2AThe Barrie Examiner September 1976 EXAMINER OME OF THE WEEK An economical house for the wider lot This full basement ranch style offers maximum living area in floor space un der 1100 feet To save steps the utility is located on the main floor with easy access from the living area or directly from the single carport By relocating the utility in the basement this space would also make an ideal 600 dBu Bunn Road 7Su Friends Pcartoons Ruffle 48 on Canada inudroom If you prefer this op llHiiarioua House of 7Tom and Jerry was tion you may Wish to retain the alntttit£nstem gripillipe zï¬ian Jae Run carport door or add door my direct to the rear ard 7Acrou the Fame Show izRo 1Farm News so ld Thef amally mom creates or in 7Agrlculture USA 2Waldo Kitty Animals entedoi sq ft 11Special Place sFaimly Affair iiGarner Armstrong ms oUnae Bobby chimney for thevtood bummg WIDTH= 53 ft zMax Bl Nimble mo ziteturn to Planet fireplace in the livmg room 4Summer Semester 2Pink Panther ot the Apes Enhanced by covered entry 7Bngs Bunny and aGenUe Ben sspace Nuts th Friends 4Clue Club 512Flaxton Boys an rusuc lg 300 5Saame Street 7Speed Bug traditional low cost charmer Plus taggier of Gilligan iChuich Today has long low ap rance II are 30 bPebbles and Bamm ilSpiderman zWuiwind With the addltlfnlfl sement Bamm uCtrcie Square aGreaiing Up area this house is ideal for the FAMILY RM 9meeasor Kitzel this sGhost Busters mwing family 90 gto titKW Plans for desi No mono KtTCHEN zJoue and the SFnends ofMan 70ddball Couple Pussycat 125 Lab Fwamwiue can may be obtained at cost of $45 loo Sbeavelt To Beaver 4Shmm Isis itMohawk Pramts for the first set and $8 for each additional set plus $2 for postage and handling imam 118h8hl=n2 iigentaï¬inn To view more than 300 quality INtlé 0V nun nu 3Rnller Derby tzGreening Up phl homes of every Lype send for evuiey of the mo the current edition of Select Danskn mom ï¬gélgsong ismspanner Home DeSigns series No 32 rana or on sGous LII 7143 Saucer 7Building Decent nRollerpscab azagabletafor szd17lp1u5 25 9Let Go ï¬xture mue ecu pos ge an an ing llKlaras Korner lzLivcly Woman sRed Fisher Address your orders to Home uW mm 4mm of the Week co The Barrie yc 01 SE °° Examiner 382West Broadway GlobalJouinal esqm BC V5Y1R2 3512Saturday SW15 MHZCPL This Week ancouver 7Mind Over Myth llParty Game 45 TYPES mm llOntario Championship 53 7American Bandstand Spam DChampionship Smoker 23 iilively Woman lzGamer Armstrong lzm alntermedia woman 28u5m33 C°mcuve nCanadian Cavalcade or Divsive 2Crossioads 7Movie Todays 2World of Survival zzWresthng sinAdventures in Rainbow Country llMovin 0n 79Wide World of Sports 2World of Survival lr FMWE Take Hen ISTennis Slimï¬ekome Back Fdeersons nus 24News 9M Sev 3Movte Run Wild Run 740102 pooeigï¬rne kMovie Battle of The Planet of The Ape 512ng Prevww 50 iiNiagara For Sale 12Movie The Pum in 9le Harris my Eater pk llBetween Hash Lines 72Newgwcek 55 WM€l5 4ivan The Terrible 3Movie The Reckon 900 in nmeso zzMorieyTalks mo SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER 2Straight Line 2Movie The Midnight 7News sBob Mcbean Man 9Movie Cash McCall 47News oMary Tyler Moore i2zs 930rld Best News 7NlL Fmtball zane Crimson Cult N0 ll restling iiStarsky and Hutch 1230 igNow Doug Hall 930 7Movte Pickup on my 4Bob Newhan South Street nzggtmls the Kitchen zzGeorge Anthony km his 5300 nMovie The Buc 2Rodeo oWater World cancer His 9Emer8my tDiahann Carroll iMovte Macho 7Bl3d EPTem 9Norm Perry Callahan ZSPG1£ Roundup iiConfrontation 145 iizoo SvMovie Carry on Doc Dm GO 2H5eiiizNews tor Il oTreasunc Hunt 05 200 5124mm Sporlsma ltMovie True Grit 9Mowe The innocents 7iast or The wild us ilCelebrily Know your 3Late Edition Mind Over yth 8Sports 5me Edition 2io RACK ZMM Ammws fjlghl rm grove Dentist On The Ex Apply cork to my surface by valor Me Sports Probe tMovie The Sun 350 2Emergency downers sMovie Valene senBaseball 2kaï¬ld First aid By ROGER WHITMAN NOCHIP FILLING We have quite few set ter and have been unabe to dement cracks in our concrete find way to correct cracks basement floor averaging one sixteenth inch wide would like to fill these before painting Is it possible to do this without the usual chipping to widen the crack to threequarter inch That would take lot of time and work as these are long cracks Recently quite few vinyl cement cracks filters have come on the market where you need only run the stuff in to fill the cracks Excellent bonding no shrinking Comes black for asphalt gray for concrete in tubes withtlisponsing spouts EYESURE FAUCETS We have lovely oldfash ioned marlilo bathroom sink But the Llllnlllt faucets now art so chiple and llnkctl they ilt zi tlll eyesore un they rttlironictl Al homo Home chronuplntmg kill Etlt ilitll solrl in auto supply sloits for itsloring rusty itn tctl huiniitiu liil lllt llllfll ll lllll to tlttirlt litloit hut in lttgulnr llltlillll£llllli shops illl to this easily hi llitl 150 youll lltt to ltllltn lll inucvts Dont orgtt toshui off the water liistl 515 Irickfrosi porenon to homes SEAL WITH PAINT am professional ain TUB KITS typos in their choice of color it 49 tn Fioldstano suggested retail our price per carton and peeling in interior walls and ceilings mean one that works every time not just once in while Often Ive had suc cess with spackling compound Do you think textured paint sand finish would crack and prevent future peeling and cracking NEW Selfvulcanixing coating and torture trood providing nonskid weather proof liquid carpeting for patios sundoclis stops porches boat docks boat docks cabin tops diving boards roofs swimming pool docks otc use on wood concroto and metal surfaces as well as canvas and Prolwa would hide hum fabrics Approved by CMHC No 6547 linetosmall cracks very well But no guarantee to prevent fu turc cracks and peeling lhc Essaulydigpgggd ml ALSO AVAILABLE Building supplies hardware plumbing electrical carpeting cushion floor tools decorating supplies vanities ceramic tiles mirror tiles lighting fixtures by Classic shutters etc FREE HOME DELIVERY PLANS HIAKIIOLT lilllililIVUl Wzisli Al An itilllltllll iltlllllltl llt has hcon ltztving lttl rusts and unsigned notes on young ioinnns car is litmg sought In la politt ilttr rotciting ttlll tifflitlLfn£1iif Your Goad Neighbor Decorating Buildihngentre ingiy nlmul lllt lImts and ti ioitllttlI nott until plain to on ltl upni llltl lll tilimtlllu sh Minn shows up