Evans opposed to landfreeze May By ARTHUR EVANS MPP Simcoe Centre In recent report tried to point out that comprehensive land freeze to save quality far mland would be worse than the disease To save 32 million acres of foodgrowing land is to in terfere drastically with the delicate buyer and seller realtionships of the market place Massive state in tervention in the marketplace does guarantee absoluter that the productive capacity of On tarios farmers will be severely restricted by new host of governmental restrictions and irectives If you examine the food growing capacity of certain totalitarian nations such as the Soviet Union the state of that Countrys agriculture is nothing Short of national disaster An outstanding Canadian futurist John Kettle in the issue of Executive Magazine observed The 1975 crop was the same size as the wheat crop of 1913 the pre rcvolutionary base year that Soviet statisticians used to quote to demonstrate mgrcss under Communism that is the state of progress in totally planned economy then the Soviets are going nowhere fast They Iiave essentially stood still for the past 62 years Nobody can take any solace in this fact or in the fact that the Russians have continually relied upon the vitality and great productive capacity of Canadian farmers and in par ticular Prairie farmers What happens down the road if world drought occurs ILLISTRATION have used Soviet agriculture as an illustration of what ssivc state iii tervent ion can do to inhibit and to hinder the productive capacity of farming rather than to foster climate of incentives to help the farming community can already hear the loud objections of the armchair farmers that have distorted their position with misleading information They are arguing that Canadian agriculture cair not be used as the shining light Meeting set by Clowes WI MRS IUIIN McLEAN EDGAR The Clowes Womens Institute will meet at the home of Mrs Gordon Shellswell on Tuesday Sep tember It at 830 Visitors are welcome The roll call will be way to conserve energy on the farm with the conveier of agriculture in charge of the program Any girl interested in 4H club work and twelve or more years old in the Clowes or Edgar area is asked to contact Mrs Morris or Mrs Par tridge lasscs in formed intac near mum Best wishes as expressed for Mr and Mrs Jim Johnston who were married recently shower was given the newlyweds at the Edgar Hall Mr and Mrs Percy Bonney and Mr and Mrs Charles Sim pson spent few days at Niagara recently Mr and Mrs Wood moved in to new house in Edgar Robert McLean has returned to Willowdale after spending the summer with his grandparents Mr and Mrs John McLean Sympathy is expressed for brothers and sisters of Stanley Hutchinson who passed away last week Interment was at West Oro Baptist cemetery Mrs Partridge spent 20171 time with friends in Sud CHUII KL GROUP evenings Oct at 815 oclock of the free enterprise system havent set out to de end the private productive capacit of Ontarios farmers nor to eny that our agriculture needs sub sidies and quotas to cushion it against overproduction That is not what is at stake What we are taking dead aim at is the artificial ar ment that the only salvation or Ontarios foodlands is to freeze them for all time for agricultural use Its phony ar ment which is so simplistic in ts daring that it defies comprehension No total land freeze on foodlands is the worst solution of any set of solutions Like lot of thin in life the issue is neither back nor white but that indefinable gray which wears the patience of the arm chair farmer desirous of ut ting into effect the ieal solution as they term it The Ontario Government has gene down number of other roads to resolving this matter For example Ontario by this autumn will have com lete uptodate catalogue the provmces land resources by county Inthis way we will have the capacity to note any basic changes in the pattern of ownership MAJOR STUDIES As number two step major planning studies have been completed for Simcoe HaldimandNorfolk Nor thumberland and Simcoe Coun ties The purpose of the studies 15 to contain urban growth su port those communities higth dependent upon agriculture and to preserve good farmland This planning process was practical example of munici Bus trip is enjoyed by Oro Jolly Elders By MRS VICTOR HART HAWKESTONE Members of the Jolly Marigold Elders club enjoyed bus trip to Sault SteMarie and are still talking about the highlights They took ferry boat to Mackinac Island and went on to Frankeninuth where the weather is like Christmas the year round They also visited Flint Michigan Those who went from here in cluded Mr and Mrs Glen Gilchrist Mr and Mrs Victor Bell Mr and Mrs Earl Davis Mr and Mrs Frank Mc Donnell Mr and Mrs William Mould Mrs James Leigh Mrs Boughen Mrs Mac Dongall Mr Ed Wrigley Mrs Flo McArthur and Mrs Hart Mrs Pickering and Mrs Glen Gilchrist were the genial hostesses Regular euchre parties will resume at Hawkestone com munity hall on Friday Congratulations to all those from this area who were suc cessful in capturing prizes at the horticultural flower show at Guthrichall Members of Ilawkestone Womens Institute will hold their regular meeting on Wed nesday Se it 20 at the home of Mrs Itloy Sinton Craighurst The members will meet at llillsdale to tour the Robin Ilop per pottery Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jim Gray of till 0m Station on the arrival of li daughter Nadine Elimbeth at Iloyal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sept sister for Curtis The proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Aiken Iiggins and Mr and Mrs lloy Gray llovlcis in this area started another season at Rainbow Lanes in rillia on lhursday af ternoon Anyone wishing to join the group may Contact arol Illnnt or Marilyn clonnell palprovincial cooperation As number three step the agriculture and food ministry is spending $250000 on research projects in landuse at the University of Guelph We believe that the results of these studies will prove most useful in developing good landuse prgï¬ticfes our wa of rotectin farmlands is hi dgveloping guidelines through the ministrys foodlands develop ment branch The basic prin ciple underlying these gmdehnes is that urban development should not occur on good farmlands Any new housing or the location of in dustry should use up existing land within the municipal boun dams of community rather than outside those boundaries When that choice is unavailable grouping of development is preferable to scattering over that land As fifth ste Ontario is working with the Federal gover nment in updating soils classification in the province at the University of Guelph MARKET VALUE As sixth step market value on real property will become the abiding principle in 1978 Farmland will be taxed at 100 per cent but the full amount of the tax Will be paid by the irovincc farm residence will it taxed at 50 per cent for which the farmer will be responsible in paying In this way the amount of ropcrty tax lid by producing armors will considerably reduced and farm production remarkath increased As seventh step the ntario Government has initiated an iii dustrial park program With specific emphasis on the north and cast parts to stimulate new ccnnomic growth and to relieve pressures on good farmland All of these means of protcc ting farmland may not catch headlines but they are practical and useful ways of balancmfl conflicting uses of our land rcsourccs instead of resorting to total land trcczc QQUNTY GLIMPSES Stayner fair opens Tuesday STAYNER Staff variety entertainment show will open the annual agricultural and trade fair at Stayner arena on Tuesday evening Exhibits will include vegetables grains fruits and flowers as well as needlecraft home baking and sewing displays Junior calf and lamb show is to be held starting at noon Wednesday followed by horse and pony show Competitions for dogs and other pets are also planned Stayner Legion pipe band will play on Wednesday evening when presentation of awards Will take place MINESING CHOIR IIILLSDALE Staff Rev William Ilendeison of Wood stock will be guwt speaker and there Will be special music by ChOII from Minesing at the Presbyterian anniversary ser VIce here on Sunday Sept 26 TAX PENALTY ELMVALE Staff Proper ty taxes for the village of Elm vale are payable at par up to Wednesday Sept 15 after which penalty of one per cent Will be added for each month MII HEARING RILLIA Stuff The On tario Municipal Board will hold hearing in the city council chambers on Wednesday Sept 15 to consuler rillia ao plication to issue debentu es to help finance new police building OIL PAINTING Registration for oil painting classes which start aepi 22 Will be accepted on Wednesday at pm in Cookstown Central School The fee is $25 for 12 lessons FENCE DONATION STROUD The Innisfil Mens Softball League has donated $1300 to help pay for fenctng at Innisfil Park Recreation committee chair man Bill Tipple said the leagues donation along Willi Wintario grant will make fen cmg possible SPEED LIMIT STROUD Responding to petition by Houston Avenue residents at Big Cedar Point Innisfil council is preparing bylaw to establish speed limit of 30 miles per hour NEW IfOSITION STROUD Creation of new foremans position on Innisfil townships Egblic works depart ment will discussed at the next meeting of the public works committee Superin tendent Mike Dem ster told In nisfil council position should he established because man is now performing that function DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Examiner Monday Sept l3 I976 Good tourist trade commended by Smith By GORDON SMITH MPP Simcoe East The province of Ontario has many natural and manmade resources that attracts people from all over the world but suppose more particularly the United States and our sister provinces throughout the province of Ontario as well as visitors at home who travel to other parts of the province As result the private business sector as well as the general economy of the provin ce is greatly supported or enhanced by the tourist in dustry The province of Ontario can spend many dollars at home and abroad in at tempting to support the tourist industry However it is up to the in dividuals involved in the in dustry to provide the at tractions and good ac commodations as well as pleasant courteous personnel to make the visitors stay an en joyable and pleasant one IMPRESSED Durin week in August my wife an had the privilege of touring in our antique car with some 125 tour participants of the Reliability Tour sponsored by the Antique Auto Club of America This tour attracted people from as far away as California and Florida to the OrilliaMidlandBarrie area many of whom were visiting Ontario and Huronia for the fir st time They were most en home for hardness thusiastic about the beautiful scenery the tourist attractions and in particular they com mented to me and other mem bers of the tour committee on the excellent accommodations the good meals and especially the courteous serum of the staff of the restaurants and mnmls and service busmesses where tne vintage motorists took their problems Service stations and garages radiator shops and similar types of businesses are most helpful in times of trouble and the tour participants were most IIIIJJICSSGG especially that they d1 not overcharge the owner when he might have done so This is not the normal ex perience of this type of tour in other jurisdictions ISOLATED INCIDENT The only unfortunate ex perience was that one of the local restaurants charged 10 per cent premium on American dollars and then attem ted to give back American do lars as change to another tour par ticipant in the same group at par Needless to say word spread rapidly among the group It is unfortunate that these isolated incidents do oc cur from time to time to turn off the visiting public MEMBERS PLEASE TAKE NOTE COURT KEMPENFELT 1337 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS CHANGE OF MEETING PLACE Ist AND 31d WEDNESDAYS AT KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS HAlI BIRCH $1 BAIRIE 000 pm NEXT MEETING WED SEPT 15 I976 YOUR ATTENDANCE IS NEEDED comes out With the water Let Sears test the water In your at no cost or With softened water youll use less soap and shampoo No more bathtub obligation to you at all Well ring or bathroom bowl stain Shav ELMVALIC The Elmvaie and District Choral Society will begin the fall season or Tuesday at in it John United Church hall mu FAIRS Fall fairs are to be held Tuesday and Wednesday ll thi town of Shayne and the village of Beeton The Tiny1 ay fair is slated for Ihursday Friday You probably write several cheques each month and pay Service Charge of too or more maymiy monthly fee between $2 and $3 month for package of banking services just to get lowcost chequing because you write lot of cheques let you know just what your water contains and how hard it really is Your water may contain unwanted minerals dis solved rock or dissolved iron These minerals make your water hard and cost taste better builds up in down the scum and scale that plumbing and appliances So youll save on log blades last longer give closer shaves Even tea and coffee will And softened water cuts and Saturday in Midland Willi Interest Taken ANNUAL Member Canada eprmt Insurance Corporation Mle PIMPNun MOï¬tigut 150 lel mm Auntmlunt 35 Dunlop St 73714 Check it out you money maintenance lOO Check it out $200 in an Personal Savings Account Just maintain minimum balance of $200 in TD Personal Choquing It makes sense to have the best water available Sears water Fill in the coupon bciow and let Sears test your water Youll be Account during statement period and softener can help you do just that glad you did theres no charge for cheques cashed earns duran that pemd $200X8°o 431 33 month IIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII So if you write 12 months Find out today Arrange to test my water at no cost or obligation to me cheques month you KEEP $17 year 200 nmum balance in TD Personal like getting 82 interest on the $200 Chequlng Account gives you 12 cheques 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