IIEIP WANTED ElPW SANFORD JOHN ST SHIRLEY AVE COLLIERBLAKE AREA LILLIANHEATHER ST AREA WELDON ST AREA Please fill out the application below or Phone 7266539 Name Address Telephone Age IiI MCBODBJOI HOMEMAKERS Counter and kitchen sales very appealing hours to homemakers Monday thru Friday to hour shifts Training and uniforms provided above minimum starting wage Free Food Regular increases Apply at McDONALDS RESTAURANT Bayfield St North Barrie Ls Av SECRETARY required for large international company for their branch office in Barrie 830 to pm Monday to Friday Excellent working conditions This is per manent position CALL 728342 IIIANSHILO Di vl$ GENERAL COMPLY LILIIILO JOHl STREET BARRIE 7286520 TECHNICAL TRAINEES SSHIFT OPERATION The successful applicant must have minimum of Grade l2 in cluding math and chemistry orasuitable alternate science This applicant must also have an aptitude for engineering and will be expected to undergo 4year training course which will com prise of on the iob training together with appropriate studies This is career development program in progressive and expanding industry All previous applications will receive consideration Applications for the above positions are obtainable at the security office or by writing to the employment manager SH ADVERTISING SALES representative BABYSTTER reqyired homer I0 Commission sales person required full monlhold Lghl housekeepng or part time by well established tourist wed NEWIO and 60 395 publication Territory Barrie and area Pal540 Weekly 726 7747 alterSpm REQUIRED Immediately lull time waitress waiter to work in busy restaurant Apply in person to Harris Big Boy Restaurant Georgian Mail Barrie Experience preferred and able to work without supervision after training Car necessary Reply in writing to This is Ontario i262 Don Mills Road Suite 17 Don Mills Ontario M38 2W7 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICES TOWNSHIP OF Public on House Angus Area Secondary Plan The Planning Board of the Township of Essa will be holding apubic open house to present and receive comments on the revised draft Seconadary Plan for the Angus Area All residents are invited to attend or to write to ex press their views The open house will be held in the Lions Hall on High way 90 in Angus on Thursday September 23 l976 from pm to IOpm ESSA MERVYN DENNY SecretaryTrees Township of Essa Planning Board Baxter Ont Sl3l520 BOYS and GIRLS Earn Extra Money and Win Prizes THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS nouns OPENINGS TORONTO HIGH ST AREA THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayï¬eld St Barrie ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death mi rungmm Ilrlhl on muurn 40 wordl additional uorngnntI per word cordon In In woldll Additional in rum pa word In Mgmolium no IOVII vu lll mom Iinu not 2i uni nu tin iiiii no so 21 par lolumfl Huh SSW BIRTIIS MONEY Keith and Debbie nee Coady are happy to announce the birth of their son Thomas Joseph lbs 14 015 on Sunday September 1976 at RVH First grandchild for Mr and Mrs Roy Coady of Hornepayne and 8th grandchild for Mrs Mel Money Special thanks to Drs Beecrolt and irvin and nurses on 4th floor Mondays Child Is lair of lace Tuesdays Child Is iull oi grace Wednesdays Child Is lull of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sabbath Day Is lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important Information for your childs iuture Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record In Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word return It TO in PHONEnouu GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child In The Bar rie Examiner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your irlends and relatives in those tar away places Place an announcement alter birth Call The 1119de patugad EACH FROM BELIEF QUEBEC QIEEIILï¬UElJiL PATTERN DEATHS PM WHITAKER EsmeAt ROYBIVICTOFIB Hospital Barrie on Friday September 818 10 I976 Gertrude Esme Van Someren Beloved wile oi the late Ewart Whitaker Dear mother at George Van Someren Whitaker of Calgary and Mrs Ross Rodgers Joy of Shanty Bay Dear sister of Alfred Van Someren at Hamilton Beloved grandmother at nine grandchildren and one greatgrandchild private family service was held on Saturday September It at St Thomas Church Shanty Bay Flowers grateiuily declined SMITHMary Elinor Passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston on Monday September 13 I976 Mary Elinor Corbett beloved wife of Edmund Smith or Alliston dear mother of Ross 0i Edina Minn Joel oi Windsor and loved grandmother of seven grand children Dear sister of Elwood and Howard Corbett and Mrs Lillian Crawford Resting at the Thomas Funeral Home 244 Victoria 51 East Alliston alter pm on Tuesday for ser vice in the chapel on Wednesday Sept 15 at pm Interment Alliston union Cemetery MULLERRoland Joachim suddenly by accident at lnnisiil Beach Road on Sunday September t2 1976 Roland Jbachim Muller in his 19th year Dear son of Mr and Mrs Anton Muller ol Rths Barrie Dear brother oi Heidi Mrs JackCasey oi Barrie Grandson oi Martin Muller and Anna Stanik both in Germany Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie Service in the chapel on Wednesday September 15 at l5 pm interment Barrie Union Cemetery RUSSELLrwilliam at Sweet Briar Nur sing Home Siayner on Sunday September 12 two William Russell in his 74th year beloved husband of in late Margaret Lindsay Dear lather or John of RRIII Thornton Grandiather ol John Jr Margaret Linda and Glen Great grandfather oi Tania Survived by one sister Mary Hanbury in England Res ting at the Steckiey Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie Service in the chapel on Wednesday September is at 10 30 am interment Park Lawn Cern etery Toronto APflhm M5 Just one MAIN PART for each tunic pants shorts skirt dress Whip up this quickie wardrobe in few hours for few dollars TERRIFIC OPPORTUNITY IF YOU OUALIFY MUST have good car be bondable able to work Mon to Thurs 630 to l030 pm plus day Saturday be ambitious and neat in appearance For interview call 737l904 Mr Smith Six Smart Styles SIS waned patUEld SENIOR SECRETARY required for National Credit Manager for large manulac luring firm Several years ex perience required with previous credit experience an asset Please reply to Box 527 Barrie Examiner SIS AVON My family comes first thats why love being on AVON Representative Selling AVON might satisfy you too Call 728 9652 today for interview or write AVON PO Box 485 Barrie Ontario citrus or THANKS BOYD Many thanks to relatives lriends and neighbors for cards ilorai tributes and nations to Heart Fund Special thank to Dr Dick and Dr Thompson nurses and stall oi RVH The Boyd Family ST CLAIR We wish to express our heartieit thanks and appreciation to all our relatives triends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness flowers GI deon Bibles donations to the Diabetic Association IB and cards during our recent bereavement oi loving wile mother and grandmother Ruth St Clair Special thanks to Drs Smith Zerny and Strangway nursing stall at Royal Victoria Hospital and Arnolds Funeral Home Jack St Clair and family MTS28 ROUTE DRIVERS THE BARRIE EXAMINER requires motor route drivers Car required Phone circulation 726 6539 HOUSEKEEPER live in to care for adults Must be good cook and like dogs Collier Berczy area Reterences re quested Apply to Box 528 The Barrie Examiner CLEANING PERSON required day Fridays Must be thorough Painswick areaCalialteropmJM 0970 DRUMME and singer wanted urgently for rock oriented group Must have own transportation Telephone 728 7ll5 or 728 2155 TOOL AND Cut grinder wanted part time Teleph 9458 A292 NURSING AIDE ior Bayiield Lodge Nursing Home 346 Baylield Street Bar condmoned ha rie To arrange interview telephone GEORGE ST BARRIE 7282065 before pm and ask tor Mrs TF Burke Director oi Nursing REGISTERED NURSE part time ior Baylieid Lodge Nursing Home 346 Bayiield Street Barrie To arrange in terview telephone 728 2065 before pm and ask for Mrs Burke Director ol Nur sing EXPERIENCED Waitresses Waiters required evening work Mature person Apply in person to Head Waitress Bayshore Motor Hotel 4460 Six yes six Sportive styles are included in this great Every where Wardrobe Solve your what to wear problems with this super pattern All easv COMING EVENTS ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot 5300 must go every week Admission $100lor cards Looli Supple IDES TREASURES The Caves of Nonsuch in Port Antonio Jamaica contain fossilized sea sponges clam shells and volcanic ash as well as frozen watrfall BECAME INDEPENDENT The two small African terri tories of Ruanda and Urundi became the independent coun tries of Rwanda and Burundi on June 30 1962 N0 TAILERMAIHES Mike Butler 84 of Mount Carroll III has been handroll ing cigars for 65 years and does about 100 day GOT THEM PUFFING Christopher Columbus is said to have brought the cigar from America to Europe where it was first smoked by Spanish and Portuguese nobility SURROUNDINGS VAIIY Ihc snack and the tarpon pos sess the unusual ability to adapt to both fresh and salt water Implement WANTED RNA will give day care in her owr home infants month to years San ford St arearPhone 728 7663 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday TENDERS TENDERS It Public Works iitiiiilii IIiiii iiIiIiIiis iitizirlii SIZES 820 LIAM flew Side dart shaping and flow ing lines ive you such sup ple slen er midriff Knot soft tie above open triangle Choose polyester crepe knits Printed Pattern 4700 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 20 Size 12 bust 34 takes yards 60inch fabric $100 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 15¢ for each pattern for first class mail and handling Ont residents add 799 sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progrou Avanua Scarborough Ontario MIP 4P7 INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS For the project lillad below addressd to tho Regional Manager Finan co and Administration Public Works Canada Ontario Region 25 St Clair Avunua East 6th floor Toronto Ontario MAT IM3 and endorsed with tho proioct Nam and Number will be received until 300 pm on September 28th 776 Tender documents can be on or obtained through the office of the Director Gonaral Ontario Public Work Canada 25 Si Clair Avenue East Toronto PROJECT Public Works Canada Loose of Government of Canada Building Panatonguishono Ontario Public Works Canada Invites proposals from responsible parties interested In loaning lor mor Post Office Building This threestorey structure contains rontoblo area of approximately 6900 squat fact on fullyserviced lot in downtown Panotongulsharie Furhtar information of interest to tho prospective ianont Is conialnad In tho tatidar document available through the office noted above or by calling Alb 9665667 INSTRUCTIONS To be considered onch tender must be submitted on the forms luppliod by tho Dapart I07 The highest or any tundar not necessarily accaptvd BR Warren Regional Manager Flnanca and Administration Toronto Ontario Saptarnbor I0 l976 Sl0l3l4 Frenchs A972 SIZES ats PRINTED PATTERN LAYER IT ITS THE NEWEST WAY TO DRESS and it gives you so many interesting options Start with an easy tunic slit waistvhigh over pullon pants or your favorite skirt When you wish top off the layers with the charming TurkishInspired vest Take your cue from the Origin als of Printed Pattern A972 by Nicole Miller for PJ Walshcombine companion prints and stripes with corduroy ribs Choose Challis knits nylon jersey Printed Pattern A972 is available in Misses Sizes IO 12 14 I6 ll Size 12 bust 34 tunic requires 18 yards 60inch fabric pants 18 Winch nap Send $125 for Printed Pattern in Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough M1 Add 25 for each Pattern for ï¬rst class mailing and special handling Please print plainly YOUR NAME AD DRESS with POSTAL CODE STYLE NUMBER AND SIZE 0N TARIO RESIDENTS ADD SALES TAX FOR EACH PATTERN NEWI All the clothes you want man now an In our now I977 PROMINENT DESIGNER BOOK See them scw lhcmjumpsuits lunics daydinner dresses tops pants skirts total wardrobes by Americas top creators Use 50 free couponapply to any $125 pattern of your choice Send 75¢ for Book 32 now SEW KNIT BOOK INCLUDES BASIC TISSUE PATTERN adjustable for sizes I020 40 42 Sew dresses gowns blouses skirts jackets more Then knit another complete wardrobe Send SI 25 now INSTANT FASHION BOOK Look beautifully dressed on the smallest budget 128 pages hundreds of picture idea SI INSTANT SEWING BOOK Quick professional techniques $100 STITCH PATCH QUILT BOOK Get actual VA block size charts direc tions for 40 of Americas most popular quillsMaple Leaf Snowflake Brides more Quilting designs embroidery SLZS NIFTY FIFTY QUILT BOOKGet applique or patch patterns for $0 quilt zigzas shell blocks lrianglcs squares $10 involved in diving VANCOUVER CP Doc tors should become more in volved in scuba diving and di vers should know more about the effects of water pressure on their bodies says Dr Raymond Crook of Regina an ex perienced diver and member of the International Society of Aquatic Medicine He says scubadiving tech niques and the hyslology of diving are usua taught by nonmedical instructors while the medical professions knowl edge of diving physiology is humiliating The majority of doctors are unaware of the dangers and medical conditions with the rapidly growing under water Sport which is under taken by 40000 to 50000 certi fied scuba divers across Can ada He says the body is adapted to function at an atmospheric pressure of 14 pounds square inch and at 132 feet the pres sure is 1735 pounds Changes in volume in the body because of the increased external pressure produce what divers call the ueeze When yer enters the wa ter with one atmosphere of air pressure in his sinuses and de scends to another atmosphere the air in his sinus cavity re mains at surface pressure GOGGLES DANGEROUS This leads to dangers of rup ture of the sinus vessel unless the pressure is equalized by ex hallng in closedthroat fash ion Because of this Dr Crook says face mask should be used instead of eye goggles Goggles worn under pressure can cause bloodshot and black eyes Divers should not use ear plugs because air drums can be ruptured when attempts to equalize the pressure en the ears are made He also says the intoxicating effect of nitrogen entering the blood stream is felt at 132 feet and the mental effect of each additional 50 feet of depth is equivalent to drinking one dry martini OII an empty stomach The bends are the greatest hazard producing pain paral ysis convulsions and possibly death from the effects of nitro gen bubbles in the blood stream tissue fluids joints and muscles Symptoms appear within 24 hours of exposure and any diver should be immediately treated in decompression chamber to return nitrogen bubbles into so lution Minister attacks job with vigor By EDISON STEWART FREDERICTON CP It is November 1974 near the end of yet another provincial election campaign and the beginning of long New Brunswick winter At Pointe Verte small com munity on the north shore Ro land Boudreau emerges from his general store to welcome Premier Richard Hatfield Visibly elicited Mr Boudreau announces that the latest poll says that on this his third rfy at election he will win Progressive Con servatives locked out for so long In this predominantly aklng Liberal area will final come out on top It is prospect that pleases them both Now ear and half later Mr Bou reau is natural re sources mlnlster overseeing New Brunswicks vital forests and mines keys to two of the most important industries in the province GAINED AFFECTION It is oh that leaves him vis ibly fir and occasionally rus trated putting in to hours both here and at home it Point Verte with his constituents It is job he tackles with drive enthusiasm and com passion His candor and ac cessibility have gained him the affection and respect of many Despite this however the 40 earold minister continues to beset by problems many of them inherited This day it is the closure per haps only temporarily of Brun swrck Mills lhe company was key part of the govemments pilot forestmanagement project in the north eas Other days the problem has been the highly controversial program his department spon sors to array most of the rov ince wl emicals to tack ruce budworm infestation in valuable forests And still others it Is the seemln iy sporadic nature of some the mining and pulp and paper Industries open most days and closed ers Not surprisingly the hours he estlma as he works 70 to 80 we and the problems to be taking their to ouches of gray hair appear on his head His doctor recently or dered him to take months restl havent had day yet Urges MDs become BARRIE HORTICULIURAL SOCIETY By JEAN GABLE It is time to start bringing in the plants you wish to keep for your winter garden Try not to move them direct ly into the house but rather In to the garage or Car Port or back porch Carefully go over each plant for signs of any in sects white fl black fly mea ly bugs aphi red spider or anythin that seems abnormal Wash the leaves carefull Most plants can besuccessful dunked in mild detergent suds placing plastic bag lightly over the pot to cover the soil part Turn the plant gently up side down holding one hand around the top of the with the main stem firmly tween the big finger and the thumb Use the sink or pail large enough not to damage the leaves Then do the same in clear lukewarm water or you can use our mist sprayer You will it to keep can of indoor plant insect spray on hand and use it at the first sign of trouble Its always wise to isolate any infested plant and in the end may result in saving all your plants When taking your slips dont try to root half lant Usually if you slip ust be ow the second full set of eaves oull have all you need Take fps from near the top and from branch that looks vigourous and actively growing WILL DIE Some plants youll want to br ing in like Fibrous Begonias you should cut back severely Youll hate to do this but if you dont the blooms now on will on ly die and ou will have stragglyloo ing plant for winter Amaryllis bulbs should be brought in th lntheir pots Allow the straplike leaves to gradual ly die Dont water them When they are dry lay them on their side in the root cellar or cool place until six weeks before you want them to bloom Plan what bulbs you are go ing to plant ind if many put in your order soon Check all your borders for weeds that might have escaped the yee and are now ready to seed This is lawn month so be sure and check yours There is simply no time like September to make new lawn or repair an old one September is also good month for planting shrubs and ever reens so if spring passed you without time for finish your foundation planting you may continue now NICE SHRUBS Have noticed few nice Rose of Sharon shrubs in bloom in Barrie They are obviously har dy so wonder why there are not more Hibiscus is now in full bloom and good plant of tIsToN By MARGARET STOLTZ We are pleased to report that Alan Downey 21 year old son of Mr and Mrs Roy Downey who met with the tragic accident on the family farm six weeks ago is progressing favorable in Toronto General Hospital Recently he was allowed to be brought home for few hours Although he had setback last week when infection developed this has cleared up and he will have further surgery this week Alan has been able to be up in wheel chair to greet members of the family and the many friends who call and making use of the guitar and beginners in struction book provided by Gord Arnold It has been his strong determination to get going that has helped him through the weeks of intense sufferin and wevtrust he will bounce ck after this further operation Womens Institute members learned recently of the death of Dr Ethel Chapman in Toronto on August 28th She was for many years Su rin tendent of thw Womens In stitute of Ontario and editor of their magazine Home and Country There were two deaths at the Good Samaritan Nursing Home within week Mrs Bertha Osbourne passed away sud denly She is survived by nieces and nephews Mrs Elsie Mc Master wife of George Mc Master had been in poor health for few years Besides her husband one daughter Joan Mrs Hamid Bartlett and two randchlldren survive Both unerals were conducted from the Hohn Thomas Funeral Home with interment in Alliston Union Cemetery It wasvback to school for students and teachers on Iuesda Enrolment at Banting Memor al High School ls ex pected to be around $2000 This is about the same as last term with the new school at Bradford takin some students who woul otherwise come to Alliston Alliston Union Public School with 746 enrolled and the Separate School with are slightly higher than in 19 Mrs Harry Burns has retur ned after having undergone eye surgery in Toronto Hospital The Barrie Examiner Tuesda Se GARDEN NOTES Winter garden prepare now 14 197615 hibiscus makes lovely show They are quite hardy in Barrie Get rid of the mildew plants just the tops in our garden Phlox was very ardhit this year and so also was monarda or bergemont Put it in gar bage bag and not on the com post heap Dust plants with sulphur or spray with garden fun icide can the rose bed cut ting off the dead ones and icking off the blackspot eaves Keep the earth cul tivated around them Get in your honesty money plant before the wind seeds it all over the place SOCIETY NEWS Wed Sept busload of members visited Kitchener Market They had real ball No wonder this market has such wonderful reputation it made ours in Barrie look pretty sick Could we not do better at Barrie Market It used to be most interesting spot full to overflowing with vendors Next tour is Sept 22 to Tober mory and across to South Baymouth and back on the Chi Cheemawn which is back in ser vice Details from hookers We are sorry the dates of our annual banquet are conflicting with our four day Tour Ban quet is Oct and the tour gang wont get home in time How ever we do hope some of the new members will fill in and enjoy most outstanding speaker in Dr Powell from the University of Guelph Tickets are $425 from any director of Kellough 7280689 or Marion McCorkindale 7284032 The four day Tour is Oct and leaving at am and going to Sonneberg Gardens and Mansion at Canandaigua New York Corning Glass Works and Hersheys Bryfogles Greenhouses all tropical plants and Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania First night we shall stay at Elmira se cond night at Lancaster Penn and the third night in Syracuse Details from bookets WINNERS Congratulations to all winners in the home beautifica tion contests in Barrie We still havent winner for special award for Special Garden Feature It may be lily 0nd rock garden patio wild ower garden or anything person has added in 1976 to enhance their residence If you know of anyone missed let us know Awards will be given out on Awards Night pm at Codrington School and all win ners will be notified by mail WEAVES TIME AWAY NEW GLASGOW NS CPl Theres no boredom in Har old Toreys retirement Over the last 10 years he has devel oped the skill of weaving and now markets more than 40 dif ferent tartans which he pro duces from loom in his home Mrs Townsend has returned home from an enjoyable bus trip to the Gaspe and visit with relatives in Ottawa Mr and Mrs Tom Wray spent several weeks this sum mer motoring through Western Canada Mrs Margaret Merrett has returned from holiday spent with her son and family Staff Sgt Howard and Mrs Dunn in Ottawa Mrs Jean Hand spent few days last week with relatives and friends in Toronto Spending the holiday weekend with Mrs Irene Holland were the following members of her family Mr and Mrs William Holland and daughter Carolyn of Prince Ed ward lsland and Mr and Mrs Ray Bevis and family of Lon don Mr Wes Downey of Chicago Ill and members of the family were recent visitors at the home of his mother Mrs Florence Downey Mr and Mrs Sam Johnson have returned home after having spent the summer mon ths at their cottage near Wiar ton Mr and Mrs Orton Perry of Penticton 80 are ending months vacation with Mr and MrsDou Bellamy Mr Mrs Harold Bartlett and daughter Cathy of Rexdale spent the weekend with his mother Mrs Mabel Bartlett Mrs Iola McMaster and Mrs Annie Stephenson of Sudbury were guests of Mrs Lucy Ludlow at the weekend Spending Sunday with Mr an MrsWA Thom son were MR AND Mrs Jack hompson and children Michael and Tanya of Owen Sound and Mr and Mrs Larry Skippin and baby Carol Ann of Stayner Mr and Mrs Cum berland and Gail spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Plaxton in Owen Sound Mr Alex Ihorburn of Ber wlck Nova Scotia is visiting his sister Mrs Lee Kennett They will accompany Mrs David Perry and relatives in Barrie to visit other members of the family in Manitoulin Island at theweekend Congratulations to John and Barbara Thomas on the birth of their second child another daughter rn at Stevenson Memorial Ital on Friday September 3rd