l2The Market Place Wednesday August 25 1976 Thornton flower prize is won by Sylvia Ward FLORENCE HOLT THORNTON Mary Sher idan of Painswick had the se cond highest number of ints in the senior section of an nual flower show of the Thom ton and District Horticultural Society on Aug 10 Top pointgainer and winner of the Eastern Greenhouses trophy was Sylvie Ward of Toronto Mrs Neville Jamieson was judged to have the best specimen bloom with Mrs George Watson placing second Mrs Ward received the Luckys trophy for best ar rangement and Ralph Cook se cond OUTSTANDING new Lions trophy went to Mrs George Watson for the most outstanding exhibit secondplace going to Mrs Jamieson Ralph Cook received the Royal Bank Rose Bowl trophy while Mrs John Sander won the Ralph Cook trophy for best chrysanthemum Another new trophy donated by Leonard Vanderpost for the best senior citizens arrange ment was won by Mrs Doris Brown The best novice exhibit was Deidre Sheerans In the junior section Slicclagh Sheeran reported that 161 exhibits were shown by 28 children The trophy for most points in to years group went to Teresa Vanderpost She received the Scope trophy Kent Dcrvcll had the second highcst number of points In the to II years group the Darvell trophy will be shared by Susan Watson and Kent ha Well In the group aged 12 to 15 the Spencer trophy went to Sheryl Spencer Ruth Ann Peacock had the most outstanding ex hibit winning the Len Vander post trophy Denise Keown won the Ieacock trophy with the best specimen Several plants and insec ticides were won as door prizes by lucky ticketholders VISITORS Itecent visitors with George and Florence Holt were Georges sister Ellie and hus band tharlic liegcer of Mines ing and their son Wilfred of Etohicoke on Aug 13 Don Fraser of Toronto and Garry Wilson of Barrie also called earlier in the week Charlie Belteridge is pa tient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston Mr and Mrs Gordon tochraiic returned home Aug 14 after spending seven weeks touring the western provinces by car The weather was com parativcly kind to the Tochrancs on their trip Much of their time was spent renew ing acquaintances with re latives and liicnds Two houses were sold recent on the Barrie Street or Highway 27 part of Thornton Mr and Mrs lrootMclaren sold to Mr and Mrs Thuhhs of Utopia and Ilaltoii Banting sold to Mr IlSll of Toronto The McLarcns plan to move iii early September and Mr Banting Wlll hold sale of household items Sept Watch the classiticd ads tor more details MINISIIIR Signs Ill the Times as the theme ot ltcr Ktllll Johnstons sermon Aug 13 at lriiiil liiitcd llnircli Rev llrtiir Mctalliim Ill resume lll diilics Aug 19 at the North IIssa Iaiish gitlcr being on vacation tor month lrinit liiitcd tliurcli Women resume meetings Sept MPH the iill meet at the home ot Mrs tarr at 43 Visitors arc welcome and the rill call ill lii pct pccic Scott Sharp spent ihc weekend ol Ant at the col tagc ot Mr and Mrs lcs Iliii tile on Three Mile Lake Mtiskoka titliei tricnds Mr and Mrs liicl ltossci ot liar llt ncic also there Mrs llt liiliiiiair lla id and humor ot Munstei hamlet ltttllll spent neck on aca tron llll lis luhmiins parents and Mrs llIll tirr Mrs Kcii Black rccciitl won ll lliltl to llltl Fest courtesy ot tlxllli Radio Sn local Ullltll who liic planned to take the tailoring shoii ioiirsc attended prelniiinar iiicctiiigat Sti net on Mn to learn about llirisgttl supplies and equip iiiitit Date set for inquest PARRY StllNll An in quest into the apparent suicide of leiictanguishcnc man Ill be held Flldtl Sept 24 cur onci Dr John Marita said today Kenneth Comics 27 was found shot in the basement of his home July ll day after police questioned him about missing girl Cindy Knowltoii ill Midland Miss Kiiowltor was found near Ottawa on Jul un harmed but apparently Sufi ing amnesia Police said Mr Cordes had driven her to Wasaga Beach and friends had given her ride min there Dr MacKa said the inquest will begin at am in the municipal building at Pene taiiguishene an Wuwmflh Loblawlelb bag lg Mfg charcoal foam CUPS briquets 97 vegetable Oil Crisco 38 ll 01 llll Wizard $339166 Sara Leetrozen 130 pkg layercakes rw iill Loblaws white 705 pkg paper plates exceptional value assorted sicle ppkg Gig 119 Astra or Gold Seal Plnk 0111 salmon each 32 ll llll Cloverleaf Red Pacific sockeye o7z7ti5n1 unsweetened more low low prices on orange 39 everyone of our fresh meats Juice ll rif orange gam 1l1lf A1tyiill Loblaws frozen concentrated beet ltlll SllCP boneless iur tresh quarter loin pork 148 Schneiders sliced bologna106j prime rib steaks trying or roasting fresh chickens trieshjpork lom roasts fresh 3923125 38 we loin heel ChUCl list ribs boneless boneless asSIrloin cross rib Delmonico prime rib1 44 strip ltsteaks roasts steaks roasts torn sidebacon frankturters 88 bologna 169 Back bacon 158 168 redhhots 88 bluetish fillets 7097 LlOIlCtS txl top sirloin steaks Swtts Pranki1 pt vgtgt corned beef brisket 79