1200 family campers visit Molson Park About 1200 people from all across Ontario travelled to Molsons Park this weekend for the 11th annual national rally of the Canadian Family Camping Federation CFCF Gil Hunt national publicity chairman estimated 300 units made their way to the park each carrying an average of four people The club has members all The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Septl 19761 across Canada he said but because the Labour Day weekend coincides with the opening of school the campers ABOUT 300 CAMPING UNITS ARRIVED IN BARRIE FOR ANNUAL CFCF RALLY Recreation departments fall program to offer larger variety of activities The end of the warm weather marks the beginning of the city recreation departments fall program for children and adults Greg Burns program superintendent says the city is trying to organize some new ac tivitiesthis fall People he said can register at the recreation department on the third floor at city hall now adding there is limited registration foreach activity The city is trying to organize table tennis club at Sunnidale community centre at Sunnidale Park The club would meet every Tuesday night between 730 and 10 from Sept 28 to Dec 21 Mr Burns said club operated in the city until about two years ago when it was for ced to close because of lack of meeting place Another new activity is the preseason ski conditioning for alpine or crosscountry skiers George Mannering president of the Barrie Cross Country Ski Club is the instructor of the classes which include exercises people can do at home The conditioning is at Sun nidale Park Tighter security at Grass Roots II Barries Grass Roots oncert will be back next year with tighter security lraig Prentice program co ordinator for lolsons Park said today only about 2200 of the 3500 to 4000 in attendance at the Aug 28 concert paid their wayin Most of the remainder he said appear to have slipped in to the park alter dark guess we learned lesson he said Next year the number one priority would beto rectifythatsituation Unpaid admissions reduced the concert major promo tional effort for anadian music to breakeven position except for $700 which went to the Barrie Ys Mens Club co sponsors of the event for com munity projects hopedfor foundation to support Canadian talent will have to wait until next year Mr Prentice said and pro motoer Dave Richardson of Toronto made nothing on the concert Tighter gate security will not be the only change next year Mr Prentice said Next years version is ex pected to start in the afternoon with local amateur talent with professional performers going on in the evening as they did this year In addition the concert will probably be held earlier in the summer This years program faced competition from the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto which featured concert the same night bluegrass festival at Carlisle near Hamilton and the Barrie Fair we feel we stood our ground with that competition Mr Prentice said but organizers would like clearer field next year Featured on this years all Canadian program were the Good Brothers and Black Creek both bluegrass groups rock groups Jackson llawke folksingers Pat Watson and Alison Reynolds with their group Minstrels of Mirth folk rockblues artist Marc Jordan and singerguitaristcomposcr David Rea who served as master of ceremonies PROCEEDS FROM SALE OF THIS HOUSE to community projects womens volleyball league and mens basketball league are also scheduled by the city this fall The women will play at Assikinack Public School Mon days from to 10 pm between Sept 27 and Dec 20 The basketball league which will probably be recreation picksup league will play at Tundles Heights public school Mondays between and 10 pm The city is continuing the sports night for boys between eight and 14 years on luesdays to 830 pm at either Steele Street school or Assikinack school Also the mens fitness and sports and ladies keep fit programs will be offered The womens activities are at either Steele Street school or Assikinack school Tuesdays 830t010pm The two programs offer an hour of sports and games with half hour of conditioning exr ercises GYMNASTICS Gymnastics for level to level gymnasts is scheduled for youngsters between six and 14 years Advanced gymnastics is offered by the Barrie iym nastic Club The program for six to nine yearold children is held Tuesdays at Codrington Street school and Thursdays at Assikinack school 630 to 730 pm The 10 to 14yearolds can participate Tuesdays at Codrington Street school and Thursdays at Assiskinack school730toH30pm number of craft programs are also offered by the city at Sunnidale Community Centre including rug hooking Thur sdays 730 to pm crochet Tuesdays 730 to 830 pm macramc Tuesdays 830 to 930 pm and Christmas craf ts Wednesdays to pm hatha yoga course is also offered Mondays between and 830 pm for beginners and 830 to 10 for in tfli termediates at Sunnidale Coummunity Centre RINGETIE LEAGUE At the two arenas there are number of activities scheduled girls ringctte league is planned Fridays 430 to pm at Eastvicw Arena for girls bet ween and years Mr Burns said the game is similar to floor hockey but on ice Teams are operating throughout Simcoc ounty and the province me of the most successful programs last fall is offered again this year the mom and tot learnrtoskatc The program Wednesday to to 11 at Eastvicw Arena teaches mothers how to figure skate and lots how to skate The mothers and children spend about 13 minutes skating together at the end of the lessons Preschoolers and parents can also skate at the two arcnas during the week Free time is left at the Barrlc Arena Mon days and Fridays 1030 to 1130 am and Eastvicw Arcna Mon days 130 to 230 and Fridays 1030to11130a llKllllt1KlI Time is also open for pick up hockey giiiiics Wednesdays at the ltarric arena 10 to 1130 am busmcssmens skatc Tuesdays at ltarric Arcna 1130 to 130 and adult skating lliursduys at Eastvicw to it in Public ice skating time is Saturdays Barrie Arcna 313 to pm and 030 to 10 and at the Eastvicw Arena Fridays 830 to 10 pm and Sundays 211i0tol The cost is adults $1 studcn ts TSccnIs and children 5t1ttll is The only free program of fcrcd by the city this fall is the prcschmlcrs skating time but the other programs have tee Most programs end by late November or early llcccmbcr Mr Burns said the city is working on programs for teen activities womens ringcttc and specialized recreation sch vices for the mentally retarded The house that Rotary built ready for buyers this month BriarCrest the twostorey house being built by the Rotary Club of Barrie will be ready for open house in September George Dawes co ordinator of the project ex plained the house is being con structed as fundraismg ven ture with revenue going to the YMYWCA building fund and other programs When the project is com lcted and sold we expect to ave good sum to put towards fundraising projects Mr Davies said Construction of the house located on Cook Street began in May The club was able to save money in both labor and materials The house is professionally built Mr Davies said but wherever possible Rotarian volunteer work crews helped out The club members could help with the decorating pain ting wallpapering insulating and pouring the footings he said They did the Joe jobs and cleaning Mr Davies said and there are also professional people in the club who helped out When the club announced its project various local industries and businesses donated materials further reducing the costs Other businesses gave reduced prices or discounts The fourbedroom home is popular style Mr Davies said and sells for under $60000 Located on 60 by 160 foot lot it has one and half bathrooms large living room dining room and kitchen There is access to the house from the garage and there will be landscaped lawns and paved driveway Rotarians also iii tend to decorate with co ordinated paint and wallpaper The lower part of the house is stone on all four sides and the upper section sotfit facia and eves are all aluminum for easy inziintenance There are also storms and screens for all the windows Mr Davies said the cliil will be ready soon to begin holding open house were all from Ontario Other club members found the distance too much so close to school opening he explained Mr Hunt said the main idea behind CFCF is to promote family camping and make noises to various levels of government regarding park usage and conservation The federation recently sub mitted brief to the federal parks authority supporting the current policy of specifying the type of camping and activities that can be carried out in cer tain parks he said The group has also objected to the amount of rowdyism in provincial parks and has asked fora review of the fee structure for hookups The federation believes there should be different fees charged depending on the type of facilities offered Mr llunt said The club also promoted cam ping at various outdoor shows and emphasizes safety to its members Mr llunt said the club urges its members not to drive with wide mirrors on when ont towing camper or trailer It emphasizes good hitches towing and fire prevention The clul is currently working with the Consumers Association of anada in an cl fort to make tircrproot canvas for tents rcquircnunt The club has social events and tripes as well licsaid This weekends national rally was combination of social events and business The club elected new executive and ap proved linancial statements There were childrens com JANE FRASER 10 AND COSTUMEI HERMAN COMPETEI IN PET SHOW The club organics spcical cvcnts lor tccniigcrs Alr llliiit said to keep tlic olich tlllltlltll Interested iiicampmg Membership 111 the ll is lttilllmV it Pt Slim tlilllttï¬ open to individual numbcrsor and MissF pageant through local club ltitlll bcrsliip and includes all types of camping and outdoor ac tivitics llic ltzuric lioomcrangs and tordcii atawampus tampirs were the llttgtl clubs torthisweekendsevents DARLENE PAGE ANIS1ALIESI lti EY LARGE AMOINT Ol FOOI Grey Simcoe Foresters cadet recruitment nights The lrcy and Simcoc Foresters Army adct orps will be holding inlormat ion and recruitment nights this lhur sday and Thursday Sept 10 at the Barrie Armoury between and in Young men and women bet ween the ages of 13 and 10 and their parents or guardians are invited to addcnd Personnel will be prcscnt to answer qucs tioiis about cadet training and othclcadcl activities The aim of the cadet movcnicnt IS to utter to scctoi of auadian youth program ol personal and social develop mcnt based on military training and contribution to the qualities of good citicnsliip leadership physical fitness and service to the community and the nation The cadet movement also aims at stimulating the interest of an dian youth in the maritime land and air elements of lllt anadiaii Armed Forces and in the roles of the military in anadiansociety llicsc aims are achieved through program of progressive training gained at weekly parades from Sep tember through May in the corps l1ttllutltllS at the Barrie Armoury and through weekend training exercises conducted at various Canadian Forces military bases Cutlets are also eligible to attend sum mer camps in various parts of Canada for periods of two to eight weeks These summer camps offer varied programs such as parachuting shooting oricntecring canoeing driving communications and precision drilling Senior cadets have chance to attend summer training at Banff or either of two special cadets courses in Britian Cultural exchange visits to other provinces and to other countries are also open to sclcc ted cadets During the last training year the Grey and Simcoc Foresters Army Cadet orps held two weekend exerciscs at Fli lior dcn oiu icli111l ttlt1gtt at lli Mcalord rungc bring it ll liordcii and hclicoptci lillllllliltlitlltill flight also at Fli Borden lllllllt tlic lltll mci of 1071 ippioxnnatcly 30 pcr ccnt ol the cligiblc cutlets tiom tlic local corp attended summcrcamps The training ycar 10i proved to be very SlltttNlill lor tlic corps It was chosen to Iccctvc olic of tour fillatlicoim John Armstrong 12 of Craigliurst seems bit amach by the 40lootong SimIds li1ltltl to army cadct corps for overall efficiency durmgtlicycor Tle shitId will be prcscntml to the unit during special piuarlctobclicldlhislall Alter being selected and ap proved as army cadcts the young inch and womcu are provided with lull umtorm and will be paid it thcy attend ccrtain training programs duringtlicsummcrmonths PUBLIC MEETING ON CABLE TELEVISION public meeting is scheduled tcdncsday at 730 pm in the lilue Flame room at onsumers Gas Company to discuss cable television The meeting is sponsored by the Barrie chapter of the Ton sumers Association of anada guest panel will discuss various aspects of cable television including liarrics ablc service Hill Knowles publicity chairman lor the Barrie chapter said this will be an ideal opportunity lor Barrie residents to give their opinions to the people responsible for cable television in tlic city LocrtL GENERAL TWO INJIREI Douglas lrvinc 22 of Maple and his passenger Randy lhillips 21 ol King City were treated at St Andrews Hos pital in Midland for cuts and bruises following single vclnclc mishap Sunday in Balm licacli tmtario Provincial Police Elmvalc said Irvine was heading north on the Beach Road when his vehicle slid on slippery pavement and hit by dro pole Damage to thc vthi clc is estimated at $2000 and damage to the pole at $500 $l5ttllIC total of $1230 damage resulted from twovehicle mishap at 0121 pm Sunday at lllt 0th tonccssion of lnnistil and the totb Sidcroad pick up truck driven by William Spcarc ot chdalc had $1200 in damagcs while boat trailer being towed harlcs Thomas lvan ot lsliugton received $50 damage lF EXECITH The anadian Family Camp ing Federation elcted new directors to its national ex ecutive during this weekends rally in Barrie Eric and Lois Robinson are the new directors joining the chairmen George and Louise Bonnewcll of llam ilton and the vicechairmen Wilfred and Bette Black of Downsv icw ltAlElAYIIRS MEETING The first fall meeting of the Tall Trees Ratepayers Associ ation is tedncsday at 730 pm at timdles llcights public school Mayor Dorian Parker is the guest and will answer ques tions Also scheduled is presentation by Benniore on struction The development firm owns building on the east side of Bayfield Street south of undles Road The company wants the city to permit varietymilk store in the building but it is not properly zoned Numismatic association annual show Saturday The lluronia Numismatic Association of Barrie will celebrate its 10th birthday this month with coin stamp and antique show in the Hayfield Mall The show will be open to the piibliclroiii10amtottpm on Saturday and it is free to all iii tcrcstcd parties At present there are 20 coin stamp and antique dealers committed to supplying the public of Simcoc ounty with their prchristmas wishes coins for thc numismatist stamps for the philatclist and antiques for the antique lluntcrs Dealers in coins will be on hand from the ISA Wiarton Kitchener Toronto Streetsville Kingston and many other locations There will also be displays of coins and other numismatic items on view and these will be judged and awarded trohpies accordingly draw will take place and first prize will be for set of series threc Olympic coins Examiner Photo THIS 40FOOT MODEL IS SEAWORTHY model of the icrman bate tleship ltismark which was sunk in the Second World War The model has been on display since August at the Hayfield Mall The boat was launched in Lake Simcoe by its owners and has been on display in other locations