Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1976, p. 7

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Darlene MacLean centre shows off the $1500 dinner ring which will to the draw winner Tues aythese cond day of the fashion show put on by the Multiple TROPHIES AWARDED Trophies will be awarded at the closing dinner for members zof the Shanty Bay Golf and Country Club Girls Association Sept 29 The trophy for the to golfer in the business girls clu cham pionship has been donated by Chris Mitchell and will be Ipresented by Jay Glasman president The dinner will be held at River Garden Restaurant with Helen Monger and Margaret SQUARE DANCING Square dancing for beginners is being held Monday nights from 830 to 1030 For informa tion call Betty Hay at 7284700 3150 RAFFLE The Ys Menettes are holdin raffle for $150 worth groceries from Dominion Oct 26 at the YMYWCA Tickets are available at the or from uYs Menettes members Pro fceeds will go the CHARTER NIGHT The Barrie Rotary Club is having its 30th anniversary charter night Sept 25 at the Holiday Inn There will be happy hour at pm followed by dinner and dancing BREADMAKING breadmaking demonstra tion will be given Sept 29 at 730 pm at Consumers Gas by Lorraine Labelle home eco monist with Robin Hood Multi foods DINNER DANCE Sons of Scotland Lovat Camp will hold their fourth an nununomadlnlooo5IIAIIQI ANN LAN DER Heavyset gals turn him on DIAMOND FOR LUCKY WINNER Sclerosis Society Shades of Fall Fashions by Sears begins at pm at Georgian College Theatre Admission is $2 which includes door prize From left are Anna nual fall dinner dance Oct at 630 pm in the Willow Room at the Continental Inn Dinner is at cabaret and dancing at The evening will feature musical trip around Scotland with Bill Burnetts Heather Trio Tom Park and Irene King Tickets $10 apiece are available at 7283048 or 7281999 Barrie 326471 Orillia or 7752957 Bradford GUIDE MEETINGS Eighth Barrie Guide Com pany will hold meetings Tuesday nights at pm at Grace United Church FALL DANCE The Dutch Canadian Enter tainment Club of Barrie will hold fall dance Sept 25 from 830 pm to 1230 pm at the Embassy Hall Music will be provided by the Danny Lahaie Quartet For tickets and in formation call Don Koopman 7288371 FARMERS MARKET The 150th anniversary com mittee of Dalston United Church will hold farmers market Oct at 10 am at Dalston United Church Baking preserves crafts vegetables farm and garden supplies and treasures will be featured Pro ceeds will go to next years an niversary celebration COMBINED MEETING combined meeting of four chapters of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario will be held Oct at the Baystairs Lodge at 630 pm Guest speaker at the meeting Dear Ann Landers Im 2+yearold guy who has had crazy sex problem for the last cou le of years get turned on by heavyset girls mean the atter they are the better like them Im on the lean side and consider myself normal in every way except this one know there must be something wrong with me because feel disgusted with myself the next morning and never want to see those fat girls again Have you ever heard of this beforeH Kid Dear HJ Yes have and can tell you there is no ex planation for what turns people on good therapist can hel you get to the root of your problem and solve it And it is pro lem if you hate yourself in the mor ning Dear Ann Landers After 10 years of marriage my husband and agreed we were grossly mismated We arted on good ter ms each wishing the other well After tal ing to myself for three days decided to give my husband custody of our five yearold son The boy adores his dad and felt he needed males influence in the his formative years The divorce and custody arrangements are working out beautifully My exhusband and get along much better than we did when we were married The boy is very happy He loves us both nd see him often The problem is not with us its the rest of the world If one more friend or relative asks me how could give my son up think Ill scream Another question What are you going to do now It so hap pens that am OK financially and dont have to do anything consider such questions an invaswn of my privacy ease help me think of snappy comeback that will jar their bi cuspids TongueTied Dear TT Why do you feel the need to respond to clods who ask nunuvyerbiznizztype questions blank stare feigned deafness or icy silence are what the boors deserve Try oneor all threeand put then on the defensive where they belong Dear Ann Landers think you write pretty fair column but sometimes you contradict yourself For example Not long ago you said it was erfectly normal for girl to have fantasies about lovers he daydreamed lot about Dustin Hoffman The same week you condemned manbe cause he enjoyed dressing up like woman putting On wig lipstick jewelry and so on You called him sick Why do you consider man sick because he enjoys fantasres but woman who lets her imagination wander you consider nor mal Answer in printif you canAngel Camp Calif Dear Angel Correction please comment evaluate respond to questions and offer opinions but dont condemn Fantasies remain in the head and as Robert Louis Stevenson said We all have thought that would shame hell But male who dresses like female is doing more than fantasising he is acting out his desires And this particular fantasy is clearly aberrantm deviation from the normal Get it Mancini Hugh Colby Sears store manager Brian Hill and Bonnie Drever Tickets are available at Sears Bar rie Chamber of Commerce will be Mr Halpin who will discuss District Health Coun cils For tickets phone Renee Phillips at 7261011 AUCTION SALE An auction sale will be held Sept 25 at 10 am by Angus Utopia and Grenfel United Churches at Angus United Church Jones Street Angus Furniture appliances mis cellaneous antiques will be featured Proceeds will go toward new manse RETURN FROM VISIT Mr and Mrs Lorne Barrett Jacksons Grill Photography Georgian Col Favero lege Theatre Georgian Flowers and Harpers Phar macy Favero photo PEOPLE AND PLACES of Barrie have returned from one week visit with Mr and Mrs Empey and family of Osgoode The Empeys celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary ANNUAL PICNIC The CookWass annual picnic will be held this year at the home of Lorne and Audrey Wass of Oro Station Sunday Sept 26 People will attend from Cambridge Toronto Newmarket Barrie Oro Keswick and Kitchener Two Capt Venables guests at meeting The Christian Business Mens Club of Barrie held their annual father and daughter banquet recently in the Holiday Inn Barrie One hundred and 24 at tended Murray Faris was chair man and Bruce Owen led the singing Harold Gibson returned thanks for the meal Twentyfour newcomers were present Three generations were present with Wilton Creed of Barrie Evelyn Mrs James Davidson of Weston daughters Cathy Martha and Nancy Bruce Owen introduced the guest Capt Gary Venables was born in Moose Jaw Sask His wife Capt Venables was born in Orangeville They trained under the Salvation Ar my Corps in Toronto Now liv ing in Barrie in char of the work at60 CollierStt ey have three children They were ac companied by daughter Blythe ageseven Capt Venables led in several choruses including This little light of mine and Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord and he landed high and dry Later on the family sang duet want to be like the Man of Galilee Speaking to all present Capt Venables said Dont let the pressure of the world squeeze you into mold Christ in your cart can give you assurance relaxation and peace Some times dads and daughters dont understand each other this is fact of life You are the only person who knows how you feel We all came into this world imperfect and Jesus has paid DOGGIE TOOTHPASTE SANMATEO Calif AP Dr Ursula Dietrich San Mateo dentist believes one should brush pets teeth so she is selling dental paste for animals through her own mail order company And how does one brush pets teeth You hold the lips up with your hand says the companys treasurer Gordon Simmons The animals love it ree le Stalin the price and shed his blood for our sins We all have tempta tions but we can resist with the hel of Jesus he knows us un erstands and loves us Let us therefore come boldy to the throne of Grace and receive help in time of need The Cap tain invited all to join in singing Amazing Grace He then closed with prayer and the two Captains sang the benediction We can meet with you my friend Next CBMC dinner will be Oct 12 when Rudy Petersen Real Estate Agent from Red Deer will be guest speaker and all men are invited attended by 45 members About 45 women attended the September meetin of the University Womens lub in the staff room of Central Col leflate ary Howden president welcomed members and guests and described the various in terest groups in the club These will include the gourmet cooking group the handicraft group Mealson Wheels French club bridge club and the status of women group Proposed new groups include the book club an antiques group jaunters club Cana dian federation of university womens group to discuss pur poses policies and activities of the national federations Gail Raikes education secreta announced the win ners of Constance Sheppard Memorial Scholarships This award is ven to the rl at each Bar high schoo with the highest Grade 13 standing and who is continuing her education at university Winners are Sheila Barks of North Collegiate Samina Kamal of Central Coll iate and Judy McLean from st view Secondary School Carolyn Kostandoff will receive the Moira Groat Caldwell Book Award iven to head girl at Central Col egiate All presentation will be made at fail commencements An informal social followed the meeting with coffee and desserts repared and served by theclu sexecutive All university women graduates wishing more in ormation about club member ships or activities should phone Mary Skeiton membership convener at 7283965 Four courses offered by crafts association Courses in quilting ma crame oil painting and pottery will be offered this fall by the lnnisfil Branch of the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Association Members of SCACA met Tuesday night at the Inniswood Baptist Centre Bazaar plans set by group Members of St Andrews Evening Womens Association met in the lecture hall Sept 20 for their first meeting potluck supper started the agenda followed by the regular monthly meeting Marg Robertson of Napier St was chairman of the meeting in the absence of president Helen Brown Roll Call was answered by 23 members and welcome was given to the visitors present Reports were read and ap proved Acting president Marg Robertson discussed the an nual fall bazaar Saturday Nov from to 430 pm Admission will be 75 cents The October regular meeting will commence at 730 pm in the lounge to allow time for work session for the bazaar Members are asked to bring ideas and suggestions At the close of the business the meetin was brou to close with Mizpah enedic tion Chaplain guest With soloist Roy Berg former navy chaplain with counselling ex perience will be guest speaker at the Barrie Christian Womens Club meeting Oct at 930 am at the Continental Inn Mr Berg was high school counsellor and has worked at different areas of the United States in specialized couselling fashion Show will be put on by members of the club who designed and made the fa shions Ray Currie tenor soloist will provide the music Reser vations can be made by calling Coral Henderson 7281893 beforeOct Theatre $3200 in debt Guild members learn The September meeting of the Georgian Foundation Guild was held at the Municipal Sav ings and Loans Building on Owen Street Joan Thompson was chairman Members discussed plans for the antique show which starts today from to 10 pm at the Barrie Armoury Peggy Sar jeant general convener and her committee reported on the show The show continues Friday from 11 am to 10 pm and Saturdayfromllamt06 Antours from Toronto wi br ing three bus loads of antique enthusiasts from that area to the show There will be door rize of covered china sugar wl with base circ 1825 There will also be maple caned chair circ 1900 for which raffle tickets may be purchased for 50 cents As usual there will be refreshment bar and lunchroom Opening night always gala occasion hors doeuvres and drinks will be served Tickets may be ob tained from guild members or at the door John Bray president of the Georgian Foundation board ke briefly on the results of summer theatre season More theatre subscriptions and more single seats were sold this year than any previous year An average of 3000 seats were CUSTOM MADE DRAPEBIES and BEDSPIIEAIIS Total licorator and Coordinating Services Choose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large 0r smell enquiries Tracking and installation as required Phone LOIS ROBERTSON or drop in to the Studio Elli1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill Only Miles North of Barrio sold for each play Much of this was due to the hard work and organization of Dora Suth erland and her committee In spite of the sales the theatre is still $3200 in debt Mr Bray was quick to oint out however that is is not unusual Most theatres even the largest and most suc cessful run with deficit The Georgian Guild supports the Georgian Foundation for the Performin Arts New members are we come For in formation phone membership convener Helen Thomas at 7370682 Ihl lost Imus Inks III the Will WWWOIL L70 Its time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess 7261454 01 7286331 The executive this year is the same as last year with Nanci McClelland as chairman May Kiipatrick cochairman and secretary Shirley McMullen treasurer Nancy Trott publicity Joyce Bardens phoning committee Maureen Headley social convener There were also demonstra tions at the meeting by people offering courses this fall Those interested in quilting should call Eunice McLeod at 4364378 For macrame Judi Shields at 7289732 for oil ain ting Nanci McLellan at 7260196 for pottery for beg ginners Duncan McClelland at 7260l96 The grou which has about 65 members rom es 21 to 75 meets everfy thir Tuesday of the month rom to 10 pm at the Baptist centre wido for todoy fashions Cornporo Si yd 100 Potyostor GABAROINE UWC Opening meeting ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED Mr and Mrs Alvin Miller recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at their home in Barrie Mr and Mrs Miller were mar ried in Collingwood Mr Miller works at the CoOp Fuel artment in Barrie Mr Mrs Miller have five children Lloyd of Toronto Helena of Scar borough and Lorraine Evelyn and Paul all of Bar rie Friends and relatives from Barrie Sta ner Coll ingwaod Midlan Durham Toronto Clarkson Cree more Kitchener and Mid hurst attended the anniver sary celebration Photo by Debbie Wanamaker AA conference for district district conference for the Georgian Bay District of Alcoholics Anonymous will be held Oct and 10 at Geneva Park Orillia This years theme will be Serenity through Sobriety Registration will be held Friday night with the main events of the weekend held Saturday This will include guest speakers and panel discussions The panel will discuss the three aims of AA recovery of the individual uni ty of the members and service There will also be young peo les panel on teenage alco olism AA groups are now in 97 coun tries with over one million members VIDEO DATING BALTIMORE AP Fred Weston is in business that takes blindness out of blind dates For $100 he makes vi deotapos of single man or woman that will be viewed by potential dates Weston 42 yearold former stockbroker re ports business is really good Fabricland Canadas largest Fashion Fabric Distributors SelectionDualityPrice is our BUSINESS INDIGO DENIM 096 cotton 36 woohoblo ldod s149 EElT SQUARES I1 Ovor colon to cboou Iron 20 wide woshoblo you for lioclu shirts $198 now TheBorrie Examiner Friday Sept 24 l976i MADE DISCOVERY In 1828 Fred Wohler of Ger mny produced the first syn thesis of an organic compound and inorganic material BECAUSE ITS THERE Nowhere on Cape Cod is the sea more than six miles away FLL EPIDEMIC worldwide flu epidemic in 191749 killed 20 to 30 million persons BANKS AUTHORITY Since 1945 only the Bank of Canada has been permitted to issue paper money SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE On page 32 of our Home Furnishings Roto there is on error The chipaway Flintstones item is not available We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you our customer Soars Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Boyfield St QUILT BATTING 100 Polyester bon dod washable wide oz weight per yard Rog $198 yd $149 60 GABARDINE 100 Polyester Select from beige comol brown novy tool blue rust block Compare $498 yd $298 Pattern Cutting Board with and without the new bios lines 40 72 wide Rog $425 5598 CRISP cotton yd $3 North Barrie Plaza POLYESTER lo COST 00 56 woohdlo ouy ooro Ioohlono Rog yd BROADCLOTN 45 width drip dry 65 polyottor 35 Compare $159 $100 Values Beyond Compare PLAIN INTERLOCK VElOUR SOlEIlDEPARIS Nhfl 50 00 wido washable 60 39 09 wido solid shod log 593 yd polyester luxurious for wooh nwoor Comporo ovoning wear Rog $4 yd $793 yd 39 Polyostor Hool Ior s298 Mon llllllfitl CFABRICLAWD BARRIE $398 EUR FABRIC Short onds to yd lengths long short hair Now 1549 MANMADE CASHMERE 45 wide 100 $3o98yd polyortor washable oil tho fol fashion colors log yd STORE HOURS Wed Sal Fl 30 II in ill Ill iv lnmv ll it 72640 luv

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