Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1976, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation All Other Departments 7266537 112th YearNo 209 7266539 Classified Advertising 72824 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesdoy Sept I976 Uhr Esme Examiner WEATHER FORECAST 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly 20P°9°5 Firefighters prevent major downtown fire Barrie resident was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital Saturday night after firefighters battled downtown apartment fire Howard Muir age unknown the only resident of the apart ment at 100 Dunlop St was taken to the hospital suffering smoke inhalation Barrie firefighters worked for about one hour Saturday af ter getting the call at 947 pm to control the blaze above the Armstrong Hardware Store Jack McAllister fire chief said the firefighters had averted major firein the downtown area Chief McAllister said the fire was hot enough to bubble the tar on the roof of the building and left the apartment gutted No estimate of dama is available and Chief McAl ister said he expects report when an insurance company com pletes its investigation He said the department is continuing its investigation of the cause Eight other residents in ad joining apartments fled into the streets during the fire when firefighters became concerned about it spreading Chief McAllister said one of the major problems in all old buildings is the use of sawdust for insulation If the fire had hit the sawdust he said it could have spread through the building Barrie firefighter and fire truck were left at the apart ment until am Sunday the chief said Weather helps holiday seekers Cool windy weather didnt discourage people from squeezing in the last little bit of travel before the children return to school Tourist operators in the area report business this Labor Day weekend was definitely up com paredtolast Doug Cole administrator of Ste Marie AmongtheHurons said cooler weather is better for sightseeing and attendance at the historic site was definitely up this year Mr Cole estimated 3300 people visited Ste Marie over the holiday weekend Two operators involved in the accommodation business also experienced busier weekends Ed Garback owner of the Golden Sands Motel in Wasaga Beach estimated his business was up by about 20 per cent The KOA Campyounds in Barrie experienced its best Labor Day weekend in its five years of operation Business was double last years figure Vern Telford of the Ontario Travel Information Centre on Hi way 400 said his staff was eig to 10 per cent busier than in 1975 Telephone inquiries and visits were both up he said Mr Telford also predicted the whole month of September will be busier than in past years as there are number of fall fairs and special events planv ned The ministry will continue its fall color reports he said giving weekly reports of the percentage of change in colors all across the province The only operation contacted that reported decrease in business was Wasaga Beach Provincial Park George Scott of the Ministry of Natural Resources said figures have not been compiled yet but it would appear business was down It was bit too cool and win dy for swimming he con eluded Services tonight for Albert Boyd Albert Bert Raymond Boyd 64 who drove transit buses in Barrie for 25 years died Sunday at Royal Victoria Hospital Last year he was forced to retire early because of illness Mr Boyd is survived by his wife Thelma Binne daughter Elsie Morrison and son Harold Butch He is also survived by grand children Wayne Janice and Julie Morrison and Cheryl Boyd sisters Eva Puddicombe CAPSULE NEWS of Brantford and Thelma Woodruff of Newmarket He was predeceased by his brother Arthur The body is in the Arnold Funeral Home and service is scheduled in the chapel Wed nesdayat2pm Burial is at Minesing Union Cemetery serVIce will be held tonight at 730 under the auspices of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Mechanic seriously injured TORONTO CP George Benedik 35 of Toronto an airline mechanic injured in the crash of vintage aircraft at the Cana dian National Exhibition on Sunday was in serious condition in hospital today No statement by Trudeau OTTAWA tCP Prime Minister Trudeau will not be issuing statement following his overseas holiday during which he met with among others King Hussein of Jordan Israeli Prime Minister Rabin Italian Premier Andreotti and Pope Paul VI Largescale layoffs possible MONTREAL CP The current strikes in Quebecs con struction industry may lead to largescale layoffs in related in dustries says spokesman for the Quebec Construction Office Implementing an agreement SEOUI AP The United Nations Command and North Korea today began implementing an agreement to separate their guards in the Panmunjom truce village where two US ar my officers were killed three weeks ago Near clean election sweep NICOSIA Reuter broad political alliance backing President Makarios in his efforts to reunify Cyprus has swept to near clean sweep in elections for new GreekCypriot House of Representatives Swifter cheaper justice TORONTO CP Chief Justice Willard Estey says he plans action this fall to make justice cheaper and sWIfter because it costs citizens too much to have thelr cases tried in the Ontario Supreme Court Presidential election near WASHINGTON AP With the US presidential election two months away Democratic presidential nominee Jimmy Carter stumped through the ast for votes today while Presi dent Ford emphasizing his incumbency kept high profile in the White House Evel Knievel being sued LOS ANGELES AP Motorc cle daredevil Evel Knievel is being sued for $11 million by te eviswn cameraman who con tends that Knievel assaulted him with cane TODAY IS ONE of lifes big gest days for more than 3000 Simcoe County youngsters their first day of school 1101 ly Lewis gets little help from her mother Theresa during thc first few minutes of her new career as stu dent in Joan Grahams Kindergarten class at Bar ries Prince of Wales school ESTIMA TED 49 912 Litllc sister Sherry will have to wait while for her turn at thc blocks puzzlcs and finger paints IIxr aniincr Ihotoi BabHo school today for county students This morning at about an estimated 49912 students walked through the doors of 119 elementary and secondary schools in Simcoe County They were met by 2315 teachers armed with textbooks note paper and pens for another year Included in the near 50000 students are approximately 3366 kindergarten children at tending school for the first time For the first few days enrolment figurcs are based on estimates Sid Owens sinwrintcndcnt of planning for the Simcoe ounty Board of Education SlllllilltS 28223 elementary and 1581111 sccoiidiiry students arrived ill 93 schools today Ol that num ber 2916 wcrc attending kin dergartcn Roughly 11llllll of thc students were arriving at schools in Barrie or thc vicinity 9153 at clcmcntary schools and 5109 at secondary schools SPECIAL OFFER TO STUDENTS This month many students who arc working toward higher education will be studying at IIlOlrltnklt collcgcsand universities That is no reason for them to lose touch with homc town activities To help them keep intoucli with local cvcnts The Ex aminer is offering special studcnt subscription rulc for thc eightmonth period of schooling at lhc rcduccd ratc ol Sm That is saving of $4 Keep informed Know what is happening ill homc chd about high school activities and follow your local hotkcy teams The Examiner will keep you postcd Contact The Examiners circulation dcpartmcnt now and copy of every issue will be sent to you through thc mail The Examiner also reminds readers that thc studcnt sub cription being offered for the first timc might makc an ideal goingaway gift from fricnds or family lhc public board is rcsponsi blc lor 2050 of the 23L tcachcrs Frank Mucdonuld dircctor of cducation for thc Simcoc oun ty Romain utliolic Separati School Board csliiiiiitcrl 3800 childrcn including 130 km dcrgartcn studciils arriycd il scpurgitc schools todiiy lhc scpnrntc board has it lull timc lcziching stuff of 10 and ill have 20 schools in operation whcn Monsignor Iair school Ill Barrn opcns lutcr this month The schools opcning bus bccn dclnycd for about 13 days wliilc workmcn coiiiplctc thc installation of scwcr and wattr systcins Studciils urc bcnig housed in St Monicas and St Marys schools Looking to llic ycnr Jillttlll Mr Mncdonnld said ic cx pcct this ycnr to bc it succcsslul year Last ycar was il suc ccssful yczn llc also said studcnts lll bc rccicving sound education Wc arc continuing to stress the fundamciituls which wc ncvcrlcft Jack Ramsay dircctor ol education for the public board said hc is hoping for quictcr yczir compzncd to last and locsnt cxpcct anything spcc tacuhir to happcn We are hoping for relatively pcacclul ycnr for our jxrsonncl and studcnls llt said and onc not quitc so traumatic in regards to linan cing Extra caution by motorists urged with school opening The Ontario Motor League has issued an appeal to motorists to drive with extra caution now that school is back in session Children fresh from carefree days of summer play are not yet adjusted to the school routine and may not be prepared for their close contact with traffic Bill Duncan manager of the leagues Burrit office said in press release Every motorist must be prepared for the unexpected around residential areas school zones and shopping ccn tres Mr Duncan also urged parents to teach youngstcrs the rules of safe walking and to scnd lliciii to school by thc safest routc Ilc said children ngcd to arc involved in lurgc propor tion of pedestrian nccidcnts Mr Duncan cited walking to school in the morning leaving thc school grounds and rcturing in the late afternoon as thc most dangerous times of day for young pmlcstrians Fivedayold baby girl dies when partially eaten by dog NEW YORK AP mother who left her fiveday old daughter alone with starv ing German shepherd while she went to get money for food returned to find the baby dead partially eaten by the 15pound dog The woman was charged with negligent homicide The dog was destroyed left the baby on the floor with the dog to protect it Joanne Bashold 24 told police Monday when they arrived at her barren sixthfloor walkup apartment in Spanish Harlem Thedogatc my baby Miss Bashold who is unmain ried and has lived on welfare since moving here from hio in June was taken to jail Shc 500 employees are expected to be laid off by CPAir VANCOUVER CP 11 Air lans to lay off about 500 emplbyees in the next 12 to 18 months company president Ian Gray said Monday The layoffs are part of plan to pull the airline out of its wor st economic crisis in 13 years he said in an interview Mr Gray said there probably will be fewer layoffs in Canada than in other countries where CPAiro rates He said the company had $64million loss in 1975 its first suicc 1962 and that figures for the first uarter of this year show de icit of more than $5 million He added that he sees no hope of recovery for Air this year Mr Gray did not give details of when and how the layoffs would take effect but said the company plans to make its plans more clear in October He blamed the airlines prob lems on the poor economic situ ation in Canada and said costs have been running upward like hell faced arraignmcnt today in Manhattan criminal court The dog fourmoiithold fcmalc whosc ribs protrudcd visibly was lcstroycd for animation of its stomach con tents to verify that it killed llic baby Police said thc dog hadnt catch for at ltflSl six days before thc attack Miss Bashold gave birth to the baby Iarra at Bcllcvuc hospital on Wednesday Authoritics said she told them her pregnancy resulted from rape flint she never reported to police She returned Sunday to her tworoom apartment The only furniture was wooden folding chair and brown rug folded in half on which mother and baby slept The dog slcpt nearby welfare worker had pro miscd to give her crib today shcsaid On Monday morning Miss Bashold said she left the apart ment alone at am to ick up some belon ings from ic hos pital inclut ing $20 in cash with which to buy food for herself thc baby and the dog 10 DEAD Rubble explored for crash clues lltASlClllll€ Ont Police and fcdcrul govcrnmcnl investigators Stilltllttl Monday for clucs in the charred wreck ugc of singleengine ttcr air craft which crashcd Saturday Three victims were in Barrie Three persons who took part in thc Royal ommission on Electric Power llannings hearings in Barrie this summer were among thc 10 victims of this weekends Northern Onr tarioplanccrnsh llic thrcc wcrc luwycrs Robin Scott counscl to thc OIIL mission and Richard Ilouslon counscl for Ontario llydro and Dolores Mon tgoincry public participation coordinator for the com mission lhc commission and its staff spcnt July and 13 in Barrics city council chamber while Orr litllO llydro officials testified on thc csscnials of power tran smissionplanning OUT OF TROUBLE Aurora gollor lluill Illill out ol thc sand triip on lhc third holc durini tlic annual Buiric ouiitry thib poll touinumcnt ovcr lhc l£1ltOl liy cckcnd ltilill ol 11H Palestinian wanted the LARNAVA yprus iAli llircc Iflltllllllll hijuckcrs who licld till lioslngcs aboard Dutch iIrlintr oiciiiighl suiicndcrcd ultcr tclling llicir tlplltlllt i1llttllttilliill tcnlion to conditions in Iulcsliiic lhc liijzickcis giivc up Sun day without harming tlic hostugcs illci lhc rcck BEATRICE WINS The two liVision wnnici Bradford Qucciis Ilotcl and Beatrice Iioods mct Mon day to decide tlic grand championship of the annual gollcrs participnlcd in thc lib illilt touriiniiiciit which was won by Don ook of oll iiigwood Story on lzigc 12 ilitlllllltllllOltil hijackers story told ypriol gmcrnmcnt promised liltlll snlc conduct to thc tOllll try of tlicir clioicc lhc country was not lllllOllllttfl but Libyan cinbussy ollicinl zic compuiiicd thcni to Nicosia ul tcr thcy surrcndcrcd Most of thc TS piisscngcrs hi jiickcd Saturday wcrc Dutch yiiculioiicrs on their way home fromsouthcrnSpain Labatts Labor Day softball tournament with Bczitricc cmcrging with 152 win John Mctann Labalts rcp rcscntntivc presents after striking power lines kill ing the 10 persons aboard the float plane The aircraft on charter flight to Timmins from Moo sonee was carrying group connected with the Ontario royal commission on electric power planning The passengers were returning from fiveday tour of Indian communities in Northern On tario Provincial police said fog was dense at the time of the crash near this community about 125 miles north of Timmins Be cause the power lines were frayed and not broken by the impact the pilot may have seen the wires at the last minute and tried to avoid them police said The commissions legal cou scl Robin Scott 43 of Toronto was among the passengers An other victim was Dolores Mont gomery also of Toronto coor dinator of Coalition for Citizen Participation citizens group funded by the commission Ihrcc Ontario llydro employ ccs from Toronto dich lawyer Dick Houston 55 and engineers tchumcs 54 and Brian Isbislt 101 iii Ihrcc employees of Grand ouncil lrcaty No North ern Ontario Indian group which had invited the commission to visit were killed They were Douglas Shep pard 34 of Burlington 0nt former Toronto Telegram reporter working as com munications adviser and tran slators Xavier Sutherland and Harry Achnepineskum both of Iimmins The other victims were Jo seph McClelland 50 reporter for London Free Press and pi lot Douglas Clifford 28 of White River Ont and for merly of Woodstock Ont Hydro spokesmen said the plane owned by Austin Air ways of Timmins would have received threephase burst of high voltage current from the three wires that carried total of 132000 volts Investigators for the féderal transport ministry said the electricity might have touched off an explosion in the plane that would have killed the passengers The aircraft believed by p0 lice to have crashed about hours after leaving Moosonee burst into flames and burned for hours before it was spotted by worker at nearby dam Man slain in gun battle MONIREAI TPi run ning guiibattle which pitted city police against man wield ing Birgauge shotgun began in downtown soul food res taurant and ended late Monday with one man dead and five per sons wounded including police officcr and the gunman llllllStll The 27yearold gunman be licved to bc native of the West Indies is in hospital undcr police guard after plain clothcs policeman shot him thrcc timcs in thc neck Mon treal lrban ommunity MUti police spokesman said early for day Police identified the victim as Anthony lagdco 27 an em ploycc of the restaurant owned by his brothcr Leon onstablc Jacques aron was trcatcd for thigh wounds sus tained during the shootout and released the spokesman said The gunbiittlc stopped traffic and sent pedestrians running for covcr as police chased the finders lm for Ford The man that is GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP Beatrice coach John Iiallis second from right and Brad ford conch Ernie Dobiiey with their $450 cash bond as division winners At left is gunman firearms biazmg along Trcsccnt St colorful restaurant and night club dis trict The gunman began the shoot ing rampage when he stepped into the Caribbean Cookhousc on rescent St just before pm EDT confronted Jagdeo and then shot him in the chest police spokesman said WERE INJlREl Also injured were John Wil liams 28 listed in satisfactory condition after suffering chest wounds Margaret Pertwec 68 who was hit in the right arm with stray bullet and Pearl Schccter suffering from neck wounds Mrs Pcrtwcc has been re lcascd from hospital and Mrs Schecter is listed in good condi tioii police said Patricia Aquin Jagdeos fiancee who arrived here from their native lrinidadTobago four months ago was an eye witness to the shooting of her future husband The man came in and asked for paperbag she said Then lic asked him Jagdeo fora papcr bag Then he asked for glass of water and it was given to him Then he asked my fiancee to comc out in front and shot him After firing at the victim the gunman turned to flee but was met by Mr Williams shooting him in the chest as well the po licc spokesman said Immediately after he opened fire on police car that drove up just as hc left the restau rant family of four was trapped in another car which was rid dled with bullets after the gun man took shelter behind it while exchanging fire with police They were released from hos pital after being treated for shock the spokesman said Bradford coach John Fallis with Beatrice captain Chuck McNicol at right Story and photos on Page 12 Ex aminer Photo

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