworld ability to sp the statistics of The Barrie Examiner claims N0 mime What you do you continue ï¬ccefilul ts sf Slralfohl Ontario pricein aggravation president This haze land has been the poverty emdatlon and yright in all original adver are 80ml t0 Bel ll from lhree Memories of last years elec fl lveth ea mi 1879Dominion Industrial know my nervous system The Sudan ls still the source scene of violence civil war man waste which are endemic and editorial material sides on and the inroads that put er or es Exhibition opened atOttawa was due for an overhaul after at me headquarters of the Nlle bloody upheaval since inthelhirdwiirld crea ed by its employees and In WORN Ch 85 this Stephen Lewis made with the pfégder He th un er 1897l0n8d15l8nce tele ho that 40minute walk during though nelthelBurton ors he Sudanese Premier Gafaar al We not only cantgraspsuch need in thisnews per there no way You are 8°ln8l0 rental issuearestill fresh ryd elo dam 39m connected Que WthhIkeptthinkingabouthow would ï¬nd that out in oneo the Nimeiry took wnr withaone massive human tra but oggpight aegis ration snugly ownersbzenantl antd the And Mr Lewis andhhis NDP ggï¬thlivï¬l ggnfganlmï¬f 1792 Mggfgeaégsggoztgg Ca adm my tax do iiirs were being used most determined exploration p83 reshnte tn 12 mum weeks itllgag our on mem rs er muc in te Pay etodrive eWOrs r3 he Num 203815register61 my probably any alrizmnow Later he becamea partner and troops broke Hindenbmguna But thellï¬ogatewmkiégpast me paeï¬tiIches of late Victorian Eng this hugeand has hemmech undo in