112 mimic Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper Conipony Limited to Mytiotd Stmt Barrio Ontario Robb loblishoi Gonoiol Monogoi Walls Editor Emeritus Honshuw Managing Editor titty Barrio hummer Wodoudoy August 25 1976 immi wvvfltv u4 an no mmu4mmmust nm How will Trudeau react to the onoday strike on on labor union niotnheis are to strike for one do to protest tomato pow contmts gimmith of Canada will met in some tastiion And in the middle will be liaise taiwidiaiw who are neither union nieiiibots or gmt fans of the pie Stl 2i1 ment And once again the people who Canada is being run for will suffer The only possible winner iii the general strike will be the govern ment of Canada If Pierre lrudoaus past record is anything to go by then this govern ments reaction to the strike will be 8W9Sllllt Canadian labor has very caixfully been put in position of confronta lion position the big union newest bosses Canadas trocriicy has grabbed And from that position it is possi blc for Trudeau to crush labor with the amorphous middle mass of Ca nadians cheering from the sidelines Organized labor has gone too far in its quest to turn Canada into the Great Britain of North America Trudeau has the facts on his side the facts showing that labors great is costing Canada industrial lyhllltllVlly costing Canada its lrudetm fered too sibility The Canadian has much to be proud of But over the past decade labor has become fat and greedy Labor has put itself in position which allows lierre lrudeiiu the 0p position among the trading nations has emotion on his side too many Canadians have stif often from whimsical strikes and work stoppages decreed bv unions with power lll no respon labor movement tortunity to do just about whatever wishes aris with the support of most Canadians Reason and logic will play no part III this governments reaction to the Oct 14 strike get it back If ever The danger is that unions are not the only ones which will suffer from Trudeaus ra We all will And it may be some time before we realize just what we have lost and even longer before we DOWN MEMORY LANE us to Barrie Armoury after cap 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner Aug 23 1936 Most serious forest fire in area breaks out on property owned by 0t to Davis of Con Vespra Town ship Through efforts of entire staff of Minesing Forest Station and local farmers fire was contained to 200 acres bush First work began on hiEhwav from Toronto to Barrie to be named No 27 It will run from Dundas Highway past Browns Line to Schomberg and Cookstown entering Barrie at Essa Road Reeve Charles Henry states that further conferences will be held by lnnisfil Council township solicitor and county officials to clear up financial situation Company Simcoe Foresters retur new camp Reg IN IIERPRETING THE NEWS Carter heads for Iowa to hit Ford in farm belt BRltlZ LEVETT WASHINGTth iCPt Jim my Carter Democratic can didate for president is heading for Iowa to hit President Gerald Ford below the belt the farm belt in the area in which the crippled Republican party is most vulnerable Ford is in deep political trouble with the farmers of Anictirti So yast is this problem that Ford bypassed Senator Hawatd Baker of Tennessee the p0pu lar tresh faced young star of the waieigaie Senate in lgdlittli to pick Senator Rubirt Me the wry tactturn witty and almost unknown man from the Ron sas corn belt to be his running mate Baker may buy helped Ford in the area of Carters great strength the cotton south lolittcnl obsery crs here see the choice not so much as declaration that Ford giying up the South as pronounce merit thit he must get the tar men behind tutti if he is to have chance on tl of winning ms Elir Barru Exatitiiirr I6 Hayfield Street Harrie lnta rio Telephone Th tsxt Registration Number tutu Susirid Class Mail Return postage guaranteed llain Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly SH 21 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $441 yearly Simone County SM 00 yearly Balance of Canada on year ty National Advertising Off ices Queen St West Torinto amino Cathcart St Mon treat Member of the Canadian Hess and Audit Bureau of Cir culations Ihe Canadian Pres is ex clusively entitled to the me for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Router and also the locnlncwspublished therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material coated by its employees and Win this newspaper otyright Registratio $3815 register 61 JIMMY CARTER the White House in his own right N0 URIZ lIl8RtillZS That Iord recognizes this IS ey ident from his ringing dcclar iition at the recent Republican convention that there will be no more embargoes In effect he told farmers he no longer will use the threat of food cut off tr liriiig for eign buyers into linton political issues The National ASSAKIailtttl of Wheat irtiwcrs still blames Ford and his lltllllllllhtldllttll for huge build up of stocks and resulting price decline because of the i975 grain embargo in this regard they hate urged immediate action to in crease the 1976 wheat loan level to St busth from SI 50 In recent years with grain prices high few farmers liayc taken advantage of the loan program But with prices fall ing more farmers are expwted to use it turing county trophy at summer of 22nd Canadian Infantry Brigade Penetanguishene on of general proficiency Maj Gordon Longman in command assisted by Capt Campbell Raikes Dunbar wins junior title of Barrie Tennis Club with Jack Garrett second St Marys wins juvenile church league baseball title with George Gunner Gill as coach and Bob Fraser pitching Peter Kearns only as very different south and Ross Saunders leading hitters With Smokey Smith and War py Phillips southpaws dividing of pitching Barrie finished in first wars against the French and place in county baseballleague Tuck gets contract cement floor in Barrie Arena baSis Scott to lay The 1975 embargo was im posed when the Soviet lnion was heavy buyer in world grain markets and when dry weather was taking its toll of the American corn crop In telegram to Ford whcnt growers said producers un fairly paid the price of govern ment market interyention last season and it is gross iii justice to continue to penalize producers for government lllv tervention in the market Earlier this year the wheat growers national convention authorircd ii legal aid fund to sue the government for the cco nomic ttllLNttllltlltts of the em hargo Farmers have sponsored advertisements attacking Ford for his action The grow crs urged an amend mciit to the Export Adnnms triition Act EAA that would limit the governments ability to iniposc cypoit lllrlt lions lariiien who might be in clined to go along with Fords promises are inclined to jnun dirtsl iew howcycr in light of statements by Agriculture sec retnry IIiirl Rut lint has defended the cm brimt gun the and the tiltl mini tll oppor tunity to negotiate flftlt stiles igriciiient guaranteeing minimum annual purchases llc has limityer admitted the 197 eiiilmrgo was because of lltltliitl pressuri and this has on iiztet lrm organ iit ions that they iri being sold oti ii the llipuliiint tJllllLllLl to will Lilml They are being caught iii the middle they stiy tll idininis itJiIIli iltetiipts to win me such groups is the longshore men wh Jlil his year they would not load grain bound for theSovict lnion myrrh Mackenzie King home topflight restoration KITCHENER Ont itPi The house where William Lyon Mackenzie King Canadas bachelor prime minister spent much of his boyhood is said to be one of the best Victorian toratiom anywhere in Canada Woodside located in Wood side National Historic Park in Kitchener was in near ruin in 1943 when it was acquired by group of private citizens Later the Mackenzie King Woodside Trust undertook its restoration completed in 1951 at costof $90000 It was turned over to the tederiil goy ernment in X964 as national historic Site Mackenzie King was about I2 when he went to live at Wood side which his father John King Kitchener lawyer leased tromlBï¬toIsQB In the homes reconstruction the architects departed from the original plaiLs and built complete basement so modern heating plant could be installed In the original home all the heating was done by stoves tIAi til Iti it rid ltlAl Iii iii ll it vfill ll illi lllE it ti7l3lllllilll Mi 757 itll gll Qlt1 ll yill tL ll WW Vietnam wants to make it work By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The new and unified Commu nist nation in Vietnam may for some time be unified in name and north try and come to gether But after more than 30 years continuous and neocoloniiil the Americans and each other Vietnam is at country deter mined to make dream work single Vietnam Canada has already rccog nixed what was known as the regime in Hanoi or the for mer Peoples Republic of North Vietnam So far we have done little to implement this since the iinii dian ambassador to the Peoples Republic of China in distant Peking holds both titlcs But soon we must open our own embassy in Hanoi which will be the national capital of both the old north and south Before then we should assess what kind of positive role we can take to help the Vietnamese government restore ravaged nation Communist Vietnams licr micr lhnm Van long has in diciited the opening is thcrc ii result of his major policy speech at the current meeting of about 70 nonaligned coun tries in Sri Liinka cyloiigi In world IS it is he said in Colombo capital of Sri Lanka we should develop cco nomic relations with dcvclopcd capitalist countries provided that these relations conform to our independence sovereignty and needs for dcvclopmcnt WILL lS ELI Everyone believes his speech was directed believe it or not ut the lnitcd States the rnv agcr of Vietnam and whose military forces and their huge backup reached 5300000 men by midl9tl9 in the war they finally lost against this Asian people Premier Pham Van Dong did not make his speech cithcr lightly or as it trial balloon Though seriously under developed and in many piirts of the country with slim econ omy still in ruins the Vietnam csc are not pleading to anyone lll fact CS promise to its sist Communist Victiinm eco nomiciilly does exist from the time in 1973 when former presi dent Nixon negotiated the re lease of prisoncrs in North Vietnam The public Offer of CS iiid tit that timc came from Secretary of State llciiry Kis singer What Communist ictntim needs are the CS stvlc tccliiii cal goods manufactured in vol nine in Canadian subsidiaries of Amcriciiii companies iiiiiiiy QUEENS PARK Joe Meinzinger crossed over too By II tllll lt Queens Park orrisgwiiidciit Thomson News Siry it TttlttiNltt itsfcltltn thcrc were it lcw wiittls hcti about Marvin Short who has turned in his rod lbciil cott torn Tory blue one if Slitiri llil liiiktil law it somewhat tctctt history ii might lttyc been git tl ILIilN tlr perhaps he did look bii anyway ilfltl dccttlid lltlt really its no reason in lltlt The look if he took it would lltt netii to was l5 tl Ybn you or lii liml Ytic only olic tviti tlt tiiic it tttNw lllk tit lt Lain Il THE lltlx ll llNtll Its people like you that name The Modular ttuittitictl ti ltisepli ltttlllttl lll lltlllL itiiloi ottli thilly Kittlitlltt llicii itilly was Eittii =iii tstli ili Hicic Slit1r lltiltssit iti itsoiiiitutit lin Ittl clt illillt It ilthl to liiililiizuiunipnr ttil wltiii Shoti is lliflttl litutlt pit flout stiziit ii flow litd tllltt lll tilllllllJlllt with lic lic ll lm iI titi tlisvltu tuut pt luips oil pr ikiitm ii It give people like me BI Illtpll ii ii ti of which have been scnding them to Castros Marxist Cuba The iinadnuba trade successful export development has included primary steel mill products slicct bars rods and nails incxiwnsivc but durable houscbuilding mzitcrinls rail and road transport and engi neering expertise in plant con struction For some time goods like these may not come directly from the to Vietnam its it goes through the slow process of making up its political mind about helping the small Asian nation which beat the giant II oncin battle ltlltl£ll POSITION iinnda hits no slltll hiingups with the new Communist notion in Vietnam Not only did we not participate militarily but we ilso have bad sound diplomatic rclzitions ith neighboring China An itlculictil trade pattern to the iinndii ubn one could be developed with Hanoi Vietnam like iibn llsti is suflciinu from ti flight of locil professional fill out mainly from thc old West irn leaning South Victiiniiicsc stittc iiiid the city of Saigon At time when nniidn iiccds new directions and stimulus Ill hci lugging foreign policy lic mici lliini speech could LIIVt us new opening in Asia lltl llt was sir iitgtttibii iz lh liotrc ll lmt llii lét would run it tll lttsi slimy iliii tlii lltlli tllltl ti iitiiirtilixii llt ll li it till ntllll tt no it lxt yk igii ii it iizt im mom tv tutu iltt it Itt Lilwviilin ltl ttltl iiIv flitllxt at litt1 ditty Httit ilt ttti Shirt iiï¬i tl lilll Ilici litt iiIliv lll lit tltlil ii ily tyttilgi lltl fli inimtici put his pittlll ip lltl tt ltlliiiilfc ii lttl lora inc tll llltltltlltit lt he iiioml li shori could how licci Hut tt lt tltiltifl the lciiiiii tiiopindtroiiiil Ioltol lT tint lltlltliLl It lit for it BIBLE Hit it till For if the dead rise not then is not hrist raised And if hrisi be not raised your faith is aiii ye are yet in your sins Corinthians Ifi lit religion Illittlll Ll resurrmv tion is onc itlioui imwii Jesus said am the resurrec tion and the lifc lie that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he by READER FOR UM Business couple replies to fat and lazy comment llcnl Sll mill page of Fridays Iltirrie lititiiiuliicr Aug 20 Mir tlllllllK Fill and Lazy all litcutim we didnt attend ii Mlllltllll and 00 more to come on wiltti training We would gladly have gone 30 yciirit ago In 1040 when we aim led out Wt ncetltd that help llllltlly feel that attending this Htllllllltl would help in our part lciiliir buiiiiitiia To say that We are 40 to 50 per cent higher than luronto him to be ll myth lIthvci we are llllfllllllllfl Illltl now We can expect toch it discount on our bank loans mortgages and insurance That is good news We are presently paying city ropcrty tax of $94904 and usmcss tax of $57003 including Sit encroachment fee every yearforthencwfiicing on the building plus our light heat and ihonc or insurance for iuilding and contents llydro and water averages $150 ptt month Perhaps if we were fortunate enough to be on the city of lliirrit payroll we could llf labelled Fat Cats We could very well close at 4ltltvcrydity The unsuspecting customer that parks in our area from 430 to 530 are ticketed $5 by city meter maids and their driver who drive around continuously for that hour chasing away any customer that does try and shop downtown ll of our customers even got ticket for loading some parcels that were heavy and couldnt possibly be carried too for We ftcl that Harrie mer chants Ilfttl help not knocks Sincerely amcra Crafts Joe and Vi Watcrer Fights antinoise bylaw with his quiet comments llciirSir So Altl Arthur and his sup porters still Sttlll determined to push through an anti noisi liyliiw They have now droppctl snowmobiles from the noise spcctiuiii they hope to control No doubt this iiiciisurc is tX pcctctl to giiiiriuitcc unopposed pnssngclolhclziw Illiiring train whistles during the day and in the middle of titt niglit jtiggcrniiuts of tandem triiiltrs construction noises church bells and no doubt the superfluous announcing of whats going on at bull gami to 2020 vision spectators over it raucous amplifier tit ii Qticcns liirk opposit the hospital quiet zone will till bc outside the law so for its control of them is concerned SWIZIIIER ltltl Prodiiwn street cleaning will also be quite legal no matter how many children and adults are disturbed by the relatively irritating swish and drone of the mechanical sweeper And lets get something else clear Even whisper can be objectionable in an otherwise quiet environment it is thus the noise differential that should be measured not just the absolute value of the noisc in question and this differential could vary from minute to minutewhat could be it nuisan cc at one time could not even be heard at another for example HOW MUCH So we are left with the un dcrstiinding that singing whistling cvcn loudtalking including presumably ii family argument will br prohibited under pain of llltt ictitin tllic fact that lllt previous police chief of llarrit con hlthIltl thi antiiioisc liyliiw itltiirvircs mciiniiig csstii tiiilly that it was un constitutional has not so far as know been taken into account by the proponents of tilt law Anti lets not forget that lllt iltlyllltllllltlg commuter will not be able to plow his driveway of snow prior to if his plow or blower miikcs too much noise whatever that may mean ATTIIII lltltllt So we are told to be quiet or else policeman at our door iii any hour finc maybe even prison just HS Mrs Stilflll of Triiigliurst was jailed recently for noiicompliiincc Willi it bylaw Sonic laws to restrict our ex cesscs in it social community WlCWANl YOUR llNlth Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter YOUR BUSINESS Busmess needs new lly VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson New Service Just about every group iii Canada likes to take potshots at the government and the way it docs things Yet when business docs what everyone clsc is doing its be Tilittl by even Prime Minister licirc Tllltlftlll 500 the current issucof llortunci Public hostility toward bust ncss is higher today than it has been since the Great llcprcs sititi snys Donald If Mr ihcrsoii picsidcnl illltl general manager of General Motors of Canada Ltd llc lwlicrcs that this hostility is based on mistrust of ill tll stitutions but especially of business And git the root til the lllllllt disillusionment ith business is it ynoinngctcdibility giip Its not just Lick of truth in iltllllltlli Mr lc llicisoii lbctc tiri otlici Ills ippttintiiiciits down lllt ltktil like warranties lllnt ltilll wii tiiit computers that don coni piic iiii tlhtlllltl oiiipluiiil pcoplc yliodoii llslmllil litil7y pititltit lltli flit Will can be ituilbvt or lt minid ltu it much more till ttiilll tit ltt ii Yltt Littll illntLt approach that has been created The Albcrtnbtirn cxccutivc was speaking iii the Aug 24 opening scssmn of thc scvciith national conference of Junior Achievement of Canada tJAi meeting in Toronto Attending are teenagers front coast to cotist rcpiescn ting some 500 coiiipiinics tlicy have organized llltl operati themselves with the support of JA hciidiiuiirtcrs Iociil busincsscs lltlfl niliilt vuluiitccr idvisors inc result of the IA cx pericnce its Mr McPherson noted that the piirticipiiiit can see ill first llillltl whctlicr oi not lhcrc is it conflict is the critics of busmcss claim llt tween profit and firiii iiilc Itt society lIytry dziy llllhlllthts Lot litcause they dont pitniiltv goods or seiviis it pin that tlic public is willing to my to noth Kmb ltllllllf tllllllllllt potential cont llllltttl to our ii tiiiiinl growth Illtl ls iliility liiifill llll tsltllJtlilh of In pctipli llic company thi tii lliitlllltllllllttl tliixiliipxmt iiiw priitliics piy no rliy ltltl its or itt tinikcs io ltiimtaoti to pric wliitiiiii Iltl on lllttllts tIlll iiiiittity lls lltllllllfl tn ASjlt illi Traders inspired Rev John Brick ity non now Sonic of the litst wheat titiii is grown ill tho ltiiiv ltiivr irii The illl tinndinii wheat in iii thc worlds chain pmnslnp for tiunliy crime from hcrc ill lttJl and the successful liirmci was lley John lirick iii Anglican missionary ltrick appeared to be on his way to becoming successful businessman in England when re fclt inspired to be mis sioniiry He brought his wife and four children to Canada and was ordained by the Anin can church after studying in Toronto His first church as in ii small community along the St Lawrence River and he of ten met furtraders coming from the West lie was inspired by their stories and received permission to explore the Peace River area in 1881 He left his family in Toronto and went ilonc riiyclling front utopia to than ltnci by wagon and boats to liiiit bctt intl lrlkt Athabasku it was journey of Silt lllllt from Vi innipcg and flu oiily fii mini he saw wits it Print Albcrt iiid ii few plots illtlllg the shore of Loki tlialiuska llc rcceiyml financial help from the illliltllrlll conrmin and his church and built this sum and farm at Peace River Crossing He brought valuable cattle and farming equipment there in 1888 and his struggle transporting the load from Vill giiry to Peace River was re ported by the Edmonton Bulle t3n Aug 25 Brick planted lied Fife wheat in 1892 and obtained yield of 72 bushels to the acre Farmers considered 40 bushels to the acre to be good The wheat was of such excellent quality that are of coursc necessary and to be riitioniillv accepted As hrs betn pointcd out when ont lives III city one cannot be allowed to throw tincs garbage into the street llut when Ald Arthur IIISIKlt llltl it IS only about piittnl of lht population who would givc of fence lll is Ifiillv saying that bicniist of 15 persons iti linrrus mo oi population we are it going to suffer still furthcr restrictions on our illicit lWNfilltllllAW in ii world of tlelfllHilhIllL govtriiiiitntiil intrusion iiitooui lives the name of litawn ctint our cltctitl rtprestii liitivts who llith liten en trusttd with what irfllltfl tlous rciptinsiliilitf of pliwti to pass lziws that niut obey iintlci pain of police ltllflll ciiiit tlicsc politicians it quietly for Jl iiioiiitnt or two and cointiinplnte llioii iwcsoiiic iispoiisililiity and weigh terribly curcfully any new law they may happen to think is going to bc for our own good before they rush in to get such restrictions enacted intolnw it is well to rciiicmbcr than yesterdays illllllllll ls todays law is ltlllltilltlAS tyranny Maybe we need it freedom probe for restrictive ltLlSlittltlll can polluti our lIycs with on tlllllllillf danger for morc destructive to the quality of human lift tliiin tlic morc ob vitiiis forms of pollution in our socicty Yours truly llotugtiiiciiwoml lly coincidence tt about the slime lllllt tlitil tlic tth presi dcnt was ofliiing llélllltlv punts his views on businesss piolilciiis with its iiiiiigc the littill of tllt Intuition Manufac turers tilililtll was giving his suggested solutions to the sonic problem to iiiotlicr iu tliciitc Itod bioticiii tlmllltldll of lltiiicwcll Ltd unitd busi lllhrs group it tlitt iiiitliiii Nu tioiinlitixliibiiiiiiito Sttk out lllflltlltth of sttl tltlll ltltltl lltiltstwlvvs iiid iniployiis to test thi iyitlltiytV llhllttdtlllllfN if llllNllltN low it coursc Ill commu intuitions so thu pcopli will un tlllsltllltllliflll Itccriim It tl in tlllllllttllti pliilsircot itttl llrontlrn llllTlslltldlitlflttll Ltllttiil lMtl imucs II li is iii lllllt lixltllilllltll itltl llkl till Itllt purl llililtVltlllL rt tiiyolyctl llll llliir liiitl litilti It Vt littl tl LEt Lt 34 ivit hm finished thoHistlats Ill tl ltlltiillfllllz lipi pruizmslsiï¬ if It ltimlouiii it lliil ltft lill til ll il itil of it it iitliilk lic wt if tilltll tiiiieozin gmaim tliil mllll ill0ll1tllflil tit Iflï¬ lXllr bitigti lllit still Allan funk ti Pllllllyli lltlrl iotmt Ill below llIii weather and illlliï¬l from llirit lltll fltllllllttl few people knew ullftt liit lilyfl was Iliiwcycr liicigo newspapers featured the story because it was revelation that wheat 0f such excellent quality could be grown so far north Till2R Alfi 13 EVENTS ItskCol Bradstreet at tacked ataratim tKingstnnl with 3000 men IMOGen Amherst captured Fort Levis aboyc Montreal HSTEmmanuel slave was sold in Montreal for £36 lassRussians farm experts began tour of Canada ilii iwiiil us an Ni Allen two5 mam