7w vvr Meeting public best part of job Midhurst LOL1XO MORLEY ANI Minnie Schandlen display the sign that marks the post office they have operated together since 1939 The couple retires Tuesday but plans to stay in Midhurst Examiner lhotoi Minister to be inducted Rev Douglas Wilson will be inducted as minister of First Presbyterian Church Coll ingwood at special service Sept It at it pm in the Presbyterian hiirch at the cor ner of Third and Marie Streets tollingwood The ministers from the presbytery of Barrie and the congregation of First Presbyterian hurch Mayor Harry Bell and Mrs Bell the president of the follingwood Ministerial Association and fellow tollingwood church ministers will attend the ser lt Mr Wilson was born in Spr inghill He graduated from Sspriiighill higli school and Acadia lniversity Woltvillc During his term at Acadia he was active in collegiate sports gaining letter in arsi ty Baseball lte was Business manager of the university newspaper was elected treasurer ol the students union elected president ol the Poisonous chemical found class of 1948 for three terms and was life president of that class at graduation Mr Wilson attended the Presbyterian College Moir treat where he graduated with the Testaiiiur of the College in 1951 At Montreal he was presiv dent of the students associa tiori in his senior year He was awarded the MacKenzie Scholarship in Missions Following graduation he was ordained to the ministry by the Presbytery of Iectu at Knox Church Blue Mountain on Jtiiie 28th 1931 where he served four churches In September 1954 he was called to Sydney Mines ape Breton where he served for eight years During that ministry seven young men entered the ministry of the church and one young woman became mis sionary now serving in Taiwan In September 1962 Mr Wilson began his work in St An drews Trenton He has served as president of the ministerial association spent four years as chairman of the Ontario Heart Foundation Trenton Branch was Padre of the Royal lana dian Sea Cadets and coach of minor hockey team In September 1967 the Presbytery of Kingston de dicated large addition to the Trenton Church In 1970 the congregation purchased new riianse Mr Wilson served nine years on the general assemblys board of evangelism and social action for four years he has been member of the Synod Executive for Toronto and Kingston and now serves on the BI committee on studies and statements He is interested in the pastoral ministry in preaching visitation and evangelism He is married to the former Isabel MacDougall of New Glasgow and they have three children Mrs Wilson is in second year at the University of Toronto in some mothers milk WASIIINtilt MAIN loi soiioiis industrial chemicals have been loiiiid in mothers milk in to states in woi iisoiiit amounts federal of ticial stS llt llavid liall director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sci eiices made the statement Fiiday at meeting at the ilepaitiiient ot health educa tiori and weltare llr to discuss what he called this potentially sci ions pttlllttll The problem is miitaiiiina tion of mothers milk by tuilychlorinatnl liiplieiiyls oi ltlls colorless Iriil tasteless compounds with many in dtistiial tiscs It is Ieared that the com pounds might aiisei aiicer iiid litttliiltttuts The first tiiitlirigs iii na tioiial survey in he hit iiiiiinieiital Protection Agent Fl showed iiicasuiahlc amounts ot ltlts Iii ot on samples ot iiiothcis milk tested in laiylarid iigiiiia li VINEHi oitli tatolitia iw liisi ilItllll Flor iila tiiotgta Itiirisy liriti aiiil Soiitht iroiriia ldoc think III tcllniirsirig niotliiis to Ilialkt any changes iii tlicii breast leiding now liall said lliit we It only to true to ict iiiotc ll and dependent data so or 12 liaie ii better idea hat to advise ltBs are chemically related to group of tire retardants known as llllls poly liroiii na ed hiplieny ls Tons of Michigan ERMA BOMBECK Youre never too old Hy IIH IltIIIIlItk For years youve watched ttlollttlsttloit The children who sat on the Mill eating thcii lunches wait mg for the bus the husband you put through school who diaiik iotfec stand on up and who slept with his liaiidoiithealariii nd you envied them illltl said Maybe iiit year ll go back to hoot iid the years went by and this morning oii looked into the mirror and said on blew it oti lI loo Hill to pick it up and start new ca Yi This column is tor oii largaiet litilicll won her tits IElliltl liiic tot tiorie 1lllllltltltlil till She was teiisoidit tlictiiiie Sci laigaiet iliasc mrtli PEOPLE AND PLACES II ss Ill lloiiiciiiakiiig training stlrool will tic held ept and to it the Ionsiiiiici iias Bloc Harrie liioiii Frititlid Focus on iviiig the classes will deal with talsittiiig iespori siliilites eiiicigeiit lltl iiil ptiledtiics and lIIIIH tiiiie actii II Irs Iat Lloyd ot Hart ie will give the nature presentation Sept ti at II it the thiistiaii Women liib meeting at the continental Inn Her topic will IK tlk use of ttiatraltlt SIT MINESlMi Mrs Doug Judd spent tew days Ill Ion don isitiiig her brother Maurice lorres UPIN HUI SI There will be all open house Sept Si in honor o1 era and Lloyd Martin who are celebrating their Iiith wedding anniversary The open house will be from 24 in and 74 in at the home of ila and Fit Marquis 2337 onge to Stroud Hl lult slIH Services for uiidles Heights hiircli ill begin iiiidi Sept it in at iindles lleigtih liool iiiidi school Ill start it it or IITIItItItI1lllN the soloist tor the set It FIl IItl li and Mrs Hob lwing ot titithr tt entertained at taiiitly part recently tot the birthday of Iltdlilll lliisoiis sister ot Irs Iw rig IH ll Hi and Its iltei kiickelenia and taiiiiii l1ae moved troin John Street iold itei to ieoi ge Street SH ERRY SAVES Ladies Wear 125 Dunlap St YOU MONEY SHERRYa livestock feed laminated by lBBs last week Michigan health officials reported tinliiig Hills in the milk fat of 32 Michigan mothers Alb CO was elected to the Senate tor the iiist time in Im at the age of III ltutli iioidon picked up her tirst tiscai in 1008 lot limo tIlIt liib She was ears iiltl Billie Jean king took the hat tle ot woiinns worth to tennis court in Houston astrodoiiie to oiitplay lloliliy ltiggs She wi 11 ycaisol ige titiiiiiliita losis ltLIitli painting career at the agent riiic loiiow liitdbeigti lot iowcdiii tliesliadow other bits band lllltl she bcgari tincstio tic YIttJt wig It itsiiit tiit tttllttir Krlllltli slit published her thoughts iii tittts tioiii the Sea Ill 1th he Illll eat Shirley lctiipli lilaik iiaiiinl ttllltlilil to iiliaria lltagtot villilil Itll ted ii1itze iiiirristci ot Whit was ilci Istac She had 1tll passed lici do In tltita ltis stint at tiara loi dar ais 1wirttii till is sprakci tr Illllil arocia1 Itlii ti ii tts tIl Iwi iii tll Ylltsi yourself pturpn sititl is teptoriat ii 1Riist1i knew he sa tit kiitieit wrcilow ltl iit ll wit watt IIL1IILIIII isi ixo lrc aid lcisc tit la is tktlll li31it By RICHARD DUNSTAN Today will mark the end of an era for the village of Midhurst Morley and Minnie Schandlen are ending 37 years 38 for Mr Schandlen as proprietors of the village post office The couple will be moving to new home two doors away though Mrs Schandlen will stay on as postmistress until the new owners Mr and Mrs Walter Badlowsky formerly of St Thomas learn the ropes More than 200 village residents honored the couple with party Saturday night at Forest Hills School Morley Schandlen bought the former post office building on the same site as the current post office and general store 38 years ago and Mrs Schandlen came into the operation in September 1939 when the cone pic was married Mr Schandlen who was born on Manitoulin Island and came to Midhiirst as an infant this wife is lifelong resident of the area had worked in forestry and farming before buying the post office Midliurst was different then When we first started there was only the old homesteads he recalls He used to deliver mail on contract basis and used two horses and car for various parts of the job In 1946 the couple tore down the old building and kept the post office going in large tent for nearly six months until com iletion of the present built iiig In their early lays the operations income came from commission on stamp sales but later business increased and Mr Schandlen went on salary say retiring postoffice proprietors He continued to deliver mail on contract until about four years ago when he gave it up Villagers now pick up their own mail Mr Schandlen now 70 had to retire as postmaster at age 66 it was supposed to be i5 but records got mixed up and Mrs Schandlen has held the title since then Business has increased plen ty since the couples early days It keeps you going steady now Mr Scliaiidlaii says Our old legs begin to get tired by the end of the day Were not as young as we used to be Mrs Schandlen says Both say meeting the public especially youngsters was the best part of the job When near by Vespra Section School No It was closed and Forest iiills opened it took while for the younger set to get hiick in the habit of coming to the store When they moved the school down there felt like Id lost one of the family Mrs Schandlen recalls Hardest part of the job the couple says was doing the cash accounts at the end of the month It often meant Sunday of work How do the Schandlens plan to spend retirement guess Ill have to go back and pitch horseshoes again says Mr Schandlen who also plans to go to some of the ball games he had no time for dur ing his career dont know yet says Mrs Schandlen Ive been in such routine here its going to be hard to settle into something else MR ANT MRS LEDLOW Favero Photo Collier Street Church scene for marriage tollier Street Inited hurch was the scene Aug 21 when Lynn Marie Livingston and John Scott Ledlow were mar ried Pastor John Howard of ticiated Soloist was Mrs Jane Black ot Barrie accomtxinied by on Leonard on the organ The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs George Wright Livingston of Barrie and the groom the son of MI Patricia ledlow and the late Ilr loliii llotiglas Ledlow of Urillia iiiien in marriage by her parents the bride wore satin acetate gown fashioned with high neckline empire waist and long full cuffed sleeves The gown was gathered across the back waistline to lorrn full train The front panel was into Illttl with wide floral lace as was the heiiilinc and cuffs Her tloor length tiille not was held by it wide baiid III white daisies with riiatchng daisies iiiiniii mg the yet he cari red boti iiiict ot yellow and peach sweetheart toses and white baby btiath trimmed with wliitc ibboii msa It II IR $1 It ti Decorator Colors VLiiS NEW MODULAR FURNITURE flax gunmum xmwuml $etmsaï¬d ltltdl tirr dDdtlllitllilS rec Iiarriizs liliihulstzrg Bradford Street Maid of honor was on Liv irigston sister of the bride of Barrie Bridesmaids were Judy Brock of Shanty Bay Marion Statiffert of Barrie and Janice liedlow sister of the groom ot thillia as jtltlltlt bridesmaid Best man was Scott Allan ot Urtllia lshers were Roger Letllow brother of the groom oi Iiillia lcrrry Skalosky ot Itllllil and Bruce tottori ot tlrillia lhe brides iiiothcr and the grooms mother iei cried guests at the reception held at thetonlincntal Inn The Male and groom wore matching leisure suits mail by the bride lot their horn moon to Niagara Falls and The northernt riitedStates The new weds tirillia Illl of tour guests attendwt ttoin Moiitiea iiiiiin Allistoii tlicstiy tirioiitc Itittlstk Scarborough Lindsay loionto tliazigciille Seyttti ridge and litlt iitiirtt will lli in rtltil gittiigie cia 728 5048 Itottlt GENERATIONS ga Avenue From left their thered Saturday to celebrate granddau ter Mary Mor tlie 40th anniversary of John rison Calgary Mr and Johanna Itaedts of Little Haedts greatgrand £05 lIZLZ rant The Barrie Examiner Tuesday August 3t I976 ANN LAN DEBS Sexlife is the dessert Dear Ann Laiiders am writing in regard to your answer to the woriiaii who said she and her husband had happily ter minated their sex life Your reply feel sorry for both of Vt Why In an age wheti we are bombarded with pornographic magazines xerated films and TV garbage shops selling sex aids and psychologists providing orgasm counselling isnt it refreshing to know there are people who are removed from all this An example of how lopsided our world has become hit me with great impact last night when TV host wellknown inquired of an astronaut What did you do about sex in space Has America become so hooked on instant gratification that we can no longer conceive of selfcontrol The woman who wrote to you Miss Landers explained that she and her husband had decided they could lead full life without sex Why should they be considered freaks If you are still reading this letter Id appreciate an answer Alternate Viewpoint Dear Who said they were freaks My comment was feel sorry for both of you And do in the same way feel sorry for people who are unable to see the beauty in rose or sunset waterfall lovely poem or soulstirring music Essen tial to life No But they add enormous pleasure and joy Work is the meat and potatoes Appreciation for beauty is the dessert And mutually reqarding sexual relationship between man and his wife is the most beautiful sharing experience of all hear Ann Landers am 1yearild girl who has looked up to you as mother figure for longtime hope you can help me Its my steixlad lhate him He criticizes everything do have tried to improve myself but he never notices am fat and know it without him reminding me all the time should do something about my weight but its hard not to eat things when they are right in front of me and Im so hungry stay in my room and cry lot havent told my mom how feel because she wouldnt understand But get nervous and up set when think of staying in house with stepdad who hates me It Wlll be five more years before go away to college Tan you suggest something Bluc Brass iirl Dear tiirl Talk to your mother This is too much of bure den to carry alone Your overeating is probably related to the problem with your stepdad hope your mother will take you to doctor for checkup and diet hope too that she will speak to your school counsellor about some talking sessions You need someone who will listen to you If your mom is unsympathetic pltast go to the school counsellor on your own and be as honest and open as you were with me iood ltick dear Dear nn Landers have an 11yearold daughter who IS very smart tor her age Sime comes up with some of the darr nedest things dont know if as TV that makes kids so so phisticatcd these days or what lion have friend or twoover womeni Suzie loves to srt in on our conversations sense that my friends dont like it When lask the child to go out and play she looks sohurt feel gurlty hate to displvase my friends but think its educational for Sun to hear ltltlll talk What do you think Iodern Mom eat out Its educational all right Too educational Stine is out of place monitoring adult conversations and your friends are ll1lll red iii their resentment wisi iaiii it roi 11 giving the rated States the Illll litllltH Fuieration up for the first ltoseitiaix ilisais ind llillic time since 1969 Melville Reid lear hing stored Ti ti tteii beat tasals 16 63 75 and tits double Hltri ritt iis King stoppedtltxilagongio64 tialia Ioiiiie iiooiagorig and Kerrt Iviy iiic litlil on tltltId in the singles matches to set the stage for the doubles SILVER CllDE yeiii1¢ muster leaner abes mat rimming light irri gtH tor lIIï¬P Hag tirl wig light Singer Vacuum Cleaners Theyre as good as Singer Sewing Machines Your Choic OF TWO GREAT SINGER VACUUM CLEANERS S98 NirtR has rMItlII RANCE floor vane prodmts iin luv rw dermimtution Cimsunmwmocmbrmww Centre Wing AW Della mm you it yr in ury trademark or ingei Lumpavw at aroma ttd daughter Elizabeth Mor rison Mrs Raedts and Pauline Hendriks of Big Bay Point Road the couples daughter and Mrs risons mother Photo or Examiner 150 people attend anniversary party John and Johanna Raedts of Little Avenue got quite sur prise for their 40th anniversary Their eldest granddaughter Mary Morrison of Calgary flew in for the occasion with the cou ples only great randchild twoyearold Eliza eth They had not seen Elizabeth since she was month old Mrs Morrison and her daughter were among 150 peo ple who gathered at Stroud Innisfil Community Centre ROBUST RIBS COUNTRY STYLE lbs country style ribschops 1a cup vinegar 14 cup molasses tblsps mustard tblsps brown sugar tblsps lemon juice tsp salt tsp pepper Precook pork ribs by simmer ing in salt water 4560 minutes Meanwhile combine remaining ingredients in saucepan br ing to boil simmer minutes Place ribs on greased bar becue grill barbecue over medium heat for 15 minutes on each side turning often and basting frequently with sauce Makes servings Saturday to celebrate the coit ples anniversary which no tually fell on the previous Wednesday The celebration began with Mass at St John Vianney atholic church with Rev John ONeill officiating and sonvinlaw Paul Hunnef pro vidingmusic The party moved to the ceri tre for supper and dance Lou Goedemondt family friend was master of ceremonies and the Huronia Trio supplied musical entertainment Guests came not only from Alberta but from New foundland and such Ilntario locations as Toronto Whitby Clinton Alliston and Midland as well as the Barrie area Friends and relatives in Holland sent flowers and telegrams Among the days well wishers were Barrie Mayor Dorian Parker and Innisfil Reeve Bill Gibbins The couple live in Innisfil and Mr Raedts works for the Barrie recreation department The couple has seven Children two sons and five daughters 21 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild with another on the way The grandchildren presented silver tray to the couple Ministry of Housing Ontario Housmg Corporation MODIFIED TENDERS are invited for the CONSTRUCTION OF FAMILY HOUSING UNITS in the TOWN OF MIDLAND ONTARIO Those unit or to sited on land now owned by tho poration PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS ARE SUPPLIED Preliminary drawings bid forms specifications and irdounoiimi may be obtained Irom the Toronto offices of the Corpoioiioo I01 Bloor Stroot Won Nth Floor Submusions tor the proimi should be physically rocoivod at the Corporate Secretary ottiro on the Nth Flnor oI Ontario Housmg Corporation ltl BIOOI Strut West Toronto not late than Soptmnbei 2Wprn ED 27th ION at NOTE Submissions should be received only lot atom Si Ilth Floor BIDS WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED ON THE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE THE LOWEST PRICED OR ANY BID NOT NECESSARIUt At FIIID Enquirios Ior additional inlormotiori and dotumniits may be diroctod to the Tendon Contract Manager at 965 9650 Copios oI preliminary drawmgs and Moditiod lonilqi dot mounts will pIuCOd in tho Barrio Orillio IIIIUIIIU Sudlruiy JHII Buildrs Enhongos for 9h bonolit of sub Irudus and muimiot suppliers An Agoncy at tho Provmto OI Oritm ii OR POWERmaster MAf RmJSflY dt uul is Singers triple mm wth ii leans all rvpruii rat itslr lit1y petnu patiu high vs an pile or shag three ilitiirti size disposable bait position handle long eao