76 $1299 What fantastic price to pay for fine quality Hush Puppies Soars offers men large selection of discontinued lines in broken sizes and colors Leathers suedes whatever pleases you Slipans or ties Avis $400 Boys shoes with genuine leather upper and platform soles and heels Boot and oxford styles in black and tan Sizes Reg $1399 to$1699 $999 $1299 SAVE $1000 Mens dress shoes with genuine leather uppers wrapped platform soles Boot and oxford styles to choose from available in black and brown sizes to 12 Reg $2999 to $3499 SAVE $600 Wanton r11 unl shoes with leather and suede uppers man nmrio 5010 variety of styles and colors to choose from Fall fashion styles Available in blue buffalo tan and tan Not all sizm li all styles Reg $2499 $1999 SAVE $200 to $500 Childrens shoes with genuine leather uppers and man made soles Many distinctive styles to choose from Available in brown tan and navy Not all sizes in all styles Reg$i299 to $1599 $1999 $2499 Wm EndoTeaso Clearance Remnant Clearance 25 OFF SAVE $500 $1099 SAVE $800 DESCRlPTlUN SlZE COLOR REG SALE Comm denim 42 wide 100 co Swgvgl sewing hassock covered in Deluxe Quick Pakn garment bag The carryon bag up ostery w1pe clean Vinyl Seat ht ht ton in navy blue only Machine ace for 009 0Y weg 999 Nylon Shag 10 Gold 11111 15010 8900 wash and dry Greg fabric for 253 28de Hoffd it panded Vinyl Three Zippered pockets two hangers NYth LOOP 12 13 Beige lrlllhiil 13854 7900 the Popular denim look fashions Colonial Win or soid gregen an and 0U15de hang hOOk Brown Reg $2799 Nylon Loop 12x7 Gold noun 13531 2901 11999399 yd gold Reg $4999 Nylon Shag 12x9 Chocolate 1101 15588 8900 Acrilan Twist 83X108 Gold Jill 12591 6900 Nylon Loop 12 Rust Print 111111111 9588 5900 yd Nylon Shag 76x10 Beige lull 14940 7900 Nylon Loop 12 53 Green Prim lilltlilfi 7470 4900 Fabric Dept Sewlng MOChlne D°P luggage Dept Nylon Twist 12x12 Red min1 19184 9900 Nylon Shag 11 10 Beige 11111 71000 12900 Nylon Shag 12 11 Host 1111 70524 11900 Nylon Loop 12 12 Blue 0111111127 9584 491111 Nylon Shag 110X109 Rust 11111 10784 10900 00 Nylon Loop 12x 101 Brown 11 5800 Nylon Shag 12x 10 Green lull 17310 9900 JW 186949 9900 51 er voyues you can of Side splash polyethylene pool seamless con NClIlanSthsytD ma ed 13 12 hm 707 59 41300 fgrdet no0 Discontinued styles in extenor pa has been struction helps prevent leakage Metal ladder has yon ag me assorted colors and sizes Are all reduced by 20A Choose noSllP safety SteP Plece 0de Slide bed NYIO 389 12 12 Blue JllH washable Reg $289 to $700 from latex or oil base in 24 Measures 60 54 12 deep Reg $1599 Acrilan WiSi 103X109 Gold 11118 coIors lus whife Nylon Plush 12 Yellow HUliliiEi 9588 4900 Nylon Shag 12 Gold Jute 14388 8900 Nylon Shag 12x9 Green Jute 15588 8900 II Nylon Loop 12 Green Rubber 3900 Nylon Shag 1110x11 Gold Jule 24925 13900 Ladies Hosiery Dept Paint Dept Dacron Loop 12x 12 Red Jlno 19176 11900 Nylon Shag 12x9 Gold 11111111111 14388 7900 Nylon Shag 12 Green Jule 17518 11900 Dacron Loop 12x 10 Beige Jule 15329 8900 Nylon Plush 12x Burgundy Jule 27588 18900 00 Nylon Shag 12 Gold illlilf 15588 7900 Nylon Plush 12x 17 Rose 1011 51900 29000 Baked enamel finish 19 kettle bar Deluxe Swinger 11 Redwood 6legextra strength gym set Includes seater sky Nylon Shag 12x 15 GreenGold 1011 77975 15900 beque aluminum legs Ad sides shelf All steel body Finest scooter swings and seater lawn swing and 12 17 Mm 792 76 189 00 iustable heat vent fire grate for kettle barbeque 320 sq in safety constructed slide Stock No 24513 Dacron 00p lee brazier cooking Top closes for cooking surface Fully adiustable Reg $9499 Nylon Loop 12 15 GwenGUM llllllllll cooking roasts No 33855 grill and vents No 33857 R99 Sha 12x 12 Gold 1111 $9999 nylon Shag 12 Green Jinn 138 61 59 Reg $3999 4Ieg gym set includes swings seat sky scooter yon and seater lawn swing Stock No 24502 Reg Nylon Plush 12x18 Green Juli 48950 28900 29 99 $6999 Dacron Loop 12x17 Green Jun 29276 189110 Nylon Shag 12x12 Gold no 22384 129110 S°° 49 Nylon L00p Rust Prim lllllililll Housewares Dept Housewares Dept Toy Dept Prices in effect 930 am Sat Sept 4th While quantities last Personal Shopping Only Please Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield St Store Hours Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 530 pm Wed1hurs Fri930 am to 930 pm