FARMERS MARKET FARM MACHINERY Taxownc grain dryer for sale 570 Joe Van bushels Used very little Severen New Lowell 35555757 FERGUSON 72 no cbini blne 10ft header with pick up and reel Calder Hunter 32271596 lmvalet BROWN AND BELL Form Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Del Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260338 oi72ob766 MWFTF EEUITSANDYEGETABEES APPLES Apply koole and Son Con cesslon Oro 7261907 728 8489 Closed Sundays Your containers FARMERS MARKET MULCASTER STREET Behind old Firehall OBaked goods including pies bread etc OHandmade items billfolds key cases baby sets mills tea cosys head bands toys doll clothes Fresh eggs OPEN EVERY SATURDAY MORNING WTF PERSONAL Dont miss our annual Nashville tour on Thanksgiving Weekend including the Grand Ole Opry Call OK Johnson Travel for in formation 3256116 Au26 ARE DANE CLASSES Starling Sept 20th 830 1030 pm The Hayloft St Vincent St Ext OPEN HOUSE Sept20th Now is your opportunity to learn to square dance For information call Lorne or Belly 72844700 or 7267680 WSSIB CARD READING PSYCHOMETRY COUNSELLING Ry Appiilnliilnnl CiiII Montana 728 8858 Mfoï¬8 HOLIDAY IN THE SUN At TREASURE ISLAND ST PETERv SBURG FLORIDA We have vacancies for September Oc tober November when prices are low Efficiency units from $65 WEEK for two persons Phone the owners in Barrie 726 2826 for information Au27 TELECARE Why fight your problem atone Let friend help Call Telecare 716 7927 flnYllITII RELIEF from pain soreness tension blue to muscle overslrain Steve Whit men Rffl Masslur 726 4092 ALCOHOLle ANONYMOUS 728 6581 if you drink thats your business If you Want to mill thats ours Call any time ENJOY HORSE DRAWN wagon rides thromlt iOUlIIly trails evenings and weekends minutes from Barrie Reasonable rates For Information call 728 6078 after BOWL RS WANTED to start septiltililr teams couples or singles afternoon or evenings Kempview Bowl 729 Will UNWANTED HAIR problem Have it removed safely permanently medical ly approved Lydia Hrenchuk Cenlified Eluctr tiloglsl 737 2671 LEAVING WITH motor home and tent far Florida after September 15 Couple War 50 years old welcome share ex lenses Telephone 458 934 between 10 qm II pm ANYONE INTE RE ST E0 in ridt to York Univr utv each diiv please all 728 7947 after 11 7t LOST AND FOUND 5200 REWARD for inlnrnmtion leadinu to rei dylry of foot WIIIII Mason Day vcruism missing from Pefferlaw Maiinn August In two Red upholstery and 11IIWIIII Vinyl llk With red pin stripe TIIQKTOIQCOIIELI 519 752 2330 GREY STRIPED tatlusl August 170nii week 00 between Blakl St and Kumpiiifll Or we Please DITOII 7236401 NELP WANTED Name Address Telephone IIELP wmrm Counter and kitchen positions available at McDonrds Restaurant Poid breaks free food unlforn Shift flexibility Apply at Restaurant 230 pm TAURUS REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR McDonalds LI HDMEMAKERS AMBITIOUS Real Estate Salespersons Required NOW HELP WANTED supplied schedule pay aises 430 pm Monday lhru Friday Au2123252730 301WIZN STREET BARRIE ONTARIO 7373000 Experiencé preferred but not essential High income for hard working individuals Call for confidential interview Barrie area and MR THOMPSON 7373000 COST ACCOUNTANT standards variance analyses TF Third year RIA student or equivalent for growing firm in the Initially responsible for maintaining manual slandard cost system implementing new and management reports you will be dealing directly with senior and top line management We require an aggressive selfstarter with experience in job and standard costing willingness to work hard get handle on this department and obtain satisfaction from lab well done and deadline met Interested candidates are asked to send detailed resume in dicating salary requirements to Box R92 the Barrie Examiner 168 DUNLOP EAST NORMAN REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to Au28H 7283293 WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN ARE YOU LOOKING FOR NEW CHALLENGE Norman Shelswell Realtor is pleased to announce the expansion of his Real Estate business In the City of Orillia we are now cen trally located on West Street with an expanding competent staff to serve that community This expansion is necessitating an increase in our Barrie Office sales staff We offer our sales people the following Top commission split arrangements Financial bonuses based on commission received Excellent office accommodation Proper sales training Company support at all limes company business that is built on Integrity and Service If you are interested in ioining professional Real Estate force please call Norman Shelswell at 7283293 for confidential in terview Previous experience is preferable but not necessary SALES STOP COMMUTING Make money and save money by work ino in your hometown We have several openings in our souls department for hard working people who like money and have some sales experience hose hired Will be trained to represent ow Prater nal Benefit Smiety WIII has been in ex istenie over 100 years yourself to investigate this tartor op for 776 9737 between to LICENSED OPTICIAN portuiiltv Phone For Barrie Area ExceHent salary and Barrie Examiner opporlunily fringe Reply in confidence to Box 513 REPS You owe it to for the appomtinent processing and preferred Excellent fringe perience with benefits Au26 BOYS andGIRLS Earn Extra Money and Win Prizes THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS VICTORIA INNISEII AREA TORONTOGROVE ST AREA LITTLE HURONIA RD AREA SHIRLEY AVE COLLIER BLAKE AREA Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayliald St Barrie or Phone 7266539 no aleIII centrally located Au27 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Required for large manufac turer of decorative metal trim appliance automotive industry and to years supervision in metal finishing beneï¬t package Salary commensurate with qualifications and ex Apply in confidence to LEONARD TODD DECOR METAI PRODUCTS 140 Bay 5i Midland Ont 7055265451 AU28 NELP WANTED finance IF YOU WE OFFER planned training program mechanic for American cars AVON Keep up with Mrs Jones if shes working you can keep busy and make extra money too Take advantage of this per fect parttime earning op portunity Call 7289652 today for interview or write AVON PO Box 485 Barrie Ontario WThAu26 OPERATING ENGINEER SECOND CLASS For Canadian Mist Distillery Collingwood Ont Phone collect 7054454690 Mr Laver Au26 CLASSIFIED SALESPERSON Friendly enthusiastic salesper son required to learn classified advertising In plant and out sales Call Wilson for inlerview 7266537 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTANT with knowledge of accounts receivable re quired immediately Good company benefits salary commensurate with ex perience Send resume to Box 512 The Barrie Examiner EARN EXTRA MONEY Show our ex clinq line of Christmas cards and gifts to friends neighbors relatives Its easy profitable and no experience needed Our beautifully illustrated 108 page catalogue helps you to get plenty of orders Start now Write today for free Christmas catalogue and information Monarch Greeting Cards Dept 217 Cannon Hamilton ELECTROLUX Suddenly youre earning many 535s and enIOymg every moment of it For the past 50 years Electrolux products have been sold exclusigely by men but because of expansion and the fantastic success accomplished by many ladies hired recently we are offering full or part time free dealership to both ladies and men Car required For personal in terview ask for Mr Graul 728 3392 BROKERS WANTED drivers with own cars Interested persons please contact Jack Taxi 69Victoria St Allistan BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT for Chartered Accountant office required Reply Stating qualifications and ex DPTIQIIL to Box Sd Barrie Examiner SERVICE STAT ION attendant and fleet supervrsor Experience required Full lime lob Monday to Friday Salary based on experience Applications Wlll be taken by Dave Brown Avis Rent Car 101 Dunlap St NURSE AID REQUIRED for nursing home duties Must have transportation telephone 436 1461 OPERATING ENGINEER Second class far Canadian Mist 0sliilry Collingwood Ont Phone iul tool 705 445 4690 Mr Lauer SHOE CLERK wanted Steady DOSIIIQI on parttivne basis Apply Norman Shoes 24 Dunlap Slrcel West iDowntown Barriel BABYSITTER REQUIRED in my home for teachers Child 10 months old In ctuaes light housekeeping Newton and Grove area will Ody $40 week 72¢ 717 HANDYPERSON responsth for gen eiai maintenance and repairs Tele Dhone 726 6343 APPRENTICE FOR glass shop required immediately Must be capable of lifting heavy material and meetdlg the Public Apply in person between and Bart6 Glass AAIliance Blvd Barrie Ont CARPENTERS AND carpenter helpers for rough carpentry Painters and helpers Callus 0400collect REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Fitters litter welders and apprentice filters Telephone 775 3356 for interview Elke Metal Products Llo Box I300 Dissette St Bradford MATURE RELIABLE cleaning lady re quired for two days week Allandale area Telephone 737 0515 MATURE RESPONSIBLE lady come in to babysit who is good With children tram 30 am til pin Telephone 726 0699 after MUSIC WORLD Ltd Georgian Mall Barrie has lull lime DOSIIO available immediately for person with retail sales experience Knowledge of record bus iness art asset but not essential Ref erettces required Please call manager no 7214 ROOM FOR ONE MORE Attractive opening for one more managemenl trainee who wishes to build secure future in the challenging environment of business have at least grade 12 education enioy meeting and dealing with people Are determined to earn management position Advancement opportunities based on merit Good starting salaries and staff benefits Plan for successful and rewarding future with one of the largest and most diversified finance organllalions Please telephone Mr RIdd7283995 TRADERS GROUP LIMITED OPPORTUNITY CLASS MECHANICS Due to expansion Jackson Sales and Leasing requires Class Knowledge of airconditioning an asset but not necessary Top wages employee benefits security Ask for Bob Jackson 7260288 Jackson Sales Leasing 140 Bradford St Barrie Barrles oldest dealer KOLMAR OF CANADA requires EXPERIENCED BILLING MACHINE OPERATOR and related duties Excellent salary and benefits Phone 7287181 for appointment Telephone House of Bellini Bayfield Mal726 462i EMPLOYMENT WANTED HELP mum Au28 Au27 PERSON To do basic secretarial work such as typing filing dictation minor accounting functions etc Some knowledge of the ad vertising field would be an asset but not essential Com pany benefits Offices located in Bradford Send resume in cluding salary requirements to BILTRITE CASH CARRY LTD Box 146 NEWMARKET Ontario Atln BILL CROSSON Marketing Manager Au25 WE OFFER you one of the finest sales positions available loday with complete service training program salary com mission vacations with pay insurance benefits retirement plus the opportuni ly for advancement to sales manage menl Singer Company Georgian Mall Barrie PART TIME opportunity ago no bar rier dignified work with flexible hours Ideal for men with iobs or women with children or both Telephone 728 3219 MATURE PERSON wanted to care for two children in my own home days must have good references Part time full time 726 7607 MATURE childrens homes for night staff duties and light homework Call 726 8861 BABYSITTER Children in the Codringlon school area from am to 430 Telephone after 5pm726 4818 HAIR STYLIST to take over clientele Top salary paid to qualified person position car required Apply tall trees subdivision Call PERSONS needed in REQUIRED for STUDENTS AVAILABLE to do all kinds of iobs Call Student Manpower 726 4240 to or range for the help you need EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available Constant supervision with other children to play with Lunch and snacks $500 day 728 7086 RELIABLE MOTHER Will give day care in her home area of Oakley Park School Telephone 737 1246 QUALIFIED ELEMENTARY teacher will prayidr reliable day are for two to five year olds in Edgohill Drive snacks large fenced yard creative pro gram of actiVities Telephone 726 6251 or after telephone 728 8406 WANTED one child to babySil party for own yr old sunnidall Road area 726 8337 for an hour day week Allandale area near factories Sc hool area Hot dinner nutritious CDI LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Ruby Eleanor Canning late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Splnsler deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of RUBY ELEANOR CANNING late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Splnsler deceased who died on or about the 29th day of July AD 1976 are hereby notified to send par ticulars of same to the un dersigned on or before the 15th day of September 1976 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie this 13th day of August AD 1976 RITCHIE CANNING and DORIS BEAVER Executors by their Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE AND TAYLOR lSOwen Street Barrie Ontario Au1825SI EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Aucrion sms AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST 27 AT PM being held at Elmgrove Community LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of IRENE COLLINS late of the City of Barrie in the County of Sim coe Splnsler who died on or about the 4th day of March 1976 Centre All creditors and others having 41h line of Essa claims against the estate of the Angus Road above named are required to send particulars verified in writing to the undersigned Solicitors for the Administrator on or before the I7th Sep tember 1976 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to those claims received by the said dale Dated at Dunnville Ont this 12th day of August 1976 COLLINS WATTERWORTH Barristers 8o 110 Lock St Dunnvllle Ont N1 J7 Solicitors for the administrator Au 82551 miles east of Allistan miles north of 89 CONSISTING OF place walnut dining room suite piece gold and brown Chesterfield suite Spanish style piece sectional Chesterfield contemporary style coffee table drum end table sq end table fireplace tools pole lamp living room lamps double and single beds dressers childrens dressers bookcases dishes pots pans etc Frigidaire 30 range Frigidaire 14 cu ft refrlg both copperlone Frigidaire automatic washer and dryer white Clairlone radio record and 26 colour combination set Desk from Old Simcoe County chambers cedar chests barn boards black and white NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARETHOOK television and many persons having daims miscellaneous items partial list against the ESTATE or °Y This is one of the finest lots of furniture and appliances to be offered at this location Plan to attend if you have use for dif ferent furnishings in your home 1970 Thunderbird door hardtOp 1968 Ford selling asis MARGARET HOOK late of the City of Barrie In the County of Simcoe Widow who died on or about March 13 1976 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before August 25 1976 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the Ad ministralrix shall then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 30th day of July 1976 LlLLlAN BEATTY Administratrix co Smith McLean 20 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Hall owners and Auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss Terms Cash or cheques with ID JOHN BALL Auctioneer RR No Allistan 4354189 SCI No9 Au2325 Au4l 1825 GRAHAM ALLEN AUCTION SERVICE In WV WWW Any type of Sale Aucflo SALES Hollar for Top Dollar Hior Free services for charitable fund raising organizations AUCTION SALES 7265055 or me 7372491 COOKSTOWN 14125 IISALESBCARJI AUCTION SALE 915H1YI Slow Fr asiï¬glring August 27 at 800 YOU BRING IT WE SELL In In the Auditorium of Essa Rd Presbyterian Church Sale of antique ash church pews with wrought iron ends 1h ex TUESDAYS7 PM Livestock and Produce FRIDAYS PM cellent condition previewing Household goods or what have from 700 pm You Auctioneer or owners not COMPLEIE FARM AND responsible for accident or In HOUSEHOLD DISPERSALS IUY Property on day of sale For further details contact BILL BARR FRANK WEBB Cookslown AUCTION SERVICES 705 4589l72 458978 Bill Barr Auctioneer WTE Au2325 TENDERS TT TENDERS lat YO TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the operation of BOOTH CONCESSION in the Stroudlnnisfil Recreation Centre Stroud South lnnisfil Community Centre Lefroy Thornton Community Centre Thornton for the 19761977 ice season TENDER FORMS and Conditions are available from the undersigned and must be used Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Tenders to be received by the undersigned no later than Friday September 10th 1976 MORROW RECREATION COORDINATOR TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL STROUD ONTARIO Au 2527SI3 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE NOTICE IN THE MATTER of ByIaw 76110 of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to close Part of Holgate Street dc Cording to Registered Plan 433 in the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe TAKE NOTICE that the CounCIl of The Corporation of the Ci ty of Barrie will after the publication of this Notice of least once week for four successive weeks in The Barrie Examiner at its meeting to be held at the City Hall Barrie Ontario at the hour of 700 clock in the afternoon on the 13th day of September 1976 consider and if deemed expedient pass Bylaw to close and stop up and sell to the adloining owner that Part of Holgale Street according to Registered Plan 433 in the City of Barrie ly ing East of the easterly limit of Robinson Street according to the said Plan AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his land will be preludicially affected by the said Bylaw and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the COUIICII of The Corporation of the City of Barrie either in person or by his Counsel solicitor or agent THIS NOTICE was first published on the 18th day of August 1976 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE by its Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE AND TAYLOR 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T2 ANY PERSON interested may see plan of that part of the road proposed to be closed in the Office of the City Clerk City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario during regular office hours AuIB25 18 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday August 25 197627 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEER APPRAISER BARRIE ONTARIO 7268904 Selling Successful Sales Since 1957 Thursday evening August 26 of 630 pm for estate of the late BARONESS IWANKA MICHAILOFF von PLESSEN of Barrie Selling of Elmvale Sales Stables Ltd mile west of Elmvale on Hwy 92 Three pc crushed velvet cheslerfleld suite portable Zenith TV drop leaf table with inlaid leather top pair of brass antique lamps Philco record player pair of chairs with crushed velvet finish pair of Fren ch Provincial night tables Simmons rollaway bed chest of drawers and dressing table kitchen utensils and appliances rugs mirrors ice cream chair several small lamps electric heaters dining room table and chairs antique chest of drawers set of drapes hand carved oval table hanging mural this is partial list only Terms cash day of sale Service plus Sale Ability equals Satisfaction AUCTION SAL Auction sale of Furniture Household effects dishes China Hand Garden tools For the Estate of the Late Alfred Webb To be held Sat Aug 28 com mencing at 1230 sharp Located at 233 Victoria St in the village of Stroud east of Highway No 11 on Can 10 lnnisfil Township The undersigned has received instruction to sell the following Two three piece bedroom suites wing back mirror dresser steel bed chester field chair occasional chairs nest of tables coffee table floor and bedroom lam ps magazine rock 9x12 living room rug runners kitchen chrome set miscellaneous dishes glassware other miscellaneous kitchen utensils hand garden tools wall mirrors plus other miscellaneous articles to numerous to mention Terms cash cheques with ID Selling by numberltno reserves as estate must be settled Estate or auctioneer not respon sible for public liability or property loss Vernon Ayres Auctioneer RR Straud SCL No 23 Phone 4361922 Au25 COMING gva DANCE LIVE BAND at 441 Wing Royal Canadian Air Force August 28 pm to 1am Music by the Tale the nghview Plaza Little Avenue and Broadmoor Call for tickets 726 4892 or 7281471 THE ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL AUXILIARY presents TOUR OF BARRIE AREA HOMES on Saturday September 1976 11000m to 500 pm ADULTS ONLY TICKETS $300includes tea WSSlO PFLEA MARKET THE MILLIONAIRES BARGAIN BOX FLEA MARKET on Highway 90 East of Angus Watch for the signs EVERY SATURDAY am to pm Antique bottles glassware collectables etc coins crafts flowers fruits and vegetables and other odds ends Some space still available Dealers come little earlier to allow for proper set up Refreshments available Buyers dont forget come out and browse you may find something that you dont really need LUCKY DRAWS FOR OUR GRAND OPENING SEE YOU SATURDAY Au2527 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births $50l maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra Coming Events BIRTHS FLOOD Ricky would like to announce the birth of his baby sister Teresa Ann on Thursday August 12 1976 at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Proud parents are Danny and Gail flood happy grand parents Mr and Mrs French and Mr and Mrs Flood BELLAMYMr and Mrs Ralph Bellamy of 19 Thomson Street Barrie are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Brandice Lee on Saturday August 14 1976 at Royal Victoria Hospital Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child isfull of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child hesfar to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sabbath Day Is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 728 2414 GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child in The Bar rie Examiner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 728 2414 DEATHS LEDUC Barney Suddenly on Setur day August 21 I976 Barney Leduc of Angus beloved husband of Joan Glynn Dear father of Sharon Gary Joseph Brian Allan Kimberley and Terry also survived by grandchildren sisters and brother Resting at John Thomas Funeral Home Allistan until am on Tuesday then to the Holy Redeemer Chapel Base Borden for Re quiem Mass at 30 am interment AngusUnion Cemetery PITT James At the Royal Victoria Hospital on Sunday August 22 1976 James Pitt Beloved husband of Annie Pitt of RR Stroud Dear father of Joanne iMrs MacDonald of Toronto Horace of Newcastle Ont and John of Taronto Dear grandfath of Jimmy Douglas Judy Noraen Dormn and John Jr Resting at the Jerinetl Fungrd Home 152 Bradford St Barrie yisita tion from Tuesday at Service the chapel on rnursday August 26th att Interment Highland Memory Gar aensToronlo LACKIE Clarence Past Master LOL 605 Graigvale previous owner of JohnSOn and Son Machine shop At the Royal Victoria Hospital on Monday August 23 1976 Clarence Lackie in his 68th year Beloved husband of Myrtle of Barrie Loving father of Robert of Painswick Dear grandfather of Sandra Murray and Nora all at name Dear brother of Wesley of Oshawa Christina iMrs Irving of Richmond Hill Ernest of Midhurst lrrna iMrs Elston of Hamilton Eric and Borden both or Barrie Mariorie Mrs Proctorl and Bonnie Mrs Marriottl both of Town to Ruby Mrs Wilson of Bear Lake and predeceased by Boise and Merv yn Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visnation from Monday at pm Service in the chapel on Wednesday August 25th at In ferment Barrie Union Cemetery In lieu of flowers contributions to the Ontario Heart Foundation would be appreciated ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFS5 $500 21 cents per line $322 per column inch ADOPTIONS TORRIE my name is Kelly Dawn am so happy with my chosen mommy dad dy and brother Bradley Eleanor and Ray ENGAGEMENTS MEGER JERMEY Mr and Mrs Paul Meger of Barrie are pleased to an nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter Susanne Lynn to Gary Wilbert Jermey son of Mr and Mrs Frank Jermey Kingston Onlarlo The wedding will take pace at St An drews Presbyterian Church Barrie 0c lober21976 atl BINNSWHURTIBESE Mr and Mrs Allen Sanford Binns wush to announce the forthcoming marriage of lheir daughter Leslie Anne to Mr David Charles Hurtibese son of Mr and Mrs Charles Hurtibese The marriage will take place in September at Collier Street United Church Barrie iii MEMORIAMS MUNROIn loving memory of dear husband Norman Munro Paul who passed away Agust 25 I971 have lost my souls companion life linked With my own And day by day miss him more As walk through life alone Always remembered and sadly missed by wife Beatrice HUTCHINSON In loving memory of dear mother and grandmolhnr who passed away August 25 197 God looked around his garden And found an empty space He then looked down upon this ear Ill And saw your tired fare He out His arm around you And lifted you to rest Gods garden must be beautiful For He only takes the best He Knew that you were wear And Hd knew that you were Ddlrl He knew that you would niwr well on earth agatn Hesaw the road was grillnu ouoh And the hills were hard lo climb so he closed your weary eyelids And whispered Peace be mine So deeply missed by daughter lune son in law Maurice granrtctinrln Don Doug Brenda Marilyn and Glen WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as od ones satisfy their wants recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best clay to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad verlise in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414