Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1976, p. 11

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REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SAL RALTY LTD BARRIE WILLsmI REAL ESTATE LIMITED 04 TF FOR THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER $159500 Overlooking boy on 75 ft well landscaped lot Angelstone level executive home large bedrooms spacious foyer to formal living room full suite dining room funsize family room with stone fireplace billiard room sauna swimming pool car garage with many more extras For appointment please call Rita Scandrett 7261938 or 7284865 No 1000 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 IORONIO 364 gtbe AIPRAISING AND leANCING OPINUNIILQP NORTH STREET Excellent young couples home bedrooms with studio on top floor No care aluminum siding pine floors and situated on large lot Modern decorating enhances this home Please call Ian Rouse 7261938 or 7265407 No 998 TOWNHOUSE ON FERRIS LANE comprising of bedrooms large living and dining room broadloom throughout lz baths garage many extras Asking $35900 with low down payment Please call Maureen Maier 7261938 or 7286294 No 985 BRICK ALUM BUNGALOW Robson subdivision Angus Five bedrooms finished rec room large lot 75 115 Single car garage Please call Wilf Vezeau 7261938 or 4246358No1012 LAMOAA 513 aunders REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 11A1ililtlil8l BARRIE 7263111 Photo Multiple Listing Service CONCESSION ORO on Lakeshore Road year old bedroom bungalow broadloomed walkouts full basement beautifully freed lot 101 200 Good mortgaging Asking $59900 us wmw OWEN ST 15 year old self contained triplex two 2bedroom apart ments one 1bedroom apartment Fridges and stoves Excellent mortgagingatl JaAsking $69800 CONCESSION SUNNIDALE TWP 100 acres with good bedroom brick house born artesian wells 15 ft spring creek through property Owner will hold mortgage BEACH AVE CONCESSION 12 INNISFIL bedroom summer col tage furnished l0160 214 Owner anxious Asking $24900 $13 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Bob Saunders 7263883 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Marion Bryk 7285405 Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 Ross Batstone 7263043 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 TF ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR grmsttong Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER gtmzxa4pwmwa b6 Wmmuum I49 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 Terry vogon 4562544 Ernest Watts 7287209 Ivarilyn Aoson Martin Altseimer Thomas Brolley 7232994 Allan Thompson 7281024 Grace motley 7232994 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 Bradley Watts 7287209 David Wigley 7268497 Frank Dyke 3269331 Wayne Dobsan 3222838 Mary Foster 3221118 Tony Pomeroy Paul Dumoulin FRI Mortgage Dept 7266964 CRASRA 7370731 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays lo WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN 10h CIOWIOId 375955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 Phil Franchotte 7282619 Rog Sheimoii 4372910 David Shelswall 4875560 Ralph who 4873609 Jim Cross 7262159 mq rm MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 Ross Miller 7260563 Ken Miller 4361431 Al Rose 7288116 Ron Sproule 4873715 Harvey Weber 4363815 Jim Harris 7267173 Ron Jones 7263997 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Percy Ford 7287930 Cec Cooke 7283036 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Ron Thorns 7288714 Ross Burwell 4589248 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Rob Knapp 7267294 Nelson Garrett 726603 Ls cc 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7372101 Complete Realtor Service OLE neuron AGENT FOR LETIZIA HOMES IN MIDHURST JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 72824 LIMITED um vhfa mvqlt4 REAL ESTATE LOTS FOR SALE Churchill 4th Line Innisfil Approx V2 acre Roads and services in CAIRNS LTD 4562310 7370302 OR Toronto Line 416 4962311 PROPERTY FOR SALE Mortgages 7264651 Appraisals DAVID WAS III Al HIXII TIT $53900 level side split with attached garage good financing available Call Ingrid Miller 017264651 or 7281998 $48900 quick closing will get you into this newly decorated side split Call Ingrid Miller 7264651 or 7281998 WASAGA BEACH Riverfront cottage bedrooms sunroom sun porch dining room living room with stone fireplace 3piece bathroom kitchen utility room hot water heater artesian well garage $38900 Call Ingrid Miller 7264651 or 7281998 BUILDING LOTS with beach rights south of Barrie 100 151 Call Queenie Little at 4361992 or 7264651 STOREY bedroom home large landscaped lot 24 16 pool with equipment For full particulars coll Lou Gallant 7264651 513 DAVE WASS cRA 7284651 INGRID MILLER 7231998 BERNIE ROTH 7370017 LOU GALLANT 726465 ISABELL SIMPSON 7261952 DON MILLER 4364507 QUEENIE LITTLE 4361992 KAREN PAWLIK 7371096 VIC SMALL 4362305 the homefollg who car about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS $32900 bedroom yearround home In lnrtisfil Low down payment $35500 Townhouse garage baths broadloom $63500 175 Steel St bedrooms baths inground pool $64400 Merrett Dr pool family room fireplace large lot low taxes $54300 low taxes 225 Merrett Dr back split broadloomed bedrooms For more information on the above listings please call Helen Hopkins 7262611 or 7281662 513 Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 Dorothy MocQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 George Wilson 7268927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 TF MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 8AYFIELD ST BARRIE 728 4067 TORONTO 416 889 9487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWiIde 7283253 Bruce Laffin 7287741 Chuck Lambert 728BN1 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cuff 7284067 Harry Magill 7263864 John Colwell 7267726 Simon Beekuizen 7373795 Doug Baker 7283274 TF EL VV XgtVxl 79 BAYFIELD sr BARRIE PHONE 7261405 PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES airs IIALV L70 APPRAISALS MORTGAGES £13 PROVIDING COMPLETE PERSONALIZED REAL ESTATE SERVICE 1109200 180 DUNLOP ST BARRIE RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR IIIILIIIIII 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 7R in trillu LIST BUY on SELL WITH COREY LEON REAL ESTATE ARRICK 93 DUNLOP STREET fR REAL ESTATE LTD EAST um 7282419 EMIle PROPERTIES MORTGAGES mi 31 Mabel Marshall 7268603 MWFTl Lois Stansfield 7288082 Lorena Coulson 7260423 Edith Binnendyk 7263679 MWFTF KEMPENFELT BAY Cottage near Shanty Bay Lot 100 210 Private road prime 0R area $30000 down balance INESON 10 APER NALIZEDSERVICE 507284294 Phone MWTTF 515 REAL ESTATE Mortgages App PROPERTY FOR SALE 55 Collier St Ph 7371771 Tor Line 3608808 raisals Consulting WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS REDUCED REDUCED BR home in better east end residential area Close to Gerogian College high school public and separate schools arena and shop ping Features include family room with bar fireplace bathrooms living and dining combination plus large kitchen with full size dining area intercom adio throughout indirect lighting walkout from living room to balcony double garage and paved 371771 drive To view call Ed Jennings 737100 BEDROOM IV year old brick family room with fireplace Large COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST $15 72 Maple IAIIII and aluminium storey finished 50 134 lot Call Jim Short drive south of Barrie bedroom cedar lrame bungalow Call Jim $74900 Indoor swimming Allandale Heights bedroom level sidesplit fireplace sauna washrooms completely broadloomed Call Jim LOTS HORSESHOE VALLEY AREA approximately acres RETIRING Sandy Cove is the pla broadloom appliances fireplace Call Jim Jim McCloskey 7262300 Michael Hamilton 7286935 Murray Stovell 4362306 Bill Sakeris 7371586 Robin Jupp 7371362 Bob Danford 7263740 George Beere Orillia 3256103 Bruce Barton Elrnvule 3222381 PO REALTOR 5H 1111111 SIhlllll AGENTS FOR CAMPE Dora BflffllO 7288927 John Thomson 7287177 PIPPELTUPHALEm $43900 New sinqll family norms unLlir ion strur nun Guardian Zollvqi arta Teluptlani Pratt Homes 7211 1759 NEAR LAKE 9111 Con of 0rd storiy bedrooms wvll tread lot ymr old Ask ing $61900 VIr onlr Viau Rial Estnfi 726 74211 7261771 DOWNTOWN Contrnirr nil Locatian lrtml rotuil nr ottii sittinu 10 per ont financian flVflllitlIl Job Urry Viau Rant state I26 lll or 778 51111 $33500 lWO BEDROOM Aluminum Siding bungalow Bid Bay fornt 1m macutalr condition Garrlriv Altmr livc grounds Bot Urry Vmu Rodi Estate 726 171 or I211 51111 BUILDING L01 $12000 100 1111 With Septic permit loraIId in quitl village near Burrit Terms Bob Urry Vinu RnalEslatuJM 1710r718 l1111 PRIVATE Four bedroom sturiiy houtw nInr Guardian 0110qu par cont first mortgage assumi pllbttnl morl gnu with or without down payment $50900 Tolophorin I711 1612 PRIVATE SALF Must stll Incorntr pro party Livr in modern f1 bedroom homi Eustinil lnr orrw $720 monthly to carry THOIlQrqu Offirs wanted Tll phonr 76 911011 MllllURSI AREA Largo new unlin lSlILrl brick homo double garage firupIiIcIs $45000 Also hall acre lots $5000 IitCll TIIiaplluni Toronto 494 11292 evvninas IUFAI RF IREMFNT bedroom bungalow detached full hflSfmlnl Cflrtl throughout Gorngv Larqc qumt lot east end Barrie Wolf kept home In Side and out Price $47900 728 6064 INNIhf IL TOWNSHIP bedroom bungalow Woorl pilfILlIfd throughput Willtrnrdlotl10 150 drilled wolf and septic Dutarltud garage Asking $44900 Tetupttonc 726 5557 11 MILES north of Barrio beautiful 16 and hall woodid rotting acres plus new room cxocutivo typr homo Iirrnlnrrm baths sauna central var uurn patios vorandnh wet bar can linabtc etc Call 487 3315 9ACRE SCENIC 25 nlinutvs from Barrie Custom built your new bfdlOOlIt home full base mont Ianqr and fireplace tastefully decorated mature trees around $6000 down Contact rcprusen lnlive of United Trust Mr Jain 7288800 or 726 9915 CEDAR C01 IAGE acre on Balsam Lake $115000 or swap for commercial or residental land or property Telephone 7217 0630 STUCCO STOREY and hall houso baths hardwood floors attached garage paved drive Mortgage can be arranged $39500 $2500 down 7284059 DRIVE BY Vine Crescent privacy prestige and setting pretty as pic lure Custom built bedroom home nestled on large trcurl lot with terrific View Telephone 726 8366 Eric Dewsnap Realtor FAMILY HOME Art older bedroom storey all aluminum that has been com pleton modbrnilcd Its lovely large double sllr lot with mature trees shrubs patio coach light above ground swimming pool large garden area separate car garage with grease pit and stove Asking $53000 so try an offer Call me a17281566 or 835 2742 the toll representing Lorne Hay Real Estate ANTEN MILLS anyone Large lot mature trons paved road town water and lerL bedroom brick and aluminum split entry bungalow with finished family room fireplace car garage You must see It to bellevo lt Asking $74900 Al Calhoun 7211 1566 or 835 9742 no 1011 representing Lorne Hay Real Estate stunt ce for you bedrooms including 514 Rick McClocklin 7288759 National Trust ITALvoI KEITH DIVISION 109 1mm 57 All III9201 Fred Walker 7265199 Mike Maksymiu 7262068 Bill Barr 7280744 Doug Siewert 7280475 Bernard Brown Alliston 9392648 PETER LUSH ASSOCIATES LTD 721711131 AU QUALITY HOMES Joanne Thomson 7287177 TF Cjrzésmjgr 5m PRIVATE SALE BROOKDALE DR 2200 sq ft bedroom home with beautiful view on ravine lot overlooking Sunnidale Park stone fireplaces Nicely decorated kitchen includes Ibuiltin dishwasher and bar becue bathrooms Com pletely carpeted with top quality broadloom Walkout from family room to beautiful heated inground kidney shaped pool Yard completely lan dscaped with fence Attached double car garage By ap pointment only $99500 PHONE 7370468 515 PRIVATE SALE RIVERWOOD FARMS Modern bedroom bungalow Fully broadloomed partially finished basement Double paved drive Garage Fenced lot for immediate possession Principals only by appointment 7265185 515 BUILDING LUIJ Yes have acre with mature trees paved road town water In qulel village asking $12000 130 acre In subdivision no trees paved road town water Asking $17900 Call A1 at 7211 1566 or 835 2742 no toll represen ting Lorne Hay Real Estate HOW ABOUT THIS 910 of acre lot size surrounded by 10 ft tall pines on paved road Large bedroom brick and aluminum bungalow Full basement floor to ceiling and wall to wall fireplace in future family room Extra large car garage asking price $59900 Call me for further information At Calhoun 0352742 no toll or 7281566 representing Lorne Hay Real Estate COMFORTABLE bedroom brick bungalow with recreation room Trees and shrubs Paved driveway attached garage Good sized rear yard East end $43900 per cent mortgage Please call Russell Carson Frank Nelles Real Estate Ltd Office 7261405 or Res 726 6161 CENTER ST older well kept stucco bungalow could be bedrooms main floor laundry room new roof new oil burner garage storage shed on freed 103 ll lot Asking $311900 Call Larry Wood 487 3148 or 7263111 Saunders RealEslnte CUSTOM BUILT bedroom brick bungalow on 100x169 It lot 27 It living room with fireplace overslted 21x13 ft kitchen with walkout to 36 ft cedar deck Priced to sell at $45900 Call tan Hynd 4361735 Richard Glover Real Estate Broker WHY RENT $220 per month carries this charming bedroom starter home set amongst towering pines on 100 100 ft lot Completely broadloomed and ful ly furnished Private beach Call Ron Northover 436 1735 Real state Broker Richard Glover The Barrie Examiner Monday Sept 13 197611 Newspapers Get Things DoneeFor People CommunitiesA dvertisers 7282414 SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALUES IN Till 110M niIIrlc ANII THE FARM DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE ALLANDALE Heights Just reduced to $58900 lover bedroom ralsed brick and aluminum bungalow Fireplace with heatalator glass walkout to large deck car garage paved driveway large 934 per cent mortgage Call AI 617281566 or 8352742 no toll representing Lorne Hay Real Estate TRY AN OFFER on bedroom all brick bungalow with family room and an acorn fireplace In spacious living room years old and ready for you Ask lng $44000 Call Al at 8352742 no toll or 7281566 representing Lorne Hay Real Esta COUNTRY home you must see and br lng along your horses bedrooms plus family room Barn with box stalls 25 acres MLS listing $88900 Call collect 416 2225466 Watts Ltd Realtor LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOT lnnlslll Township Asking $12000 Make an offer Vlau Viau Real Estate 7261771 or 7261603 BUILDING minutes to Barrie 72x208 ft hc approval clear level land Rich garden soil no llII required $15000 487 5808 100 ACRES pasture V2 hardwood bush Waubaushene district Asking price $29900 or vendor will consider trade of small lots In Barrie area Phone 7265407 Ian Rouse representing Willson Realtor BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ADVERTISING BUSINESS An opportunity to have your own business with low initial Investment and high income potential Success depends on your ability to sell advertising in local magazine Territory covers Simcoe County mainly Barrie Call 1795109995 MORTGAGES Available Funds For Residential and Commercial Mortgages Prime first Seconds years 15 equity 13a°a completely open Five years 25 equity I2z Existing mortgages purchased MORTGAGES KINZIE LIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds Immediately available with competitive rates of interest prompt com mitments and complete con fidentiality for first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR Bus 7371881 HOME 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF MORTGAGE LOANS Head Office Toronto 95 NHA LOANS First mortgages from 11 Second mortgages from 12 Residential Commercial In dustrial Cottages Farms Apartments Hotels Con dominiums Builders Loans for cash Immediate com Land Mortgage Construction mitments Business Loans Existing Mortgages Purchased Unlimited NHA and con ventional loans for mOiOt Morris Pompili development Planning and Mortgage Broker financial analysis assistance provided MWF7 OPEN DAILY am to 530 pm Firs and Second Thursday evenings ti118 pm MORTGAGES ARRANGED Saturday by appointment Reasonable Rates c°ll Existing WM SUMMERS Mortgages Barrie office Purchased 17057373451 For Cash 91 Bayfield St Mortgage Life Insurance Ana hours can Available 4240776 FINANCIAL WWvvhjf ENTERPRISES WELD SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses 011 Hours Pm brokerage or finders by appointment fees Member Ontario Mortgage Borrow up 515000 Brokers Association 43 on amoums 7TF over $8000 COMPARE our rates FirstI seccond leeor omorlllmlon th alsa 5756259333 p360 i0 HOUSEHOLD REALTY 791 CORPORATION LIMITED MORTGAGES DOUth and sold imme diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 7264651 25 Dunlop Street East GVGHIHQS INVESTORS Ist 72nd and 3rd 7206534 ma to gas yielding from 12 per cent up intgreft call am 717 5453 WI35 Immediate Tst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts IOW monthlr payments Home improvements any worthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us 129 DUNLOP ST EAST ca mm 347 BAV smgn BARRIEONTARIO TORONT00NT 7260981 Phone Servrce 363 3421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc TF Wit norm AND mums RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes for sale or rent Holiday in complete home com fort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Bayfield St AW 1976 BENDIX LEADER 68x12 bed rooms 7500 sq ft lot in park south of Barrie Owner leaving province Tele phone7265176 ITS NOT TOO LATE The Hitch House Ltd can meet your trailer hitch re quirements Cali Harold for appoint ment 7289700 COUNTRY LIVING in quiet park south of Barrie New homes Also used homes from $11000 Call 728 6875 17 FT OASIS Travel Trailer excellent condition sleeps Refrigerator stove toilet propane cylinders hitch with antisway bar included Ready to go $2400 726 0293 RENTALS OFFICES STORES FOR RENT Prime Allandale Commercial location on Burton Avenue Building now under construction and will alter plans to suit tenant November occupancy C5 local zoning Call 7286165 or 7265407 522 CENTRALLY LOCATED offices lux uriously decorated parking vcry reasonablerent Telephone 7573700 COMMERCIAL BUILDING for rent Ideal for office space Located on Fern dale Drive Parking Asking $300 mon thly Available October Telephone 7267950 HIGHWAY N0 11 and Little Ave 700 sq ft office for rent $150 per month in cludes heating also 2200 sq ft store for rent C5 7286340 PRIME Retail and Office space for rent in newly opened Allandale Centre For rates and information contact Neil Gteeson at Allandale Drugs or John Christie Christies IGA HOUSES TO RENT BRAND NEW Townhouse for rent in ex clusive location For more information call 737 1981 days 726 3432 evenings Ask for Joe BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT View Large bungalow in 0ro Appliances drapes and broadloom Suitable for ex ecutive family Lease references 416 2499528 487 5788 weekends NEW THREE bedroom townhouses in Orillia Garage styles to choose from From $350 monthly plus utilities Fridge and stove fully broadloomed to your choice of color Located south of Hwy 12 bypass between Gill St and Forest Ave Telephone 1325 9811 anytime ELABORATELY FURNISHED execu tivn home on lakefront Oro Station lm mediate possession married couple on ly no pets references $350 monthly Telephone 487 3927 NEAR IVY large bedroom moder nixed farm home on picturesque lot double garage garden available on school bus routes Available October References required $300 monthly Phone Willard Dobsan 4241276 LOVELY FLORIDA winter home Cocoa Beach area bedrooms fully furnished central air Close to shopping Retired couple preferred References Apply to $25 the Barrie Examiner MODTEVRN bedroom townhOuse available October No pets Call 726 0655 evenings 4246822 days Ask for Gil UNFURNISHED House for minimal rent in exchange for assistance with country property maintenance Mature couple preferred Creemore 4662302 DonMingay BEDROOM House to sublet 1V2 baths family room many extras Available October Riverwood farm area $325 monthly 737 3349 BEDROOM country home to rent 12 miles west of Barrie $170 per month plus heat and hydro References required Available October Isl Call 7263044 to 10pm BEDROOM House centrally located on bus route Good for large family Available immediately Telephone 7372699 or 7262551 BEDROOM home Id baths family room with walkout finished rec room 4th bedroom 72 acre fenced lot 10 miles south of Barrie 458 9178 LOWER DUPLEX bedroom for rent Grove and Baylield St utilities in cluded $250 monthly Telephone 726 8698 or 737 1965 evenings ACCOMMODATIONS RENTALS APTS T0 ENT Two Plaza 7263383 MISSISSAUOA COURT APARTMENTS bedroom apartments pliances drapes included Next to Simcoe RENTALS APTs To ENTH colored ap TF FURNISHED one bedroom apartment completely fur nlshed overlooking the hey at $225 mon thly Suitable for adult couple Phone 7260988weekdeys ONE tBEDROOM and one 2bedroom apartment at 67 Strabane Ave $190 $215 monthly Pay own hydro Available Im mediately Telephone 7264033 ONE BEDROOM unfurnished self can talned apartment heat and hydro refrigerator and stove Large living room fireplace Adults no pets $150 Available Oct Phone 7289692 TWO BEDROOM apartment Allandale area Upper Floor stove refrigerator use of washer and dryer parking heat hot water and cable $210 monthly Telephone 7283612 UNFURNISHED BACHELOR apart ment available immediately 400 £333 Rd area fridge stove heat hydro and parking supplied $145 monthly For up pointment phone 7284776 after 430 pm UNFURNISHED bedroom apartment with stove and refrlaerator Utllltlas ln cluded and parklna Married couple preferred $225 per month$100 deposn Adults no pets 7265044 SMALL ONE bedroom apartment cosi ly decorated Includes heating hydro refrigerator stove and parking Suitable for business girl Centrally located $155 monthly Available October Phone 7260570 BEDROOM apartment In older home in east end ground floor private en trance paved parking rent $200 In cludes stove fridge out hydro and water Available Immediately 7284867 ONE BEDROOM apartment with private entrance Available October Central Barrio Stove refrl eratar un tiiltles and parking include $160 mon thly Aurora 4167273830 after pm All day weekends KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barrles Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Adults TF $1021 ONE BEDROOM apartment no refrigerator no stove Tenants pay own heat and hydro $50 deposit Call Ingrid Miller 7264651 or 7281998 Two BEDROOM apartments one with stove and fridge available September Isl First and last months required In advance References required Tole phone 7280485 after pm BEDROOM APARTMENT available Immediately $232 includes refrigerator stove heat and parking Bus stop loca tion No pets please Call 7284016 ONE BEDROOM apartment trip and stove supplied $21250 monthly plus hydro parking included Teiphone 7265063 MODERN bedroom upper duplex In country setting appliances heat and hydro included Furnished $250 Un furnished $230 Telephone 7050265455 BEDROOMApartment In triplex Fridge stove garage bus at door $180 9091 119T9717°P7 HOUSES WANTED To RENT SMALL HOUSE or winterized cottage wanted to rent In Barrie or vicinity Rent range under $200 for couple with two house cats Please call 7200559 after PJF WTOSHAR YOUNG MAN has bedroom apartment to share with some Telephone726 0439 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the ceplion of Classified Display vartisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $500 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words 3500 Ad dltional words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verso $500 With verse per count llna 21 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two Insertions per word in sertion Three consecutive Insertions cents per word insertion total $612 Six consecutive Insertions 8c per word per In sertion total $1152 Multiple Insertions may be ordoled subject to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial ab breviation III of numbers etc count as separate wards ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kitt dly mcheck their advertisement im medialer after first insertion In order lhqil any error or omission may be reported before am In order that same may be rectified for the following day publication The Barrie Examiner is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed trunnion of any ad vertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves the misprint Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for corrections by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or rotct any want ads PHONE 728 1414

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