tbTho Barrio Eigoiinfnorl Wodnosdoy August 25 1976 ilenii llreli=ic of ltiiriie practices ii rolling return to ii smash during tiie leter lteino Hustlers volleyhall camp this week at Eastview Secondary School llis roll is the object of attention of from left fodd Sinclair of in No iiisi AT VOLLEYBAI thiircliill and IIllanna MeKendrie of the lfiistlers fliirty Siiiieoe oinity vol leyhall players age to have enrolled for the camp the first of its kind in this area llustlers coach lId lleddeii si of the active CAI players and one espiiiyer are providing the instruction The $30 enrollment fee will help defray tfie expenses for the llustlers projected trip to England illviuiinier fho fol Timely hitting helps take Zgame lead on dont fiave to he mathematician to figure out that three outs per inning spread over nine inning game equals 37 possihle outs Ken layne got 20 on strikeouts for to Up Tuesday at Queens Park but was the losing pitcher as and Driveln pulled into lead in the best of seven final of the Harrie and lhstrict Mttjtll liasthall League with win at Queens Park layne gave up six hits hut the two to Leo Koopmans cost him tfie game Koopmans singled home the first run of tfie game in the opetimg inning tlieti slap ped run scoring triple in the seiotiil Roth times it was Paul Van nispen opening the doors for the runs itli fiase hit and used pair of fiurlers against to tip and held the first place finishers ot the league to four hits llave lee started hut ran into control prohletiis the fifth hen ith two out he gave up single to Pete landers then pro ceeded to walk in the only to Up run on three suecessnc walks 1150 KOUIMANS Hon McKee came itifo relieve lee late in the inning and held tottp scoreless for the dura tioii to Up came within hit of tying the game in the ninth when landers cracked triple tilt iwoout McKee struck out the nevi hatter to end the game All told ON MFR IIII and pitching was respoiisi file for seven strikeouts and completed the game without any errors while to tip was charged with three tlp stranded ff haserrunners with seven left on by and lhird game of the series is set for lhursday at Queens Park Floor and Wall back in front Eagles protesting game Barrie Floor and all has ap parently ltiltltd from Sun days extra inning loss to Mansfield Credit lnion iii Har rie Mens Recreational Fastball league semi final play Tuesday at lacfortison Park Floor and Wall dumped Manstield to en the best of five series at one in apiece Bill Hankm handled the pit chmg duties tor Floor and Wall He gave up tour hits at the seven inning game Dar Hitch raced the Flooi and Wall hit ting itfi three last night Iii other play ot the Rec league semifinals tonvetti file Iools smapped took over the lead iii their series with Alliston Sports Screaming ITagles lil ti in The win gac tomettttiles Iools lead in the lies oi Early duel breaks open Stephen Brier and Hand Bohliette staged tense pa ehmg duel earI=ei this week the iiitermistiate div istor ii the Barrie Minot liasetiali eagiie Ieter Renio Iitisliits ettittgtd the winners th it edge 0n the mound on the Hustlers was UBrier who struck out eight and gave up sey en hits Bobbette tanned eight in the first three innings hut trust in the fourth Hustlers Daryl lyiiii and ii drew raig tripled tor leter Reino The win goes the Hustlers an 83 recent SPORTS CALENDAR IIARNEKN RACING at Barrie Raceway post time 745 in SENIOR IASTBALI at Queens Park pm Beatrice vs Slessor and Periard Insurance Juniors Beatrice leads best of seven semifinal 24h five series Last nights game howeer is under protest by lliston Sports The clubs protesting the use of pitcher Don llykstra in the playoffs hy tomertihle Pools Itykstra allowed four hits in the seven inning game John Bureau swung might and po tent hat for Pools He ent four fortour including triple and three singles He also scored tw runs kIII SERIES lliston Sports Screaming Eagles ened their best of in semi final with 51 win over tom ertihle lools Sunday The win gives each cluh one icter in the series Mansfield ttedit lnion Marauders tieeded an etra iii ning to nip Harrie Floor and all It in the first game of the other tltt tiiiai Iattsf tilif ettltifteldet lack Pickering slapped the game tZllllL triple in the eighth inning to score Ferguson ho had led ott them nmg itii single It was lickerings seeond sttaght oi the game hanng SMULCASTER went out iii three previous at tempts tasey was the winning pit cher with his five hitter iohn McFadden took the loss tasey contributed three hits in the game including triple in the sith Floor and Wall opened the scoring in the first inning ad ded pair in the fourth and final two rims to force the evtra inning in the seventh Mansfield held 271 lead after one then struck for two in the fourth with one in the sixth and gamow inning pair in the eighth Itlt fflT Boll Skinner slashed hases loaded triple in the third inning to send Alliston Sports iii front of tonvertihle Pools and cap four rim rally Skinner also singled iii the openmg inning with Russ llesse on third after his triple for the games first run Rill Ingerion picked up the win on three hitter Hi lost the shutout in the fifth inning on an error Brown took the loss despite going up only five hits in the seven inning game MICHELIN runs FACTORY cosr link on 00 ï¬llthou hoborou PARKLAND TIRE 7262210 DOMINAIES TYKE DIVISION Marten racks up five firsts at Fair track and field meet There was no deeuflilon for it and year olds in the fyke divi sion at the second annual liar rie liau track and field meet liiesdiiy hiit had there heeii one hm Marten iiiigfit have threatened towiiiull f0evenfs As it was Marten captured all flye first place rihhons up for grahs iii the male tyke divi sion He won the hit and Liam metre races the hall throw the half mile run and the hiin iump Margaret tops boys Margaret Mulder is tlftlt an athlete Just ask the ltl and It year old hoys who competed in the atom fiovsifivisioii at the se eond annual Harrie liair track and field meet yesterday Mulder competes in the girls division but that doesnt stop her from heating the hoys wiii iiing times She did that twice yesterday in the half mile and lht0inetreriuis She was 10 seconds faster than her mah coiinfer iart ill the llit0 metres and eight seeonds faster in the half mile ller jump was only inferior fly metres Willi tier three firsts and also third ill the shot put Mulder was preiliefiilily the outstanding iitoin girl at the meet which isseiiihled fill voinig athletes Among the hoys liuil tiniitier took iifoni honors itlfllltl won the shot put high iiunp and an metres and was second ill the half mile and Lotto metres liit Ilunhrook took the half mile and added third in the 1500 metres iaiy tyr hiiil thirds iii the shot put highjuuipiind iu metres lhian liny won the 1500 metres Ward liiirlehois was second in the shot put and high jump and third in the half mile and Willie Legros was second in the 50 metres In the gnls section latti ltoni won the shot pot was se eond in the shot put and hiin jump and third in the half mile and Willie Legros was second It the 50 met res In the girls section latti lioni won the shot put was se eond in the 50 metres half mile and f500 metres and third in the hiin Aiump Maira lieitholds was second in the high jump and third iii the 50 metres Jackie Rocchio placed first in the 50 metres and third in the half mile Shari Marshall was second iii shot put Kathy Wallin and Jeff lilaton were luesdays liantani ilzt tzl year oldsl stars Wellin won the half mile and 1500 metres and added third in the high pimp and second in shot put IIaton won very com petitive boys section on the strength of wins in the halfrniile and l500 metres Marty Segal had first in the 100 metres and third in hiin jump loe Marehildon first in shot put and second in the 100 metres lion oiilson hail seconds in the high jump and 500 metres Eric Mailis se eond in the halflmile and thirds in the shot put and 100 metres Mike Hoffman second in shot put and third in the halfmile John Hernier first in the high jump and lim Eshuis third in the Limo metres Monique tadeau won the girls shot put and added sc eond in the 1500 metres Sandy Legros won the hiin jump and 100 metres and finished third in the shot put Ann Hernier was second iii the high jump liehhie lrosscr in the halfmile and Wendy Tetpstra in the 100 metres Branda Ferrier had thirds in the 100 metres and half tiiile lit the midget division IH 13 year oldsl Fred Patterson and Cathy Mulder were the trophy winners Patterson won the 100 metres placed second in the halfrmile and 1500 metres and shot piit and got third in the high jtitttp Stephen McKenna seored firsts in the halfmilc and 1500 metres and shot put and got third in the high iuiiip EAR $732 51795 Friday to Monday we TILDEN RENT CAR set 552w 7370800 Shannon llanspiker was Hf eotid in the Hill metres and third in the half mile and no metres llrinn tyr was third in tfiehighjuinptinil hall throw Seconds went to terry ltlon in the high jump Mike Me Laughlin in the hull throw Noi niunds ftertholds ill the metres and Ken Stephenson in the half mile Steve May was third in file lh0tt metres The female tyke division was doiiiinnteil liy ittll tiniiiniiigia She placed first in the ll00 nieliesanil hall mile races and second in the hall throw Jodie lasale won the 10 metres and was third in the hall throw lialf mile and high jump Leanne thappel had seeoiiih in the iiulf mile and Liam metres and first III the hall Skateup Winning Game With throw thitnttnc Itoeehio pick ed up pan of unwindi iii the hiin lump ttlfll titi lift Itti No lnlfe litiilii iiiiinileil uul Illt fvlu tiiediilliifii wilh that In flie high mum and fliliil In the litiiiielieri tiiifiitiuiihiig uniting the fftlltfi ti and yeiu oldii coiiipeltng at the hon veie fiiiirv Iiivloi iiiiilJiuifnelifihiidge Leilth Itlge won the lit and Riff iiietie locin and WHI third to the hall tliiow Klftf laingfoid Won the hall lliiow iiiiil find ittttlltlh in the in and 200 Iiiefteii infiiitn Illfltlflll wni second in the hull thiow and thud in the 200 iiietre Tanya Smith picked up if thud in the in metres liiyfor was first in the lioys 2200 iiiities and itltlllfl llf hofh Bauer Black Panthers Youll appreciate tho construction of these lino skufos Depondoblo feature Nylon boots Louilior frini houvy duly counters poddod innor skates qualify Bauer wiih loos ining built in tendon guards shopod tongues Mens Sizes Duoust Road Runner Skates Durable Skates con strueiod with Nylon boots Foam Rubber padded quar tors and Nickol tempered Stool BoysSizes l52 blades Shoulder Pads Cooper pods styled with adjustable body bicep straps JuniorTeen Model 1593 Cooper Shoulder Pads Features Polyethylene Shoulder cops Pee Wee Model 697 Elbow Pads Cooper pre shaped Vinyl pods feature Jutex Cotton padding and Cotton drill lining Intermediate Site 549 pair Junior Sim 453 Boys Skates Orbit skates moulded boots With Hi impact foes heels 3597 Mouth Guards Cooper moulded Polycar bonate mouth guard 347 Just say charge it Li coated feature 09 master charge pair Felt 49 the hull throw and 50 metres hfi iheii tiny was third in the hot throw and second in ffie 200 iiietIiii titlier iiiite nimfiilhiits were tiiil Ififltklllyltl first in 11 hull tliiow Keith tvi first ill the till metres fesiire Seiusiil third in the It Iliflltli and Wade laingford thlrd in the 200 iliefieii owist Ir Itliillltflm llltlflftilf tAIl Veteran running hack Steve tiwriii iiii noitneid his retirement lueriiliiy from liefroif liltifffi and the National Itoothnll LtiIMflt Ihe year old former litIiiiiiiin lropliy winuei hiiif litlfl out of action iilltl NUVIIII her ltllif when he injured his left kine in the laonii annual fiiiiiikngivnig gaini moulded protectors over hip neys spine 1497 Gloss Sole comfortable Cooper hockey pants Styled with Polyethylene 393 Italic Hockey Sticks Mull lommoted wood with Glass her reinforced blade Lie 693 Jr Koho Sticks Fibre stick Lies 48 593 56 76 Bayfield St Barrie Satisfaction is Guaranteed on War Purchase SPORTS SHORTS WIIII£NUIHIIllllfT snow litlw Aril tAli World eliiiiiipion Muhammad Ali says hes ignoring ii World lloxlng ouiieil edict on when he must fight George Foreman lhe Wilt recently said that if Ali wins his Sept heavy weight fifle hoiit III New York wtfh Ken Norton he must fight Itlftllfilff within 00 thin or face loss of his crown Im going to huck them All said Monday Fight Ittlltflfifll iti titliliiys fight him iii in days now aint goiugfofighl liiin iiititldays HIX AIIUINIIZID ltflILAM lllAWA tfli The iina diiiii Lawn Tennis Association announced liiisdav that six players have hien appointed or iinadas Itlll litiws tiip squad Ihe players are liin lloyce they Holder and flair Itiwet it of Ioriitifo Iiilean lentils of Lorelleville Qlil John lieken of Vancouver and Hill lteiinie of tiinihridge lint Lorne Minni of offline with extenmvr txlitlftlltl lit in terniifionnl and Have iip play In the non playing captain vA padded lingers Ir kid ff Hockey Sticks Fiberglass Gloss Wrapped stick lectures durable Ash handle 47 or 49 roll 07 IUIVINSIGNSCONTRACT NEW YORK AP New York islanders of the National Hockey League signed alfstiir defencetniin Denis lotvin to inulfiyeiir contract Tuesday Terms of the contract were not disclosed although it was he lieved to he SI million eov ering five years SIIAITI NAMES TEAM SitiAllllltI Al Seattles American League baseball ex pansion franchise was named the Mariners on Tuesday The name was chosen by the clubs directors from 600 names suh inifted by 15000 persons in name the team contest The team iiigins play next season lliZNNlS lltlZlC ADJUSTED NfZW tiltK tAIl lrile money in the S4ftititfl United States tipeii tennis champion ships iiiginning Sept has been rearranged Stun Mnlless president of the II Tennis As NtKliIllUll stud luesdiiy that fir st prize in both mens and womens singles is being re diieed to $300 from $40000 wrth more money spread on those players finishing lower Cooper SK 600 Helmets Mouldoil Polyrarbonofe helmet lectures rerossvd eniro rib for added rigidity 1493 Cooper Face Guards Grout added proier fimi for dolenre man and forwards 5A opprle m1 Cooper No 29 Hockey Gloves Prriteriive niovm styled with moulded thumbs loathe palms 1993 Couper No 26 Junior Cooper vent loved gloves feature mil pm uvod 1393 were thou with youf The As your Anti Inflation BOOfd regulations affect all of Vou the consumer we motor retailer earnings or com trolled so are ours Our pricing wrapped hockey policy and profit lovols adhere to the regulations of tho A18 Together Canadians can boot inflation