Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1976, p. 17

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PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE The Barrie Examiner Friday Sept 24 197617 RENTALS AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE mus FOR SALEF mwmwmw wmmwh JWWWW WWW mmmmms mm EaErgeTtIErlgLalovlfvpllEngRoANTaha I972 MAZDA standard transmission I970 CHEV Van flon 35000 ONESOME drapes and broadloom Soitatglg for ex cerliliflt $1200 or best offer original miles good condltlon 31295 TED TEDV ecume my Leése remenc Must sell Telephone 7287195 alter 1267951 our izlesita°igigmt713320 IANIII mu pl Ire le gfimaTgRrEEe bfdgofmlomnhggsfizrx cylinder convertible recent extensive angle snowplow Good C9ndlt°Ql new ROMPIN RICK From 3503 9mim YES TOO Frid repatrs Bestouer or winconstder trade paint lob Also Includes air conditioned USU 195 Telephone 4354045 homemade camper nearly finished and IG MIKE and stove tully broadloomed to your stock rack snelbumelstonzsmm ummefceamnce 0108118 F1 Ft LT cholceolcolor Located south ol Hwy12 1969GT°400C€lpowerbrakessleermgr SAYS bypass beyween Gm and ForestAye convertible roof windows 66000 miles 12orGMEJ 310 custorriedpaInTtelaemgogté Includtng models of Hammond Crll Iflepbonel3593WWW ggYuafifg 200 Telepmne 4357493 Electrohome Baldwm Forftsa UNCLAIMED BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse for rent in exCIusive location For more in tgrmation call 7264544 Ace Tone Optigon Orcona Phone 8352016 41972 CHEV 2ton V8 power brakes 1974AUSTIN Marina door maroon black interiorautomatic powerbrakes power steering custom cab Certified COUNTRY HOME NEAR SHANTY BAY 2ACRES HILLTOPI Mlchelen 4season radials new exhaust Best otter over $1500 Telephone THREE AND FOUR bedroom single 76 Magnificent View over the countryside from this massive bdrm figmeogeflgfrme oknd 53036galow faiore rear wnh wolk lamily homes exclusive arealrom $350 Séfigipénegggggélamd 25000 es 58731225 Dodge crew cab with 0P3 dagY Pm Iu oo home Gleaming hardwood throughout oak staircase fire loce in ac Yer ennen per mpmhGaragesc°se° hows and 1972 FORD wer steerin ower cap 9250 miles Call Saturday or Sun pen venngs shoppingaarrle 728 3122 or 424 6711 90 Tuesday Thursday Friday pm day705 3782575 1969 DODGE VAN 117 cylinder auto trans in working condition but needs bodywork uncertified Phone 4245547 1964 DODGE 3ton stake for sale ex cellent condition good tires certified $1400 Telephone 436 2893 after pm VAN WITHnew motor 1800 miles Can be seen 68 McDonald St 1974 CHEV Pickup truck in excellent condition with camper cap Low mileage automatic power steering with snow tires Certilied $4300 or best offer Telephone458 9715 1970 TANK TRUCK for sale Sell as is Telephone Orillia 326 7660 1963 TON FORD standard A1 condi tionl000certilied Telephone 436 1271 M9T°RCYCE5 brakes $800 or best offer Telephone 7284335 1973 GRAN TORINO excellent condi tion power steering power brakes radio radial tires 59000 miles Will cer tlty $2400 or best offer Call Collect Newmarket 416 8952745 evenings 1954 DODGE Mayfair door hardtop tinted windows original condition Best offer or will trade anything Telephone 7370966 W71 CORVETTE red 45000 original miles loaded with extras $6000 tirm Telephone 7286796 after pm 1970 FORD Torino door hardtop with vinyl roof 56000 miles good condition 5950 Also 1973 Delta 88 Royale door hardtop vinyl root electric windows AMFM radio 46000 miles Telephone 7289941 1970 BUICK Skylark certified new paint Best offer Telephone 726 5834 1973 CHEVELLE good second car or for young couple automatic low mileage good tires radio no problems private sale First good after is new owner Call Muriel 7372535 1968 FORD LTD door hardtop good THREE BEDROOM HOUSE large liv lng room with lireplace rec room with fireplace large kitchen electricity paid Oro miles from downtown Barrie Available October Telephone 726 3831 or 7371245 WATERFRONT bedroom bungalow in Ora Spacious rooms appliances drapes broadloom $400 monthly Lease and references 416 2499528 evenings 4875788 Sundays 0R0 STATION bedrooms living dining room recreation room extras carpeted View of the bay Available Oc tober $300 monthly References 487 2942 alter6pm THREE BEDROOM duplex Shanty BaY$300 per month Telephone 726 1531 or7267704atter4pm BEDROOM Bungalow 172 baths dou ble garage large lot Available October lst $290 monthly Painswick area Telephone 737 1343 BEDROOM Townhouse available Dec Fully broadioomed baths garage No appliances $315 per month Tele phone 726 7657 alter 530 BEDROOM brick home broadloom main floor tom room baths 3car garage $20000 down Judy Pennett 737001 $29900 LARGE TREED LOT Two Of town is this bdrm bungalow neat and clean ready to move in Call now Judy Pennett 7370011 SALE IS ON NOW MWFTF USED COLORED TVs Any reasonable offer will be accepted We need the room for new stock con tinuously coming in Come early for best selection 01 color and black and white TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 C01 tier St 7284297 PIANOS at Neales 30 Queen Etmvale See our ad under Pianos in the yellow pages New pianosfrom $995 SAVE MONEY On your food costs this year purchase Speed Queen freezer lrom me for $275 or you may pay for it on easy monthly installments Call Terry at 7266558 FIREPLACE HARDWOOD Seasoned lull cord 16x4x8 $35 Or custom cut Free delivery 726 4725 LINCOLN ARC WELDER 225 amp year old extra length cable and shield asking $150 CB radio Royce 612 still under warranty twin trucker aerials asking $190 7284589 TEN ACRES WOODED SETTING Lovely solid brick home nestled away amidst mature trees Custom Alum seen $8 ivlna room formal dining larqe kit Must be seen 903799 Judy PEnnett 7370011 BARRIE $51500 19 Springdale executive sidesplit close to schools shopping Fireplace in professionally finished ground floor family room Spacious Hollywood kitchen treed and fenced lot Separate dining broadloom garage paved driveway Phone Jeffery 726 6383 Rep LePage Ont Limited RENT TO OWN GIANT 20 RCA x1100 COLOR TV 80 pm week Ollelll to own 497 Term available COLLEGE CRESC $47900 Eastend Bungalow with fenced backyard for the children Vacant and ready to move in Judy Pennett 7370011 ANGUS JUST REDECORATED IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 90 Simcoe St Solid well built bedroom bungalow with large living room attractive kitchen with loads of cupboards laundry room good location on nice treed lot Call Jeffery 7266383 524 PEACOCK LANE $54500 andale Heights 4level home completely finished with bdrms baths Oversize fenced backyard Judy Pennett 7370011 1972 XL 250 HONDA Excellent condi tion Must sell Asking $500 Call alter pm 7260584 SNOWMOBILES 1972 YAMAHA Snowmobile 338C Ask lng $400 In perlect condition Telephone ENID DAY 7266904 AL BILBROUGH 4362297 JACK SLEssoR 7266280 PETER BRACALENTE 7263916 MURIEL JEFFERY 7266383 VICKI KENT no toll 4872501 Snowmobile lor sale A1 condition 600 mileson machine Telephone 436 2688 1070 MOTo SKI capri best oiler Call 726 021796 mt05pm ARCTIC CAT 634 cc Puma chrome out siders sliders cleated track good con dition Best offer or trade for TNT 340 FA Phone 728 1149 alter 1973 440 Nordic Skidoo also Mark skiboose with double trailer Like new Approx 20 hours 5950 complete Telephone 726 6392 evenings JIM CANCILLA 7371597 WAYNE PENNETT7371264 DON KNIGHT7260052 throughout full basement rec room running order $500 or best otter 27 301 CQNVEY Riffs 513 $51991 DON BOOTH 8352345 WES STITT 7265784 AUDREY MachLLlAN 7286748 with tranklin fireplace double Telephone73700580r7280706 1974 MERCURY Hurricane 440 50 hp 1533 ATnePTdbedsStmrflaa2 S0333 KING IIOIL JUDY PENNETT 7371264 1968 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle could be made roadworthy or good for parts Body and transmission good Includes radio and gas heater $150 firm Telephone7264090atter6pm 1974 DODGE Swinger one owner $2699 firm as is Telephone 726 9604 between and 1969 BIRD is automatic all powér In good running condition $850 lirm Telephone 728 8030 1970 VOLKSWAGEN Rebuilt englne and garage near school and store Rent $300 monthly plus heat and hydro Phone 728 2379 BIG BAY VPoint2 bedroom bungalow main road large fenced lot Available October Telephone 436 4507 WELL FURNISHED modern home Laketront Oro while owner is absent or months bedrooms baths rent reasonable to responsible couple no pets Telephone 4873148 LARGE HOUSE with large bedrooms LES COOK Bradford 7753286 7266399 Monday toFriday to pm DRY HARDWOOD 14 and 16 split At work yard or delivered For further de tails telephone 4361372 ONE SIDE of beef Government in spected steer beef approximately 125 1b 65 cents per pound plus cutting and wrapping Telephone evenings 726 1483 LARGE Roasting Chickens to 101bs oven ready Order now for Thainsgiving Call after pm 3221977 or drop in at Birchs Fruit Market Hwy 27 north at DOUBLE 11m $11 BOX SPRING AND MATTRESS Our sugg price $279 YOU PAY ONLY AE LEPAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 BAYFIELD STREETBARRIE ONT737001 535 healecl one farm only NOV transmission best offer Telephone 1973 SILVER BULLET TNT and dou LLL9RJGAGEH 300 99 101 ISl and 851 10m 7269875 ble lrailer mint condition 5675 F9U5°l9lea advance no pets dogs 91 Worsley St Telephone 773 7772 ELECTROHOME Television color 21 728 5049evenings 1975 CHEVY ESTATE stattlpn vagond inch years old excellent condition 31000 miles power windows ra es an Can be seen at 48 Codrington St Apt IF OFFICESSTORES steering Certilied Asking $4000 ARTICLES FOR SALE GARAGE TRUssESéoiML4 For both pleces FOR RENT Telephone Midland 526 5985 pitch new Telephone 456 2344 for fur DelIvered Immediate tst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and COmmOTCIal properties lher details WV SIMMONS Beautyrest king size mat tress extra lirm used months $175 also double dresser and bookcase bed in Good condition S95 Telephone 726 6283 Modern office with 1100 sq ft 1972 DATSUN 2402 Well maintained 70000 miles new paint konls Certiiled $2700 Call Mike 728 4265 or 436 4731 1971 VOLKSWAGEN BUS passenger many extras radial tires no rust one BARBIE TV SAllS El SlliVIIIl BRAND NEW PIECE lOyOl OOk lQQllV lid PROPERTY FOR SALE tlioRTcAoiS Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 1414 MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 APARTMENT for rent One bedroom basement apartment North Collegiate area not suitable for children or pets Telephone7370778 BEDROOM APARTMENT With Stove Telephone 424 6877 19750LDSMOBLE DELTA 88 Royalli door hardtop low mileagll Vinyl roof tone green With radial tires Tellphoni 424 1577 or 728 6435 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND Board available for elderly couple In Stroud Telephone 436 2288 any portable tO boot NEW DEMOSAND USED NO MONEY DOWN 42 Dunlop 311881 West Barrie Ont TO consolidate debts low montth payments owner 73 engine and clutch 52500 Telephone 7051 737 1223 Home Improvements any worthy teason °° over3°°km9 Keml IggpaTSSélgf 30 IILETIS unic or sa engine TO pay off existing of maturing Inungage Dank IP automatic transmissmn 15000 original Construction funds free advice try us porhmg ecemny ecoroed nggzbfus Promo 57495 Tflfpltol SANBOAT RENTALS AND SALES rl wit we to we rapes on Hw We live realty cash to purchase lnortgdges my broodloomed Co Bi wwROLLS ROYCE or sale news miles north of Barrie pain certi ied new radials Price MORTGAGE FUNDING Sukeris NotIOnol Trust Co 728 $7800 Telephone 436 2893after7p is 4872523 or 7373993 Mt mic 9201 1974 DODGE DART Swmger $7300 or m0 0039 TUTTI ALL ON ONE FLOOR me bestottor Ttlephone 776 3143 anyilmr MWF Th 129 OUNLOPST EAST 347 BAY STREET 1970 CHRysLER Newport when lgrcus om ome qu especm 9519p or BARBIE ONTARIO Hour TORONTOIONT gondltlon safety checked Phone THREE USED 45 KVA Westinghouse family that entertains grOCIously and often Fireplaces In 725 0981 Phone Service 363 3421 28 33 alerbpm phase 60 cycle transformers Three livin andl PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPA 3100 1966 BEAUMONT for sale as IS not cer used 67 KV Ferrani Packard hg 00 amlY 00 Dmnkg room 59° 20 9999 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 19500 ttfuly Sprinkleredc transport titled$1000rbestotier Telephoneafter SIM BMW 60 met 016 OUGOOF wrt space et over Seven wol outs to three private TI and light truck loading docks it 726 0730 350395 Miscemews 506 patios Garage parks four Cars Priced to sell at $79900 clear part of large expanding Industrial mo Elm Mmmm adim pow lsrtIecgIsgvyétégisgfigshgetg luse Call Ellen Norreno who LL $311322 00 3222 233 fmiow AM ifvkm by 20 with pslructural syteel sui alc or ore ua ex ausnrw no as ALLANDALE MORTGAGES AstTORENr garage warehousing etc 71 Mary ONIIIO WWW llrfvlliuélnlleelil721kaé2cr8ilii Street very central Apply Valley and readr lo 90 $1600 or make 30p ntz St Raised brick bungalow duplex With large shady lOt On Drive yoursell 16 Maplp Avenue 728 8630 NW ciuiet street Monthly income 5440 The vendor will hold KANEFF 66 am Cenu LUUI OW $332802Tgtflsringufvfikfhlo $12233 second mongoge Your down payment would 050 be APARTMENT HOMES ROOMS To LET condition Telephone gala lsusléamanufactutrfggowartflnty Now orpaylus wee ywit no on Ideal starter or retirement home With an Income Sup BarrlesFinest FUQNISHED ROOM rem men 1974 DODGE Challenger 3151 pOWIr money down and no payments til plemeritCollEllen Norreno IMPERtAL TOWERS 7269530 facilities parking 25 weekly SItPtrlnIJ 90 hzrdkvs ramII Ilrcs December Phonelonightfreedelivery Tele hone726 6271 two ape er lebartod very good tonigm Kraly K8 TVBarreSho DOG KENNELS CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 HOUDSEKEEPING ROOM In gem condition $3000 or best Offer Telephotw ONLY ing Plaza7371182 pp POSSlble Income of $350 plus per week One acre fenced Adults mens residence IIncn supplIed sit0 73 Full price both $70 monthly Bradford Street area 1973 FORD Galaxln vs automatic full 01 0t 05 pg IUnS EDOTOIG room ungalow WWW iflm Telephone 776 9713 power 34000 original miles plIrtertcon Jusyssw per wk Asklngses 000 Col John MORTGAGES new so new than Ramses 7212 IRII DII ml ncludes dnoerawn 50 new oflaCIlltlesandhomeprlvllrgvs Mature QUlEp and pamng BUS op Manon No new student preferred Telephonl 407 5682 11971 AUSICINAmgmrlwigoo IllIQLXXl 111 111105 Price gmgeaggigfipaggfisgr gkigfifezfaez HIGH BACK CHAIR bedroom storey brick home on qUIet street in Please Telephone 4016 55 53 murmur KeIIYs TV Barrie Shopping Plazay FURNISHED ROOMSenlral arkn lOWn Large has Stream running through the WE HAVE funds Immediately ONE AND Two Bedroom apartments hm pnwwqm Common we In 1970 MERCURY Marquis door aorllt BUYERS CHECK LIST 87 OliOMAN backyard Only $38800 call John Morton available with compemwe for Fens Cfntrallv localedr 0117095 ram supptlpd weekly Responsmlo adults common cirtllnd $1100 TlIephonr CH Imme la 63 possession ep one no 786 726 5546 it TERFIELD H41 ltl Lllllll Mp ETE SENIOR Exgcutlvg HOMES of Interest prompt com 737 2699 or 726 2551 FURNISHED BEDROOM Comm 1973 GREMLIN 304 vs lsplIIrt start WWW NW CO presently being bum in quiet reed area of game mltments and complete con SELFCOjNTAlgED bedlrogm apart News Cemmi 10mm mum dard81ralk new radial tires niltalllc HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS OCKING SWIVEL CHAIR merit ri ean sovenewy ecorate blue Igt0000 17 III have mom floor Um rooms and farmly rooms 2300 sq tidentlollty for first second and Vincegt area S170 monthly plus fizzy ma precrm Telepmm 19mm and ponf°fl wFrae same day delivery Moving Everything must be nd third man es hydro Reterences required no pets evenings hat II to ears old mo Priced atSll2000 and up ALL TY Available now 726 0713 Signg ffgyzfgg M23720 DUNE BUGGYlorSaIi llhrrolasshmtr we mew WP 58 Rzlgsonable Telepyhone 4174 BRAND NEW EARLY pongSSION AVAILABLE PES property random BEDROOM APARTMENT trestily Mom Ca Jamuesmnb mm am mole 5700 Whom 0478 bedroom bungalow full basement ideal for future lOIrcommerC°°d Vocallonal 2955Mfgagainylfiiiligifgififisfig ROOMS TO rerltwntl kitchen laundrrl tignoggzrfiiy 783 S25 35 Tam autolnn iI recrechon room 5999mm dlnmg room Seel PLth WE ALSO buy GXSImQ mor nglgggkyggg Nopms Available on 32331233225103972915S3BODKTTTAH transmission Best nfllr Tellptlonl TThSTF SCITOOI and EOSIVeW HQh SChOOI 0190 ASIWIQ 549900 190985 for cash BEDROOM madame October park FURNISHED BEDROOM own bath 73 °°°°° EMW WW MT TH Call Karen Hulak or John Morton an able TV included 89 room kitchen privileges Soltable lor 966 VALIANT Moor hardtop chIIhdIIr ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE OUR ADVICE IS FREE mghmel Cgéucles only no on Tele mam ma Collage an Tmpphono atuomallc as Is for parts Best offer YEAR ROUND COTTAGE ORO IAN KERR phone 78 75333 59003 7211 am after Telephone 728 I263 Three bedroom bungalow situated on large treed corner NICELY FURNISHED room llnlrlt sup IWI DATSUN I200 autorrallr 1000 lot Completelyfurnishedincludingfridge stove freezer Bus 737188 pliea reasonamo mm mm Imam 7323633 WOO be ca HOME Available lmmrIdlalily Telephone toolshed and lawn UI merit Ideal for starter home 487 5385 FURNISHED 776 9806 1967 CHEVELLE Malibu convorllhlo BEdSItlIng room With kitchenette share FURNISHFD ROOM or rem no house new pain ow r00 cxnfllcn running ASkmg $38500 C0 Koren HUlck or JOhn Monon 107 Salgtgllamfor330rm3hdiyrl DT°£DDXVTC keenlan carpeted parking Telephone ConditionA1intlIrlor Call 726 7724 full price 0P In 505 bogseweekdaysv 726 1531alter4p n1 1973 PLYMOUTH satellite lor sale Karen Hulak 7265303 BARRE Two BEDROOM aparmem mm ROOM WITH cupboards sink ICdr 59nls1I UOmalb ddO 000 Can easily be enioyed by you with any of these tremendous colour mb trance Upstairs suitablelor pensioner CertIlltd In 900d condition Asklng John Morton 3256747 °° °r 9°9° 75 Nm°g FE 7525 231 s75 weekly 89 WorsIly $1 728 5049 even $22000r Desloffer 45171131 IOIGVISlOn buys And With our easy payment plans anyone can of one Ellen Norreno 7372929 Brokers Assoctatlon 30 géonégM Assflmem rem mgs 1969 CHEVELLE MALIBU 327 bar ford to have color now AS bonus offer to anyone cashing In on wt DoveThomson 7372569 maivflw Ar ground floor with lull basementtoroe CLEAN BROADLOOMED rooms kit TreadismSpllaylelc$hrdn72b 211108 85 superb volues Kelly free abSOIUeIY FREE Your fireplace Asking 270 plus UIIIIWS chcn privileges Responsmll adults prc choice of iece corvin knife set lace china dinnerware Office open tIl9weekdays COMPARE our rates First second Avalabe 0cm wwsey 530 T° trTthrtSrfitulzthtZlfloo ClHEool 50 SI eta et or llab tbase th vInY nIw ex se ora azen er ennlsra re cu WI 524 third mortgages appraisals Gerry Telephone 737 1087 or 776 0886 737 3931 97 hausl Michelin ZX tires price 52200 ROOM evenings and refrigerator parking included 5220 1965 CHEVROLET BIAr Sedan In INVESTORS lst 2nd and 3rd cguzlyfeflanoztgzggggg New doc ACCOMMODATIONS good cundllion Puget reasonably mortgages yielding from 12 per cent up To SHAR Telephone 458 4533 interest Call Bill 737 3453 FURNISHED bedroom apartment NO PAYMENTS Garage and utilities supplied EastEnd wdelNG girls looking for one GRAN TOTnOI Sport 351 BBL Jo Frsond second MON on bus route close to shopping Abs other to share rustic bridfodm fur power steering power brakes Asklnq MORTGAGES ARRANGED tainers nonsmokers $700 onlle nished farmhouse on 50 acres miles 3000 makennoucr Phone Reasonable Rates AND TRAILERS Phone 779 7315 from Barrie Telephone 775 8828 antr 1974 BOBCAT wagon Excellent condi BEDROOM aparymenwim triage and pm tion certified must sell or 71 Butck stove large living room with fireplace YOUNG MAN has bedroom furnished mum mmm 0° C0°I NITH HROMACOLOUR 424 O992after4 so 20 ZE 00 93 DUNLOp STREET Mortgages Ideal for to Share OCCUPGDCY 0C1 apartment to share $125per month Cali EAST purchased Sorry no pets or Children $275 monthly Mr cox 725 615110311119 104 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY custom on ear 728 57929 to6pm for appointment YOUNG MAN has bedroom anmcm cellent condition V8 dutoniatlc power or pay lust 350 weekly 7282419 FOT COSI Mobile Homes View tosharewith same Telephone 7p26 0419 Ejggw 9000 90° 05 Pm 26COLOUR AONSOLE OPERUES MORTGAGES Monger Lilo Insurance Ltd SINGLE MALE to share turnished alter sgrmms fr Tmpphono MM Priced 90 $48800 PR house miles from Barrie Own bed vallabla Mabel Marshall 7268603 Bands new buildmgl one and WO IToeogrimzmtggflemlgg EESInessrnan gt CARS WANTED To BUY or Pay 450 weekly OH bedroom apartments with nice view and Lois Stansfleld 728 8082 50 seerce manyyeamreslyy 00727 2Gr1RLS TO SgtARElil bedroomohouse YLVANIA $38800 L°°° C°°s°n 7260423 121 BAYFIELO $1 uswe °° LARGE ONE WWW WNW Telephsgrlgem ml 737 liftifinlnzi 00 5°ld me New Mel Edith Binnendvk 7263679 Bendix And Glendale cal Ydror Cableaam Rawnl 2703 YOUNG businessmen looking mm For Barrio Newest Car Dealer or POY iust 350 weekly MWFTF 32997130 Modular Homes 03113332502373 30 peelslerilslflfid lasl hmoaIe to gillare expenses 03 large new TOP CASH RCA ACCUCOLOUR XL75 00 ice ours am rences Available Oct me I3 T905 area 01 smo 05 HGHCBOFT oinmem Northlanders 329953337 onlyTcIephone7260158 GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL Freer°ll°b°ulb°59 NEW we Pulr 091 gp Travel Trailers pop RETIRED pews only Elmvate BEDROOM Townhouse to share 63 AUTOMOBlLES Orpayust350 weekly bedr°°m bmk mm 0m er 81 nAW or gage C°°G°°° mmm plmrwm 305333232 rojlgilnflllozfiésglgm ca ORV HARDY MOTORS 26 RCA ACCUCOLOUR 00 r0 ers ssociation Parole entrance Dorc pa 10 snow dInIng 9nd IVng °°mI fWHY Canel removal parking Heat hydro water in 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 Spanish or Contempory PREOWNED sized kitchen pc washTOOm Terms Up T015 Years CIUSIVQI 0° T°V ECemmnfgégj HOMO or pay iust OOweekly tizen organ za ion in area on main floor Really nice quhwovn sou after6pm homE pool size lot 170 Burton AVG 7289866 TWO BEDnOOM apartment Heat TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors hydro and parking in Angus Telephone ichRs SALE Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 728 8111 FOR RCA ZENITH SON SUNNDALE RD mm 424 5988 atter530pmfi 1975 GRAN TORNO 1000 mnei ex JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices TOSHIBA GE SOLID SlAlE NO bonuses ONE BEDROOM apartment lor sublet caller condition radian power 59 paid Same day pickup Holt Auto QUASAR Call Approx acres POIllY TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes for sale 37 Johnson Street Apt 806 View Of Bait lng power brakes $3200 Telephone WeCkPTS 776 3711 wooded room stone house emgem 95 Orrem HQIIdBY COmPeE 50 no children Quiet clean bulldino 7266733alter530pm TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for lace Develo ers fees iglrtralgrsrle Tent and Awning C0 34 TelephoneMr MacDonald726 7449 1975 CHEV BLAZER 350 4V pow wrecking and parts top prices pitld Borrow up 0515 000 FURNISHED selfcontained bachelor steering and brakes shag and lur in Fretnlfkup Telephone 726 8487 note DAPHNE CRES 1976 BENDIX LEADER 68x17 bed apartment college area Molina male terior 11 15 tires white spoke wheels SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices full rCIIIcny Warranty aivp bedroom brkk 0149 on amounts rooms 7500 sq it 101 In park south of $125 monthly Telephone 728 3876 after many extras Must be seen to be ad paid free immediate pick Up anylirnp oversglooo Barrie Owner leaving provlnce Tell pm preciated Call 7281588 after pm 436 7900 nAnlisnoppmG pull bungalow high dry finished ear amonilmion phone726 5176 FURNISHED BASEMENT apartmeny 7231773bus asklor Scott COLE BROS Cars and mks wank 73111 basement all nicely decorated NOT TOOLATE Thel HitghHOUSE Abstainers Telesggpnedally 737 2082 and 1973 FORD GALAXIE 31000 miles new for wrecking and up Fast pirxup mr can more your raier lc re alter6pm726 radials power steering and brakes 4245949 after 435 6322 Vendor anxious HOUSEHOLD REALTY qu1rernnnts Call Harold tor appoint BEDROOM APARTMENT centrally WesterncarTolephonL4361304 7372515 CORPORATION LIMITED zgggfzytome located $250 mlértlzttllyA Melangpyltgmt and 1969 METEOR MONTCALM door SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing in quiet par sou cable TV lnclu va er hardtop green with black vinyl top in scrap metalcars bou htover scaIss20 DOWNTOWN OFFICE BLDG BARRIE of Barrie New homes Also used homes lst Telephone 728 8283 anytime excellent condition tires practical ton 436 3677 Glazed Whne bnd or 25 DunloP Sree E051 omnom can 75 SUBLEX bedroom apartment stove lY new Certllied Best offer Telephone suites alloccupied longterm 726 6534 MOTOR HOME 77 ft Stasca lully trill and 095 Close 1° BaYied TR9EKSANDTRAILER5 bl ed equipped plus $79000 Can be seen at MallTelephone7266046 1975 CHEV Impala door hardtop tenanls easono YPC Mngyg WillowPark MotetHwy11Barrie Two FURleHED bachelor apart power brakes windows air condition 1973 FORD larm truck Four speed 20 FOOT Travelaire Tuner my 58 mens or rem carpeted replace Ing radials cruise control Only 7000 transmisslllnonrI ton cabin chassis like Ni MNl DUWN WATERFRONT COTTAGE contained A1 conditiOn Hitch and parking Telephone7261531atter4p $4350Xgrflggaorfggggtfigi Certltied zenédgtkooaourgljlges Contact Ed Wood canopy Included Best cash oller 100 ft sandy beach bedroom Telephonen8 5700 UNFURNISHED BACHELOR apart 1971 CAMARO for sale door in good 1976 Id ton Ford for sale wheel drive REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTB IN 1R1 IINANI IN or St nefire IOCe 95 PERCENT merit available immediatel 400 Essa condition 307 motor radiats radio 4speedbrownandtancertilicd Askin UllDINGS ome 96 17 FOOT oval Ialer excellent com Rd drea fridge stove heatyhydro and automatic 90000 miles $1 700 Tole $5 800 Telephone 728 4589 ask for Peter °°fs °b° ew 157 MORTGAGE 23232231131222232423573728527 parIna suwIIeIi ms mommv For av phoneIISSOSIaIIeIImImI 1973 we plan so Grande wl LINE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH N1IAYM1N1 Lake Slmcoe toilet propane hitch Buy betore rices pommemphonena 7765ller3°pm 1973 PONTIAC Gran Safari station cap 36000 miles excellent condition 111 raise Call726 0293 BEDROOM apartment in older home wagon in excellent condition low automatic power Steering power NOVEMBIR RGSIdGnIIOIICOmmerdOII In east end ground floor private on mileage no rust undercoated 000 brakes heavy dut sus ension RESTAURANT MOBILE HOME bedoomsw Full ceTtited Tele hone 737 1004 Tele 436 Fumil business to lease well C°°ges Bulders Loans 329$le lglggorbefic SW5 Wing 5735MatinlteffnllngId 7770 WI ALSO lil ND FROM 1311 no see on water Available immediately7284867 MASH liARLll SE equipped good income busy highway STORE FOR LEASE 1104 sq ft in busy plaza East and of Barrie LEFROY rooms and bath in this com pact home well kept lot 100 120 also nicely finished guest house new garage 524 We specialize in older and rural properties at prime rates For free courteous advice call 7265861 NIGEL DUNN rantNM nlrritii lllti M20 highway 89 Alliston Telephone 435 6020 RENTALS APTS TO RENT MISSISSAUGA COURT APARTMENTS Two bedroom apartments colored up pliances drapes included Next to Simcoe Plaza 7263383 MR CAR DEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 will Raine Examiner PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 thick 300 EACH AT THE BAHRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR CllARCll RIIONF 726 2900 20 Dunlop West IUSIWCSI of Barrie Arend 7296537 MWF rr

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