20The BorrigExominer Wednesday Sept I976 BUFFALO TORONTO HAMILTON TQgEVIS BARRIE BUFFALO IOSNYGUIDE BUFFALO TORONTO I2 PETERBOROUGN BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL manic Vinnie MONDAY to man ti ti00 ii liwus it0ntario Schools 000 IDayheat liiicrsit it the air INews ll Friglilciislein this iiiitim Iln The World Ii III iii For Women iln Summer semester in tiirtoiin Itayhousi 053 Elllpltfllllklll File 00 II aiiiiilii AM Today liiptaiii Kangaroo Morning Show ll Special Place 71 ltockelship Dialing For Dollars 000 Iinah JJack La Lannc tilToronto Today 0230 dTattletales tvzilzSummcr Schools 9Roinper Room 1000 lrice Is Right Phll Donahue Shim 9Tmuble Willi Tracy lsl2Friendl Giant t0 I5 TUESDAY EVENING i0ii it tiiiiiii tiip Stieilin ITIIIJJJ Ill Illltl IIiiatli Hours 12 Iliiuaiis Heroes Iiitiiiiiiiii s0 limit 70 Lawrni and Shirley 14 tioiiil liitiis ll liit tiaiiii ltoo HM Itiiiril Ill aiiIii ol ltiiiigs 00 ll HullllL Fill lliillir tail lail And The On oiiiiiitiniiiir Min lt illtt Heart wont illlll llltdk Kid llltll1lllttlli Jigsau liihn Iii Itll lliii lililli tl0 Itiiiiii iiiii ttiltltoulili li lliiAllll IVSt2 Look Whos Here it llltlT tiiineih ilil Iiiilit ii niil ll Darwin lth Iiiii who i=ilii lisiili IIIIIItIII To Itomi Im lliIilHl lriiiliiiii li Iiiii ltzifli Tl Emerson Laki Iiii lt ilk Iii iitil liiiit lilinir Mulch 17 III to Hi irks ll 00 lie tines WEDNBOAY AFTERNOON Man us elm It rus Dis ill Our Lots The orid Turns 77 Fittil Feud we lm ItiIdiir Shim on Dominoes Tlt Famili 3512Mon Ami l0IIU 2Celebrity Sweepstakes I5l2Mr Dressup 9Art of Cooking ti00 2thcl of Fortune LIESesame Street IGambit TEdge Of Night 9Karcens Yoga tlGalloping Gourmet lZIis Your Choice iiui 2llollywood Squares 4Young and The Restless 7Happy Days Its Your Move lllagistrates Court l2Ed Allen Time lST9l llIcws 20 Late Edition St Night Beat Nous Il2lll lohnii arson Open Tennis News Iir llartnton ll Iaii Solway Show In Private Life Li Io ie ithrc Eagles Darel ll 30 Iar Hartman l2 rIo ie LItdlllll From The Black lagooni lllel ItlHt iThe tiroupi Home The Millionaircssi ll Ier tiriltin IIHM Tht Knack And Him To Re It ioo Tomorrow Match lame 27 Pink Panther kl JMone Sahara iItlld Hunt Jihlerv Griffin lIï¬YoumY and The Htslle 3l2 Fiirest Rangers 77 Iuiislers Shriu Provider Ionkees $2iiIi ramii 9Triiuhle With Tracy summer Scene ll Young and the nestle rcl In Brad Bunch Ill ISgl Ir IJItxxup What The Mid 2iillillait Island 0rd lleinah Iliii iilrs Miki Douglas 131Frigcllfighi 411 Guiding Light lriinsiili me Lift ill LlH Iuc Show III l2 YUUF hoicc 79 Another MM vrhilI Girl lHl TitktTlilr IZVFIJIIIIIV Altair liLi I50 liuesl ilti its ll Iii Tlll Fitmll Veins LI Ailanill lliipi Trll itlllrill Hospital 31 Room 321 lt 51 Jokers lltI iieii IItlilll 12 tiliitirih tiioks 11 Fun Fgltllir WEDNESDAY EVENING ii 00 Illll ill Lilll ii tll 11 ii on liiliiin tiiiin lii Mn irlitl liiliilit liiinis Highlights iIll IIIA Nous lliiiis llert iinu 32 Sports lriitii Illlllliltl IIllllllk iiiiiaii AIJIW Hartman Ill tt ll Football lliirlniaii tlr Movie Slouauin To It Larrt Soluat Shim 1i liitlx tmllit llic Iixini 43 iililut tlk 51 13 Iltl BUIII In Im II IUtl At Too llIKtlIIli Ililhlli hr IIIIII sons sto Iliii llllL iii liiiilii Iiill Baseball Nuts titlltlllllitlllili Frankie Avalon ttl llll riiir iron Io ie ll llsiitii liiiiiimeiil lo lt illou lii Frame Iiseritilis FIEL MHll iltcll Book Itltlillll llaretta aiitlle Tu lvli llii ltiili tiui ll Itl ilrittin Litili lliiiiw HI IlltT oineth Ittl ills Dogs liii ll i000 Life Nltt News 120 lllLll Hiitiit Starsk and littlth Ti Mart Ilartiiiaii itiii ll loi ll top It IlClllO Home Dinosaurusi ki idtl ll itlfil Illhate ll0 li 37 Vl Imii Illhl ltl iltlllll iii liliii 1mm YoungI Ii liki Iiiil Illtrio Nous i0ii sportsman lile1 titles Iiimorrou THE DOCTOR SAYS Prematurity matter of size iy TIIOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Can doctor tell if baby at birth is month premature Is healthy baby fully developed at eight months Can woman have lumonth baby7JA Prematurity is not mat ter of time but of the size of the baby The standard for pre maturity is when the weight is less than five pounds eight oun ces with length not over 18 inches That is regardless of the amount of time the mother has been pregnant In short baby can be called premature and be full term or nearly so normal baby is usually fully developed at eight mon ths At seven months its viability the ability to live out side the uterus is threatened However today this threat has lessened considerably because of advances in care of preemies know of one recent case where bowel ob struction correction was made on 12 pound newborn Women have had babies at to months but sometimes the tim ing is based on miscalculation of the last menstrual period be fore conception Physicians can evaluate the newborns maturity quite closely by its length breathing skin appearance and general behavior There is also blood test which determines the level of certain hormone found in the placenta This can predict things pretty closely Dear Dr Ihosteson Can lease tell mewhatlcan do when my ears clog mean when blow my nose ny ears get stopped and cannot hear anything or about week It happens many times when blow my nose Can you helpMK For some folks nose blowing has to be bit of an art You may be one of those First of all make sure there Is no wax in the ear canal that Is impinging on the ear drum gusty blowing of the nose can cause the drum to bulge caus ing ain some temporary hear in 035 even ear noises en you blow do it gently wl and steadily without plugging one nostril alone It may take bit longer to accomplish the purpose of clearing the nostrils but might avoid your problem You might also be checked for tonsil adenoid or other tis sue forming at the opening of the tube leading from the mouth cavity to the ear There can be stricture narrowing here that may require treat ment Such hearing loss can be frustrating business It would be worth your while to have thorough ear and nose checkup Dear Dr Thosteson am 64 years old have diver ticulosis and watch what eat to prevent an attack drink beer no hard drinks tea decaffeinated coffee and plenty of water Is alcohol harmful have no problem with con stipationGP You dont mention the bulk portion of your eating Doctors are beginning to take note of the rather high in cidence of diverticulosis in the United States and western in dustrialized countries in gen eral In the US more than 10 million persons are thought to have the problem which is an outpouching of tiny sections of the colon to degree that inter feres with digestion low bulk diet now is thought to be major factor in the high incidence of the problem in our society For example the problem is rather rare in Africa yet it is found frequen tly among us residents of African origin Perhaps the human colon was designed with bulky diet in mind Diet bulk can be important in the treatment phase also Cer tain pressures can build in relatively empty colon an wor sen the diverticulosis Enough bulk to avoid this would seem to be in order since you say you are not constipated If the beer and other liquids cause no sym toms see noth ing wrong wit them in moder ation Astro Graph Bernice Bode Ocol For Thursday Sept 1976 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Another may turn something over to you today that he sees small value in However in your capable hands substan tial gains could result TAURUS April 20May 20 Let the lessons of today be in delibly printed on your mind Theyll show you can produce tav0rabte results even it hemmed in by circumstances GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Use this day to patch up dis agreements ol the past It is good time to bring lost allies back into the told CANCER June 21July 22 Dame Fortune will back you up today once she sees youre Willing to exercise some in itiative Beard the lion in his den LEO July 23Aug 22 Y0ur thoughts are bold and im aginative today but youll be tar more successful in carrying them out with group rather than with an IndIVidual VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Finanmal gain Will be upper most in your mind today Your chance of increasmg your bank balance lies With those tn volved With your work or career LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 The initiative and leadership are yours today but you Will ac complish more by letting those under you feel the winning ideas are their own SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Its mere advantageously you to let an intermediary do the talking to secure gains to which you re entitled Choose someone trustworthy SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 You have an enthu5iastic booster today Though you may be dubious about this per son he has way of generating only good things for you CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Innater you know that you can do all the things expected of you What you may not know is that Lady Luck IS Sitting on your shoulder today AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Someone youll be talking With has good idea and doeSnt know what to do With it Take II and move ahead Youre the guy to exploit it PISCES Fob 20March 20 If people want to do things for you today let them Theyll get as big kick out of servmg you as you ll enioy their serVices Your Birthday Sept 976 This year youll be very lll terested in strengthening your tinanCiat base Butld relationships With those who an help you do so MOIIIITULHISIS ISII PREIORIA itfli While worldwide tourism in I975 iii cicascd only two per cent vis itors to South Alrica during the year included an increase ol 20 pcr cent from Europe I5 per cent from the Lnitcd States and 20 per cent lroin Australia WINTIIROP oioii will iix iii us Im on FOR FIRST LESSON IM GOINGIO SHOW You tHE SPRiNG HIP THROW MY DAuomER 9UPFORT PIER BC TO KILL SEBASTIAN KERRY DRAKE BUGS BUNNY 60 You WANT To MARRY How 00 You EXPE 0T T0 ILL SPELL iT our FOR vou LAW SIMON HIRED ME TO Rscue HOW CAN mu swims LEFTY Hi5 SISTER FROM me mow NOTutNeAeour PLOT BROTHER 555nm OUR BOARDING HOUSE How THE moons BEEN wE THE come TURNIN THE HEAT OUGHTA OK BIGGER THE WEVE ON THE CAT éLUIJURAL MAKE MAJOR CELEBRth COMMITT MAYBE THosE LAY THEsHomt ANOTHER THosE BLUENosEs CREEPs THE sPEClAL sow THEitz BULL iNtltovucT MEETING POZER so THEv CAN CONTRIBUTE To THE muss BAIL it BOTTLE 0F LOOKING AT SPI1 Pollys Pointers Hydrogen peroxide bleaches out stain By LPolly Cramer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY My offwhite painters pants were put on the furnace to dry and were forgotten There is fairly large scorch mark on the back of one leg con sidered dyeing them but there seems to be no offwhite or white dye to be found If you have any suggestions would surely appreciate hearing them MELINDA DEAR MELINDA If the fabric fibers are burned there really is no hope for your pants But if it is only stain on the fabric place cloth dampened with hydrogen peroxide over the stain Then put dry clean cloth over that and press with warm iron When the top pressing cloth becomes stained change to afresh dry one and repeat until stain disappears Rinse pants well Another method is to use bleach one tablespoon of bleach to quart of water Soak fifteen or twenty minutes and then wash and rinse thoroughly Of course the type bleach will depend on the type of fabric in the pants POLLY DEAR POLLY Vly Pet Peeve is with those people who allow small children to ride in cars with their heads and arms extended out of the windows or against the rear door of sta tion wagon This could be the cause of fatal accident or result in the loss of eyes or limbs MRS IJG DEAR POLLY have found that great way to loosen hard SOll is to sprinkle coffee grounds on the soil every day They seep in and enrich and soften the earth SITSIE DEAR IOLLY am not much of cook and my family is willing to try new dishes but my Iet lecvc is the recipes One am now making calls for FIVE cups of carrots plus other in gredients If we do not like it tl feel guilty about wasting so much food and money too wish they would give recipes in smaller quantities It is certainly eaSIer to multiply the in gredients than to divide them for needed amounts FLORA DEAR POLLY Apartment dwellers often have problem finding drip space for fine blouses and dresses which they do not want to put in the washer My solution to this is to put each thing on an individual hanger as is usual and hang these between the shower curtain rings on the rod after previously drawing the curtain the length of the tub Of course the bot tom of the curtain must be kept tucked inside the tub to direct the drips into it and not on the floor Also when sewmg material like corduroy that sticks together to keep both ends of seam even without pinning or basting merely pass the steam iron over the two pieces as they are to be sewn find this works great Those bright ideas which make life easier and are found in your column every day are golden nuggets to brighten ones day PATRICIA Thanks for those golden words POLLY DEAR POLLY My husband and are both retired so it is important that we save every penny we can One way am saving is by only using my washer and drver every other week We get by very nicely This saves water electricity soap and wear and tear on the machines MRS FT BALLOON AND COME LIP HERE ANDTAKE IT our If 99 91W 0tku ON LOVE AINT éuRELY You EONNA PAY THE RENnKiD LOVE wiu CARRY us THROUeH6lt2 BUTYOUGOT not MR DRAKE INTO THE AcT wE CAN TELL irsnwoirr mesa mu TO KILL SEBASIlAN THE JOB Ms HIT AND OU AGREED OKAY THATs érk lT FER new OF THE SYLVESTER STREET MAPLE DEPT HOW ABOUT MOTHEZ NEXT LESSON WE WlLL ART YOU CHARGE YOUR DAUGHTER mom NALFATTHE TIMEAND THE OTHER NALFA FEW MNJIE5A60 lT5 lN YOUR Packer AND YOUREINMINE WHAT EVER DECAME NAMES LIKE ELM STREET AND NORTH 93 VQ76 OKQIOSII K104 WEST AAQIO VJ9543 OA74 +82 EAST SOUTH 10 4i NorthSouth vulnerable West North East South NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead NT Pass By Oswald James Jacoby Today some experts play that the man who responds twooverone promises rebid The Jacobys play that he promises rebid except when opener merely rebids to two of his own suit We strong ly recommend this course of action In the old days the two notrump rebid was supposed to Show 16 or 17 highcard points Modern experts and todays teachers have given this up and merely use it to show hand that looks right for notrump play South has minimum open ing but proper twonotrump rebid North is trifle unhap py about the fact that his two diamond response had scraped the bottom of the barrel but since he had promised to rebid over IF RLIN HOME AND TELL YOUR ANDY CAPP ALLING BORN LOSER WOULDNT GOOD OLD AVENUE WIN AT BRIDGE Proper contract takes ï¬nesse FUNNY BUSINESS DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 42 Masculine nickname Western show U9 mow Bultalo YQl 10 French 003 Nlusdical 17831813 com osition 11 Hindu queens 49 30 plants Answer to Previous Puzzle IJIIVJIIZT LlTIQILJ Iillll lehJ Iliï¬llJCIYï¬rd ile 4iJLI lJIIIIi llJI I41°JLI Efï¬gy11 1lJlJll all Ilzll IJIICTIIIY RIFIiflhi rIZJth lflliVJ VIZEll Ulzlï¬l cillill IIlfllrlhi IYJIIIBFJ RIIIELiFIbl anything but two spades he goes on to game East takes his ace of hearts and leads the suit back South wins in his hand and goes after diamonds West wins the se 13 cations 51 Mustangs tor lleJfJrjggllldgimfllflii cond or third diamond with his mffojm example F3 ii ace and clears theheart suit Guam maï¬a amiggm mania South runs the diamonds to 16 Strike lightly an give him six tricks in and then 331 333 54 p3 3033 mm as as In conSIders the black suits He 20 Choose Colorado 20 Cowboys gear 37 953 has twoway finesse for the 22 State in Brazil oowu 21 Chemmai body Queen of clubs If he takes it 23 Enorlaigald Auhets lever 22 element 33 rostminute meta oc oun ain Le ume ree ora agar EZSth an WI £8 26 Raised nymph 23 Peetormed 40 Gardens of suns me an WI 29 Tracks used Car damage 24 Island Fr delight rubber If he goes wrong he by hunters Consume tood 25 ngmd curve 41 OCCIdenI will be set But certainly the germ items Exprlsmn 26 Cherished d2 Tree pl the otourns ac ana ram owe at game contraa turned om to 34 No matter Unsunable 27 Cooimg 43 Churl be 300d one which Dodecanese vessel 44 Concerning 35 Lariats island 28 Strand ot yan wds 38 Ola penitential Hawaiian 30 Threetried 46 vaung horse season garlands stating 48 pipe mini 39 Cage tor 10 Beat to pulp Seasonal so Feast day An Illinois reader wants to hawks 11 Feel regret tor employeg icomb torm know if the Jacobys ever open one notrump when holding fivescard major suit The answer is that we cer tainly do Here is an example KJxxxv Kx OAIOXKQX INHIH KIWI IIII IIIH EllII EllII ï¬ll flfll ï¬ll HII ï¬llHI EllII 393 WW IIIIW 99 WIIIII sun WHE PII IIHI WWIII IIIIWIIIII IIl SIDE GLANCES Martian life possibility PASADENA Calif AP Scientists say that if Viking finds organic molecules when it sifts Martian soil they will be convinced that life exists on the red planet Viking seems to have been telling about the discovery of life for the last few weeks Dr Gerald Soffen Vikings chief scientist said Monday But he said its experiments did not produce any of the carbon based or organic molecules which are found in every living thingon earth AN THATS ABOUT ALI THERE IS TO Complete Ottlco Outtlttors THE 9rqu YOU WANTED 0N PURISM t5 FADIjsIRE YOUVE BEEN VERY FRANK MY DEAR Im keeping up with the Joneses but with your help Im tall DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS It means OFFICE OUTFITTERS can turn bore room Into ii completely decorated and furnisth of fice Call 7370201 to consult II Professional Office Planner 29 Dunlop St Barrio Now TELL ME SOMETHIN ABOUT VOURSELF IgtO woo PANIC EASILY 7370201 ing behind the Dows Is IT 0951 NW iMAaiMAiioiu oi no THE WORDS SEEM ro 51ch TO THE Roof oF Hi5 MOUTH BY60LLY WECEKTAINLY 3° wasntIii luv01 TuAv