DRAWS WINNING TICKET Craig Prentice in charge of outside activities for Mol sons of Barrie in Molsons Park drew the winning ticket in the Barrie iirefighters ssociations draw for tea Ford toupe fully restored The winner was deWitt of Oren Boulevard in Barrie The firefighters were selling tickets on tfie car draw until the last possible moment Proceeds from thc ticket sales go to the muscular dystrophy fund raising cam paign Examiner Ihotot Sunny Sunday makes market buffs throng Molsons It took only one day of sun shine to make the sixth annual Canadian National Automotive flea market success Ken Fraser chairman of the jllarrie Flea Market Associa tion event sponsor said the sunny hot weather made up for two days of torrential rains He estimated between 7000 and 8000 people flocked to the flea market searching fcr automotive parts and cars dur ing the good weather Attendance was down con siderably Friday and Saturday because of the rains which turned the park into muddy mess and hindered movement of traffic he said Information about the size of crowds number of sellers and fdisplays is not available yet he said for total picture for the three day event We had fairly successful fday but it appears to be too ear ly to tell about the whole event he said The people seem to get their moneys worth There were some problems caused by Sundays mass charge to Molsons Park par ticularly driving to the loca tion Most people parked their cars along Fairview Drive and walked into the flea market The park road was de stroyed by the rain Mr Fraser said leaving bumpy rough ride to the parking lots There was some problem with the locale but thats no ANN LANDERS Requests rerun as birthday reflection on Molsons they bent over backwards for us he said Mr Fraser said plans have started to change the basic layout of the flea market for next years show Sunday was ideal he said It really was an ovcrwheliiiing success GARDEN NOTES Looking at the change from $1 bill could be the start of new hobby Coin collecting might be the easiest hobby to start says Ken Prophet president of the Huronia Numismatic Associa tion Mr Prophet said anyone can start coin collecting without any special knowledge by sim ply looking through the change from dollar The association held its semiannual coin and stamp show Satruday at the Bayfield Niall celebrating 16 years of operation in the area Mr Prophet who was one of the founders of the club said about 22 dealers attended sell ing coins paper money stamps and tokens He said the dealers came from across southern Ontario including Kingston Toronto Kitchener Preston and Owen Sound Were little larger in dealers this time but were down in the number of dis plays he said We had about 12 to 14 displays of strictly coms The displays were not for sale but were judged for association trophies in nine categories sopfs NJZLI wants The Barrie Examiner TuesdayA$ept l4 I976 36 secretaries attend About 36 secretaries attended special seminar Saturday sponsored by the National Secretaries Association Inter national Barrie District Chapter The seminar based on the theme Communication Ar ound the World featured panel discussion with represen tatives of Ntl lelccom municafions tanada lost Bell anada and Air The represctitativcs outlined the ways their services assist biisyoffices Marie Swiller of the National Secretaries Association told the secretaries about the certified professional secretary course otfcrcdbythcassocialioii iss Sw itzcr has her CH tification which usually iii volves about five years of Repairing established lawns topic of speech to society By JEAN Milli Bill Groves superintendent of Barries Parks spoke at Illt local societys meeting at Cundles Heights School Sept 9th His topic was lawns and Ill tell you what he said The best time to either make new lawn or repair an old one is from Aug is to Sept 30 This is Natures time to seed and cool evenings and moist ground make the germination of seed and growth of grass ideal good lawn must have good base Boards stones rub ble etc so often left by the builders of homes just wont grow grass There must be good drainage and it should slope away from the house If there is steep drop the lawn should bc terraced Dig up debris if prev sent in the lawn and replace with good top soil All the audience present were owners of established lawns so gift Dcar llll Lantlirs while back you printed definition of maturity It had soinccxccllcnt guidelines not only for lllllllli others but for keeping tabs on ourselves intcndcd lo cut tlic column out but somehow forgot and thc Ilfflililfl wzr itoiic When went to look for it Ive icgicttcd it cci iiicc Will you plcasc print it again My sons birthday is Scpt lland it would be tlicbcsl birthday gift in the world lliaiiks Ann In kroii Iiillllld Hear Illlllll Here it is With my Iiist islic to oIii non lot happy birthday WHAT IS llllll Maturity is the ability to control ongci and scltlc tlllltlliitt without violence or dcstiUctioii Maturity is patience It is the willingness to pals up iiinnc diatc pleasure invfavor of the longterm gain Maturity is pcrscvcrincc the ability toswcat out ltijtcl oi situation in spite of heavy opposition and discouraging stl backs Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasantncss and tin tration discomfort and defeat without complaint orcollapsi Maturity is humility It is being big enough to say wrong was And when right the mature person iiccd not cx pcricncc thesat isfaction of saying told you so Maturity is the ability to make decision and stand by it The immature spend their lives exploring endless possibilit ics then they do nothing Maturity means dependability keeping oncs word coining through in crisis The iniinaturcare masters of the alibi lhcy arcthe confused and thcdisoiganized Their lives area mazcof broken promises former frietids unfinished business and good intentions that somehow ncver materialize Maturity is the art of living in peace with that which we can not change tlic courage to change that which should be changed and the wisdom to know the difference Dear Anti Landersz This is letter to Want To lie Neigli borly Dear Neighborly liate you You have stolen main of my precious hours and time is irreplaceable When see your face at my door feel like hiding in theclosct until you leave manage to pretend Im glad to see you but deserve an Academy Award for my acting have other friends Id rather be with if only had thetiinc and energy Youve dropped in dozens of times uiiexpcctantly and prc vented me from baking sewing marketing phoning my family or sneaking in muchneeded nap To put it bluntly you are royal pain in the neck Madam wish had the nerve to put sign on my front door like one man lid who wrote to Ann Landcis lt read If you were not in vited vou are not expected and you are not welcome Im not signing my name but hope you recognize both me and your self vfaiit Stand Dropins Dear aiitz Any woman who prclaccs mcssagc to hcr neighbor with hate you should have that sign made at once hope you will do so as preventive nieasureagainst ulcers migraines or high blood pressure whichever might come irst 1r Groves dwelt on repairing established lawns llc gidtmtl top dressing with line loain sifted for lumps and twitch grass till all the Itlllissltlll then roll gently with too lll rollcr llicn sow good scid suitable for tlic purpose rake lightly roll again and water gciitlyanifkecpmoist Iwo cXcellciii booklcts lr irovcs rcconimcnds to cvcry one who owns lawn irc pant plilct 320 chd control Ill lawns and publication illi Lawns boil published in Ontario linistiv of Agriculture and Food ivailablc from the publications dcpt ministry of gricnturc and Food Iarlia incnt llldgs loronto These two booklets contain all one needs to know about making anilkccpiiiggoodlawns Io aerate the lawn Mr iioycs suggested renting plug aerator and then ill all lllt little holes it makes with sand The audience asked many questions on such things as web wortiis wcHi control fliincli bugs and insccts of various kinds lic rcfcriHI tficiii to Art olcs Nursery whom hc said should have the best and latct in all thcsc contiols Since all insecticides and fungicides arc bcmg much more closcly gnar dcd doc to accidents it is only possible for those ill the Inn lflfS to know what is tlillttitly available ifllSlltAYIllt Thloidaiic is used for many insects in the soil but iordon litswctlicrick wcll known gardener told of paralyzing his arm and leg after spraying his garden this spring The pro duct kills the insects by par alysis and in this case ncarly got the sprayer also Mr irovcs cautioned cveryonc to use the utmost care witfi all spraying and dusting of insecticides weed killcrs and fungicides Always read the label go by directions Never use the same sprayer for weed killers and then insecticides They cannot be cleaned well enough to be safe Never spray on windy day and be careful of plants for which the spray is not intended He advised everyone to use fresh seed to avoid disapimint ment new fertilizer will be out in about two years called Sulphur Toatcd Urea It is slowrclcase fertilizer and will only need to be applied once year but it wont con tain weed kill and crab grass kill etc as fertilizers do now It will release fertilizer every day of the year plus sulphur Studio at BorrioChpporton St and Oro LINDYS SCHOOL OF US Now Enrolling for fall classes Piano Accordion Guitar Theory Beginner Instruments Provided except piano good fcitilizcr for fall has formula of 20107 For fall Ii 12 2l is best Mr irovcs was introduced by Pauline unningham and thanked by Jean Iittle lle donated his speakers fee to the Societys Arlxirctuiii Fund StHllCIY NEWS llig News this week is oun ll fair at Sunnidalc entrc it in Sat lilth Something for everyone to do and to buy Sec you all thcic District It is holding its fall Sciinnaiin letton Sat lct llarrit Society will take bus leaving at it am from Well ington lIotcl Ilus Fare $2 ltegistration and lunch is $2 llvcryonc welcome fora day of district business Iwo speakers and great fellowship There are st ill seats available for the Sept mory ost of four day tour to what Mr irovcs called the most glorious gardens on this onti iiciit Iondwood iardens lcnnsylvania Silo for twiii accoiniiiixlation Please have your chipics in to Mrs tiablc by Sept zilrd For all details call Hookers Mrs Lockhait 720 3072 or llctty aincroii Tilt tlTillli 21 tour to Iobcr ltlllAltS High in lhcsky Light in thcbrcczcl Ihonsandsof pennies Dance Ill the trees Wavcat tthiin Fluttcringthingsl oax thctlriolc In flame gold wings lossing so high Flaunting the breeze Madcaps on watcrll leniiics on trees Katherine lamglands Irvine Vine St Barrie hit with kind permission of the author DOGS lAKII NOIII IAillllt2 Que WIN group of women It this Moir treal suburb have been painting fire hydrants to spruce up the community in honor of its lri centennial The women with permission from city hall have adorned lhc hydrants with iden tifying laiidiiiarks or mes sage LEARNINGIIHUIII NORTH BAY iit TIl larents raising their children alone are being given the oppor tunity to share their ex pcriences with other single par cnts at St Andrews United Thurch for further Information 116 III or 7284l46 seminar here Saturday afterhours work on the NSA course The afternoon session of the day long seminar featured Grant Walker local represen tative with lBM Mr Walker senior marketing represen tative discussed word process ing The seminar was concluded with an afternoon workshop with presentations by Janes Stationery and displays by IBM and Liquid Paper Mayor Dorian Parker at tended the days evean with few city hall secretaries During lunch break the secretaries were entertained by fashion show featuring four models and clothes from Mamsellc Dress Shop of the Hayfield Mall in Barrie The models were Wendy Watts Lynn Garraway Audrey Driver and Bev Patrick Featured in the show were both evening and office apparel Darlene Jackson secretary with KVlt gave the commen tary and introduced the models Lr Ncwell chapter member said die attendance was small even though the seminar was open to any secretary in the Barrie rea She said most of the sec retaries felt the information provided was helpful There are 25 members in the Barrie District Chapter of NSA Gord Culbert of Collingttvood took first place in most of the categories and picked up the best in the show for club member He won the Canadian De cimal Coin World Coin Tokens Medals and Medallions and Canadian Coinsclasses Bill Ferguson of North York took the best in show for non member picking up second place in the Canadian Decimal Coins and Canadian Coins categories FOUR TROPHIES Norm and Moreen Howcrofti of Barrie also had successful show picking upflfour trophies between them rs Howcroft won first in the Topical and Miscellaneous and placed se cond in World Paper dis lays Mr Howcroft plac second in the topical class Other winners were Mr Pro et of Barrie second in World oins Ray Barker of Coll ingwood first in World Pa Lorraine Acker of Barrie frd in World Paper Bill Gage of Barrie second in Tokens Me dals and Medallions Lyle Bag ley of Orillia second in Mis cellaneous and Alma Gage of PETER CIOKAN 12 of Midland coin collector visited the Bayfield Mall Saturday in Barrie to see the semiannual coin display and Lots of prizes given at friendship meeting ANGITS The Angus Senior itizen Friendship Club met Sept at to am Guests were executives of District ii The program featured readings by Mrs West Margaret Mathers and Ben Steers group sing card games and lunch Draw winners First lfeleii Elliott Angus Second Wendy Mathers Angus Third Donna Green Borden Fourth loc Ilantc Angus Fifth ltcta Parliament Alf liston Sixth Scott Downsview Seventh Dorothy Dears An gtis Eighth Leila Latimer An gus Ninth Margaret McHugh Angus 10th Mrs Bill Gordon 11th Clarence McGillvaiy GRANNY IIAS DEGREE MONTREAL CP June Tanaka 63yearold grand mother whose four children hold university degrees has graduated from Concordia Uni versity with bachelor of arts degree in English literature Mrs Tanaka with her husband and children was removed from the West Coast during the Second World War GEORGIAN COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION Get to know your Community College in l976l Just two exam ples of the many courses being offered by the Continuing Education Division this Fall and Winter PAINTING development of students individual potential by practical exercises in water colour acrylics and oil stressing the fun domentals of composition colour and painting techniques STARTS Tuosday October 12 I976 110 pan fEE $4500 20 wooh ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY The world of abnormal psychology is intriguing challenging mysterious and most of all complex Its complexity dorlvoo from the nature of its subject matter disordered human behaviour and from the fact that it can be approached from number of different perspectives Many of these perspectives and some related concepts will be examined in this course These will In clude popular views of abnormal behaviour normality and Its dimensions models of man personality development and ad iustmenl causative factors basic categories In puttorns of ab normal behaviour functional disorders organic dloordors and mental retardations societal respontos to abnormal behaviour and psychotherapy the helping process word about tho for mat the teaching method and the course grading thoro will bo an emphasis on student participation and pronontatlonh in class and corresponding doemphasis on the examination tho grading being based on the qballty of the students proton totions and participation STARTS Tuesday October 1l0 pm $4500 20 wool For information registration and brochure call 705 728l95l Ext 317 or visit us utGeorgion College Barrie third in the some cat egory Mr Prophet said coin collec ting is good hobby which does not need to be expensive He added it can be very time consuming You can have time at it and normally prices of coins go up he said Balical ly all you need to start is in terest magnifying glass and catalo ue en youre in business He said people can start ool lectlng any type of money ei ther by country type or even paper money which is field all its own The best advice for the novice he laid lsnot to go too for or too deep at the beginn he numlsmatlc association meets the third Thursday of ev ery month at the ARC workshop in Barrie and has about 40 50 members Mr Prophet said the Bayfield Mall is used for the two sham because it in the only area in the city large enough for the dis plays Its become recognized event he said it brings lot of stuff out of the woodwork sale sponsored by Huronia Numismatic Asso ciation Thee are four coin clubs in Simcoe County but none rate in the Midland the area xaminer Photo Spec PEOPLE AND PLACES UNIVERSITY WOMEN An informal meeting spon sored by the University Womens Club of Barrie wil take place Wednesday at 815 Egan in the faculty lounge at al Collegiate All women university graduates are wel come FIRST MEETING Barrie Branch of the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild held the first meeting of the season at the home of their president Joan Ashton Arran ements were made for the Gut to sell tickets at Hayfield Mall on Sept 17th and 18 for hand made hmked rug and pillow The next meetin will be on Septziuawiaia St SCULPTURE VltlJIT workshop will he held at home of Joan Ashton 48 Blake Hi im Satur day Bern 26 at 930 am The workshop will be on Slmlptured Fruit PM lb $4 50 pin materials To register call W712 BREAD DEMONSTRATION Lorraine Labellc home wommist With Robin Hind Multifmds will derrwmtrath theart of llrlzddbalflflflw 29 M75 attha kimmm Gas Bu ding an Ferris Lane in formation regarding tickets may be obtained by telephoning mm ext 58 RUMMAGE HALE St Giles Anglican Church is holding Rummage Sale Fri day Sept 24 from pm to pm Good used winter clothing and other useful odds and ends will be on sale The sale is being organized by the Anglican ChurchWomen SCHOOLOPENING There are stillo nings at the Happyplace Pre chool at St Peters Anglican Church in Minesing The preschool is community operated and parent participation venture and will run Mondays Tues days and Wednesdays from to 1130 am There is registra tion fee of $15 and monthly fee of $20 For further information telephone7284379 MARATHON BRIDGE The annual Kempenfelt Chapter IODE bridge marathon is open for entries un til Sept 24 There is charge of 50 cents per game Anyone wishing to play should telephone 7288387 7283947 Tao48400r7260514 GUIDES BROWNIES Guides and Brownies will start meeting again in Allan dale this week Brownie packs meet Mondays from to 530 pm at St John Vianney and Geor es Anglican halls Also on onday pack meets at St Georges from to 730 pm The last Brownie meeting of the week is Wednesday from 630 to pm at Burton Avenue United Guide troops meet Mondays from 630 to 830 pm at St John Vianney Tuesdays from 630 to 830 pm at St Georges and Thursdays from 630 to 830 at Burton Avenue United GIFT FAIR ft fair will be presented Than sgiving Weekend Oct 10 and 11 at the Simcoe County Museum Midhurst by the Sim coe County Arts and Crafts Association Gifts from 25 cents to $50 will beon sale from 10 am to4 pm each day There will also be demonstrations ASSOCIATION MEETS The Huronia and District Branch of the Canadian Diabetic Association will meet Wednesday Sept 22 at8 pm in lecture room 3C at Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie panel which will include doctm nurse dietician and diabetic directed by Esther Hermosa nursing director of home care service will discuss the topic After The Hospital What Then Everyone is welcome at the meeting BREASTFEEDING Advantages of breastfeeding to mothers and babies will be the topic at the first in the fall of meetings by the La lmhe League of Barrie North and South The meeting will be held Wafnusday Sept 29 at 830 pm at the home of Mrs Sharon Oldershaw 47 Oren Blvd Barrie The La Leche League is an organization devoted to helping women nurse their babies Now 10 °o With Interest Token ANNUAllY Member Canada Depomt Itsmance Corporatam VICTDRM GREY 869 YIUSV OMFANV SINII MIKE BENVENUTI Manager tEO MIRIITSCH Accountant 35 Dunlop St 7311011 AYNSLEY English Bone China Pile outing Spring Crocus Golden Crocus Cottage Garden Durham Maroon Pembroke Henley Onyx Green grime 05 Quagsonliefd Boyfiold Moll limit 7262380 China 9th 680 Maple Barrio 7374319