my WWW WWIW i4 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible ALUMINUM ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING Soffit fascia eavestrough door windows awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with Old Fashioned Pride GIBSON General Contractors 7265609 SITTING sornt FACIA Also eaves troughing Free estimate from Painswick Aluminum WA OEOROAN OmLmNO PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eavestrough Soffit Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business PERMASEAL Aluminum Storm Doors And Windows For Installation Sales And Service Call JOMAR ALUMINUM RR Thornton 4361518 ALTERATIONS LADIES AND Mary St 7288446 gentlemens alterations 26 Telephone 7373432 or residence APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd 7283392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv I7 Mary St nosal INTERIOR REMODELLINGrKitchens rec rooms Call Russ 436368I alter 630 pm References avallable AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ESB WILLARD Batteries antifreeze all wtnter needs at attractive prices Rebuiit engines for most cars trucks Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd Ir BIRD llotlSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 92 More A19 50 °tl9L°Ph9nP 7285 BOOKKEEPING BOOKKEEPING TYPING General clerical stuffing envelopes etc My home 15 years experience Phone Norman 7265437 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces guaranteed 7371507 CARPENTERS ecializing in rec rooms in teriar remodelling trim etc Please call 72998 allream EDAR DECKS rec rooms extensions etc 2°29 523E322 Fully experienced 7262609 CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 7398 LL CARPENTER will do rec roams renovatlons remodellingLetc7N9 Iabrtofrnorfl GENERAL CARPENTRY Rec rooms tiling renovating drywall builtin clothes closets 9s loonoble use CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitallze your carpets with AI carpet steam cleaning 7266321 ARTICLES FOR SALE $388 or 8350 weekly with no money down no payments till December gets you this giant Inch RCA Accucalour XL 75 par table rolour television Phone tortite take free delivery tonite and get your tree rail about base to boot Krazy Kel lys Barrie Shopping PIaza7371182 SENSATIONAL 26 RCA colour console television can be yours for only $6 week with no money down and no payments till December Spanish or Comtempary Phone tonight deliver tonite Krazy Kellys Barrie shopping Plaza 737 1187 MODERN DINING room SUltc walnut piece In good condition Best offer Telephone 7265109 anytime GARAGE SALE Saturday September 25 am 315 Little Avenue east of Highway 11 Antiques electrical ap pliances furniture many interesting ar ticles 7280027 x12 RUST RUG months did Asking 150 Cost $300 Telephone 7372056 after pm HOOVER KENMORE Electrotux GE Eureka used vacuum cleaners $208M up Telephone7260053 KITCHEN TABLE and chairs 810 Car ski rack s7 Mans skis 210 CC 10 54 Inch bed 815 Babies swing matlc $10 21 Inch black and white TV asis $15Vlking washing machine good for parts 625 aquariums needing re airs 85 for lot Box of childrens Stu ted animals Telephone 726 7163 R063 MUSHROOM all wool I7 and and smaller rugs reasonably priced sum HOUSEHOLD ITEMS portable toilet 75 flushes per flll Ladys CCM bike boys moto cross bike RCA Vlctor stereo cabinet model portable bars swing set childs riding horse Gold sectional pc Chesterfield new $050 year old 8350 Phone atter630pm 4246850 ELECTROLUX At condition with power nozzle and accessories years warranty Telephone 7203392 days 7264338 evenings Ask for Mike METAL SHELVING sections 5300 Meatcooler ft very good condition $1211 Telephone 7264612 evenings DOUBLE BED complete Dresser Dining room table and Chairs Round kitchen table and swivel chalrs set of bunk beds Telephone 7263290 LAKEFIELD Mossberg Shotgun model L395K chambered for Inch and inch shells variable choke various accessories 65 4246391 after pm or 4241200 extension 2363 do ya GARAGE SALE Saturday September 25 am Refrigerator stove dryer sin la beds dresser odd chairs steel doc Ing bathtub toilet vanity basin pink toilets and basins white shower stall plywood ends scrap Iran etc 75 Donald Street Telephone 7289941 Two MATCHING Axmlnlstar CarpaTs and undarpads 12 size ood condi HUI 75 each Atso Slmtilllcl wngltlrir or per ac war no can tori 30073 47469 SEARS Kenmore automatic dishwasher cycles askin 8150 Perfect condition Call 73710073 zoom CNAIR CANING Antique Chair Caning Over 35 yrs perience Phone JD Somars 4362299 OK CABINET MAKING QUALIFIED CABINET MAKER and carpenter Hourly or quote Very versatile in other types of work call Ivon7717r2614 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo deslgn art work layout atc Plesa call collect 416 939°3 CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Ltd patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed P°°°W P°7°9° CUSTGMEENCING CUSTOM FENCING and Supplies Phone for estimates Free delivery Barrie Fence Co 7263066 Lambert 7282670an RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 737507 DRESSMAILING DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera lions 76 Warsley 77266000 DRYWALL DRYWALL Specialized tapin lure spraying of ceilings II 7281102 MORNING INSTRUCTION LEARN TO DRIVE defensively with Highland and tex Tony Driving School Instruction by OSl gadget Pbszte ENE MW DECORATING THINKING OF WALLPAPERINGa reasonably priced professional assm5 For iob call EAVESTROUGNING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Ecivestraughing installed Call 7286628 COLORED Aluminum eovastroughing All work done and guaranteed by owner Free estimates 7269769 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates Call 4241956 New Lowell EXCAVATING WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed BARRIE 7372871 SID HENSTRA TORONTO 2937934 COLONIAL FIREPLACES all fuel factory built 9991ILIEJ73949 STONEWORK and fireplaces specmlty Vic Watson for freenestimates 7281599 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area $5 up Dobson 4245910 after INCOME TAX retUrnsipFepared 79 pm FLOR2 245 Edgihill Dr 7263407 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass blowing and pattlng Free estimates Scott Muirr7287I2677 LAWN CARE SPRING CLEAN UP Pruning mowing sod ding seeding general maintenance flowerbgdstetci7268552 gt WEED SPRAYING loll clean ups fertilizlng mowing hedge and shrub trimming rough mowing VIC Trlemstra 77604217 ARTICLES FOR SALE SPEED QUEEN washer spin dryer harvest gold1 year old $225 10 gallon aquarium with heater and filter ac cessories 525 Fedders 8500 BTU air conditioner $100 Electrolux floor polisher rug shampooer with nap litters and shampoo months old 5225 20 inch Sano color television 3225 Soft top tent trailer with boat racks sleeps 3275 Phone 4246702 afters pm SOLID Mahogany dining room suite buffet table and chairs Telephone 726 6657 ANNEX Heater Wood Stove white enamel for wood and coal st25 Telephone 726 0578 after pm ONE SIDE of beef Government in spected steer beef approximately 125 lbs 65 cents or pound plus cutting and wrapping Ta ephone evenings 726 1483 LADIES Diamond Rings one antique 14 and 18 karats one new 14K both ap proximate value 5250 to 2300 Will sell for $125 or closest offer 115 Edgehill Qrï¬vssler BEAUTY SALON aqulprnent for sale air conditioned dryers shampoo basin and chair plus styling chair In ex callent condition Asking $800 or best of far Telephone 4359097 or 4359077 GARAGE SALE Sept 25th and 26th 29 Lay St Rugs household items clothes 1970 Buick BUILD YOUR OWN precut grantather clock Now anyone can build beautiful grandfather clock its easy because Its already precut Sand 50 cents for col our catalogue Colonial Times Clack Company Dept 01 500 Albert St Waterloo Ontario N2L 3V4 CASCADE 40 water heater In good shapepest otter Telephone 7269875 CEDAR RAILS approximately 10 long cedar posts ft long mixed hardwood all could be cut to size also mixed hard wood planks varied sizes and thick Losses Telephone 487 5151 GARAGE SALE 316 320 Grove St East Saturday September 25 10 am to pm Washer dryer rallaway beds baby furniture childrens clothing assorted household Items Cancelled If rains COLONIALSTYLE SOFA and mm recently recovered 590 Telephone 4075467 at FURNAC duct work all tan for room house perfect condition 3150 Quebec wood stove s45 Telephone 7284860atter5pm DISHWASHER oliIIt In whlte Westinghouse one year old used very little 5200 Telephone 7372471 FANDFELLETJJCRL ORCallbht cBrioi tlon 5000 lb capacity can be used anywhere skids are needed to be moved home or factory Asking 5285 Telephone 7268526 NEWFURNITURE Tuesday Sept 28 at pm at 49 Morrow Rd Unit 11 This new furniture all top name brands and guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers and Jobbers 7266314 737 0079 CHESTERFIELD AND matching Chalr dark brown also 12 rug brown with white flack all In good condition aphone7269439 wH VOCAL LESSONS SUSAN FORD HICKETTS ARCT LRCT Registered Music Teacher Preparation for all grades Royal Conservatory If desired 20 North Park Road Barrie 7282181 MARJORIE HANES Teacher of Plano and Theory Pupils prepared for Royal Conservatory Examination ALL GRADES ALL AGES 7288153 WDSCAENG MICRowAVEoVENS PROFESSIONALLANDSCAPINGdesignssup mu plied Tree removal Custom sprayln Fer Illlrer Insecticide Herbicide 73401 7289369 BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICES Lawn and garden malnt landscape servlcea reasonable rates 7264536 MICROWAVE Servlces Authorlled Amalia Sales Servlle to all errowuye ovenl 726 4177 anytlnie ms WING PAINTING paper harlglnr expellerlrell Mm AVAILABLE oadloh mollcontmc lree eltlmatel Jack tuitionnil 726 20t ting sodding ncing tree plantln patios IV 756 8874 Clocksconcrete0tf4874679093 VELLINGA PAINTING and llertlrutlng In terlor exterlor Work gualurlleerl EstablllhedOOyeals 726 2609 710 9002 DON SIESLING Ploleulunal painting III terlor exterior paper hanging custom work rlc Satisfacllon guaranteed 7266008 SPECIALIZING IN all types of pa eIIIungIng Intlng and ralnlttg Den uertlbmher lSClapperlan St ROY SCHUETT CO Chartered Accountants 103 Collier St Barrie Phone 7265100 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rooms Call Run 4363681 after 630 References available RED MORE living Rice rlecwroom extra olntlng 72807 bedroom play room aundry olllce storage aplslcebeAllgalntlng wallpapering Murray EIGsToMREC ROOMsICamiilm be Chartered Accountants panning and decorating privacy Icr ns and patios alumlnum door The number for Dunlap 50 gllyour negds 7280906 BY Barrie Ontario CARPENTRY REPAIRS ionoyoiloni iocking masonry demolition Rooting 20 years experlence Free eatlmalas 7269135 ANDmovlnug cottages louvndatlons me alterations additions custom building Fox 93°ifl 9391 531 DIV8WOYS Av Parking Lots vrm em CARPENTRY DRYWALL Palntlng Insulta tion Roolin Custom Building Cotta es Winterixed trlckIand Const Co 4562 alter6pm FRUITSAND VEGETABLES APPLES Tennls Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee NANDYMAN FREE 7260081 FRESH Garages Cleaned Serving Simcoe County FROM OUR URCIIAIIDS Trash hauled away for 16 years I0 YOU JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 Saturdays Sundays Next to Color El PAVING DRIVEWAYS Your World between IOam and 530 pm PARKING LOTS Hayï¬eld 81mm LAWN CARE CONCRETE WORK 325 General Maintenance Au WORK GUARANTEED APPLES App K00 and so can Trees and Hedges Trimmed Patios Installed Exterior Painting Window Cleaning Services Small Moving Jobs cession Oro 726 1907 718 8489 Closed Sundays Your containers TOMATOES LARGE medium or small delivered or pick your own Choice 30¢an Telephoncne 1632 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOX AND Hound Tack Shop English FREE ESTIMATES 7370179 MANIERI PAVING LTD Patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed now Phone 7260m1 riding equipmenland apparel Robinson Days IONA CONWACHNG P°° Hardware 31 Dunlop St Barrie 728 sIdewalks steps chimneys curbs New Venl work and re irs Free ast at 4534233 clumps geese BorAngEhDIand tyrantdpicha on GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance carpentry ghnsj E232°iï¬213b°m° all FRAMING Two Honses and western saddlis vf SPRING CL uP Pruning mowing sad It OATES 87 Dunlop Si East Custom ï¬xfï¬ï¬ggy mm ding seeding general malntenance framing OI WP We Mock many sizes llowerbeds etc 72685527 CARPENTER PAINTER wgdo it Call 7263407 Phat 7283270 RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Dame five minutes Windy Haugh farm7260192 ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 3224897 after pm SEWING MACHINES SEWING MACHINE REPAIR Specral hall price 58 88 clean oll odlull tension Any make Free pickup 737 2535 HORSES BOARDED large box stalls Windy Bracs Farm 4th Oro Hwy 11 Telephone 487 3333 SPECIAL CLEARANCE of Used and New Trailers Severalmakes Also lease and rentals 726 1551 PONY HACKNEY and horse year old gelding Chestnut color Very gentle Telephone 7281848 after APPOLOOSA Stallion Colt 15 months old 13 hands high Beautiful conforma tion and well mannered S700 firm Telephone 728 78121 BUCKSKIN Mare 10 years 15 hands rides Western or English 100 prr Lrtl sound Telephone 436 2116 REGISTERED APPALOOSA mart 161 hands thoroughbred Shown hunter You name FALL CLEANUP General Maintenance Fertilizing and Trimming Painting Trash hauled trees cut SmaII moving Iobs Storm windows cleaned installed DAYS 7268424 SEW TECH CO Specuollsts repairs all could 00 tumor Iumper Excellent on makes industrial domestic sowmg formation thlt matching disposition machlnes New used Agents Brother Would make good brood man 10 YIIVS SewingMachines 737 62I 737I I85 old 776 6077 SHOW HALTERS and dog collars TC Custom made assorted colors Honrlrlr sons Saddlery 227C Yongo Street If MW ZEZ£SL° thLfi cows 13 lots cleared Free Estimates 726 4187 McLean Dalston TllLpttonL 778 0807 Gym Forihtormation pleaaecall 7263654 Don POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to lay puIILts Also tarln fresh eggs Brown arm birds ovalabia micl November Craig Huntnr Poultry Farm GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular saute only Home mum lag You Stroutl 436 I811 Marcel Potvin Guitar Studla 7764489 new color from $3 75 pet wee at Barrie TV FEED SEED AND GRAIN BANDSTAND MUSIC Studios Baytield Mall 79Com SI 728 4297 Guitar classes Yamaha method all age groups 7264973 PIANO LESSONS Royal Conservatory Popular or Sacred Music taught by Miss Par tridge Telephone 7263150 ACCORDION gultar piano organ begin nar and advanced months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 12I Baylield 728 I799 PIANO LESSONS East and for further in formation telephone 7287I02 HAY FOR SALE but and second Cut CookstDWn area telephone 458 949 PERSONAL PERSONALLY ESCURTED 7284700 HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE WATER NAULAGE FRESH WATER DELIVERY Wells cisterns onlf poolslilled Call 7370661 WINDOW CLEANING ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Specialists in houses apartments and stores Telephone 7281914 have available for 1977 ANTI FOR ml ARTICLES FOR SALE sll bolus of escorted tours to GARAGE SALE cf nd September 25 and 398117 to p77I DOGS AND PETS vauropi May I977 Something for everybody 276 Tlftln St 0W0 Feb I977 genie EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums Hawaii March 977 fish plants all accessories price 143 Ardagh Rd 726 0094 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 414i POODLE TRIMMING RUMMAGE SALE Saturday Oct WW am to 12 noon Masonic Temple Eastern Star rooms Owen St Good clean used articles Proceeds to Cripple Children and Burns Institutes Spon sored by Ladies Oriental Shrine of North Las Vegas Feb 1977 SkiUtah Jon Feb I977 Winter Caribbean Cruise pmmssmnm SkiWeek to Mount Ste Anne America grooming all breeds pick up and Quebec REFRIGERATOR VIKING frosttree delivery776 87 ESISIUIIO can oda deml ls cu ft me Baby carriage S40 Also MAYS POODLE PARLOR Pratts Iron kettle toaster tan Clock reading clonal clipping and grooming ma $27H lamps Solid Cherry coffee table sonable rates Telephone 726 0061 PM 7053777I8I Elmvaler BASSET HOUND hush puppies chain SKIDOO SINGLE TILT trailer 1970 also plan sired regd Iris and reds shots I969 DOUGL Monaco door car both in wormed one female lhrer males $150 condition Telephone 424 5787 1729 2772 COPPERTONE STOVE and fulfill POODLE PUPPIES male and female arator 30 Inch range and rotisserie 5150 black mlnlature registered Call collect Frigadaire Cyclamatlc refrigerator 3611106 RR Elmvale gillsIncmd °° lemon SIAMESE IIltlttens purebred weeks Winter brochures now old Sealpo nt males 340 Phone after 86th Mu am My Pow 099mm pm UL available Please call for free more ar 50 tcmbLr 25 Saturday 10 COPY sm Dim I81m casement windows CAMPING EQUIPMENT HAYS 1RAVEL SERVICE oars aum num 34 double window brand new bathtub 792771 TENT TDALER SHWIIM Md 7284700 cy blueandnumerousothrrItems lop sleeps table and built In cup 527 boards Suit large family Asking prlce S800 4875808 HARDTOP Camper Bonalr model 650 never used won In draw Asking $1300 Telephone 436 2688 EBATSANPMOTORS 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard motor AI condltlon Askln 7500 mmb yiripmiisiimml 4309 EARMERS MARKET mv HMO WW 503 WINTER PROJECT Reflnlstl ttlls wad I33 marziogayiy pzywlsod ruknnlmuzl hotel with gulf view and BFTIY 00 ID BS II Georgian bold ott wltt ovey 8°C on V0 trailer HITI1YUCD and file Twin tori FARM FOR PROFIT HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 890 F7t967 0195579 7284700 SLAIRCImFT no HP lireyrzmlco SHOP 52m sarn rve ndltl at salt boat full qul many extras SIMCOE DISTRICT 19757modaIL70 326 after pm 00 FORCED TO SELL 14 ft Munro fiberglass boat back to back seats Illtt tackats pump In excellent condition 726653 l9°°f°9il°l°°° FTF The fun 1in Ma dl r05 It ARTICLES WANTED Nassau San Juan St Thomas CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre FARM MACHINERY plus ay an an oak Loï¬yygml 72991 Florida This is the crulse of PIANO WANTETSLWIII pay cash Ilfetlme Callfordetalls Please hon 72817990 lt POB 551 Ba7rlaelea detailsmlsrn Tnake a8 BROWN ANDBELL HAY TRAVEL SERVICE approxcondltlonkand price Farm Dalry Equlpment 7284700 WANTED WOOD storm windows DELAVAL 52411 Prf ddt Tt 72846 sworn 90° 609 SALES AND SERVICE GARDEN SU PigSm Complete Line of Dali POTTINO SOILS Govt tested We mix F° EQUIPM and Supplies our OWII Dont lose valuable plants Darrle Holly Hwy 27 rays Garden Centre 26 Farndale 7260338 or 7286766 Emma 7262951 WF TF NOTICE deadline for Classified word ads pm FREE USE of our spreadars to fertlIIza your lawn this fall with weed control or ordinary fertilizer Start the spring with first class lawn Brays Garden Centre TOXCWIK grain dryer for sale 570 bushels Used var lltl BQHEIgkww SeggdWNeWLowcIlv Joe van TREES AND SHRUBS SMALL FARM tractor Cub lnterna pr BVIOUS day tlonal with Wheel chains grader blade low cultivator dlsc and sickle bar all w°° Order 31400 Iftarmm hone 728 4296 TREES Nursery stock for sale Con ltaroul and Deciduous Vary reasonable Phone7269295 noon Saturday PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JUNE MELENBACHER LTCL ARCT AMusRMT PIANOVOICETHEORY Pupils prepared for Royal Western Conservatories and Trinity College England 27 Shirley Ave Barrie Phone 7284436 JESSIE BHYSUN Teacher of Plano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradford St 72847 ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instruction In Plano and Theory Also tutoring In French Latin and other school sublects 91 Run St Barrie 7285775 SAMUEL ROSE and ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 7285584 3050851 HOLIDAY IN THE SUN At TREASURE ISLAND PETERSBURG FLORIDA We have vacancies for October November December when prices are low Efficiency units from $65 WEEK for two per sons Phone the owners in Barrie 7262826 for in formation ST TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Leta friend help Call Telecarr 726 7922anytime RELIEF trom pain soreness tensron due to muscle overstrain Steve Whit manReg Masseur 726 4092 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 65m III You drink thats your business It you want to quit thats ours Call anytime BOWLERS WANTED to start Sep tembor teams couples or singles afternoon or evenings Kempwew Bowl 728 976I UNWANTED HAIR problem7 Have rt removed safety permanently medical Iy approved Lydia Hrenctluk Certified Electrologist 737 2671 HAVE YOUR Christmas Party Vespra Chalet Park Hwy 93 now tak ing reservatlons 726 7388 IS YOUR LIFE WORTH 44 hours Thc boating course taught by the Barrrc Power Squadron can make torcnce between an enioyable boating season and disaster Learn elements safe boating and scamanship by anon ding Class one night week during thc fall and winter Registration September 21 and 23 to pm Eastview Ccl legiate JULIES 33 ESSA RD We trade and set used pockotnavels We alsohaveasand wich bar Open to 10 days Weekly PORTRAITS Oils or pcncrl Take from favorite photograph Ideal Christmas gifts Also general artwork Teluphurtt 728 6666 or 726 6954 TRANSPORTATION TO work for col lege student Saturdays only Edenvalo to Collngwood Hours to6pm or to Telephone 478 5987 Col loct INTERNATIONAL Investigation Ser vices Civil criminal marital investiga tions surveillance DISTCCI and any tidentlal 737 2972 COULD YOUR BACKACHE be the result of SIUQgtSTl kidneys7 Try DcWitls Kidney and Bladder Pills to relicv0 bind der irritation by inrriaslng urinaryflow Look to DCWitts for prompt relief Avalabia at Cusdens Pharmacy and all druggists RIDE REQUIRED to Georgian College Orilllatoarrivol1 45a at daily Return approximately Telephone 726 9690 INSTRUCTIONS PIANOLESSONS Easteno Forlurthor Information telephone 728 7I02 LOST ANDFOUND GLASSES LOST Gentlemans lens brown frames Could IN Bayticld Dock parking lot Telephone 728 1411 or 728 2869 GLASSES CHILDS gold rim glasses black case lost Monday Prince of Wale School area Please telephone 728 5771 S24 hall lostI Reward IIELP wANTEo AVON havent worked in 20 years now Im earning good money Im an AVON Representative selling AVON might satisfy you too Call 7289652 today for in terview or write AVON PO Box 485 Barrie Ontario FS S25 LIBRARY TECHNICIAN Applications are being received for the position of Library Technician at Banting Memorial High School Alliston Ontario Experience an asset Duties to commence as soon as possible Starting rate $428 per hour Interested persons please apply In Writing on or before Sep tember 29 I976 to MR HANNA Principal Banting Memorial High School 203 Victoria St ALLISTON Ontario LOM 1A0 S24 INSURANCE CLERK Excellent position with large General Insurance Agency In Midland Applicant must have minimum years experience In the In surance Field Including good stenographlc background OIA8A and Insurance In stitute of Canada Courses would be an asset Apply In writing to PO BOX 265 MIDLAND ONTARIO L4R 4L1 All replies held In strictest confidence we al the alt IIELP WANTED IIELP WANTED PLANT ENGINEER Fahramet Limited leading specialist in steel casting and fabrications seeks the services of prefesslonal engineer Work responsibilities will Include projects related to revisions to oxlstlng facilities new equipment installations environment con trol and energy conservation This position which offers excellent scope and growth potential to the right person will be best suited to the engineer who has from to years industrial experience Please send resume in confidence to MCCARTHY FAHRAMET LIMITED Orillia Ont L38 6L6 S25 FULLTIME POSITION FINANCE CAREER Experience an asset Competitive salaries Good working conditions and company benefits TELEPHONE MR MaCDONALD 7261496 EEBPIICIIQLLEIIREEYIEQE minimum of five year supervisory experience Responsibilities to include supervision of all aspects of production and sanitation in food processing plant This position is for the second shift Salary Commensurate with experience Please write in confidence to PILLSBURY CANADA LIMITED Taylor Drive Midland L4R 4L4 Attention Perks S29 Real Estate Sales Representatives required by one of Barries leading realtors Experienced preferred but not essential If you are ambitious and prepared to work you write your own pay Cheque EMORY mum MILLER LIMITED REALTOR BARRIE 7261881 TORONTOSOA7941 S25 67 DUNLOP WEST MANSFIELDDENMAN GENERAL COMPANY LIMITED JOHN STREET BARBIE 72155520 TECHNICAL TRAINEES HSIIIFI UPIIIAIION The successful applicant must have minimum of Grade 12 in cluding math and chemistry or suitable alternate science This applicant must also have an aptitude for engineering and will be expected to undergo 4yeor training course which will com prise of on the iob training together with appropriate studies This is career development program in progressive and expanding industry Current hourly rate $422 plus 2T cents cost of living allowance All previous applications will receive consideration Applications for the above positions are obtainable at the security office or by writing to the employment manager st IIIIIIDIRII FIIIFIDIRIT TIRE RSSDLIRTE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Opportunity for keen individual with senior bookkeeping typing payroll experience Person appointed will be prepared to work Saturdays be an innovator selfstarter conscientious and OC curate Excellent benefit program with fast growing company Apply Hanna Scullion Canadian Tire Company PART TIME piandinstructor needed to 25 II IIELP WANTED Licenced BOdy ManNVoman CLASSB Due to expansion position available Immediately Hourly rate $575 Good company benefits 40hour work week Contact Lane Mace at 3266033 TF Barrie Sewer Construction Company requires OBACKHOE OPERATOR OLOADER OPERATOR OPIPE LAYERS Only experienced need apply 7267961 530 FULLER BRUSH DEALERS required in Barrie area Part or full time Write Mr Ellis 1m Hamilton on Newmarket HAVE YOU 15 spare hours week Earn $60 working on your own time Also two full time positions Car necessary 416 395 am EARN EXTRA MONEY by showing Canadas finest line of Christmas cards Wraps Novelties etc Over 450 items in cluding exciting new Crawnware For free coloured catalogue and prompt ser vice Jeandron Greeting Card Co Ltd 1253 King St Hamilton Ont teach low grades in downtown studio Grade BGr minimum requirement Gr to preferred Applicant must be neat personable sincerely interested in teaching No age limit Call for personal interview 7281799 BABYSITTER wanted to live in or ouT also interested in horses Telephone 436 4156 evenings MATURE Babysitter required pre ferably home Grove and Duckwortb area for month old Commencing No vember Monday to Friday 830 to 530 726 9906 WEEKEND HELP wanted Saturday and Sundays Apply Skyline Farms 7261512 ORGANIST REQUIRED to accompany singer steady week end club work must be professional and versatile Call 4363541 DINING ROOM Supervisor Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings Must be familiar with restaurant operations and employee supervision Apply Crack and Block Restaurant 325 Baytield street JUNIOR CLERK with pleasannl telephone manner for general office duties including shorthand Please app ly Robinson Hardware Barrie Ltd 31 Dunlop St CHINESE EOOD COOK required for new Chinese food takeout in Barrie For information call 7370569 alters ELDERLY LADY requires middleage live in companion Room and board plus wages Light household duties Modern apartment Close to shopping plaza downtown bus route Telephon 726 8152 After5pm7282950 DAY CARE needed to days week 730 am to 530 pm no weekends for child 18 months in Your home 7267313 alter BABYSITTER needed for 10 month old girl in family with other children Bet ween Cundles Heights and Johnson St School area Will also consider someone to come into our home Telephone 726 7747atter5pm TAXI DRIVERS needed fulltime Must have good driving record and be of neak appearance Apply in person only United BMaple WARM ATURE woman required td take care at Children at night some Cleaning call 7260711 WAREHOUSE HELPl Excellent opportunity for advancement with aggresive wholesaler Good Academic background prefered Apply in person to 156 Victoria St Barrie PARTTIME help wanted for stationeer store Neat appearance essential Apply Box $387Lhe Barrie Examiner FARM COUPLE man experienced witty horses and general farm maintenance Some housekeeping in main house Nice home provided on property Half hour from Metro References please Write Box 539 Barrie Examiner or phone Lecompte41629142119amt05pm SALES HELP AND AGENTSII MATURE PARTTIME office clerkr weekdays pm to pm Saturdays am to pm Call 7267053 to arrange for elnlsrvirw TRADE SCHOOLS77 GEORGIAN COLLEGE Gel Started Evening Courses This Fall For Information Registration Brochure CALL 705 7281951 MWFS29 hExaminer Want Ads For Best Results Barrie $27 ANNI YNIICM lINIS COMING EVENTS WNW Simcoe County Chapter MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY presents DEATHS Our Second Annual MARTIN DAISY late of Barrie Suddenly on Monday September 2051976 at E1 bcoko General Hospital aisy Thorbllrll Beloved wife of Lloyd Martin FALL Dear mother of Kathleen Mrs Harold by Johnston of Mississauga Sister of cars Lena Kenn ttMargaret hor urn ox Thorburn eand the late James ï¬nd George Thorburn Loving grandmo war of Louise and Robert family service GOOIQIOILCOIIOQG Ier was held Thursday evening September 231976Crematian Borne SEPT 27 2819768 pm Commentator WENDY HICKS Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST Door Prlze 7282530 Sears Employees not eligible Friendly Courteous Service LUCkYdr°w Adfnssm 32 Tickets avallable at Sears Catalogue Sales Desk Customer Servlce Dept Barrie Chamber of Commerce Jacksons Grill Photography by Favero Georgian College Theatre Georgian Flowers Harpers Pharmacy CARL UIVI IllINKS BOWMAN We would like to thank everyone who helped to make our 25th anniversary celebration such lovely ackcaslon special thank you to The Sandy and Barb IN MEMORIAMS JAMIESON In loving memory of fathgr7 Hilliard who passed away Sept 241 S22242527 HUM AGE SALE Tlswellhewlll suffer nomore SET UCI 20d In the loved land of the blast Pain fled as he trod Heavens shore 98m 12 no It left him at peglce and rest Masonic Temple Ever remem fired by son ameron in Wm WM Barbara Easlarél Star Rooms BOYD In loving memory of dear we SI father Walter who passed away Sep lumber 24th 1972 Restlngwhere no shadowsfall In peaceful lehepbhe awaits us all stltutos God wlll lIn rokencha When one by one we me am Sponsored by Ladies Orlantal Shrine 01 NOT Sadly missed by daughter Debbie and 1h America son Philip Good clean used anlcles Proceeds to crippled children and Burns ltt 82429 Royal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary MARATHON BRIDGE October 15th to May 15th Call Joan Symonds 7281425 before October Ist if you wish or to play $100 per person per game 10 games AGNES GROVES 7286599 S27 11 The mily of STANLEY and LILA HALBERT will hold reception In honor of their parents 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY at the home of GWEN and JACK LENNox 205 Jean St Tollendal SUNDAY SEPT 26th 1976 2to4and7to9pm FRIENDS WELCOME No gifts please 524 It ANGUS LIONS FLEA MARKET Highway 90 Angus every Sunday 12 to pm BOOTH RENTAL Call 4246986 or 4241862 after pm rTPf RONMAOE sALE Friday October 23 630 900 pm St Marys Church Auditorium 65 Amelia St Specializing In winter clothing AquICOs of St Marys CWI $2429