mmN on EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation Classified Advertismg All Other Departments 112th YearNo 224 7266539 72872414 7766537 Barrie Ontario Canada Friday Sept 24 I976 Uhr iliarrir Examiner The Barrie Examiner WEATHER FORECAST SHOWERS 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly 20Pages Thursday was the first day of school for these children at least the first day in their new school Thursday was If Barrie gets third beach next year there probably wont be lifeguards hired to supervise the swimmers The recreation advisory com mittee wants the city to in vestigate the legality of posting signs at the beach warning swimmers the area is not supervised The major reason is to save money during the first year of operation But at least one member of the committee has serious reservations about not hiring guards Edith Tikkala said it would only take one accident at the beach and the city could be in trouble VOne death is just as impor the day that the pupils of Monsignor Clair school on Cundles moved from their cramped temporary quarters tant as 10 she said certain ly couldnt back water area without proper supervision Mrs Tikkala said the development of the beach in front of the Canadian National Railway station is good idea but only if the lifeguard super vision is provided Ald Ernie Rotman said he would like to see the develop ment of the beach without guards during the first year of operation to see how it is used All along Lake Simcoe the townships have developed beaches without supervision by posting signs he said Aid Rotman said the adults using the beach area have responsibility to supervise their at St Monicas school on Steel Street into the recentlycompleted building own children and not depend on municipal staff Aid Nelson Garrett added that at one time Barrie had about one mile of unsupervised beaches along Kempcnfclt Bay He said the city has to start developing the waterfront now before it becomes too costly Gary Stoner director of parks and recreation said in report very little money is needed to develop basic beach area on the land at the foot of Tiffin Street Parking he said could be provided on thc landfill propcre ty north of the beach Other amenities such as washrooms and changerooms can be decided by council according to the budget to be announced by car firm MONTREAL CP Ford Motor Co of Canada Ltd pla gued in recent months by law suits and consumer complaints that its cars rust prematurely was expected to announce today threeyear warranty against rust holes for all North Americanbuilt 1977 Ford cars The announcement was to be made by company president Roy Bennett at news confer ence to unveil Fords 1971 cars and trucks to Quebec reporters The major policy change will make Ford the first automaker in Canada to offer such war ranty which will take effect when the new models go on sale Oct Sources said that under the warranty Ford will repair or replace free of charge any part except for exhaust system com ponents which develops per foration from corrosion within the first three years of use re gardless of mileage It would be in addition to the normal 12 month 12000mile basic new car warranty Class action suits totalling $400 million have been brought against Ford in the last six months in campaign headed by the Montrealbased Automo bile Protection Association Among these was $37lmil lion lawsuit by the Ontario Rusty Ford Owners Association representing 371418 Ford own ers in Ontario CAPSULE NEWS Mortar duels continue BEIRUT Reuter Leftand rightwing militiamen fought mortar and machine gun duels in Beirut early today as Lebanons new president began his first full day in office Caught in hurricane THE HAGUE Reuter The Norwegian sail training schooner Christian Radich was riding out hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean early today with nine of its sails ripped away Becomes PM again BANGKOK Reuter Seni Pramoj said today he had decided to accept an invitation to become prime minister of Thailandwiess an 24 hours after resigning from the post Aircraft wreckage found MANILA Reuter Search parties found the wreckage today of light aircraft which disap ared 12 days ago with senior foreign diplomats on board an there appeared to be no survivors United States embassy spokesman said May save newspaper MONTREAL CP The death sentence of Le Jour was pro nounced early today but shareholders of the ailing daily newspapers parent company also decided to examine the possibility of resurrecting it in Weekly edition Other lawsuits followed later in Nova Scotia Ncw Brunswick and Qucbcc The Ontario lawsuit ciaiincd that Ford was guilty of prc maturc obsolenccs It blamed rusting in Ford cars on infcrior design anticorrosivc matcrial and paint Work At news confcrcncc carlicr this month in Toronto Ford an nounced major program of tougher rustrcsistant measures for its 1977 models The company said it will usc 300 per cent more rustircsistant material on steel in the 1977 models than it lid in 1976 As well there would be more plastic parts electrocoating CANDY SURPRISE FOR PUPILS AT NEW SCHOOL Grade one students Michcllc Barauca iicfti and Patricia Burns enjoy suckers that Third city beach mainly water is shallow for about 150 feet from shore pro viding good swimming area for young children he said The city has two other beach areas Johnson and entcnnial Centennial is the most popular spot in the city during the hot summer days with crowds close to 500 pcoplc about Ill feet from shorc The city pays about $10000 year to bring sand from Sandy Hollow to cntcnnial beach Al Eyers committee chair man said thc city should start to establish the area as beach as soon as possible He said it will not be very long before the city desperately nccds third beach Antirust warranty expected Orillia child bitten by bat ORILIJA mothcr and her two children arc rccciving rabies vaccinations after one of thc children was bittcn Sunday by bat local Ontario Humane Society spokcsman said today Alexandra larry socicty managcr said thc mother and um child had to be treated after coming in contact with the familys cat which had killed thcbat She said the other child was bitten on the finger while trying to takc thc bat away from thc cat Mrs Parry said the cat has been quarantined at the socie tys shelter and tests for rabies were being conducted on the bat at federal government laboratory Watering dusty road brings fine of $25 ALLISION Onc resident of Becton was fined $25 in provin cial court here Thursday for watering dusty road in viola tion of village bylaw Gerald Hendricks who claimed the bylaw did not specifically rohibit road watering pica ed not guilty Ten other residents were remanded to Nov on thc samc charge The residents sprayed water on Tentrc Strecl in August to protest lack of dust control Since then the road has been treated with calcium to reduce the problem village bylaw restricts out side water use during the sum mer they rcccivcd for learning thc word surprise during recess illxammcr Ihotoi ewes 11 Ha ve missed anything Its Flyers vs Dallas nc timi hicago Black Hawks backup goalic Mike Vcisor highlyvtouicd junior Brucc Boudriau and Gary Sit tlcr brother of thc Lcafs cap tain will be among thosc in thc Dallas Black Hawks lincup for an cxhibition gamc tonight against thc Barric Flycrs Gamc timc at the Barrie Arena is 830 pm Dallas which plays in thc cntral Iro fcssionai llockcy lcaguc also has lcrry McDonald and Ian Mcchnic on the team Mc Donald was recent hicago cut whilc McKignie playcd with tlit big tcam during last ycars exhibit inn scheduli liormcr Barric traincr Randy Laccy now has the samc job withhallas Woman camper killed by bear WEST GLACIER Mont AP young woman cani per was dragged from tent and killed by bear early Thursday morning in Glacier National Park campground The dcad woman was iden tified as Mary Patricia Mahoncy 22 of Highwotxl Ill Four other women in the tent when the bear attacked were not banned officials said Rangers killed two grizzly bears near her body two hours later One of the grizzlies had chased and trecd two boys who had been assigned to guard the womans body but two rangers arrived in time to shoot it park naturalist Ed Rotthss said The second bear was shot after it reared up from the brush OFFICIALS REMARKS RECORDED Banter of two angers leerla WASHINGTON AP Vice President Nels0n Rockefeller and House Speaker Carl Albert engaged in some uncomii mentary banter Ihursr ay about Liberiaunaware their remarks were being recorded Albert and Rockefeller were in the House chamber awaiting the arrival of Liberian Presi dent William Tolbert Jr who was about to address joint session of Congress The session was slow to begin but the tape recorders had already been turned on for use later by the broadcast media Rockefeller told Albert that class system exists now in Lib eria which was settled 150 years ago by freed American slaves He said the repatriated blacks havc takcn on thc char acteristics of thcir historical white Southern masters Later kcsman for Rock efeller sait lhc vicepresi dent was only describing past history He has the greatest re spec and friendship for Presi dent Tolbert and the people of Liberia He has great admira tion for their democratic sys tem and what they have achieved as nation In the exchange as recorded Rockefeller said erroneously that Senator Edward Brooke black Republican from Mas sachUSctts was oneman re cciv in committee for lolberts arriva on Capitol Hill CITY HOUSDVG COMIHTTEE Four of absent from meetlng Where have all the housing committee members gone Thats one question none of the regular members bother asking during the monthly meeting Only four of the eight members attended meetin Thursday night in city hall an one of those showed up just in time to vote for adjournment Helen Corbett chairman Fred Ruemper and Don Rug gles met at pm started the meeting at 715 and 745 business was completed Norm Shelswell sat down just as the discussion ended Missing from the meetin were Aid Paul Wessenger Bob Dennis Paul Thompson and PaulArbour Maybe this committee The Simcoe County Board of Education and its approximate ly 900 secondary school teachers have ratified con tract that provides an average salary increase of 608 per cent for all teachers and principals Under the new agreement ef fective Sept basic teachers salaries will range from low of $11735 to high of $25365 Under the old agreement the salaries ranged from $10875 to $24000 The new agreement provides Strike averted strike of 37 electrical workers at the Barrie Public Utilities Commission tPUCl may have been averted Lloyd Courser vicepresident of the city local of the Interna tional Brotherhood of Elec trical Workers said the contract has not been settled but proposal that merits voting on by the membership was made Mr ourser said he could not release any more information concerning talks between Local 696 and thc IUC We have not realized an agreement but we have reached one which we feel the membership should vote on he said The proposal he said would be brought before the mem bership in the near future Negotiations have gone on since May Today is the first day the union is in legal position to strike Mulcahey resigns Scan Muicahey artistic director of Gry hon Theatre has resi the board of directors oft Georgian Foun dation for the Performing Arts announced today Mr Mulcahe resignation came about ater mutual agreement between the foun dation board and Mr Muicahey The five plays presented by the theatre every summer are chosen by the board and the director We on the board felt we would be able to reach satisfactory compromise for the 1977 season from the broad selection of pla offered by Mr Mulcahey said John Bray board chairman It just didnt work out that way We couldnt reach compromise The foundation appreciates the considerable contribution he has made to the company over the st three years Mr Bray sai We wish him well Cable licence is renewed OTTAWA CP The Cana dian Radiotelevision and Telecommunications Commis sion announced Thursday it has renewed the cable television licence held by Barrie Cable TV Ltd until 1900 Hed be slave if he were over there said Albert Informed of Alberts com ment an aide to Brooke said the senator was little sur prised and sort of shocked This is the exchange as recorded by broadcasters Albert Are there many of the Liberians that are mulattoes Rockefeller Most straight blacks Albert Real black rali should be considering our own time of departure Mr Ruemper said He said the committee dis cussed variety of topics from nofriil housing to zoning bylaw changes but no new items are coming in Its been freewheeling brain storming kind of two years he said But its reasonable to recognize the end of this stage and terminate it Mr Ruemper suggested the committee end its business by the end of the present councils life in December He said there are still few items left to discuss Mr Ruggles said the commit tee could robably find housing relate topics to discuss from now until eternity principals with salary range of $33420 to $36020 up from $31680 to $34080 Secondary school teachers throughout the county mem bers of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation ratified the contract through series of meetings concluding Thursday night The Simcoe County Board of Education ratified the contract Sept8 Jack Ramsay director of education said the board is pleased with the agreement The settlement he said gives teachers salaries that compare well with the rest of the pro vince and will keep the board in competitive position In addition to the basic salaries teachers considered to hold positions of responsibility department heads are eligi ble for allowances ranging from $750 to $2800 depending Keeping up with the news With the arrival of autumn Canadians everywhere can look forward to season of beauty and change The world of news is always changing Each week Your News Quiz helps you keep up with changing news events by quizzing you on events per sons and words in the news Your News Quiz is found today on Page Why not turn to it now Your News Quiz is brought to your by The Examiner as ser vice to area students AT THE ANTIQUE SHOW Jane Walsh member of the Geor ian Foundation Guild and ohn Bray chairman of the board of directors look at He asked the committee to devote most of the next meeting Oct at pm to his research on possible amend ments to the city zoning bylaw The committee should have enough to discuss for the re mainder of the year he said The committee on housing has had history offoor atten dance since it starte in 1975 Last September two of the main members Paul Arbour chairman and Ed Jennings resigned because of some pro blems with city development committee Mr Arbour agreed to attend meetin sin an advisory capaci ty but id not want to become fullfledged member Members appointed by city council from the Barrie on the position and degree of responsibility Teachers will also receive an additional $600 allowance for masters degree or doctorate from Canadian University or the equivalent The fringe benefit package remains unchanged and is similar to the one provided elementary school teachers Teachers are allowed 20 days statutory sick leave per year The board will assume 85 per cent of Ontario Health In surance Plan premium costs and 85 per cent of the premium cost of the extended supplemen tary expense benefit plan The board will administer the group life insurance plan Builders Association and the Barrie and District Real Estate Board did not attend the meetings Later in the year three more members resigned from the committee but council ap inted new representatives mm the builders and real estate industries Only the real estate people at tended They are Paul Thomp son and Mr Shelswell Last year the committee discussed terminating the work but decided to continue until the Barrie Housing Policy Statement is approved by coun oil The statement is under dis cussion by the Barrie planning board assuming 50 per cent of the net premium cost for teachers in sured for $25000 or less The board will assume 100 per cent of the premium cost of the first $25000 for teachers insured beyond that amount The board will also assume 50 per cent of the premium costs for accidental death and dismemberment insurance and long term disability insurance The contract also provides for maternity leave and sab batical leave Other changes in the contract were made to bring it in line with new government legisla tion covering the collective bargaining between teachers and school boards Collingwaod man is sen tenced Dale Robert Feather 19 of Coliingwood was sentenced in Ontario Supreme Court in Bar rie today to two years definite and 18 months indefinite in an Ontario Reformatory on each of seven counts of writing threa tening letters The sentences will run con currently Feather pieaded guilty to the charges According to brief submit ted by the Crown attorney Feather sent five letters to an employee of the Canada Man power Centre in Collingwood threatening to kill her The letters all sent between the display of Camelot Anti ques at the guilds fourth an nual antique show It started last night and will continue May 12 and May 25 this year said she had been selected as victim by an organization called Youth Power In sentencing Feather Mr Justice Campbell Grant said the accused had reached time in life when he must leave home ancfl begin to provide for him sei Mr Justice Grant said Feather had failed to show the initiative required to provide for himself and that by senten cing him to reformatory he hoped Feather would receive counselling and acquire trade toda until 10 pm and Satur day mm 11 am to pm at the Barrie Armoury Ex aminer photo