door EThe Market Place Wednesda Set 15 I97 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED olllces lux uriously decorated parking very reasonable rent Telephone 7373700 HIGHWAY NO 11 and Little Ave 700 so It oltlce tor rent $150 per month in cludes heating also 2200 so It store lor rent C5 7286340 PRIME Retail and Olllce space tor rant In newly opened Allandale Centre For rates and Information contact Nell Gleeson at Allandale Drugs or John Ch tieLChristleslGA MOBIlE HOM AND TRAILERS TRAVEL MATEMotor Homes tor sale or rent Holiday In complete home com tort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 gaytield St 1976 BENDIX LEADER 68x12 bed rooms 7500 sq lt lot in park south of Barrie Owner leaving province Tele phone726SI76 ITS NOT TOO LATE The Hitch House Ltd can meet your trailer hitch re gmrements Call Harold tor appoint ment 7289700 COUNTRY LIVING in quiet park south Ol Barrie New homes Also used homes from $11000 Cal CARS FOR SALE 1970 CAMARO 69000 miles good condi tion Telephone days 7287749 or even ings 7260687 1966 METEOR wagon excellent mechanical condition power brakes and steering root racks Needs some body work Otherwise can be certilied $250 Telephone 4364216 1972 MERCEDES Benz 280 SE power steering power brakes central locking system airconditioned door sedan low mileage excellent condition For in lormation telephone 7054451476 1969 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 350 four barrel speed buckets power win dows block and in car heater sports tggefggg trailer hitch $795 Telephone 1970 VOLK 000 condition new brakes and nufller needs little work Asking $300 Call 7763785alter5pm 1973 PINTO standard shill AEpeed 41000 miles in good condition Telephone7287867 STATION Wagon 1969 RlinToum Can DBEEIII lephone 7284761 ms MAVERICK 261000 miles power steering green radial tires For sale Or take over payments Telephone 728 4956 7261 I95 COLLECTORS ITEM 1962 Cadillac rag top in running condition with good body Best otter Moving must sell Phone7288478 179771 TOYOTA Cor oOd running dition $650 Telephone weekdays alter AEDARTdeoor hardtop automatic 5600 or best otter As Phone7287 B3 1975 GRAN TORINO door power steering power brakes automatic transmission 32000 miles Reposses sion Telephone Dave 7266411 between ands 1973 PONTIAC Gran Saiari station wagon in excellent condition low mileage no rust undercoated $3000 Fully certilied Telephone 7371004 1968 VOLKSWAGEN reconditioned 73 motor 16000 cc 35000 miles on motor new tires good condiion As is $300 Telephone 7265771 betweenband9p 1973 LINCOLN Mark lully pow ed AMFM radio and tape deck combina tion air conditioning mint green Ex cellent condition Must sell Asking 5703e van for sale as is running condition in need at minor repairs 3125 Telephone 4245358 alter pm ONE OWNER 1973 Oldsmobile Delta Royale door hardtop all power air conditioned excellent condition Pri Telephone 7280758 ro 728 3992 PRIVATE 1968 Ford Fairlane V8 blue 283 motor excellent condi tion Certilied 5825 Telephone 728 8641 1771M STANG excellent condition V8 vinyl top lactory tape deck power steering automatic Ziebarted 56000 miles Certified $2450tirmAlter5pm 726 7969 1973 FORD Galaxie 31000 mi radials power steering and brakes Western car Telephone 436 1304 1971 VW BUG needs tuneup good con dition asking $600 1768 Ford Wagon lair condition asking 5400 Telephone 436 I757 I964 FALCON Auto engine shot new generator good tires good lor spares $15 or otters Telephone 7370947 1974 MONVTEOOMiifpo steeFi air conditioning new power brakes tires 39000 miles extremely clean Must be seen 726 6759 alter pm 1975 PLYMOUTH Fury Custom ex cellent condition V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio 13000 good miles 54200 or best Oller Telephone 4241664 alter V770 CHEVEL LE Mallbu SS 350 speed convertible no WlnllIS Am Fm mags Edelbrock Sigizrson plus much $2700 Serious inquiries only CARS WANTED TOBUY TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 19 Bradlord St Barrie 728 Elli Junk CARS wAN TED ighest page paid Same day pickup Holt Auto kcrsï¬7168711 TRA WANTS cars and truéks To wrecking and parts top prices paid Freepickup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid tree Immediate pick up anytime 436 290 COLE BROS Cars and truCks waniep tor wrecking $25 and up Fast pickup 42459119 alter pm or 4356322 or 737 25l5 SHAKFLS WRECKING and Tawing wetalcars boughtover scales$20 3677 MOTORCYCLES 1974 650 Yamaha 3500 miles $800 900 condition cerlilied For inlormatio telephonefu 6460 fkw ï¬ï¬ 1973 PENTON I25 cc trail bike Must seen $325 Telephone 7266759 atter pm TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1973 FORD larm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale835 2308 1970 F700 FORD single axle speed dump truck Heavy duty rear end $3700 certilied Phone 4361783 or 436 4945 1938 CHEV three quarter ton truck for sale good running condition Asking $2000 Telephone 487 3364 SPECIAL 1974 Chev ton 18600 miles owned and operated by retired man Ex tra long frame with dual wheels plus trailing axle with dual wheels 16 loot box with told down It sides and tailgate Telephone 705 458 9585 SNOW PLOW 1972 Toyota Land Cruiser 23000 miles one owner Myers loot angling plow all in excellent condition $3595 Hayfield SunocoCar Wash ARTICLES FOR SALE HEAVY DUTY work bench tor sale aISO heavy duty utility trailer steel trame Both good condition Telephone 7269135 PIANOS at Neales3oOueen Elmvale See our ad under Pianos In the yellow pages Savea lotl SAVE MONEY On your load costs this year purchase Speed Queen lreezer from me for $275 or you may pay for it on eabsysmsgmthly installments Call Terry at YAMAHA Trombone like new Black Watch band iacket site 36 Way trousers 30 Kenmore electric stove 24 with rotisserie $100 39 bed with mattress $30 Day Couch $40 Phone 7266365 STEREO HlFidelity Admiral console with Garrard record player in walnut Excellent condition $175 Telephone 4361752 Stroud GSED HOOVER DIalOMatlc vacuum Cleaners in excellent condition less thanl year old Telephone 726ï¬5 LOBSTERS Delivered to your or cooked Telephone 7373395 between and9pm Hr DINING ROOM Suite piece Duncan Phyte style very good condition $1000 Telephone 7268966 COLOR Television portable solid state track solid state also large speakers All in brand new condition Telephone72av6054 ISINING TABLE and alrSRmodern all white with Chrome months old $400 Telephone 7264060 after pm ACCORDION for sale Titano Virtuoso 120 bass with case Excellent condition Asking $1100 or best olter Telephone 7373962 DRAWER White Dresser also wicker single headboard and chair pluswlcker swag lamps larger wicker chair Baby bassinette stroller play pen Telephone 7280810 ELECTROHOME Television color inch years old excellent condition Can be seen rington St Apt LADYS CO er cent camel haw size 910 as new Cost price $170 995 reasonable otter Alter prelombi 1268083 PICTURE Wi dow 100 it RI 878 Woods gas water heater gallons brand new 575 Telephone 424 Oct SANSUI Ampliller A0666 15 unï¬t ban nel separate bass mid treble controls 5185 Telephone 7372890 alter COAWWESSVETC no 7263094 between and 11 loPIECE LUDWIG Drum Set ask $600 or best otter also 150 lb set at Teleonone weight tilts asking $75 £4140 LLL KIMBALL ORGAN Swinger 100 rhythm section keyboards toot pedals and bench $1050 or best otter Call 7282369 or can be seen at $6 Cumberland 77 EFFR upright reCondltIoned ANO re SEFJIEDLQOEEPE7295°° USED COLORED TVs Any reasonable Oller will be accepted We need the room lor new stock con tinuously coming in Come early for best selection at color and black and while TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 Col lier St 7284297 $400 WE KLY buys this new 20 super Zenith Chromacolor Television with no money down and no payments til November Phone tonightdelivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Snooping Plaza is YORK AIRconditioner 25 ton com pressors water cooled 2083 phase hydro model 1003 lor iniormatlon call 7261009 BRAND NEW 25 uasar Color Consone Television featuring works in drawer and lull manufacturers warranty Now only $593 or pay iust S550 weekly wnhno money down and no payments til November Phone tonighttreeldelivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Shopp ing Playa 7371182 ARTICLES WANTED CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre iféo items 728 8234 nted 12 gauge pump at semi automatic and rille semi automatic around 308 calibre Please telephone 7286100 WANTED LARGE wall mirror It it Reasonable Telephone 7285547 CAMPING EQUIPMENT 12 FT ROCKET Trailer sleeps relrigerator stove and sink Asking $1000 or will trade tor boat motor and trailer436l757 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 CLEARWATER ElORIDA SPECIAL ONE WEEK FROM $249 Includes Continental Breakfasts Dinners Car for week Air Fare Tronslors luggage handling on the water with pool Catch The Sun Euly HAts TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP ST 7284700 °EACTORI cosr Plus Invoices on 00 display In our portlra IIonroonI PARKLAND TIRE MULCASTER 7262220 350 also Regulator and tan in new condition Telephone and OPEN MONTHURS on lt9 pm FRI9omldp In Sot9om8 SUNKlOom7 DIAL 4872302 as DRIVE lITTlE EURTHER SAVE WHOIE 01 MORE location Hwy 11 10 minutes Canada No1 Grade Creamy lb BUTTER with the purchase of lbs or more Beef and Pork Breakfast Sausage at reg price of 95°Ilb Canada Grade Suwcut CHICKEN BREASTS Conodo Grade Solwcut CHICKEN lEGS Canada No Grade Frying CHICKENS 18 fresh Never Frozen NOW SPECIALIZES FREEZER ORDERS Fresh Never Frozen Fresh Never Frozen OUR MEAT DEPT IN CUSTOM cur We handle only the bestl 69 89 iii115 Canada Grade Beef No extra charge for cutting to PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CHOOSE YOUR CUT OF FREEZER BEEF AND ON REQUEST HAVE IT CUT AND WRAPPED IN FRONT OF YOU your specifications forI wrapping or for fasti Ont No CUCUMBERS Out No Squash ACORN 10 Ont No Green PEPPERS 10 US No Sunkist lEMONS 10 Ont No Bunch RADISHES Ont No local Grown POTATOES Ont No Pepper SOUASH 10 Ont No Hubbard SQUASH 10 Ont No Vegetable MARROW 10 Ont No COOKING ONIONS 10 Ont No Red POTATOES 10s Ont No Squash BUTTERNUT 10 Ont No Bulll CARROTs IHllGEHCABBAGE AwLETTUCE 00 3s1e00 Ont No Bulk BEETS Ont No Boston Romaine or lent