City folk pay $100 week for vacation on farm Form life is becoming such novelty for city folk that they are wt ling to fork out Slot for weeks voeotton on form And its all for toste of homemade apple pie the ehon ee to iiillk cow plteh lioy and to listen to erlekets ot nlght in stem of truffle Form vneotion homes ore project of the lntorio ederotioii of Agriculture This is the ninth year Untorlo hos hiid tnrni voeotioii homes or eoidtng to Stun lirown ot the federation lhe lederntion entolognes the list of those for iiiers who wont to he hosts Negotiations regordliig prtee is lwtweeii the visitor and the host Iliglit now there ore ttl Sn Martigret lurner oi lhatlinm who spent it innotli with the iueotis its lot liet ter than staying at it niotel Mrs lurner attended ii eourse in Barrie for teaching the trolnahle retorded so she ood her two ehildreii stoyed with the Jpeolis It good educotion tor the children You have to live on it form before on run on tltlhlltlltlltllill li And tlints wind 34 it ohout llie lneolio hiiVe seven eliildien liiVe linrlts Mleliiiel Vlvlnii lloiin lleo no tIlll Shelln Not tilt of them live ot home but Mm iorohs is used to lilg loinily And shes it pretty good cook soles she sold its the man in the middle And it peison finds out the nniount of work on arm when he stiiys there Mr llrown agreed Form vneotions hove deliiiitely lill proved the understanding bet ween rurnl nod urtino eople They see the detoll involved in gett lug crop to grow lleenuse they get it eliiinee to see it first liond they gain ii deeper up preeiotion oi notore Mr llrown snys although the deninnd lroin liirio voeiitioners is inertusing the number oi hosts lh decreasing liiist yenr there Were ltlllll thlttlltttl homes in iiitiirio Illlllll popuiiitioii ehnnged There is liltlttl tur hns grow up When the workload for running it torm vacation home hemmes too heavy niuny hosts out Mrs loeohs for exam pe sure she wouldnt do it unless twostun While it is relatively new to Ontario farm vueotlon homes hiiveoperntml iii the Miiritlmes provmees for some time the liinnnrlol Post reported in Moy thiit in Prince dword lslimd toroi families have tlllflll in visitors for dotrides Some 90 imntlies have formed their own tlSStKliltltitl Also the antlioslnsin for farmhouse limit hos spread to Nova Motto iind New ltrunswlrk ltvery provlnee has program netordlnu to Mr llrown While nnodiiiiis ore only ï¬nding out about it niiW people nre returning to Sweden hilodelphlii nod Montreol iriigutiig ohont uoioiiis tlfltipttnllty mg The Market Place Wednesday August 15 I976 15 Over million spent for social services MlttllllltSl Sitith Sim roe ounty social services hove spent it total of $lltitt62234 out of years hud et of $24931l72tti tor the lrst tiIX months of the yenr iiicording to it report presented by lleeve ltorry ross of leeumseth chairman lhe heoviest month for costs with ionuory with penk oi SZlItJlZitilf Since then their mm flrtllllllll drop to Junes $1filltlil figure The net shore ol the six months cost to the ioiiiity oiiiounted to $2iititttttii oi which the city of tiriliins shori wns $72353 in leoving net of which Rove mliuiiiistriitors mun iliseret tooiiry powers was mentioned as helping the tllttltl More culls by the field stuff also won sniit lobe toe tor We Wish to report with our first six months expenditures we liiive tltltltllly spent 46 7H Tut ol the approved liiiituer Httltlllltttlllllllltlttrtlltll Iiisides Herw trosir them in oi the eoinniittie inrlude lieptity lteevn illiiln oostittile lniilslll ltieve Itolinltl Simoiier oi ollingwmul iteevn Humid Miirltiiiiiilil ol llos HVt lioiiluii MrArtliui of mm niiil the women liteve ti Hughes til Wtï¬ 22 no 21 IV ioiin vnetitionhoines tnllntorio of mph mm Wm nowr ttl filltlttttt liecnose oi the Ifflingrakummw mm WW tiwllllttllly iiilid the loeohs liltlll ot till nlmwmmvd Him HI expense of form iooinntioieiit Ammmmml UM wilful Hm MPH mm mm rr Invoh isoni ot them Hum Unless lieownsn tinueliuni ht ï¬lmw SW mmmvruhw mm INER Itonnld mid Muriel loeotis Hm residuum eonnot afford the rust oi the MM Jlémjlv ï¬lm 21 WWI mum EXAM ixeis ore ttlltl 1N illmulylllall Hill itlllly derstiuid littlll optriotous Mrs ittlllpoii nt looking for lttlt Iimm Nhr WW WM WNW 1m WANT ADS oini ltl iodon Aries llie Jumhï¬ mm mm Also the tiel lllH hoods who WWM mm mm mm mh hm km hm moklnu the inooev on hoot lltlll lit Wt mm 5011 3M PHONE 289414 pm mle munlnl ls it tow ttlllt intuit lit in iition he iiinin ldeii of the program is to improve relotlons ietween urhon ond rurnl lktlplt sold Mrs ioeotis in on interview And think its working The ioeohs linVe started being hosts this summer lior $lltt in week it eity slicker eiiii hove home cooked Ineols oiid loll rim of the house Mrs ioeolis soul lhis Includes we room it sepnrote kitelieii down stiiiis two lireplnees pool lollies oiid even rides Into town Visitors eon toke port In oiiy ol the farm work or sit niid Yo Skateup Winning Game With Bauer Black Panthers Youll appreciate the quality construction at these line Bauer relnx lliey con eiit With the skates Dependable skates ininily or by themselves They oaure Nylon boo wuh eon explore the ninrsli or the DONALD JACOBS llt vneotton home The tiieolis liltl ltliI ftl inople hush And being in Leather lmi heavy dY 95 holes of hny just one of the hon been Perm Rll lltfltlllltll populor voeiition oreo they counters padded inner lining pair hoiesrittolksiiketodo Viieotion home store the Hlltll llli MHIHIHI hove ehoiee ot the niony Wht stn nt in form beginning of the soninier Illttt lieoehes bum In endon guards Shaped tongues Mens Sizes i2 Daoust Road Runner Skates Durable skates can 34 95 Ple structed with Nylon boots Foam Rubber padded quar ters and Nickel coated tempered Steel blades BoysSlzes i52 Aug 26 to 3t Inclusive Shoulder Pads Cooper pads styled with adjustable body bicep straps Juniorv Teen Model l$93 Cooper SK 600 Helmets Moulded Pulyurlmout ll rat onedceiitia til to WM WWW 1493 Cooper Shoulder Pads Cooper face Guards Features Polyethylene Ill tor talent Shoulder caps Pee Wee out Miami prulur Model men and to words 9o97 00d Cooper No 29 Hockey Gloves Pwmmm mm Wii Mai miiii itiumln leather will 697 Fashion Csuls Step up grade in these Elbow Pads SchoolShoes Youll love the sporty looki Coo er rersha ed Vin aflrodive casual 50 Supple Leather Suede Padf legture JStex Coytton Felt Fosmoned for Wm shoes styled with contrast Pd padding and Cotton drill lining imitation moccasin stitch Poi stitchin98 padded collars ImomodhtoSlxo549patr vamp Features durable Various colours Sh 453 Junl0 sole digple Tiiff Ladies TeensSizes hm cooper No co our Sizesbr9 Cooper varilrlulwl giuos loomi poddmi mitt mil plewimii tmqeii 1393 Sale comlortable Cooper hockey pants Styled with moulded Polyethylene protectors over hip kid neys8spine ï¬x 1497 Hockey Sticks Fiberglass Gloss wrapped stick lectures durable Ash handle 47 or 49 Boys Skates Orbit skates lecture moulded boots with Hi impact toes heels ladies Pumps This school year took taller feel great in these high edge heei shoesd pair Sign 597 colour Sizes 69 TStrup Pumps Junior Leather shoes con structed with adjustable buckles comfortable low were the with yout Anti inttovoo Koho Hockey Sticks Multi laminatOd wood wrth Gian Fibre roinlorcod blade Lies 693 Mouth Guards Cooper moulded Polycar bonate mouth guard rho lood wuiomm altou all at ul comma we motor retailer YOU gaining 00 wedge unit sales Brown Jr Koho SM Zmrzzrnvarxur colour Sizes 82i Gian Fibre wrapped hockey ï¬gufohom ohm No CHARGE 5676 BAYFIELD ST U056 yum momma in lotion UNDERGROUND PARKING it DOWNTOWN BARRIE 93 Open Monday to Friday 930 pm Saturday 930 am to 600 pm it Lsm Woo Your Satisfactionis Guaranteed on Ever Purchase 56 76 Bayfield St Barrie Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed on or Purchase