Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1976, p. 6

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Idleness waste of time says busy Halifax woman HALIFAX itli Mary An derson believes that idleness is waste of time And judging from the many hobbies she has to fill the hours of the day she does not waste much time have always kept busy with my hands and feel every woman or man should have not only one but many interesting hobbies to occupy theiiiselyes as well as for relasat ion They should also be ire pared for the time when ticir children grow tip and more away from home or when they might be alone themselves al lowing more time to pursue liohbies Mis Anderson not only col Iects valuable and facinatiiig articles but also spends time dabbling in oils as well as de signing and making all her own clothes One of her older hobbies is collecting coiiibs She now has about 120 and the ltitljttllt are displayed on wall iii her living room Many are made of tortoise shell Some are decorated with tiny glass chips or semi pre cious stones Of particular interest is folding travelling comb and case which belonged to the wife of the lord mayor of London This hobby began when her mother gave her coiiih which belonged to her grandmother Ill Anderson also collects liatpiiis man in ape ltretoii found hatpiii in an old house which had the initial on it and knowing how liked old things gave it to me This is how became interested iii this collection can remember iisiiig hatpins in my time but not fancy ones like these which must be well over ioo years old Mrs Andersons interest iii iaintiiig began alter the death last year of her husband She said she felt she had to have new hobby toocciipy her mind one that would bea clial Ienge And shes been painting ever since People can do anything II they just try by using bit oi imagination she said There are endless possibilities Inter esting little items can be made from bits and pieces of left overs Glen Huron gardener best at Creemore show REIIMURII Willi more than so entries in the reemore summer flower show Bessie Arnold of Glen Huron was awarded the irrle for most points on Saturday About 35 exhibitors ac counted for the 268 entries on display for two days in the treeiiiore arena according to Grant Robb president of the treeniore Horticultural Some Second in the totalpoint category was Mrs Wes Perry of Singhampton Other eluded Mrs Emery Fraser of Aven mg best exhibit in the show wheelbarrow of flowers award Winners in Kaye Joyce of reemore best rose and Grant Robb of Trecmore best gladiolus Homer man attractive wife well thought of psychologist BOSTON rI Homely men with attractiy iycs usu ally are judged to be iii telligeiit trustworthy and suc cessful says llostoii liiiyersity psychologist Leonard Sayc People assume equality in nlatioiiship Saye said They figure that homely husband must hay something else going for him such as brains it hes married to good loking woman He must be unique ueg peixoii Saye an assistant professor of psychology and Ilaniel Bar tal of Tel tniersity have studied physical ittractiyciiess and se roles for more than three can The results were surpris mg Saw said Most people insist that their judgments arent influeneixi by seiiil at tractiyeness Our findings show otherwise Saw said they chose per traits from college yearbook and asked students to evaluate them on one to seven scale of physical attractiveness Photos of those consistently rated two and si were paired in different combinations and shown to 128 men and women We asked them to look at each photograph and speculate on the persons personality popularity level of ethicatioii social and economic back ground and future happiness Saw said titlTTttlRATlNGS Hoincly men paired with at tractiye women got top ratings for income occupational status intelligence and IULdllmltlI attainments Handsome men paired with attractive women got the lowest ratings They were con sidered the least intelligent and trustworthy and least likely to achieve hap imess in marriage Ptsiple figure that an at tractne man doesnt requiie Revolutionary zeal cadre teachings aim NANIN North China Reuteri Iu lleiaiig Tang is doctor ho has been laboring in brick kiln Shi HeiaNei lyearold teacher in politics works as carpenter Chang thingio 44 year old accountant and senior fac tory administrator cleans out pigsties Pu Shih and Chang are all remolding their world out look They are students at Namwan tadre School which runs su mouth crash course to reseducate Chinas officials and change them from social lords to social servants Through political study and physical labor cadre schools aim to recharge officials with revolutionary zeal give them real taste of rural life and nar row the remaining class gaps iii Chinese society Li IoLung administrator iii the Naiiiw an school in Shensi prthlICt said there was long waiting list of applications from cadres The present class has 742 stu dents The students continue to draw their normal salaries but are otherwise treated equally They start the course by walking the 28 miles from the nearest city of Yenan It was long march in immature to toughen their rewaluhenary will Mr Li said Half the course is devoted to political education rereading the works of Chairman Mao TseTung conducting mass meetings studying proletarian dictatorship any special hesaid Men traditionally have been family hreadwinners and husbands success has depenr ded on his profession or the amount of money he earns rather than his looks Saxe said Wives have been put in roles of affectionate mates and sex ual partners good housekeepers and mothers Saxe said Her attractiveness has become symbol of her successful role fulfillment Beautiful women regardless of their partners appearance got higher ratings than homely women with one exception he said Hoiiiely women married to homely men were considered most likely to dtllltt marital happiness Saye said would like to find out if physical appearance play only short term role iii initial eti counters or whether its effects are long lasting he said Does it figure in the popu larity of such ell known people as Betty Ford for exam ple Womens roles in American society are obyiously changing but if we are to deielop non seist society then stereotypes such as those based on attract iyeness must be eliminuted Saxesaid characteristics LIOUIDATION SALE ALL Fabrics Notions Sewmg Machines was iii reduced iearaice by Aug comaere 315i MAELLA FABRICS 3S ESSA GAD IIIII ItIISIIIIINtlC of Mr and Mrs ltohert Stiiison is one of the homes in the ltar rie nrea teiitnied on the Itoyitl Victoria on iitaI Aux iliary tour to be be it from it ii iii to iii Saturday Sept Il Mr and Mrs Stiii sons home is the ioiiier Ai dngh home Also featured on the hull are the tetlai Itnils I£tllli ol Mr and Mrs Willniiii Malcolnisoii Wild links the residence at Mr and Mrs lioiiald Iliiieiy the residence at Mt and Mis Iioiiglas Metiitcheoii the Municipal Savings and Loans toip building in downtown llniiie and the residence nt Mr and Mrs John Hiiiioiis lickclr lot the toiii are available at $It each lioiii Mixr much l2lshanty Itay ltd Itutllti1ltitilltiit Mrs ii Itenvei to Donald HI Itni iie Iztlt Ititm and Mis Iut terhoii Woodriisl ltd Ilni lie lLlIltilfli Iioceida than the toiii aie used to piovide bellei patient care it the hospital iIlKaIiiiner Photos by Itolt Itiriikiii Body feelings and brain involved with biorhythrns Alfred IeItscIiei an Austrian doctor of engineering was teaching when he later discovered the intellectual rhythmoiztitdays The first half of eacli cycle is marked by high or positive phase when energy is expelled lliirmg this half oi the cycle people would be more apt to perform better than when they are in the other halt oi the cycle ii low or negative phase ex plaiiiiied Matt This is the time when we are recharging energy When rhythm is changing from the negativi to positive phase or Vise versa there oc curs critical day It is on this type of day which ha pens iii the iiiid point ot eaci cycle that jiidgtiieiit is more apt to be impaired he said AttllllINIlllthll Automobile accidents per sonal injury heart attacks strokes and suicides are more apt to happen on critical days saystatliy During the positive phase of each cycle people would be able to perform better as they are releasing energy When the negative phase of the cycle oc curs however people would not pertoiiii as well because they are gathering energy she said Jim explained people seldniii have absolutely Wonderful or absolutely terrible days We have up days down days and good many iii between days but every day can be ini dcrstood Ill terms of pm licular and ahiiosl iiiiitpie tiltl biiiation oi the three basic cycles UWtHI she said the days of cross over from one phase to another critical days are tlu kty lays Ivan compared critical days to the moment at which light bulb is switcliml on aiiil ott ENGM PM Ill MR VI MRS Robert Finch 54 Peacock Lane Bar rie announce the fortlicoiii my marriage of their daughter Robin Lynn to liayid link oi London lint The wedding is to take place Saturday at Trinity iiilicair liurcli An exclusive tour at Johnson Travel THANKSGIVING WEEKEND Tour to NASHVILLE Daparts 80mg thurs Eve OJ Returns Borne Mon You Price includes EVGOtI return deuxa motortooi transportation nights hotel accommodation reserved seals 09 Fr riighv GRAND OLE OPRY admission to OPRYLAND shopping OICUYSIOH baggage handling hotel taxes sorvrces of on OK Johnson tour escort PIKE PER PERSON TRIPLE DOUBLE I49 SINGLE I63 ANOTHER FINE TOUR BY OK JOHNSON TRAVEL H4 Dunlap St Barrio 7266525 because it is then that the hiilb Is most likely to burn out not when the swuch is in one of NH twoposilioiia Matt explained the knowledge of bioiliylhuis could reduce accidents and increase proiliictivuy It could also be valuable to sports teams iii order to Judge which athletes could perform at peak capacity They Will soon begin working lot the University ol Waterloo plotting liioiliytliiiis III coin pat ison to school accidents lioctors government agiii cics and corimratioiis in many countries particularly svvit Lerlaiid and Japan have ap plied biorliylhiii Willi great et tccliveness to reduce the risk of death in tipllillltilii in l1 Hi automobile accidents and from IlltIllill ial iiicltltlilr he utitl tl VIC IaHl ItllMIuNl yix otiiiie ot blanched nl llitllitli VllII ineaiiie heaping cuptiil ANTIQUES CLOSING OUT SALE 25 Reduction on all Itocli Sun now on antiqqu plan china turnlturo boolu Jewelry BREEIWAY ANTIQUES ioo Yong St illu AND iAvE Ml IZXIIIt Illli Moie tliiui llti ineiiibeis oi the ltellv tiiiiillv are expected to at tend the iirsl family reunion at Mulliiiirt Hillllltlllv The party being held at the home ot Itaiiiel Kelly It Midlitiint ItllllltllMIlNIIAltl iiiiieiiieiil paitv will be held Saturday at it ill by the cotiitiiiinily oI Mltllltllhl tut Minnie and Motley Hcliiuidlei who are retii lug iiltei it years at the Miilhiust lost tiltice and opeiatuig ti mini route All those iiiteiesied iiie Invited to attend the piiitv in be held iil ltlllhl llills School Mr Wainn ltrown will be sup plying the music hildreii ari weltmneut the party DIGNSIJHI tnrol Miiw daughter at Mr and Mrs lteit Maw liellevue ti Itiirite has been nained to the lieuns last at Itiissell Sage tollege liov IIUNUItH IDIZtiltlllZ tharles taiureston Vin son oi Mrs Helen Vin and the late EllIA 93 NI32W iamwssnmam fl ti Decorator Colors VilllS COUPON ENTITLES BEAREP TO FREE CHEOUlNG AT ANY STERLING TRUST BRANCH tirlirig rit tiiitit lII ttt tlLl tit tii tlit Illtillltll ill ttll ii Ilttltllllfisih iritgs 3i till every lietiiit ytiii yyrite trimi til lirttriititl liiltllltlll Utltll rter III it we liargitl tnr tittitling it AtltilfI be like asking HU ID pay to List will tl tlltill lt youre like our ax tlrttlt iisttiiiitr liti rites up It littltlts month this iiitxm ULlItI ilH ttf tl per year Ht yybv pay iitiiigt Iitfluts at Sterling at tually ii ttl lllfllltV lake the time and start savingtodav STERLING 57mm NC TPLJST CORPORATION Ross Furzecoti ani itSf Ba 726 649 Mi irrith CUtnidi Deposu insurance Corporation sopfa tilt rant lb But to tlxmniiiei tuasdoy August 14 I976 PEOPLE AND IllIICS NEW MODULAR FURNITURE ow allwieuuIofitts Vl ltliial tor apatitiimiis nit iniitii cottage or tzlialtei Barrias liplinlslerg 24l Bradford Street Without Vis ot lturi ii giuduiiled with an Iltllltllti Itucheloi ol Heieiiee degiei truth the lllilvtthlly ol Wlhlllli intiulo lie Wtih iuuiud to the lleuiis Itoll of Honor Mi Vih giaduate ol Inaatvtew itttili duty School has uciepied tmnitioii on the stuff of lhiivei slty ltospitul London int TALKSAlttllllWUItK liuil leiniiioii Alcohol and Ilrng toiiceinn Inc will talk about his organizations Woik the weekly iiieeling ot Illt ltnliuy tliih ot ltniiie Iliiu silav titlllltlllItNAMIINI An entry tee ol lift is being charged for the lust Itotniy golf toiniiiuiient being held Sept ittl til the Ituiiic Holt and toiintiytluh ANNIVIJtHHH lhe Imtb iniiiiwisaiy oi the liiiiiie ltotnry lub Will In celebrated Sept 72 it ril imminent lllm 728 5048

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