Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1976, p. 26

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26The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Sept 22 1976 MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS fireplace Telephone 737 07 Head Office Toronto 95°10 NHA LOANS First mortgages from 1172 Second mortgages from 121 Opposite 726 5247 Residential CommercioL in and rrelrigerator parking included $220 man ly pay own hydro Newly dec dUSIrlul Cottages Farms orated Telephone 7265063 Apartments Hotels Con SUBLET 2bedroom apartment Facing dominiums Builders Loans lake mpcra T°we5 737 1725 anytime Land Mortgage Construction Business Loans Existing Mortgages Purchased Unlimited NHA ventional loans development financial provided OPEN DAILY om to 530 pm Thursday evenings till pm Saturday by appointment CaII WM SUMMERS Barrie office 17057373451 91 Bayfield St After hours call and for Planning analysis con maior and assistance FO 7265407 4240776 TF MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS penfelt Bay parking RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd Call Bill Sokeris SALE RENT NATIONAL TRUST co Parts and SerVIce 728920 Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years PRIME and light truck mall 726 7130 Highway SoUth garage warehousing etc l21 Mflry Street very central ADDY Va ey I70 Burlon Ave 7283866 Drive Yourself 16 Maple Avenue 7266666 TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes for sale or rent HQIICBV in complete home com fart Barne Tent and Awning Co 34 Bayflelc ACCOMMODATIONS 1976 BENDX LEADER 68x12 bed rooms 500 so lot in park south of LLIoiAREL Barri Onncr leaving province Teie ONE OR TWO reliable business women phone 725 Slo 1T NOT TOO LATE The Hitch House Ltd can your trailer hitch re GUIremens Harold for apDOInt men 726 90 COUNTRY LIVNG doiet Dark south of Barrie ticw homes Also used homes from $11000 Call 728 5875 GOING SOUTH This 23 It 1975 Prowler trailer has everyth or fully equipped penses 737 0315 alter 19 Call pm like new used onCe Have purchased larger model must sell Telephone 436 3032 MOTOR HOME 27 it Stasca fully equipped plus 529000 Can be seen at Willow Park Motel HWY 11 Barrie 1973 20 ft Prowler sleeps 63 piece bath turnance hot water many extras $4000 Lelgphone 726 9028 after before RENTALS APTS T0 ENT TWO BEDROOM apartments one with stove and fridge available September lst First and last months required in advance References required Tele phone 728 0485 alter6 UNFURNISHED BACHELOR apart ment available immediately 400 Essa Rd area fridge stove heat hydro and parking supplied $145 monthly For ap pointment phone 728 4776 after 30 pm BEDROOM apartment in older home in east end ground floor private en trance paved parking rent $200 in cludes stove fridge heat hydro and waterAvaiIableimmediately 7284867 ONE BEDROOM Apartment $211 mon thly includes relrigerator stove heat and parking Bus stop location No pets please Telephone 728 4016 BEDROOM Apartments available im mediater in downtown area with lridge and stove supplied Rent ranging lrom $110 $155 726 3257 ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments for rent centrally located on bus route immediate possession Telephone 737 2699 or 726 2551 ONE BEDROOM Apartment semi furnished suitable tor business lady or retired couple Laundry facilities Am pie parking Midhurst village private home Telephone 728 8517alter5 WASAGA BEACH Furnished one and two bedroom apartments for rent $150 and $225 monthly includes utilities No pets For appalntmentcall429 2755 IMPERIAL Towers Sublet one bedroom overlooking lake Rent $261 per month Includes parking tennis Court sauna exercise rooms Please telephone between am pm 7285599 SELF CONTAINED one bedroom apart merit comfortably furnished television parking utilities included Suit business lady West end location Non smoker preferred Avaiiable October Telephone 726 8998 SELFCONTAINED bedroom apart merit fridge and stove newly decorated St Vincent area $170 monthly plus hydro References reqmred no pets Available now 7260713 BEDROOM APARTMENT freshly decoratedcentrally located Fridge and stove $215 monthly including utilities and parking Adults only no pets Available Oct 1st Call7281358 ONE BEDROOM apartment heat hydro parking stove and refrigerator Close to bus stop and factory area $170 per month Telephone 728 6579 iAND BEDROOM Apartments heat hydro and parking supplied $175 $200 monthly Call 726 2386 NICE TWO Bedroom apartment heated hot water refrigerator stove laundry facilities parking Convenient stores schools bus No pets Available October lst $230 728 7251 BEDROOM available October Park lng heating cable Tv included at $189 monthly Couples only no pets Tele phone 7282534 or Apt 19 Queen St FURNISHED Bedsitting room with kitchenette share pm facilities iiousEkEEPlN alterSpm 726 7186 working man 726 6383 ecutive Telephone 325 Ora or 737 1245 bedroom new with purchase Estate double garage refrigerator thly Available Oro and references tober $300 Available October lephone 737 1087 or 7260886 PARTMENT for rent One bedroom basement apartment North Collegiate area not suitable for children or pets floors Vespra St business etc Telephone 726 1444 Centrally supplied weekly Large bungalow family 416 249 9528 487 5788 weekends NEW THREE bedroom townhouses in Orillia Garage styles to choose from From $350 monthly plus utilities Fridge and stove fully broadloomed to your choice of color Located south of Hwy 12 bypass between Gill St and Forest Ave FOR RENT or sale stove Spacious RENTALS APTS TO NT 7B OFFICES STORES RENT FFICE PACE INDUSTRIAL SPACE 3100 19500 sq ft fully sprinklered transport loading docks clear part of large expanding industrial R°°M519 IFI 525 ROOM preferred 99555 TREENT BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT view in oro Appliances drapes and broadloom Suitable for ex references Lease 9811 anytime brick home option in Pain swick October 726 6049 alter pm WATERFRONT bedroom bungalow in appliances drapes broadloom $400 monthly Lease 416 249 9528 evenings rooms 487 5788 Sundays 0R0 STATION dining room recreation room extras carpeted view of the bay Available 0c References monthly bedrooms TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent $175 monthly First and last months rent Nochildren Telephone 7287721 TWO BEDROOM Apartment for rent ground floor with lull basement large Asking $220 plus utilities t7 Worsley St ONE BEDROOM apartment available November $190 monthly includes heat refrigerator stove and parking Adults Simcoe Plaza Telephone BEDROOM APARTMENT With stove Telephone LUXURY ONE BEDROOM separate dining room porch fireplace also large bedroom bright and spacious ex clusive residential area All $249 and $259 respectively 436 4736 utilities Prime Allondole Commercial location on Burton Avenue Building now under construction and will alter plans to suit tenant November occupancy C5 local zoning Call 728 6165 or 522 PAC OR 16 ft Allandale area FURNISHED ROOM for rent kitchen parking Telephone 726 6271 living Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem ond municipal Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broadloomed BUILDING 66x100 suitable tor store 17674450 EFTETn heated building on Suitable for small to share house with same Share ex located Telephone TWO WORKING girls looking for one other to share rustic bedroom fur nished farmhouse on 50 acres miles from Barrie Telephone 728 8828 alter YOUNG MAN has bedroom furnished apartment to share $125 per month Cali MrCox7286151loca1139am to4pm YOUNG MAN has bedroom apartment to share with samelTeiephone 726 0439 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND Board for single girl or working girls Rooms cleaned and linen changed weekly weekly per person Telephone 726 5991 S25 ROOM AND baard available for or girls Close to Georgian College near bus route $30 weekly Phone 726 0995 alter weekly in gentle mens residence linen supplied share bath $70 monthly Bradford Street area Telephone 726 9718 ROOM FOR RENT near Oro Park Use of facilities and home privileges Mature student preferred Telephone 487 5682 FURNISHED ROOMS Central parking kitchen privileges common room linen Responsible adults FURNISHED BEDROOM Cooking pri vileges Central location auiet young Telephone BEDROOM House for rent available Octoberi Allandale Heights Telephone 737 2868 after pm BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse for rent in exclusive location For more in formation call 726 4544 THREE AND FOUR bedroom single family homes exclusive area from $350 per month Garages close to schools and shopping Barrie 728 3122 or 424 6711 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE large liv ing room with fireplace rec room with fireplace large kitchen electricity paid miles from downtown Barrie Available October Telephone 726 3831 With option AI THREE BEDROOM home for rent with includes extras $350 mart Telephone lnnislil Township $300 monthly Many extras Large kitchen Please call Al Calhoun 728 1566 rep Lorne Hay Real Estate THREE BEDROOM townhouse North Street Excellent condition and location One car garage $285 May be rented Please call Calhoun 728 1566 Rep Lorne Hay Real 1974 rear 1970 i663 autom wheel sell $2200 inc tilled IcllOI many precia 197217 door power miles 1971 autom dard many 1972 MERCEDES Benl 280 SE powe steering power brakes central lockin system airconditioned door sedan low mileage excellent condition For in formation telephone 705 445 1476 condition dual Telephone 429 2720 automatic refinished body 7261848 evegings 7373643 right rear spring fixed $275firm By ap pgintmentonly7281116r 1972 VOLKSWAGEN Station Wagon manual sunshine root certified Must Sacrifice for $1000 Telephon 7289974 T970 BUICKERTVIera excelleht condition 4584433 1975 GRAN TORINO 49000 miles ex celient condition radials power steer power brakes 7266733 after530pm 1967 DODGE POLARA for sale V8 au tomatic door in good condition Cer I975 CHEV BLAZER 350 A4V power steering and brakes shag and fur in 728 1773 bus ask for Scott 1973 FORD GALAXIE 31000 miles new radials Western car Telephone 4361304 1967 VALIANT door good body and good mechanically $450 or best offer Telephone 728 6817 condition AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE MR CAR DEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD or WHEELS CALL 7266537 CARS FOR SALE OUGAR xR7 18000 miles in to mirrors mag wheels window defogger etc $3800 AMARO V8 excellent condition radio 74030 miles Telephone daytime BARRACUDA cylinder atic radio bucket seats original covers needs some body work and firm Telephone Cookstown $3200 Telephone asking $675 Telephone 728 6134 11 15 tires white spoke wheels extras Must be seen to be ap ted Call 7281588 after pm power steering and brakes EGA GT cylinder automatic hatch back Can be certified Telephone726 34987alter pm 1969 METEOR MONTCALM hardtop green with black vinyl top in excellent condition tires practical ly new Certified Best offer Telephone 7262431 door 1975 CHEVVlmpala door hardtop brakes windows air condition ing radiais cruise control Only 7000 Excellent condition Certified Bestoffer Telephone 726 2431 AMARO for sale door in good 307 motor radials radio atic 90000 miles $1700 Tele phone 835 5051 after pm 1975 GREMLIN 258 cubic inch Stan pitch new Telephone 456 2844 for fur 20000 miles excellent condition options $3200 Telephone 835 2400 Certili wagon condit tubes tified 1969 is Cal 19710 $1300 power $4200 radio Must 1972 Cylind 1969 Miche lion radio tinted new condit miles 1970 paint young Murie made Body radio power 1973 new $5800 cap PICK 1970 origin 776 29 tggzg 9m 1973 PONTIAC Oran Safari mileage no rust undercoated $3000 Fully certilied Telephone 737 1004 19707CHRY$LER Newport excellent 77287 4433 after 1968 DODGE Monaco and steering Very good shape Cer asis Please telephone 728 6409 1961 PONTIAC in good condition $300 as 1974 AUDI FOX Standard transmission rustprooled certified $3500 Call after 726 9890 steering brakes and windows air ra dials buckets tinted glass 41000 miles 1975 CAMARO cylinder automatic celient ladies car 30 miles per gallon 1972 MAIDA repairs Best offer or will consider trade Telephone 435 4045 convertible roof windows 66000 miles safety 7372534 after 1974 AUSTIN Marina door black interior automatic power brakes system undercoatrd 25000 miles Telephone7289561 1972 FORD power steering power brakes $800 or best offer 7284335 1973 GRAN TORINO excellent condi tily $2400 or best offer Newmarket1416l895 2745 evenings 1954 DODGE Mayfair door hardtop offer or Will trade tnthing 737 0966 1976 CHEVELLE Malibu 1971 CORVETTE red 45000 Original Telephone 728 6796 after to vinyl roof 56000 miles good condition $950 Also 1973 Delta 88 Royale door hardtop vinyl roof electrir Windows AM FM radio 46000 miles 728 9941 1970 BUICK Skylark 1973 CHEVELLE good second car or for good tires radio no problems private sale First good after is new owner Call 1968 FORD LTD door hardtop good running order Telephone 737 0058 or 728 0706 1968 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle could be Telephone 726 4090 after 1976 GRAN TORINO Sport 351 hIII $1200 or make an offer Phone 726 3384 1974 DODGE Swinger one owner $2699 firm as Is elephant 726 9604 mIwriil and TRUCKS AND TRAILERS transmission one ton cabin chastiis llkl Hillsdale 835 2308 1976 speed brown and tan certified Asking automatic power steering ed Paid $5200 $3995 or best of station In excellent condition low ion safety checked Phone new rad and new ignition set power brakes Telephone 726 8019 after 0RD Fairiane good engine $150 I424 6215 anytime LDS Cutlass supreme 350 power Call 728 9644 after steering and brakes radials ex Call 728 9644 after standard transmission Certified $1200 or best offer scll Telephone 7287195 after TRIUMPH Spitfire While er convertible recent extensive TO 400 cc power brakes steering checked $1200 Telephone maroon ten season radials new exhaust Telephone power steering power brakesi radial tires 59000 miles WIII Cer Call colicrt Windows original condition Best Telephone ronvrrllIIIC aint new root excellent running ion A1 interior Call 726 7724 loaded with extras $6000 firm 0RD Torino door hardtop with Telephone certified Best offer Telephone 726 5834 DOW couple automatic low mileage 737 2535 $500 or best offer roadworthy or good for parts and transmission good includes and gas heater $150 lirm steering power brakes Asking FORD farm truck Four speed 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Tillie Barrie Examiner heavy duty utility trailer ton Ford for sale wheel drive Telephone 728 4589 ask for Peter 1973 GMC lo Ion Sierra Grarlde with 36000 miles automatic brakes Telephone 436 2720 excellent condition steerinu power duly suspension power hrnvy UP TRUCK Cap aluminum boat racks fits any standard ft box $160 Phone 726 7935 CHEV Slop Van V210 35000 of miles good condition $1295 51 balthrglom $135 Etonthlyl DTowntgwn 87 2947 6me 1972 GMC Van custom paint and in or war 6705988weekdaYSl gt eep one THREE BEDROOM duplex smmy 11523 $3000 certified Telephonc Bay $300 per month Telephone 726 1531 BEDROOM apartment for rent at 67 or 7267704 aneupfl i972 CHEV ton V8 power brakes Strabane $215 monthly pay own hydro Available now Telephone 776 4033 month KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 IV Telephone 36 CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Adults TF 151 $290 monthly Telephone 737 1343 2448 MISSISSAUGACDURT APARTMENTS colored ap pliances drapes included Next to Simcoe Two bedroom apartments Plaza 7263383 10 MILES WEST of Barrie storey bedroom stucco house with all conve niences good bank barn 3250 per first and last month Proven references required Call 85m to pm THREE BEDROOM bungalow Fur nished Large double garage Electric heat near St Pauls Available October BEDROOM Bungalow baths dou ble garage large lot Available October Painswlck area TF Best 726 73 322 31 power steering custom cab Certified offer 79 over $1500 Telephone MOTORCYCLES 1972 XL 250 HONDA Excellent condi tion Must sell Asking $500 Call after pm726 0584 350 HONDA In good condition miles asking price $800 with extras Telephone 466 2733 17000 SNOWMRPILES 1974 TNT 340 twln cylinder sliders car bide runners speedometer tachometer and cover $600 Phone Robin 728 8345 1972 YAMAHA Snowmobile 338C Ask lng $400 In perfect condition Telephone 02 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 CA WEETEBIQJEEL TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid free immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking $25 and up Fast pickup 4245949 alter pm or 435 6322 or 737 2515 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales $20 ton 436 3677 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 728427k TF ARTICLES FOR SALE DUNLDPS 0F MDDNSTDNE Summer clearance of organs Including models of Hammond Electrohome Baldwin Forfisa Ace Tone Optigon Orcono Phone 8352016 Open daily til pm Open Evenings Tuesday Thursday Friday pm gtMVWFTF GARAGE TRIVISSESOII x36lt4 ther details SIMMONS Beautyrest king sue mat tress extra firm used months $175 1976 PONTIAC Ventura door coupe also double dresser and bookcase bed in cylinder AM FM bumper guards side trim rear window defogger 3000 miles original good condition $95 Telephone 726 6283 BICYCLES Mans lospeed and ladys $45 pair Telephone 728 7002 after 5pm STOVE 1975 24 inch white top condi tion $125 Television $50 Stereo $50 Ironing board $10 728 9802 ext 162 days 737 2514alter10p THREE USED 45 Westinghouse 3phase 60 cycle transformers Three used 167 Ferranti packard single phase 60 cycle Onan Outdoor Transformers Miscellaneous used elec trical swnchboxes etc Also one used steel storage budding approximately 18 by 20 With structural sirPl frame it Interested call AcmeLans downeJomt Venture 726 4832 office at 30 Poyntz Street Barrie USED COLORED TVS Any reasonable offer will be accepted We need the room for new stock can ttnuously coming in Come early for best selection of color and black and while TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 Col Iler St 728 4297 HEAVY DUTY work bench for sale also steel frame Both good condition Telephone 726 9135 PIANOS at Neales 30 Queen Imvale See our ad under Pianos in the yellow pages Savea lot SAVE MONEY On your food costs this year purchase Speed Queen freezer from me for $275 or you may pay for it on easy monthly Instalirnents Call Torry at 726 6558 FIREWOOD Good hardwood maple beech ask $25 per card $22 50 cord for or more Free delivery in Barrie area 728 1701 and 716 3649 CLARKS Home Furnishings warehouse annex 33 Baylleld SI used Chesterfield sets from $49 95 odd Clearance good living room chairs stove lrios wringer washers dryers metal beds and spr ings new desks damaged $29 95 New Chesterfield set slightly sailed $599 for $399 pier new Chesterfield sets $269 GIRLS STANDARD bicycle good condition $18 Girls brand new master bicycle never ridden 548 fully equtppeo Ludwig snarl bass drums cymbals Stands S85 Telephone 720 7415 SEWING TABLE ft uslom made lots of cupboard specu very slur dy $50 Telcptioni 487 2412 FIREPLACE HARDWOOD SPBSOONI lull cord 16x4x8 $35 or custom cut Frei delivery 726 4725 LINCOLN ARC WELDER 225 amp year old extra length cable and shield asking $150 CB radio Royce 612 still under warranty asking$l90 728 4589 CONVEYOR CURVES and twin trilc krr aorta is boosters 18 90 lb roiIrrs ApprOleflTIlY 300 North American Stone Hwy 27 South 726 6399 Monday to riday to 4pm DRY HARDWOOD 14 and 16 split At work yard or delivered For lurttIir Ie tails telephone 4361372 SINGER VACUUM months old New $180 asking$I60 Telephoni737 2266 HOOVER Spin Washer for sale years old in excellent condition Asking $140 Telephone 424 I224 FIREPLACE WOOD Carpet 12 rosewood color vacuum inanirr Adtustnltlo dross form Telephone 728 5468 cut and ready Royal CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PIIDNL 778 2411 Classiftnd advertisements and notices far these pages must he rernlverl by day pimmllng publication with the option of Classified Display vartlsonlurils which must he irl by in two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MANNIAGES DEATH NOIICLS 40 words $5 00 ArIdItImIal words Is pm ward CAR Of THANKS 15 words $5 00 Ad diiioilul wolds7rls pl word IN MEMORIAM NOIICES Na verso $5 00 Willi vorsu pm until lino 21 cunts par lino COMING EVENIS $3 77 par quinIt Imh 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dilcourtl Notes apply If paid within days One or two insertions 9c per word iri Iertion Three consecutive insertions cent per word insertion total $6 12 Six consecutive Insertions BL per word per in Iarfion total $1157 Multiple Insertions may be ordered tubloct to uricllalion when ualisfarlory ruultl obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 word count as 24 word Each initial ob braviallon III of numbers etc count as Ieparato words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Inlorlion orders are occupied as convenience to the advertiurl Therefore the Cloullied Advortlning Department requires ad advertisers to kln dIy re check their advertisement Im modiatoly alter lint Innrllon In order that any error or amlulan may be re ported before pm In order that name may be rectified far the following day publication The Barrie Examiner is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any ad vertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves tho misprint Errors which do not lunch the value of the advertisement are not eligible for corroctionu by makegoodu The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classify roviu or reject any want ads PHONE 7282414 LONESOME GEORGE mo no LANKY BILL ROMPIN RICK BIG MIKE SAYS UNCLAIMED FREIGHT SALE IS ON NOW RENT TO OWN GIANT RCA XL 100 COLOR TV 80 per week onierll to own 3497 let in available KING KOIL DOUBLE BED 511 Box SPRING AND MATTRESS Out sugg price 5279 YOU PAY ONLY $139 For both pieces Delivered BRAND NEW PIECE KITCHEN SUITES till priCG BRAND NEW OUR PIECE VING ROOM $299 FREE DEL HIGH BACK CHAIR OTTOMAN CHESTERFIELD ROCKING SWIVEL CHAIR BRAND NEW 6PIECE BEDROOM SUITE $I 54 BEAUTIFUL 17 PIECE LUXURY ROOM GROUPING s587 AUTOMATIC SINGER IIG IAG SEWING MACHINES $51 PREOWNED STEREO SOLID STATE $154 Full Factory Warranty UNCLAIMED FREIGHT SALES LTD NO MONI DOWN IN STORE INANCING NO IAYMI NI 1111 NOV MBI WI AlsO Al MAR IIARGL CHAINth FRLL DELIVER PHONE 726 2900 20 Dunlpr WOst Lust WISI OI But life Alena ARTICLES tog SALE LADIES AND Mary St Inleptaho 7373432 or residence 728 6446 7265609 COMMERCIAL ARTIST dulgn nit work layout etc Plug cal collect 416 SIDING SOFFIT FACIA Also eavn 9367631 troughing Free estimate from Palmwick Aluminum 726 9769 Siding Eavestrough wood loncu lmprov your property Solfit Windows l375° Focia Doors DRBSMAKING Shutters lor fret 32 page booklet of inground and is at finest iob pOSsible ALTERATIONS CARPENTRY CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations romadollln110tc No lob to small 7261271 GENERAL CARPENTRY Rec rooms tiling renovating drywall builtIn clothes closets otgRoannable 726£1853 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Rovitallu your carpets with AI carpet steam cleaning 66321 CHAIR CANING Antique Chair Canlng Over 35 HMiPhonlJB50fllgiBb2 gt COMMERCIAL ART unflemons alterations 26 ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING Soflit fascia eavestrough door windows awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with Old Fashioned Pride GIBSON General Contractors CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Ltd patios Sidewalks and Steps Free utlmalou Work guaranteed Bookjow Phone 7260081 CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM FENCING and Suppllol Phone for estimates Free delivery Barrio Fence Co 72630681 Lambort72B2670 RESIDENITAL FENCING Chain link custom GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Awnings DRESSES FIT If made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing In pantsuits gowns and align Addt sR Ion 00 mg tiong76Waron7266w0 Porch Enclosures Stonework DRIVING INSTRUCTION FOI free estimate BEARN TO DRIVE dofansivoly with Highland rvn 05 Co g3 gym tauLgfi$miiiif DNTWALL Local Family Business PERMASEAL Aluminum Storm Doors And Windows For Installation Sales And Service Call JOMAR ALUMINUM RR Thornton DRYWALL BOARDING taping metal stud porltiom accountic and textured prayed colllngt 7281102 EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eavulroughing installed Call 7286638 COLORED Aluminum oavntroughinrgAll work done and guaranteed by owner Free estimates 7269769 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING spdéioiliiii Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates Call 4241956 New Lowell 13935 EXCAVATING yyyyyyyy APPLIANCES WEST GROVE 552233l3Eil2élai3 CONSTRUCTION AUTO PARTS Backhoe Excav AND ACCESSORIES Trenchin9 Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA BARRIE SID HENSTRA TORONTO 2937934 FALL CLEANUP General Maintenance Fertiizing and Trimming Painting Trosh hauled trees cut Small moving iobs Storm windows cleaned installed DAYS 7268424 EVENINGS 4362387 58 WILLARD Batteries antifreon all Winter needs at OIIrOCHVI prlcu Rebuilt engines to most an truck Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 7285911 AUTO REPAIRS WE PAIR Brlflh European and Japan tars Coronation Auto Sarv 17 Mary St 776 5441 INTERIOR REMODELLING KtthtOrt in rooms Call Run 4363681 after 30 References DVOIIObI BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for solo Apply at 92 Melrose Ave Barrio or talophona 7785783 BOOKKEEPING BOOKKIEPING TYPING General clerical stuffing anvlopos etc My home 15 years experience Phone Narman7765437 CABINET MAKING QUALIFIED CABINET MAKER and carpenter Hourly or quote Vory versatile in other typot of work Call Ivan 7372614 WNW CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec inums renovations OddITIOnI fireplaces guaranteed 737 1507 CARPENTER Specialiring Irt rec room In Initai remodelling trim etc PIoan coll 778 8884 after 6p rn CEDAR DECKS Inc rooms IITCHEIOHB lully expariuiiiod 726m 7267M9 CABINET MAKER European trained Kit firiii VOHIIIOS Pinolurnitura renovations iiiloiutiniis Domestic Commorcral T26 2948 7372871 ARTICLES FOR SALE DOUBLE BED Tumors roll SALE INDOOR SHOWROOM lull sited pools on display Come in today or call 7264606 complete Dresser kitchen table and swivel chairs set of bunk beds Telephone726 3298 CAKE IE LDMossberg Shotgun model above ground pools BiiymartPlala MODERN DINING room suite walnut9 leLl in good condition Best offer Telephone 726 5709 anytime BASEMENT SALE Wednesday iii to Furniture antiques dishes 43 Sylvia St Barrie Telephone7287026 GARAGE SALE Saturday September 25 am 315 Little Avenue east of Highway 11 Antiques electrical ap pliances furniture many interesting or ticliIs 7288027 x12 RUST RUG months old Asking $150 Cost $300 Telephone 737 2056 after 5p HOOVER KENMORE EIectroIiix Eureka used vacuum cleaners $20 and up Telephone 726 0853 KITCHEN TABLE and chairs 510 Car ski rack $7 Mens skis 210 CC $10 54 Inch bed $15 Babies swing matlc $10 21 inch black and white TV as is $15 Viking washing machine good for parts $25 aquariums needing repairs $5 for lot Box of childrens stuffed animals $2 Telephone 726 7163 nuos MUSHROOM all wool 17 and and smaller rugs reasonably priced 728 4123 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS portable toilet 75 flushes per lill Ladys CCM bike boys inle cross bike RCA Victor stereo cabinet model portable bars swing set childs riding horse Gold sectional pc Chesterfield new $850 year old 5350 Phone alter630p 424 6850 ELECTROLUX At condition with power nonle and accessories years warranty Telephone 7283392 days 726 4338 evenings Ask for Mike LIGHT Wagon Wheel fixture $45 Lloyd carriage $30 Childs bike 815 Basket chair $400 011 burner $20 Other items Telephone 726 0814 TITANO ACORRDION 1207bass good condition $300 Call 728 8486 Pioneer Pools inch shells variable choke various 4211200 extension 2363110 GARAGE SALE Saturday September 25 am Refrigerator stove dryer single beds dresser odd chairs steel docking bathtub toilet vanity basin pink toilets and basins while shower stall plywood ends scrap iron etc 75 Donald Street Telephone 728994i SPEED QUEEN washer spin dryer harvest gold year old $225 10 gallon aquarium with heater and filter ac cessories $25 Fedders 8500 BTU air conditioner $100 Electrolux lloor pollsher rug shampooer with nap litters and shampoo months old $225 20 inch Sanyo color television $225 Salt top tent trailer with boat rocks sleeps $275 Phone 424 6702 after pm SOLID Mihogany dining room guite buffet table and chairs Telephone 72666577 ANNEX Heater Wood stove enamel for wood and coal Telephone 726057B after pin ROUND PEDESTAL dining room table refinished $225 pressbnck nursery rocker $50 sicuare dining room table with butterfly egs $125 Tiffany style table lamp $75 handmade quilts and nfghans various prices Telephone 4241723 after6 pm LARGE Roasting Chickens to 10 lbs oven ready Order now lor Thainsglvlng Call after pm 3221977 or drop in at BIrchs Fruit Market Hwy 27 north at Fergusonvole GRINNELL Brothers special brand piano and bench $100 Call after pm 3221977 ELECTROHOME Television color 21 Inch years old excellent condition Can be seen at48 CodrlngtonAStsApt ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERS FARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 thick 30c EACH AT THE BAHRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 white $125 MWITF ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the FIREPLACES COLONIAL FIREPLACES all fuoI factory meI Tlffirt 7284040 STONEWORK and 516 dipocialty Vic Watson for free osttmatos728t599 HANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 530 pm LAWN CARE General Maintenance Trees and Hedges Trimmed Patios Installed Exterior Painting Window Cleaning Services Small Moving Jobs Days 7268424 Evenings 4362387 GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance carpentry renovations painting lumbing Ex perience referneon roliob 7260008 SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sod ding loading general maintenance flownrbods otc 7268552 CARPENTERPAINTER do It Call 7263407 You name it HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Coll Run 4363681 after 630 pm References available NEED MORE living cc rec room extra bedroom ploy room aundry office storage IPOCO Also painting wallpaporing Murray Ball 728B906 EEIOM REC ROOMS Complete banmeiii planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 if CARPENTRY REPAIRS Vacations jacking masonry demolition Roofing 20 year experience Free estimates Q9135 LIFTING AND moving cottages foundations oltIIalions additions custom building Fox Contracting 7261710 after pm INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bor rig area S5 up Doblon 4245910 after and weekends INCOME TAX rahms prepared pm 579 9111C Kidd 245 Edgohill Dr 7263407 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass blowing and patting Free estimates Scott Muir 7291267 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup plied Tree removal Custom spraying Fer tilinr Insecticide Herbicide 4873401 BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICES 12m and garden maint landscape services reasonable rates MEN AVAIEABLE Odd tabs small contrac ting sodding fencing tree planting patios concrete etc or 4872606 LAWN CARE SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sad ding loading general maintenance floworbods etc 7268552 MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Sewicas Among Sales Service to all ovens 7264177 anytime MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel PotflIGuitar Studio 726I489 BANDSTAND MUSIC Studios Baylield Mall Guitar classes Yamaha method all age argupt 7264973 PIANO LESSONS 116761 Conservatory Popular or Sacred Music taught by Miss Par Telephone 7263150 ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE FILTER QUEEN vacuum cleaner Dining room table and chairs Round with new powermate beater for shag rugs and other attachments $135 Phone 4251 ONE SIDE ol beef Government in L395K chambered for 214 Inc and spected steer beef approximately 125 lbs 65 cents per pound plus cutting and accessories $65 424 6391 after pm or wrapping Telephone eyenngs 7261433 LADIES Diamond Rings one antique 14 and 18 karats one new 14K both ap proximate value $250 to 3300 Will sell for $125 or closest offer 115 Edgehill Drive after 53m HEPRioERATONIscuoic toot stove 30 inch both Mollat harvest gold ex cellent condition $450 the set Moving Telephone 77266259 TWO MATCHING Axrriinisier Carpets and underpads 12 size good condi tion $75 each Also Simplicity washer spin dryer perfect working condition $100 737 0409 SEARS Kehrnore automatic dishwasher cycles asking 5150 Perfect condition Call 7371087M 726 0886 BOATSANPM°T°F LETS GU SAILING SAILBOAT RENTALS AND SALES Hwy 11 miles north of Barrie 4872523 or 7373993 MWFTF 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor AI condition Asking 2500 Telephone 4354245 after 30 pm 16 FT JCRAFT custom made ski boat 115 hp Merc complete with power trim speedometer tack and ski bar Must sell Telephone 7372655 gt WINTER PROJECT Refinish this Inch mahogany plywood runabout Beamy 12foot craft has taken all Georgian Bay could alter Comes with trailer Hitch up and take it away for S200 Call 7284967 after 30 is YOUR LIFE WORTH 44 hours The boating course taught by the Barrie Power Squadron can make the dif lerence between an enloyable boating season and disaster Learn elements of sale boating and seamanshlp by atten ding class one night week during the fall and winter Registration September 21 and 23 730 to pm Eastvlew Col leglate 36 FT GOLIATH cabin cruiser Fully equipped CB depth sounder track radio automatic bilge etc etc 318 Chrysler engine Call 7264940 HEAVY Aluminum cargo Canoe All It square stern Ideal for fishing and non ting $150 Telephone 7287002 after PE 18 STARCRAFT 120 HP Merc stern drive Mint condition 16 Hobie Cat ull boat fully equipped many extras 1975 model 7053267782alter pm CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT TRAILER Sliverilner hard top sleeps table and builtin cup boards 5ult large family Asking price $000 4075000 wV 1966 VW BUSEqul ed with hideaway bed benches and to lo Excellent condl tlon 35000 miles on rebuilt motor $700 or but offer Telephone 4240531 Authorixed Microwave SSS MUSIC INSTRUCTION ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin nor arid odymirod months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 121 Bayfiuld 728 1799 PIANO LESSONS East and for further in formation telephone 728 710 PAINTING PAINTING paper hanging experienced free estimates Jack Richor son 7262012 7568874 VELLINGA PAINtIIIO and decorating ln terior exterior Work guaranteed Established 30yedts 7267609 1726 PAVING PAVING MANIERI PAVING LTD Driveways Parking Lots ATennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County for 16 years PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES 7370179 MANIERI PAVING LTD Patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed Book now Phone 7260081 WW CONTRACTING BILOTTA sidewalks steps chimneys repairs Free Patios curbs New work and estimates 4584233 after PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many siles Phone 7783770 RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Plough Farm 776 0192 ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 3221897 aftero SEWING MACHINES SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SpeCIaI half price $888 clean all odlust tension Any makie Free pickup 737 2535 sew TECH co SpECIOlists repairs all makes industrial domestic sewing machines New used Agents Brother Sewmg Machines 7371621737 1185 TELEVISION LEASING Barries only House of Leasing Lease your new color lrorri $375 per week of Barrie TV WCoIlier SI 728 4297 TREE REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL Lots cleared Dan No lob too small Free Estimates 7264187 WATER HAULAGE FRESH WATER DELIVERY Wells Islerns and pools filled Call 7370661 WINDOW CLEANING ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Specialists in houses apartments and stares Telephone 728I914 DOGS AND PETS EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums fish plants all accessories Lowest price 143 Ardagh Rd 72670094 BARRETPOODIE Salonsnampoéino and clipping of all breeds Sophia £i77°z POODLE TRIMMING professional all breeds pickup and grooming do 2177238798 Pet Studio POODLE PARLOR PFoiés slonal clipping and grooming rea sonable rates Telephone 7260061 LHASA APSO stud service Blond well tempered excellent background CKC Registered Telephone 4872503 ST BERNARD female ruff coat months old registered and house brokenGoodwithchiidren7289469 FREE to good home Doberman Pinscher gentle with children months old fully trained Telephone after pm4246175 POODLE Puppies purebred white male toy golden apricot miniature female10 months old white toy female year old Doberman Pinscher year oldlemale 728 6389 GERMAN SHEPHERD pup months ideal companion for older person Telephone 728 mm POODLE PUPPIES male and female black miniature registered Call collect 3611106 RR Elmvale GARDEN SUPPLIES POTTING SOILS Govt tested We mik our own Dont lose valuable plants Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Telephone 726 2951 IF$NP SHRUAS TREES Nursery stock for sale Con lferous and Dectduous Very reasonable Phone 726 9295 ARTICLES WANTED CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 728 8234 PIANO WANTEDWill pay cash Please phone 7281799 or write PO Box 551 Barrie Give details on make age trapproxl condition and price FARMERS MARKET RunsAND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cesslon Gm 726 1907 728 8489 Closed Sundays Your containers FARMERS MARKET MULCASTER STREET Behind old Flrohall OBoked goods including pies bread etc OHandmade Items blllfolds key cases baby cats mitts tea cosys head bands toys doll clothes OFresh eggs OPEN EVERY SATURDAY MORNING WTF

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