MINNIISUIA IWINS first Ihasoinan Iiod hiow lott takos giant stop haok to first and is apparontly tag god by Now York Yankoo hris hainhliss Iiiosday night Iliiipllt Ituss iiootz right saw it ditloionlly and iii is solo on piokoll at Seaver breaks streak in firing 4hitter Iiy liIZItl litSI£NIIIi IIio SSOIIIIII Iross ooiiplo of yoars ago if had gono through oiio ol thoso stroaks might havo goiio thronin tho root roliovod loni Soavoi said liiosday iiighi Somoi Now York Mots longr tiino pitohing ioo oiidod ono of tho inost Irnstiating poiiods of his iiitllitit loagiio oaroor Iw lii ing toiiiIiittoi and boating San IIiIIIII tiants ii for his first National Ioagiio liaisohall ttliit sniooiliily it didnt dospiiii Soavor Said hooaiiso had hooii pit ohing ioll lho main thing oiild do was Iio oonsistont and Iliad dono that In hotnoon Viotoiios Soavoi hail slitltl souii tiinos and tho Mots had lost oath tiino Ilo was ihaigod with tour of tho doloats two by shutouts and ono In ono run In his throo nodooisioiis tho lots dropme all throo ganios iw ono tlIlI two in III innings iiioliidinga itiltiisiiiii Iiiil hiiois oharaotor and his onnod IIIIi avorago didnt siitioi Ihroiighoni thodroiight ho niaiiitainod his oaliii and tho shutout UHI tho Giants rodnood his oainod riin avoiago to 231 host aiiiong starting plIiIItl III tho National Iii1it DUINIICItS INT IIVIUS In iIIIti National Ioagiio gainos Iiiosila night Iins Angoios liodgois tianitod Monlroal Ipos thoii illili oon soontno loss no IIiiladolphia Ihillios hippttI Atlanta Iiiaios San Itiogo Iaihos donnoit littshiiigli liialos it St Louis lirilinals dotoalod Tiiioiiiiati Itods it and Iloiislon ilItI odgod Inoago iilst lho sliiiioiii tor Soawr lost his third ot tho soason and tho 36th ol his iioii Iiitltidoil oight strikooiits and only oiio walk is ho hoit tho Iiants tor tho sounth limo III row sinoo 1974 Ito Staigoi dim Ill two Now York iiiiis llII singlo and saiiiliootl Itint Ilooton rogistoioil his inst Itlitl MIIH iig it and his ioiirth shutout of tho soason MJlltlillL sown hits striking out sown lhilltl and walking otil ono iT pitohnig tho Ilodg tis past loiitioil lion iois List hoino run of tho soason ind Iiist liakoos iuo iiIII sziiglo holpoil tho Ilodg ors to ilion oighth motor in iIIIitgJIiiis IIEI IIII Ill IIIiIIt Ihilaiiolphia pilolioi Simo ailtoii IUI siittoioil sooii hits moi oiglit inoings tor his sith iitiisooiitno motor and holpod his iitIs tlIi throo hits and tin oo llils haltoil IIHIIH Ioliin pmod tho IInllios if hit itttiis ilh two siiiglos ii homo HI and IIi ItIiIs liiiitii nii hit tun solo lioiiiois tot tho Iii os Ul Ili lI Edgar tuition oi Iio ithl IImIu ssnt it ioi iIIIIOIIIICtiI liiostli that dotonooniaii Francois iiiointio has boon limitd to JLIKINK oriliqiios toi IUIIIIt illiillllllill Iiooni ho pitnod tor tho ioutvois last oai itto twang iiIliiIItl troin lhl iiilliiiits Allandale Golf Club Pay As You Play Memliership 9hole Par 38 Course Twilight Rates licensed under LLBO Just oft Big Bay Pomt Rd 7285313 Miko lvio siiiglod twioo to drivo in four runs and paoo San IIiogos illtlitt IIltIII Stroin iitil from shaky start and linisliod with SIV hittor iotiiing iii of tho last 20 Pittsburgh Iiaitors Itiohio Zisk hit two IlIIi hoinor for tho Iiiatos in tho in st inning adinals pitohor Ioto Iaoono styiniod inoinnatis slumping Wost Division loadois on Iivo hits and was holpod Iiy iiillioraiilorils hoiiior HUI Watson was Iloiistons hitting star Ilo singtod to start two run sooond inning and douhlod to MW in Hill in tho fifth inning SARJ EANTS Offer you worry free winter with Automatic fuel oil deliveries radio dispatched 24 hour emergency service °Annual cleanouts Low cost parts replacement plan oEqual billing budgets no carrying charges Complete fa rm service dieselgasolinelubricants For Information or Service Call Barrie 7282460 Since 188° How high do you want to go GET INVOLVED 565 tlthiiéliin ARMED FORCES Orillia 32635l3 CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 St Clair Ave Toronto Gm 416 9666564 lm interested in hearing more about Cambat Arms GrOup Please send me intormaton wnhcmt obligation Name Address City Prov Postal Code Tatephone NOTICE The Mobile Recruiting Team will be in Iarria on Thursday August 26 1976 at the Canada Manpower Centre between l0200 am 300 pm Now Stadiiiin AIIhoIoi toiiipl in tho first inning at Yankoo Yorks US SQUAD TRIES HARD BUT TheDorrie Examiner Wednesday Augusrt725 I976 Team Canada skates to 73 victory It GLENN ULIL QIIIIIIIt ttIi IIio iindor dog lhiilod Statos tIIII in Ilils falls anada iip iiitoinatioiial hooko lttllliitlllitlll hung in ltii whilo against Ioani anada iii pro toiiinaniont gaini Iiiosda night Iiiil tho Canadians with St olal hiin ititt stars from tho National IIoikoy Iitilflllt and World Ilookoy Assoriatioii tiir nod on tho powoi with IIIItt goals in throo iniinito span Into in tho third itlitfll to skato away with win Bobby ll of Winnipog Ioix oiio oi two WIIA playois on tho anadiaii toain had two goaln and twoassisls lio Nllli play Rookie gets lead assignment in Calgary TiCats game IIAMIIXIHN itli Iiookio iiiaitoilmok lltitl Williams will got thostartingassigninont tonight whon tho winloss al gory Htainpodois tako on Main iltoii ligoitats in an Ililtt looking aiiailiaii Ittilltlll IAIIILIIIIUIIIH Williams li gradiiato oi tho Ihinoisd ot toloiatlo mo inipiossivo iii ioliot against SitSktllAtlitWtIIilifllflfliutlglts last ENDURO Aluminum Doors sizes Prehung with safety hinges iustable to inch to frame for locking positions precise removable 28 68 2I0x6l0 High quality all lite exceeding requirements Self storing units have ratchet choice of ors IIiil Ilsposito of Now York Iiangois Jim Watson ot Iliila dolphia Itlyois Itangois dolon ooiiian niol Vadnais Itohliy tii ot thioago Itlaok Hawks and Itog Itoaoh of tho Itlyois oaoh had ono goal lioan Ialatoiis Stovo Jonson and Lou Naniio all inoinliors of tho NIIIs Minnosola North Stars had IIl Uh goals whilo aiiotlioi North Star goaltondoi iolo Iopiosti tiiiiiod in sold poiloiinanoo as ho lilookod lit shots Iho Anioiioans had just 20 tiios at Itogio raohon of ms Angolos Kings and Ilonn ltosoh of Now York Islandois whosplit Ioain anadas goaltondiiig wook Iload ooaoli Itoli Itakor said Williams iinpiossod tho itIiiliL stall with his aliilit to stand Iii tho pookot and throw soiiiothing ho hasnt donotoowoll III praotioo lho Stainpodois Iiavo Ioiii lossob and ho thus tar in tho soason llio Iioats aro WIIIIISH at lioiiioand lltlktil room lho Slainpodois tiod Mon troal oiioltos 901m at hoino STANDARD DOOR FEATURES packaged complete hardware ready for installation Tempered glass for strength plus bearing reduce wear prevent soaaina Vinyl enclosed box sweep ad Heavy gauge Kick Plate bonded for extra ruggedness IOO°o polyrpile weatherstripping normal service every 12 allowing ventilation inserts from inSide $41 Mil FinishIn StocIi =¢ 17 Do you remember ltt insulation Fast friendly service Free Home delivery 48 Anne Street So Barrie 7282496 lt last winters fuel bills oholos KIIIIIIHISE WhiIo thoy WtIt hadly oiii shot tho Amorioans kopt oloso to tho anadians for most of tho gaino and trailod 43 with six ininiitosto play Ihoy ooiitainod us protiy good in tho first poriod said IIsposito who oollootod throo assists in tho ganio Ihoy tiit ho of Iiookoy toain and was IIIIpItSHtd with thoin play against lot oi thoso guys and thoy aro part of tho NIH and part of tho WIIA and part of tho wholo syiidionio of our hookoy would lovo to soo ilioso guys knook oil throo or tour oi tlioso toains It would ho droani ooino two it our two toains ooiild also has toains from tho Soviot Union Swodon Tzoohoslovakia iiioot in tho andFinlandontorod finals Its going to iako soino toain Iiiit tho footing in tho ll ts to ItII tho Canadians said oainp is that thoy havo nothing Ililily Noalo assistant to US toIoso in tho toiiriianioiit whioh hoad ooaoh Iioli Iulford WHERE ELSE IN BARRIE CAN YOU FIND GUARANTEED MERCHANDISE AT 50 BELOW RETAIL COME IN AND WATCH CANDLES BEING MADE FLORIDA TREES POTTERY RIGLES OFFICE EQUIPMENT MOTOR BIKES SNOWMOBILES GIFT WARE POTTERY CERAMICS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ALL AT 50 BELOW RETAIL GUARANTEED PRODUCTS ERRON SALES OLD TOWN MARINE BUILDING 60 Fairvaw Road Jurt Southot Holiday Inn Beside 400 Highway Phone 7284378 oclock Tilt Every Day for thoir only point of tho soason and tho lioals lioat tho Aloiiottos ii at Montroal last wook tor thoii only win IIio slow starts havo pronip Iodohaiigosliyliolhooaohos Ilio Stainpodois Iiavo ro loasod hiiik Iiilsliii who playod oiio gaino at dotoiisivo oiid running liaok Itill Zoigloi and Iiok Wosolowski This Winter wII betoolate Dont wait till Fall to make your homes ready tor winter now is the time to paint repair remodel when the weather is right for you and your home At Buildaii well help you attoi weve always been in the home business ARISTOCRAT Double hung self storing aluminum windows milfinish as low as $1 689 UP 49 UI Economy Basement Aluminum Windows Ill Iriish Us lbw $1 329 up in 49 Ht mnrlr to union writht fol usy Pines Ellertive Til rlosmg WetltlfMIHy Sept 76 Order Today For Fastan Delivery Weather Stripping For doors or windows Foam type and caulking cord Weather proof tapes or garage weather stripping All in Stock At Low Buildall Price Now is the time to cut your tuei hills netwe they start with insulatvori Buoaah has the insulation and the knowhow to help you beat the high cost tuet by COnSQWng enegy in yDul homo alter alt names are Our business yOu need tr snow and the right InSUlallri to in the int is at Bu 1a is cheaper Free Ampe Parking DUNLUP HARG EX CM tr Hours Monday Thursday Ba to 6p Friday tilt9p VICHWA Saturday83 t05p rn VESPRA aw