2The Market Place Wednesday August 25 I976 th Ill dII In Ih In IMmi Ill AIll Nu rtell In Imul VIIHill Alliston subdivision deferral ALLISIVN Town eouneil here ts seeking deferral of 70 lot sulxtmsmn lll Fqu tmtn ship Just north at lltston The muzxsm of hmmng had told munwi that small mm muml are stem tor the Ur birthFer dmelupmeul is bent rendered the ltlllllShl rm zenmeut That siem 15 suguwml after the tom public utlltttes mmnnsxmm egwtnl hnk up With the to ater system No letter to the nnmstr ul housmg tlkll says proposal dewlopments should be deterrni unhl stud of the Allxston planning tna ts made ounetl alm repeatui con cern about the effect that any significant tnerease tn poutla tlon outSTde ihlS mumetmItt boundaries would have upon the towns soft senices par tieularly recreational and police services and taeihttes The nllllISll of housmg has asked Alhston and our sur rounding tmvnshlps including Essa to eonsnder jnmt planning for the area around the town Essa council has asked to meet vuth Alhston COUHCII to dlStllSS the proposal rezoning hearing resumes UthSTMVN Preparing for resumption of puhlte hear mg next ltxitiesda tmksA town counell has hired no groupntlzwyetgt we The Ontario Municipal Board Acnc TUE MEMORY Mllll sunE RULE GI 14 SAVE $156 COTTON SAVE $105 MENS CALCULATORS CALCULATORS FALL BLOUSES TIE DYE Ts SPO SHIRTS subdivision nunell recently agreed to hire at the developers ex Thus handy little caICuIatOv Adds Subtracts Mutt Adda Subtracts muttnplxes divides PLUS lea Wnttproot 65 Polyester 35 Cotton blouses surerltre htl wnth the hackluflchmdms 100m Heres the gum ll never wam to mm ms mp Tnmnm la firm of tires Dmdes Also features Key True Memory lures Aulomaltc Square Root Recnptocal With pounled collar and button culls In easyto Cotton Shirts are available In great selection nt nack It that cnmlortanln Made Roll Pk 13 mu Fmor and Battery Included Opllonal adaptor avatlable Square Key Key True Memory Level Paren ordlnate shades ol White Blue Plnk or Maize rainbow shades Juntnr MISSPS Small Medlllm Potyacrylle 33 osmse Rayon blend Bloqnt Pepmo ess Baneescd9d Large checks man Bradford lawyer rep resented Village enunell at the April 30 hearing which was ad man man tourned because of lnek ol plnn mart rt at ce 2487 art ce mart Speclal at Pflce 555 LIB Prlce 688 nmgewlenee The hearing is to resume at 1030 Wednesday in ookstown enmmumh hall 4H schools ready to go The 47 homemaktng trulmng schools are almost read tn start The full project is entitled Ftwus on Lntng The 4H lelIUSttph hahysuttmg responsiluhttes emergene fir st utd prmedures and in leisure ttme tlet1lt llllltltl quilting are among the subjects on the agenda The training MIttml dates are gt 31llllllllliriil Agrteulture and Food hour COWL druom nuHey New and at the mm 955 than 24¢ pa Wm Here KW tan rm guys and small trye Angluttnl hurth Hull no SIID wude band top Belge illlke tretmfliv North Stats may he tmt Ht it hean the mvmomum Mmeth sent and at the gum 530 Anglieunthuteh llullt Amyllc pulmves Wm 10 they sttlt mw all the some super Iidlllt pllll and HI tn tln WW mos WW neck styling New 3310 lumsumeu as Blue Home gt Rust Blue 3mm commummns gt pl WW Sm tli Medmm large mp mg WWW mm gt gt Uttlllu Npt and at the Prlce man UM Price 988 Men 11 BL ya Westumunl ntted lhurth The pkg du begun lt 111 Mid end Of ll hip STRETCH NYLON CAMPUS IV gt Comtonahle stetch nylon campus mart Price hoseqln 1a goon selectmn ol oolouvs pr Satin Pm he mart 10 umw it price pg it jjmetv 3 DRESS RN SAVE $2 $49 100 POLYESTER HOSE PULL0N PANTS RH Nd to Angle tot Peak Sup on pan at these Potyestev flares and target about wrinkles torevet Smartly styled With take 9mm front and stretch wdlst Camel Green Navy Brew R99 95 Elect Sues 1020 man UN Price 917 mn Pnco $3995 JR BOYS ITO 8X lt mart ULLOVERS TSHIRTS nodoolm Coll senwcs M34 socpotmtw an Assorted Dane New 05 man MART PLAZA we WELchE SHOPE 46$ BAVHFLD ST Your Satnslacnon Guaranteed Baytield Mail 01 Money Cheerlolly Relunded game no slogan OPEN MON 70 FRI 10 ATM TO to RM Amostmmthetmemas BUY WAY OF LIFE SATURDAYS AM TO