Former court seamstress easily recalls splendor of the dying British Empire The splendor of the dying days of the British Empire are recalled easil by 91year old Blanche Whee er Mrs Wheeler was court seamstress to the court of Ed ward VII the king whose times are referred to as the Ed wardian Era probably the lushest years of this century As 17yearcld girl Mrs Wheeler was on of about 20 seamstresses working under one head dressmaker who de signed and made clothes for the queensattendants We did everything mm tak ing their measurements cut ting out pattern and applying embroidered finer Mrs Wheeler says An enviable pmfession never though about it that way said Mrs Wheeler in an interview at her residence at Grove Park Home was one of many The woman refuses to think she spent to years dressmaking for ladies in waiting because of any special talent lm sure got the job because was French she said lih slightly noticeably accent In those days people respected the French style of dressmaking But she had the skills Mrs Wheeler grew up as one of seven chzidren of Peter and Rosa Grahm in trail about 30 mics south of Iarrs France csc days seinrig was as as the ABCs We téll all of the basrcs The family then moved to London My father wanted us to learn English Ivo years after living in Lori don the eager 17yearold and her sister Rosa applied for jobs at Kaiser and Belmas court scamst rcsscs and were hired For 10 years Mrs Wheeler reported to work there donned the usual black gowns with white sleeves That was the dress in those days The white sleeves were to protect the fine material you worked with she said Everyone were black then except the ladies in waiting And Mrs Wheeler rememlxrs the marked distinction of work in with 20 busv dressmakeis in ha black and while working with colorful floral bright col 01$ The styles demanded much work too she said The ladies wanted the skirt very wide and that meant many petticoats to keep them full Huge flminmi sleeves re quired the same amount of work And If one of the princesses needed the fullness in the bosom frill was added irr side to give the support You know styles really havent changed that much said the former sea instress The sewing profession has changed though with the iii vention of the sewing machine Readymade appliques save lot of work too she says Anything added to the dress such as embroidery was all handdone It took us month sometimes to make dress There were bonuses for being court seamstress she said We were given tickets and were allowed to sit in the balcony of the church during the procession when one of the rinccsses married We used to eel real pride for our work then she said It was during this 10 year period when she met the man she married He was in the same line of work Jack Wheeler was tailor She married Mr Wheeler in 1909 The couple moved to Toronto shortly after where Mr Wheeler worked for tailor there and Mrs Wheeler work ed for Murray Kay Dressmakers The couple started their own business Wheeler and Conr pany soon after They operated the shop for 15 years During that time the Wheelers had two children Jack now deceased and Blan che Mrs Frank Wainwright of Midliurst Mr Wheeler dicd eight years ago When her son died she moved to the Barrie area She moved to Grove Park Home about two years ago She remembers those years as some of the best in her life Ive had happy life sye says think learned how to treat people think now when we worked together how all of us had unique skill enjoyed cutting out the pattern Others enjoyed embroidery But it was all for the benefit of one dress Everyone has something to give Brides father officiates at StroudMoore wedding SHIRLEY JENNETT LOLDWATERArrange merits of summer flowers dec orated the Gospel Lighthouse on Highway 12 at Coldwater for the 11 am Aug 28th ceremony that united Ruth Martha Moore and Michael William Stroud in marriage Officiating clergymen were father and sonRev Don Moore of Vancouver BC bro ther of the bride and her father the Rev Alfred Moore pastor of the Gospel Light house Mrs Dale Boyd of South Mountain Ontario sang Wed ding Song and Wedding Pra yer and Bill Anderson of Bar rie sang How Great Thou Art Both were accompanied by organist Mrs Velda Webster of Penetang The bride is the daughter of PERA TION Rev and Mrs Alfred Moore of Coldwater and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Robert Stroud of Don Mills Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride wore dress she designed and fashioned herself of white satin with long flowing train ruffled lace front puffed sleeves tapering to finger tip length organza enhanced with lace ruffles The gown was made after the fashion of her maternal grand mothers gown worn in 1906 and featured an array of mo ther of pearl buttons down the back Her long lace edged veil was held in place with crest of seed pearls The veil was also fashioned by the bride She car ried bouquet of white roses Marin Douglas of Midland was the maidofhonor and the bridesmaids were Mrs Lila Reynolds of Calgary Alberta sister of the bride Mrs Dalton Moore of Calgary sisterinlaw of the bride and Caroline Preecc of Dundas cousin of the groom Flower girl was Kelly Barron of Coldwater The brides attendants were dressed alike in floor length gowns of yellow with floral overlay The bridesmaids wore yellow woven hats and the maidofhonor wore an iden tical hat in green They carried bouquets of white daisies The flower girls dress was fashioned similar to the atten dants but in orange and she wore green woven hat and carried basket of flowers to match her dress The best man was David Stroud brother of the groom of Don Mills and the ushers were All Models listed At $9500 Over invoice Werethe somebody Who can beat Anybody Although those cars are selling quickly youll find good selec tion to choose from Don lorimon Grandvicw Ford SALES LTD BARBIE 379 Bayfield St Barrie 728761 Customer pays 9500 over this figure on any of 193 units listed This is the retail price MRS BLANCHE WHEELER Brucc Stroud the grooms brother of Don Mills Grant Harrison and Patrick Crozier of Toronto both fricnds of the groom reception was held at the Sundial Restaurant in rillia and the bride and groom left for honeymoon trip to Ottawa and Quebec City They will reside in Toronto Outoftown guests here who attended the wedding included Mrs Lila Reynolds and Mr and Mrs Dalton Moore of Calgary Alberta Rev Don Moore of Vancouver Mrs Mac Marsh Mr and Mrs Robert Stroud David and Bruce Mr and Mrs Osbourne Robinson Miss Jean Robinson Mr Fred Robinson Mr and Mrs Fred rick Harrison and Grant Mr and Mrs Clifford rozier and family Also Mr and Mrs Shushil An jea Mrs lrcnc Riddcll Mr anti Mrs Morvcn Moore Mr and Mrs James Moore Mr Steven Rose and Mr and Mrs Brian Rctford and family all of Toronto Mr and rs Kenneth Moore and family of Sudbury Mr and Mrs Kenneth Stroud lilden Lake tint Mr and Mrs Wilfred Durant and tier aldinc and Mr and Mrs llzilt Boyd of Mountain mt Mr and Mrs Win Kirkwood of Kingston Mr and Mrs Ernest Moore of Prescott Mr and Mrs oloncl lrcccc Yaroline and John of lundas Mr and Mrs Ed Webster lcnctnng Mr and Mrs Ncil Wood Wyc bridgc Mr and Mrs James Mercer llawkcstonc Mr and Mrs Win Anderson Barrie Mrs Slroud Ivor Stroud Warminstcr and Mr 11 Price of Orillizi PEOPLE AND PLACES WEEKEND VISITORS Mrs Ann liver of Mis sissauga and her ncice Miss till onnolly of Yorkshire England spent the weekend visiting with Mr and Mrs Hur ris olow of 197Wtllingtoi181 MARATHON RRIIHIII The Annual Keinpcnlelt haptcr lI bridge marathon is open for entries un 111 Sept 24 lhtrt 151 charged 50 ccnts per game Anyone wishing to play should phone 72ti8387 71283917 7211411 72011511 ANN LANDERS Womans nose not worth $4 10 Dear Ann Landers In regard to your advice to Im OK may say BULLFEATHERS According to Ann Landers no one has to go through life with imperfect features unless he wants to Why dont you wake up Dummy Not everyone can afford the price of beauty Sure Id love to have gorgeous nose in stead of the blob God gave me but cant just pop in plastic surgeons office look at some pictures and say Il take this one checked into the price of nose job last year It was $400 havent got that kind of money to put in my nose and neither have millions of other people so ImSettling For The Blob Dear SFTB If you wanted new nose badly enough you wouldnt be settling for the blob Too many folks say cant when the word is wont Millions of people have made their impossible dreams come true You can too Dear Ann Landers wish could tell my story to Worried In Houston age 15 who must decide whether to live with her mother or father When was 13 my parents gave me the same choice loved them both ually and couldnt choose Every time anyone asked me to decide began to cry Then this wonderful judge took me into his office knew the awful question would come againMotheror father Well it didnt Instead he asked if Id like him to make the decision answered Yes He said must know more about you Would you be willing to talk to girl who works with me and tell her about yourself said OK On three separate visits we talked about school my friends and what wanted to be when grow up Then she spoke to the judge He decided should live with my mother but could visit my father whenever wanted to Thejudge gave me his address and phone number and he made me promise to call or write on my 14th birthday five months away and tell him how things were going now know it was my parents idea to let the judge decide but it was the judges idea to keep in touch with me Now have two homes and four parents They all came to my graduation junior high and sat together hope Worried In Houston has parents and judge who care about HER the way mine did Lucky In Hoston Dear Lucky So do Your letter may do more good than youll ever know Thanks for sharing Dear Ann The bride my niece admits she will be five months pregnant when the wedding takes place in October To look at her youd swear she is six months gone right now Her parents are aware of the situation but still they want to give her fancy church wedding They must be blind What kind of gown could the bride possibly wear to conceal her con dition lII Dear Thats HER problem Dear Ann just read the letter from the lady who com plained because her husband always introduced her as THE wife instead of MY wife Some people dont know when theyre well off My husband never introduces me at all just lets me stand there like cigarstore Indian Print this please Ilc reads you daily Mranvisihle Dear Mrs Here it is Let meknow if it helped aozfs 1Jch rants 12The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Sept 1976 XlSlIl FALSE STARTS lhc loud licking of £1 specta trzick events at the Olympics in tors canich was blamed for Montreal FORD MOTOR COMPANY or CANADA LIMITED 310 029 15 3C 0169 AUlnINY rm 13 cusr STVLESIJt Picker that 3161 3w irate nIYE war NCKAJ 39 310 31 in tufl 71 st arrow AI be 15310 1530 Loom one lt11 MNJS 51320 Wats 15H otrput 26 370 21530 HEN bhCKS 2a 540 19 350 L7 574 at VF 71530 51510 Nvi at cg tC rCris 231 1571c IIISIMIIIUIION ANOlHlthHY VVflï¬mr HVV on IuIAi itmvimtlt 637 40 3734 520 ii ml its 7593 iel brunt also 25 00 Si rElT is 197 idea union Accriuiiihobifiiiiv MMVMAt at 501 6C RE 00 my it 13235235335 KEY Immluunwow wm tom to 379 GRiifw iï¬Yrlt gt 3521319 11a Itm tom emu mAn Amin imirrimoo OBCDO 016 5+ TC ilCCZ 11 Dunn WWII1 cA to 35 37lu17¢T31mO7 IIVIIII IIDI nAATZiiiiiifiiu umiu mu ONTARIO TRUCK smr titrationu Tom 63 um FC uCTOR CR livt false starts in onc of the Mr and Mrs Alfred Perkin of Shanty Hay announce the engagement of their daughter Elaine Audrey to COVERED BY HAIR Beach wormwood which grows beside ponds also is called dusty miller because of the densely matted Whit hairs that cover its leaves HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 28 Pickups Couriers Bronco 13 Pintos 14 Mavericks 14 Mustangs 13 Torinos Elites 39 Fords 17 Gronodos FMCC Financing Available Bank Financing Available Prices Good Til Sept 30 Order 1977 if you dont buy 1976 12 Salesmen to assist you We need used cars Prices Good 111 Sept 30 1976 OPEN SATURDAYS ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Frederick John Ferguson son of Mr and Mrs John Ferguson of Eimvale The wedding will take place Sept 11 at prr N13152 Square Baptt Church Steinzard Phom JUST MOVED What you need right now is helping hand acorn rim All lie sure to get in touch with the Neltome Vagon hostess She can help you got to know your new com munity as quickly as pos siblc 7261454 11 7286331 hum 151 Units To Go in ui marma