KEMPENFELT BAY seen here from Memorial Square IS regarded as one of the greatest assets of downtown Barrie by many observers The Chamber of Commerce in proposed amendment to the citys official plan calls for creation of special pol icy area for lands adjoining Kempenfelt Bay from the in nisfil Township boundary round the bay to St Vincent Park area The plan will be discussed at special mee ting of planning board Thursday More stories on of todays Examiner Ex iminer Photo Wouldbe candidates general public invited to course on local government former Barrie mayor provincial cabinet minister and two senior city hall employees are among those slated to participate in six week course on local govern ment to be held beginning next month at Georgian College The course organized by the Ontario Conference on Local Government is designed to help residents understand and deal with all aspects of local government The course is designed both for prospective candidates in Decembers municipal elec tions and for the general public Cosponsoring the course are the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce the Barrie and District Labor Council and Georgian CollegeSessions will be held from 730 to 930 or 10 pm for six consecutive Wed nesdays beginning Oct Fee is $12 for adults $20 couples and $6 for students and senior cit izens Registration is open to everyone regardless of place of residence Certificates are to be presented to those completing the course by Frank Miller provincial health minister who is scheduled to speak at the final session Nov 10 Former mayor Les Cooke will be chairman for the Oct sessionSpeakers are to be Spencer Hope manager of the central regional office of the Ontario Ministry of the Trea sury Economics and Inter governmental Affairs TEIGA on history of local government and Ernest My itrai senior local government adviser with TEIGAs advisory services branch on forms and structures of local government Mr Hope is listed as tentative ROLE OF PROVINCE Richard Groh Innisfil Township clerk will chair the Oct 13 session and speakers are to be Mayor Gladys Rolling of East Gwillimbury Township on the role of the province in municipal government and Orillia clerk Bruce Bayne tenative on how the munic ipal corporation operates Speakers for the Oct 20 ses sion will be Ben Straughan Barrie city clerk on functions and special services of municipal government and Don King Toronto planning consultant on local boards and commissions Mr King is listed as tentative and no chairman has been named LES COOKE Court defines The intention of antidru legislation is that there be no distribution of illegal sub stances whatsoever says pro vincial Judge Don Inch In provincial court Monday he found James Snedden guilty of possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking Snedden 19 of Barrie told the court he had possession of the large quantity only because he and his friends had tried to save money by means of group purchase RCMP and the city police had raided Sneddens Bayfield Street apartment March 15 after tip from confidential source Barrie Police Constable Jack Smith found plastic bag containing seven smaller pack ages which were later iden tified as ounce units of mari juana Sentencing for Alliston Supreme Court ju Mon day found Eddy Paret guilty of attempted rape and gross in decency Peret of Alliston had been charged with rape but they found him guilty of the lesser charge of attemgted rape after four hours of deli eration The jury of five women and seven men interrupted its de liberations after two and half hours to ask Mr Justice Camp bell Grant for definition of attempt Paret will be sentenced Sept 24 He faces possible 10 year sentence for the attempted rape and five years for the gross indecency If found guilty of rape he would have faced life imprisonment Parets trial lasted three days The ju heard the victim testify that aret had forced her to perform oral sex after stopping her car She said Paret had followed her after she stop ed work at the Beetonia ate in Beeton about 1308m0ct24 The victim said Paret raped her after the oral sex but Paret said he did not He admitted to the oral sex and said he did stop her car and hit her when he got in but felt that the sex was with her consent trafficking Lawyer Bill Leslie argued that the intention of the Nar cotics Control Act was to pre vent trafficking in the nature of someone selling drugs to an other person But federal pro secutor John Burgar disagreed as did Judge inch The Narcotics Control Act defines to traffic as to manufacture sell give ad minister transport send deliver or distribute Judge Inch said that since Snedden admitted he had purchased the marijuana for his friends and planned to distribute it amongst them he was guilty of trafficking under the act The charge carries max imum penalty of life imprison ment Judge Inch said he would have to consider jail term but remanded Snedden out of cus tody for sentencing Oct Sept 24 resident Paret will be in custody until sentencing He had been out of custody for the trial Strike delays court opening Barries new courthouse was scheduled to open at the start of October but the opening may bedelayed The new structure will house provincial county and Su preme courts and will be used this winter while the old cour thouse is being torn down The interior finishing on the building at the corner of Wors ley and Berczy Streets has been delayed by strike According to Doug Moore of ACMELans downe the com nies involved in the joint ven ure of building the courthouse strike workers in plant whic manufactures seats and panell ing has delayed shipment He said the strike shouldnt last long but that there would still be delay He said the opening of the new courthouse would de mi on how quickly the manu acturer could recover from the effects of the strike Tentatively scheduled to speak Oct 27 are Bruce Frazer of the regional assessment of fice in Barrie on municipal assessment and Barrie city clerk Herb Kirk on municipal finance No chairman has been named Barrie lawyer David White former planning board vice chairman will chair the Nov session Topics will be parlia mentary procedure in the coun cil chamber with Illing worth director of the provinc ial municipal affairs secretar iat at Queens Park as tentative speaker and municipal plann ing with John Wood planning director for Peterborough con firmed as speaker The final session will include fourmember panel discus sion on participation in local government The panel is to in clude former elected official building developer someone involved in municipal affairs on volunteer basis and rep resentative of the news media The final session will also feature talk by Mr Miller on the future of local government Don Middleton chairman of the provincial Land Compensation Board is tentatively listed as chairman Mr Miller is also listed as tentative but organ izers say he is virtually certain to appear Members of the organizing committee for the course are Bob Dennis president of the labor boardMarshall Green chairman of the chamber of commerces civic affairs com mittee and Tom Owen of Georgian College Those interested should get in touch with the chamber the labor council or the colleges extension services department RICHARD GROII Bradford man running for Liberal nomination Jim Corneau 25 partner in Bradford wooden pallet man ufacturing firm announced Monday he will be candidate for the Liberal nomination for the Simcoe Centre riding in the next provincial election Mr Corneau is the only an nounced candidate for the nomination to be decided Thursday at the partys nomA inating convention at pm at Eastview Secondary School in Barrie Margaret Kelly the partys standardbearer in the 1975 pro vincial vote and Barrie alder man Janice Laking the can didate for the Simcoe North federal riding in 1974 have both said they will not seek the JIM CORNEAU nomination Mr Corneau Bradford native who lives in West Gwillimbury Township said Monday he believes Ontario residents are being weighed down by government involve mentintheir dailylivcs Government intcrfcrencc and bureaucratic red tape havc dulled the initiative of the in dependent cntrcprcncur be the enterprise farm or small business he said He said he plans to provide his constituents with strong voice in government and to serve as liaison between Sim coe Centre residents and the bureaucracy at Queens Park Mr Corneau was active in student politics and edited the yearbook at Bradford District High School then attended the school of business administra tion at the University of Western Ontario in London graduating in 1975 Man killed in ac nt in Inn Roland Muller 18 of Essa Township died following twocar accident Sunday in lnnisfil Township According to lnnisfil Police Mullers car was in collision with one driven by Peter Szeto of Agincourt Muller was rushed to Ho yal Victoria Hospital in Bar ric but died shortly after ar rival The accident was at pm Sunday on the Eighth Linc LOCAL GENERAL PUBLIC INDECENCY Michael Gerald Braconniers of Barrie was charged with public indecency by Barrie City Police Monday The charge was laid after man was found ly ing nude on picnic table Braconniers will appear in pro vincial court Oct 11 SIOHAUL breakin at Cottys Cleaners 217 Dunlop St netted thieves only $10 in petty cash According to Barrie City Police the breakin occurred sometime Sunday or Monday There has been no arrest PHONEIN IV There are four shows schcdulcd in Octobcr by ablc ii television in Barric callcd what council has donc lhc guest speakers are Ald lim lcrri city lcvclopmcnl com mitlcc chairman and mayorally candidatc Oct 19 to pm Ald Ross Archer public works committee chair man and mayoralty candidate Oct 21 to pm Ald Alex Arthur finance committee chairman Oct 26 to pm and Mayor Dorian Parker who is seeking rcclcction Oct 27 to it p111 The shows will be live phonein programs to give pcoplc chancc to ask the clcc tcd officials about the past two years in Barrie Don Lowe CK liB radio rcporlcr is thc host TAG bus The Barrie Humane Society will hold its annual tag day Friday and Saturday downtown are The city Special policy area set in Chamber plan amendment By RICHARD DUNSTAN Examiner Staff Reporter The possibility of major downtown seeder develop ment shopping centre rec reational or an administrative centre or the like would be investigated by city officials under the terms of proposed official plan amendment released Monday by the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce The amendment drawn up by the Chambers civic affairs committee was made public Monday in preparation for Thursdays public meeting on the future of the citys downtown core The amendment would designate as special policy area lands adjoining Kempenfelt Bay from the In nisfil Township boundary around the bay to the St Vin cent Park area to depth of several blocks Precise boun daries are not defined Under the amendment the core area would be designated as the citys primary retail commercial cultural enter tainment institutional recrea tional and administrative area while retaining reasonable residential mix The amendment calls for the drafting of secondary land use plan for the core area im plementing the results of the following studies and investiga tions an investigation of the feasibility and means of im plementation of major seeder development review of factors affec ting the comfort safety and enjoyment of people in the downtown area ranging from sidewalk widths and tree planting to street lighting and access for the handicapped study of the best means of protecting using and en hancing the shoreline area and of relating it to the exits in builtup area an investigation of ways to improve traffic circulation and offstreet parking LOCAL GENERAL SQUARE DANCING The Borden Squaretimers start their season of square dancing Monday at 830 pm at Joseph Kaeble School Cana dian Forces Base Borden Al Calhoun has given special in vitation to new dancers For more information contact Roy Yorke 7289614 or Ray Bowls 726l967 STUDENT MAYOR City council swore in the first student mayor of the fall ses sion Angela Schwecke 13 Grade student at King Edlt ward School Angela is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Heinz Schewcke of Hi hland Cres cent Shc enjoys aying the ac cordion swimming and sports including soccer floor hockey volleyball and table tennis Angela siad she is interested in trying out for the Barrie Nep tunes Club this fall and likes to crosscountry ski in the winter PROPERTY EXCHANGE Barrie council passed bylaw Monday authorizing land exchange with Peter Mills Alfred Dick Paul Hermiston and David White of Barrie The city is exchanging land west of Collier Street United Church for building and land east of city hall The city intends to demolish the building The city owns block of land from the parking lot east of the American Hotel to the new building ONCESSION GIVEN bylaw approved by city council Monday will give the Barrie Minor Lacrosse Associa tion exclusive control of the conceSSion booth at the East view Arena during the summer months when the ice is out The city has an agreement with the Barrie Minor Hockey Associa tion givin the group exclusive rights to concession during the winter RAthIE WATERLOTS City council approved two watcrlot leases Monday giving lot to Pride of Mar shall Street and Chris tianson of Napier Street Coun cil turned down request by Kornelia Mcsraros to permit building encroachment on an adjacent watcrlot WALNUT TABLE The city is turning down an offer by the Simcoe County council to buy walnut table formerly used in the county council chambers Ald Alex Arthur finance chairman sid the city does not have any room for the irregular shaped table No price was discussed GEARED TOINCOME The city and Ontario Housing Corp OHC are preparing an agreement for rent supple ment subsidy program for cer tain apartment units in the city for rentgearedtoincome ren tal Ald Alex Arthur finance chairman siad the units will be in number of buildings in the city but the addresses will not be made public He said the reason is to protect the identity of the people living in the sub sidized apartments CONTROLCENTRE City council approved spen din about $9100 plus taxes for rep acement parts at the citys Water Pollution Control Centre The parts which not be delivered until early 1977 are from the Carter of Hackcnsack OINTEIEPIIONE The city is asking Bell Canada to install coin operated telephone booth in Centennial Park telephone was placed in the park few years ago but was the site of constant vandalism PARKING TICKETS No action was taken on two written complaints to the city about parking tickets in the ans wered the letters Howard Mor ris of Maple Avenue com plained that he received $5 ticket for improper parking on the east side of wen Street bet ween Dunlop and Collier streets Apparently Mr Morris took two parking spaces on the street The second complaint was from Paul Bassett of Sig matic Corporation Mr Bassett complained he received two parking tickets about five hours apart He said this is unfair but the city did not agree TENDERS APPROVED City council accepted tenders for new greenhouse at the Operational Centre on Ferndale Drive The tender for construc tion of the greenhouse went to Jacobs Greenhouse Structures of Brantford with bid of $14480 while the electrical and mechanical work inside the building will be done by Fox Ltd of Barrie with bid of $5940 for electrical and $11638 for mechanical The city re ceived two other bids for the construction from IckesBraun Glasshouses of Canada Ltd 520729 and Lord and Burnham Co Ltd $18500 For the mechanical work Lamers Bors bid $15548 while Aber crombie Electric Co Ltd bid on the electrical work $7900 Gateway Mechanical Inc had lower bid on the total work than Fox but left out some of the tender requirements The company bid $4500 for elec trical and $11400 for mechanical HOUSE DEMOLITION City council accepted the bid of$1680 from Plowman of Barrie to demolish house at 108 Donald St The city needs the property for the widening of Donald and Wellington streets Other bids came from Advance Lumber and Wrecking Co $1900 ETR Construction Management $2200 and Les Bertram and Sons Ltd $1850 COFFEE BREAK Bay International Com munications CB radio club is holding coffee break Sept 18 and 19 at Molsons Park Any member of the public whether radio operator or not is in vitcd Proceeds go to the muscular dystrophy and dia betic associations Admission is $150 per adult with children under 12 admitted free Camp ing is available though there are no h00kups TIIRNVNG LANES Thc province is improving road conditions at Ihc Fairvicw Plum about half milc north of Barrio this fall The ministry of tran sportation and communication gavc contract to Dishcr Farrand Ltd of tillowdalc for $108139 to imprch about milcs of road The contract is for grading drainagc granular base and hot mix paving of turning lanes SPORTS NIGHI Men and women in thc Tall Trccs subdivision are invited to mixcd sports night at fundlcs llcights public school lucsdays between 830 and 10 pm game of mixed vollcyball is scheduled this wcck GEM AND MINERALS The ric Gem and Mineralogical Society holds meeting tonight at 730 pm at the Church of Goad Shepherd 220 Steele St Tom Bushell of Australia is the gUest speaker Mr Bushell will give talk and slide show on minerals from his country The public is welcome DIABETIC ASSOCIATION After the hospital what then will be the topic of panel discussion at meeting of the Huronia and district branch of the Canadian Diabetic Association Sept 22 at pm in the 3C lecture room at Barrie Royal Victoria Hospital doc tor nurse dietitian and diabetics will discuss various aspects of posthospital care of diabetics Panel chairman will be Esther Hermosa nursing director of home care service CHRISTIAN MOVIE The film Stranger in my Forest featuring adventure with spiritual message will be shown from to pm Sept 24 at Georgian College Theatre PWP CONFERENCE The annual Canadian zone conference of Parents Without Partners will be held Sept 24 to 26 at the Continental inn at Bar rie About 400 delegates from across Canada are expected EVENING COURSES Registrations are now being accepted by the Continuing Education Division of Georgian College for its fall program of evening and parttime courses More than 100 careeroriented credit and special interest courses are being offered in the Barrie area For brochures and further information call the college at 7231951 or dro in to the College Services buil ing at the Barrie Campus Evening registration for parttime fall courses will be held Sept 20 21 and 22 from to 10 pm at the college Most courses start early in October The amendment also calls for preservation of buildings of am chitectural and historical merit restricting new buil dings in the core area to those which blend with and comple ment existing buildings and formation of an architectural advisory committee which would provide landowners with free or lowcost nonbinding advice on design of new buil dings and renovation of ex isting structures The amendment rejects freeze on develo ment during preparation of lie secondary plan instead calling on city council to draft bylaws ensur ing that development which takes place is compatible with the objectives of the amend ment Committee members said Monday they hope to present the proposed amendment at the beginning of Thursdays meet ing sponsored by city planning board so that it can serve as topic for discussion Committee members say an amendment expressing strong municipal commitment to the downtown core will be necessary before the provincial government will provide funds to Barrie under its new down town revitalization program PROGRAM DETAILS The provincial program an nounced in detail last week provides for partiallyrecov erable loans to finance up to twothirds of costs of downtown renewal program including land assembly and clearing acquisition and renovation of an existing key anchor building installation of an open or covered downtown mall and servicing The current official plan lacks committment to the downtown area committee members say and sources at Queens Park have confirmed that no money will be available prior to city approval of an amendment such as the one pro sed committee plans to ask George Przbylowski of the pro vincial housing ministrys com munit renewal branch at Thurs ays mEeting whether the amendment meets provin cial requirements but commit tee members said Monday pre liminary indications are that it does The amendment must receive approval from planning board city development com mittee and city council plus the provincial ministry of hous mg City approval could come within weeks if opposition does not prevent it committee members said and the amend ment could then be followed as city policy and accepted by the province as municipal com mitment even though it would not be legally binding until ap proved by the ministry Ministry approval could come within two months of city approval committee members said Monday Thursdays meeting open to presentation by all Barrie residents and organizations will be held at 730 pm in the council chamber at city hall OMB hearing continues on Guthrie park plan By JIM DALZIEL Examiner Staff Reporter 0R0 STATION Creation of an industrial park in Guthrie was first suggested by Oro Townships planner the On tario Municipal Board OMBi was told Monday John Boake planner with Marshall Macklin and Mon aghan Ltd said he made the suggestion after Ray Campbell of Guthrie proposed to build sales office for Convertible Pools After hearing arguments all this week the OMB is expected to rule in favor or against zon ing bylaw and official plan amendment which would per mit the 113acre industrial park andone sales outlet The hearing resumed today at 10 am in Oro township hall and it is to continue Wednesday and Thursday at 1030 am each day The public including large number in opposition to the in dustrial proposal is to have its say Thursday Oro council stav ted its case with Mr Boake and township clerk Henry Neufcld on Monday Mr Boake said he did not favor single commercial outlet because it could not be considered infilling in the Guthrie community But it was feasible if incor porated in an industrial park he said BOAKE COMMENTED When Mr Campbell prepared plans for such park on the 4th Concession Mr Boake commented on them and gave advice as Oro council con sidered the proposal Asked if he felt the park ap plied good planning principles and conformed to Oros official plan Mr Boake said it sat isfies the requirements of the official plan The main opponent to surface so far in the hearing is Toronto lawyer Lloyd May represent ing an undetermined number of township residents including Ross Bradley and Stephen Da vie About 100 people attended the first day of the hearing OMB members Alfred Chap man and Jean Wadds rejected one call for adjournment by Mr May He said Barrie has proposed to build an Airport on Conces sion of Oro citing the com patibility with the pro sed in dustrial park Whic comes first the chicken or the egg he asked Mr May said the township whould be instructed by the OMB to conduct thorough study of the Guthrie area Under questioning by Mr May Mr Boake said he would hr Itiarrir Examiner The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Sept l4 19769 FARQUIIARSON and Peggy Sarjeant of Shanty Bay were among about 100 people who attended the first day of an Ontario Municipal Board hearing in Oro town ship hall on Monday The township council st its casein avor ofa 113 in dustrial park proposed at Guthrie The developer Ray Campbell is to call evidence today and Wednesday The public for and against will have conducted traffic study if he had been working for the developer The Ontario Provincial Police this year labelled Highway 11 the most dangerous highway in Ontario Township solicitor David White however produced let ter showing that the ministry of transportation has given ap proval in principle to the in dustrial proposal Planner Ross Raymond of Gravenhurst appearing for the developer said the ministry plans to build median barrier and overpasses on Highway 11 at the 3rd and 5th concession roads with construction pos sibly as early as next spring Lefthand turns which resulted in many accidents in the past would be eliminated The start of the hearing was delayed while new bylaw which amends the zoning bylaw was examined by the OMB and legal counsel Approved by Oro council last week the new bylaw imposes more restrictions on develop ment of the industrial park Clerk Henry Newfeld said Oro operates with an official plan approved by the province March 26 1973 and compre hensive zoning bylaw approved by council Feb 13 1974 The comprehensive zoning bylaw is still awaiting hear ing and consideration by the OMB The industrial park zoning bylaw is numbered 1100 and the amendment to the official plan is the sixth one Both docu ments were prepared by the developers consultant get chance to speak Thurs day at 1030 am The in dustrial park requires an amendment to Oros official plan and rezoning of agri cultural land Examiner Photo