James Iltit LEIIItI IIIt slugtlll In thu nmtrnls NAMES FORD Imlid Auto Workers Prvsi Itnt lrvmuuri Woodcock an nmmIrs III IIvIrmI Tuesday that Ford Motor IS the LA INTI strike InlgtI In tI forts In nhtmn an Improved labor lIIIIIIIILI Imm the auto industrx The tunmumrmvnt uls IIIIII at meeting of the unions Lr IIItIIIIIII 1III hoard IAI IIIIIIII Drapeau faces critics Ih II klIY QI IHIGI Il Istpurks uv xpwImI In II luu Mun IItlI Im Imxe IIIJIKIIII up punx huh thunn LIHIIIIIIIItL III IIII LJIIIIM MIMILII ussvm III mutIuttmu post nmrtcm um IIn Irwut IIIIIIL IIn upptmimn Iutl Que INIIIH ILI Ims engaged hit ItI IlIIEIIL1 mth IIn mayor twinwt the IUITHIIIIILI has II In hull IIIULIII5 IIII Iht Hut strumqu IIIII wists Int the Litum III IIII LN Imyuuus ILIIIIII IImxmn IL member Im the Imttnul IIIIIIIL III SI lruItmw IIIIi II IIilptdll IIutvI IJih unmndx lll IIIummIwI II In unitt uni IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIL1 III tuitIIInt qutIunI uI Its NA IImi um pm III InIIIHH IIILN III II III IllIIiLIIIIIlII IIu unitum nttmis IIIpart mvut IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII Rut IIIII IlI suit IIlHIl IIII LIIII tittvuhrzL ï¬sh III InutI ILIIIIII AIL1IIITII at InnfanI tut IIuJrq It mind YIIIIHIHI ll III II IM rI III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII th In LILIumJH Ifltt ZIII lIII II III III NW LII IIIIIIIIHII Inmfl Hm pIuhIIuu Um IIII1 rimLs IIIII Urutuv AM It 1r thr Immtu III wt IIII IIn nuIv II lx rtwI III LQIIrIut pun mt II III It IIII IItillt uu It rmt III vgt lptm Im it Itt lt wrw llt Niki lzts pa request Ix II wk II I1KII Itxfo Im titsut Zul rtv IUII Itxpiwmx Irv 7t1i nhs dun II uInlIi MII Ilt Ixsmt out IIIIIr umnm Mzmmts mid wrus at EHHLILx at In ImIII Ixtu the nu It Ltzmu vt weekend it wa wlut and unduly 5va 54 In IIkl IIvtmImL plll Int the Uui IIn dd at pnmhu rallies and mix IIpkILt III nmrk IIIIIZI1ItItI tlII III the con Iruis pmmxuu and It SIIIIUIIII stud III mpvcts support trnm utIur groups and mdu 1dr unis unhappy HIII the govern IlttIII Hutputu stint vultun program Intnw the npcuuh HI ill The Barrie Examiner WednesdayrAurgUsIQELI Food City lowers the cost of eating well with Countdown Prices ASSORTED FLAVORS ello lelly powders drinks 302 BOX SEALEST REGULAR CREAMED OR LIGHT LIVELY getteas $11 Chum Dog Foo BONIMART CHOICE Cream Style Corn FOOD CITV CHOIC Tomatoes 15 011 TIN IO FL OZ TIN I9 FL OI TINS F9E$33é7pp2xégN Jl Emmi pork III FOOD CITY ASSORTED FLAVORS BONIMART FROZEN FROM coucamnns CONCENTRATED PINK OR WHITE 12VrFL OZ TIN 48FL OI TIN ASSORTED VARIETIES soft 12FL OZ JAR 30FL OZ RETURNABLE BTL DEPOSIT IIIIIIITIIIIIIIIW II IIIIIIII POLY GAG OF r01 PKOS 69° BONIMART FLAVORED Orange Crystals KLEENEX ASSORTED COLORS Facial 53c Tissue PKG OF 700 BEST ASSORIMENY nn cuocowr CHIP If VACHON Colonial Apple Strudel 35 Biscuits in 59 MACLAREN CHI PACK NIPPY CHI an It Imperial Cheese HUMPTY DUMITV REGULAR NIPPLE SALT VINIGAR OR BARRECUF FLAVORTOI 27c PotatoChips 79° PM ROBINSON ECONOMY ICE CREAM 89° IIUU PURE VEGETAHH OIIIOIIARTQRS Mo ch nar CARLTBON I29 Margarine FROZEN 2LB CARTON Cup Cones on Color Cups IXG If 58 89° IIIIII III II II IIIIIII III IAIIIIIII MM II It WIN IZJIIIIIIIIIIIZIIIIEIIIIIIIWMI IIIIIIIIIW 1152333 II III IIIIII MMWLTHHNUIIII 319$ WIan Ave L31 I59 MARY MILES bythepioco MARY MILES readyrBurvo BONELESS III IIIIIHWIIIIIIIIIII ifIIIIIIIII rli III iIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIII II In III III IH III IIIIIII Iilv HIIHIM IIIIImu Bologna III 133 29 in LB ij mnnmsucromucnmL nocx cmcxrnncmnmeuro III 1I3IIIIIIIi Juvex llquld ROFL OZ PLASTIC BTL ACFL ROYALE JUMBO WHITF OR YFL LOW Paper Towels ROLL PKG 69° TWIN PACK OF 74 Fl PLASTIC BTLS Mir Liquid Detergent 801 mt NORMAL 0R our 700 ML rm Breck Shampoo MtIZORMICK IANDIFS Ju Jubes Cthken legs ILB PKG FRESH CENTRE CUT DAVERN RINDLESS SLICED 95° $109 85c 89 I6 01 PKG Dinner Hams Side Bacon $1 19 MARY MILES 55c ILB PKG Sunkist Oranges NAi Aim Cabbage vu Head Lettuce ukhi ill RN liI Ah FRESH FRUITVEGETABLES III LUNCHEON 0R BOLOGNA Sandwich Meats WHIIIIHIIIIIW cm French Fries III II IIIHIIIII Mum 1202 PIG 85° iI II Ii HITHIIAII 59 ii II II III EVIEZIIIWIWISIIIIIIIIIIi IIW MIMI Cream Pies III IIHILIIIIIII NO IGRADE II III News IIEIIDI IV IIASYI I26 I6 SI WI Garbage Bags potatoes POLB BAG HOSPITAUTY stucco DRILkStIlJT ht LN why tntv TUCSJAV AL BAltSNLV ANC VILC IFECTWLONVL SATURDAY AL AT LOCATIONS Stt RILIkTS RESEqLC Nu CL ANt MIHAL RA Lunch Bags 47c Bunch Carrots 89C 99c BARTLETT PEARS 39c Bpantshionions 30 MY IAG ovum musuromonm To FOOD CITY PLAiK Hwy NC 26 27 Boytteid Street North Borne Loin Pork Chops WIT 101 Boot Pattie rbm WEREDEEM All roan STORE coupons IIn Cosiiawa IIIUUIJ MI 31 69 CTN ENTER FOOD CITY MONTHLY FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE CONTEST WINNER WILL RECEIVE 3500 IN 000 CITY GIF CERTIFICATES STORE HOURS Mon Fri IOom IOpm Soto 9300 I0pm