North Korea 0K3 meeting on safety SIIOII iAIi North Korea today agreed to meeting Wed Iltsdtl of the jtlllt Korean Military Armistice toriiiiiissiiui to discuss the safety of Ls troops iii the demilitarized zone between North and South Konu The demanded the meet ing and roposed that it be held today ut North Korea re iuested delay until chiks uy afternoon The asked for the meet ing in latununjom the truce village in the demilitarircd cone to seek assurances from North Korea that there would not be repetition of the clash last week in which North No reun guank killed two or my officers State department spokesman Robert hinseth smd the IS would demand assurance that our people will not be hair med The Command said the two officers died when tree pruning work rty they were escorting into demilitariztxi rune near the truce Village was attacked by clubwielding Nor th Korean The North Koreans said the group pro wked the incident The aircraft carrier Midway and four escorting warships were maneuveruig off the was of Korea tones in South Kima were reinforced by two fighter uadrons from Okinawa am the American South Korean and North Korean forces on the peninsula were all on precautionary alerts Body found SIDBIRY Ont itPi Pro mxtrll police are investigating the death of Nyearold wonun whose body was found lust week on the Whitefish In Ildll risene abt ut T0 miles south of here However police said then is no llldkdIlOll of foul play The body of Burburu Potable guose is tIlSLOItftd ilwigside road on the reserve List Wed lkSALi An autopsy performed last Thursday did not reveal the cause of death and tissue sam ples lute been sent to the Con ï¬re for Forensic Science in Toronto police spokesman said there is no indication of how long the mun had been dead tetore her body was found by reserve resident The reserye IS about 70 miles south of here Bat warning ST THOMAS Ont iI The Eingt Thomas health LHII bus issued munJig to reszdcets bexxiuse of reports of KKTRTIC behuyior by bats the city health unit spokesman Sdld Monday the bats have been fly ing during the day ap proaching hunum ind suying doorw iys guise for their unusual when is Liniszow but health offcurs ire concerned the bats ntl31r ribcs The spoke tl XIA but has bece set to Le client ii Lttsirsiory Hui Que lode tertttme other is rabid re yery cvnurtaed chil drer my pick up one of the hits sei cra of which hme me iccl Tyzzg or Nye trier sax Jack ITlley chief heat TSr he uni llc lld 3in bitter by but should have intsrabzes sheis mature Energy crISis BRITRRI1EW tl Jacgsr sencrng 77 Ct iï¬il se the 71 umch inc ACRK ibe energy crss snailler csrs had been minutiae or esrs go Dr Licksnr nuclear physi 15 is ihxzz to ir ifï¬e sf sitar1in he was ac sic Arru the whore pawn 71 we get through the ret yesrs If regsicy 11 13 Tx it If if WE $Iit 1111 it Loto change it RA FALL 12 il Stun24716 cc as tors 51716 37 rckcLs have beer surges rwr three Compassionate Comedy ofBig City Life GEORGIAN COLLEGE THEATRE BARRIE Aug 30Sept 830 pm Thurs met pm Box office at theatre 7284613 106 dark weeks 109 show weeks used for distributors of Olympic lottery tickets says Jeff Char lebois of Lotos head office in Ottawa lr Charlesz sand in tele phone interview Monday it is up to the individual distributors to identify themselves Tickets for the lottery are available now Mr tharlcbois said but added it was up to the distributors to decide when they wanted to start selling them The first draw for the new na tional lottery Will be held in Hamilton Dec The final Olympic lottery draw will be Aug 29 Loto Canadas first draw will offer 12 Simillion prizes three pitins of $85006 each 18 prizes of $1000 six 350000 prizes and three of $35000 Answers no WINDSOR Ont itPl The Ontario labor Relations Board has dismissed an icatioii by the Windsor High St ool Teach ers Federation to prosecute the education relations cummm for inaction during contract talks earlier ths year lawyer fu the teachers said Monday The provinciallyappointed commission oversees negotia tions between school boards and teacher asstwiations It is obliged to determine at the re quest of either party at the bar gainuig table whether or not tlv iher of the arties is iatingin faith teachers asked the com mwon to determine whether the city school board was ac ting in good faith but the coiii mission did not act on the request Anticrime HALIFAX APl The Cana dian Association of Police Chiefs is looking at ways to up date and promote crime pre vention programs iii Canada spokesman for the associath said ilondio Police Chief Torrance of Hamilton Ont head of the groups crime yention coni mittce told 715 annual meeting of the association that the committee will encourage each police department to pro mote the programs best suited to their areas Crash kills PARKHILL Ont 10 Gary Schcnnmg 31 and Robert Kennes 13 both of Parkhill were killed near here Monday in Ikwdon collian involving car and pickup thick Pro vinch police said the car was dnyen by Schenmng and the pickup truck by Kennes Park ill Ls 37 miles northwest of London Ont In walkout PFTERBOROIGII Ont Abuit 11 employees in the wire and cable department of Canadian General Electric Co Ltd walked out Monday for the List three hours of the day shift The Afternoon shift recor cd for work following agreement between the com pany and lmted Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America Local 524 that tem wary work would be cund for three department employees while their machine is being repaired On probation BEZUJTVILLE Ont John David Dewar 13 of wrsyiew Ont was giver sinspendai sentence and placed on probation for two years following Nnuctmr it movin cial mun Monday of pissesan cr methamphetamines spew for the purpose of trafficking Dewar who pleaded guxlty to therhargcheEwaso by Judge Glendamung to attend psychiatric or drug rehabilitation nurses at the mutation of probation officers 550000 grant VTTA ifi The At lriectcr 1X3s Al was swsr its $5011 gram by the federaZ consumer attains tMiJnday The department said in ms release the money would be zsed to expand the APks warmer msstancc adllttles with emphasis on car oar rarities and wmnty serve The APA which initiated THE GRYPHON THEATRE COMPANY PM sw lIIIIIltI cheers iIlSldlltt Kondrak after finishing her Lake Ontario Long Angela shortiy swim across early Monday morning lll class actions in Nm Sauna New Brunswick and Ullldllt il leging that Ford cars rust pre maturely has recciy ed $18000 in grants from the consumer fairs department since 1875 Wont say HANOVER bï¬ic Winkler Ont il former Ontario Progressive Lonsery im cabinet minister who was defeated iii the List pnwmcial election refuses to siy bother he will accept Snood your Job as moniker of the Ontirio Highway Transport Rixiii or seek election in rey riding Im not I1Iy anything to anyone he said ill weekend inteniew In March lr mklcr sand he would not candidate 11 the next election But when his appointment to the board wis announced two weeks igo by Premier William In is he sand some people were ptixstlfiflg him to Sick election igii The nomination meeting for the riding now held by Libero 80b Achzssuk is schnlizied forSept 16 Mr mkler is mornbe of the Ontario cabiztc from 197 to 1975 and was ippo cd chm man of the iiiiiiignteit txxird of cabinet in 191 He wis member of Iiriiiien istettohï¬ Hanoyer LS titles south Y5 of One Sixzrcl Abortion issue OTTAWA tl Thclcrtie ustal Church of Cdfidxld iclnp ted policy Monday to cisi ill types of mmrzbutmns to yum appeal agencies that gnt funds to Whimhors which sub scribe to the principle of ibor hoï¬on demand The PAIN adopkl by dele gates at the biennial natmnwidc convention of Pezitecostdi assemblies aimed entry ixmtrbutzrr hc ai pea church spikes TTK Itï¬it winch news it is mg adopted lte puzcy AVA the Imtm Appeal Tonr mwides funds to Fianna Pu ahead gnmp thaf actzyely ï¬lmris the phhxtlt if at tron or demand he said WNLOP ST HIE Toronto If WSS the 17year old swiiiiiiiers third try to cuss the Like iii three years The IIISI two attempts Wth unsuccessful Ll Ihoto New agency HAMILTON itl Fiir mots cvpect fight from con sumers when national chicken marketing agency is skirted this fall John Iaiizeii secretory of the Ontario ihickcii Producers Marketing Board in Burlington Ont said iii an lllltl1t llc SYII the new igcncy might cause retml prices for chicken to increase in super iiirkcts md said he pails the Loztsmiicrs Asswmtion of imidi to oppose its IOIIIIJIIOII rcdmftcd proposal for the igezicy which would regulate supplies of broiler chickens in iiiidi hus been sent to the ioiiil FAIIII lrixiucts Alar ketingiouiicil 11 Ottawa Friends help ii ARA Irl LS Ont tI Ahml 30 friends of law tint or Reginald Siiitth ho dis iptxurni ezght days ago ifter pickzng up Lire searched for hint during the cekend lr szth 47 emitter of Ii was List heard from ll $0 in Aug 16 when he ra dioui he hid picked up fare at the igiri Falls bus terminal During mgcnms ILLY DEE WILLIAMS JAMES EARL JONE RICHARD PRYOR and as going to lliorold Ont llis tiixi was found abandoned on dead end dirt rigid iii hits sissaugu Oiit six hours later Inside were his cap iind an emp ty money pouch Ronald Brown of Niagara Falls and other friends of Mr Smith spent three houis Sunday socirching loads from the bus terminal to Ihorold We were looking for car trucks iii the grass or anything like that said Mr Brown We found absolutely nothing Niagara rind Peel regional iolico were in Niagara Fiills uiidiiy taking formal statements from anyone who had aiw connection with Mr Smith in the hours prior to his disappeiirziiwe Searches of the urea iimund the cab by dogs and men with llltlzll detectois tilled to reveal any clues Rollback call OIIAWA itl1 The anti inflation board has called for wage rollbucks in six agree ments covering about 2500 cm ployees iii the printing iii dustries in Ontario and Quebec it announced Monday The Council of Printing In diistries representing employ cis and pnxiuctioii lithograph workers signed cl olioyetir con Irtkl providing for ii 1321sth cent stiliiry increase The board onlered this cut to 118 per cent The council also signed ii one year agreement with book buideis providing for it H113 percent increase The board ordered this cut to 10 per cent twoyear agreement be tween the council and photoen grayem called for increases of 1282 and 37 per cent tively This was reduced to the $2400 IIIILVIITIIIIII for the first year while iiiiiintiiining the it per cent negotiated for the sec ondyeiir The board ordered that the oneyear contract between tiff set Print and Him Ltd of To ronto and cniployms of the can ton unit be reduced to 11 per cent mm 09 per cent The oneyour contract bt tween RolplitliitkiQIone Ltd of Brampton Out and non Cltlfl workers for HOSpen cent increase was cut to 10 per cent twoyear agreement be tween DRG Packaging Ltd of Toronto and its hoto engriiieis which provi ed for increases of 1251 and 895 per cent respectively was cut to the $2300 maximum for the first year and 88 per cent for the second car Back home MOSCOW 1AI1 Soviet tic tress 70Ll Fyodorovii returned to her homeland Monday liiden with gifts and memories of ii niarvellmis Illllt with my fam ily the lmted States beaming Zoya was greeted by her sister and few friends when she arrived zit the Mos cow airport from New York The Gtycarold film person ality spent four months in the ITS with her daughter ic toria also it Snyiet actress who travelled to the last year and married an American air line pilot It was an unforgettable ex perience in America but am glad to be home too Zoya said She would like to return to the but before that she hopes Victoria her soniiilaw and new grandson will come to Moscow SHOWING AT 715 915 and Ikmnrighf lhclithfu pulpWW Quebec teachers hear unity call QIEBIX itl1 Delegates to the convention of the Quebec Teachers Federation tQIFl were told Monday they should lead the wav in promoting unification of the provincial labor movement Qlb president von thiir bonneuu told the opening ses sion of the ciuivcntion that the delegates should endorse the establishment of ii joint council of Quebecs three major labor NItflll ioi is Such ti permanent committee would also uire the ptirtici potion of Que two other iiiiior foderations the Quebec Fet ration of Labor inLl and the tonfuieratioii of National Wade Unions itNlIl tNll president Norbert Rodriguc tllld QFI leader Louis Laberge both guests at the opening session exprowed tip proval for the principle on derlying the harboiinciiu iposnl but did not make any irm coiiimitmonts NEEII SOLIDARITY Throughout his twohour speech Mr harbonnoau ham Experts get blame in heist CALGARY itll Iolice think irofessional thieves ciigi nceri the weekend theft of ll priceless collection of Remus some art city police inspector Don Nelson said Monday Police have not ruled out ii prank theft Insp Nelson said It descriptions of the stolen pieces by German artist Alv Tithl liurer have been sent to the international police agency Interpol as well its to Canadian Itl enforcement iigeiicics The 20 woodcuts etchings and engravings were stolen from the University of Calgary iiit gallery by thieves who broke III throu Ii ii basement window in the ibriiry housing the gallery gallery technician dis covered the theft about xiii Sunday The gallery liiid bcen closed since pm Friday The Durer collection was on loan from the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria Officials at the Victoria gal lery reacted with shock Mon day when told of the theft Gallery official Mario Limit said the Durcr collection was very very bright jewel in the whole crown of the Victoria gal lerys print collection merod home the notion that the salvation of the working class in Quebec lies witli closer co iteration on the part of the three federations Ile reiterated the traditional view of the YTtlithSpttlklllg teachers federation that the sol idurity of the union movement is essential in order to depose the current econoiiiic sys cm which he said exploits and Iiiim bles the working class While Mr thiirhoiiiieiiu talked about iiiiity however delegates were pondering 1111 iii toriuil split which might have ii serious impact on contract talks for 6011110 IttItIttlIOll mem bent who have been without ll agreement for more than ii year Last week five Qll Iltgtllltt tors tliioiiteiiul to resign after the federations negotiation commission turned down ii on ion coiiipronilse on the teacher workload issue which the lie gotlators had prepared for sub mission to thogovcrnment IIM IIOIIII D191 llw Berna frontier IUQde New 24 197913 Healing Substance Shrinks Piles Checks Itch lxclusly liciilliig sulistiiiicc prm on to shrink hciiiorrlioldsiiiiil repair damaged tissue rciiooiicd icsciicli institute has found ii unique liciliiig yiili stance with tlic iliilily to sliiiiik Iicnioiilioids p1mlcyslv l1 ic licycs ilclimg tllIkI dixcomfoit lll minutes and spccds up Iiitiling of the iluiiicd lIIIIiIIllCtIyILS Inc licmoiilioiilal cic III toiy iillci iiiiollici rcpoitctl iciy stinking iiiipioiciiicnl liiii was pioiiiptly iiml gciill lclieycd iicliml ItiIllLIltll or ictiactiontyliimknigltnokpliicc And most Illlthlldllt this iiiipioiciiiciit IllllllllllliI in Clt licic LIlIllidI OIWI itioiis wcic continued mm pct mil of llltlll months luitliciiiioic those tests and oliyci itioiiy yclc made on lttlltlih till wide iiiicly of IltlllillIliliIilI tOlltIIlt lions All this was iiccoiiipliylicd with ll finding substance lllo liyiicl which quickly IirIpx Iiciil IlllllltiI cells iiiiil stimulates glow llioliirw lmtic lliolync Il ollcicil Ill ointiiiclit mid siippml IOI loim c1Ilcd lirpmiitlnn II In Addition to iictimlly shrink mg liciiiniilioiils Iicpiiiiilloii ll liilii Ikllt lllItI iiiikcs cliiiiiiui lion lcxx p1mfnl It IltIl piciciit iiifcctioii which smicd come of liciiioi holds Ilhl usk yom diiiggiyt for Iicpiuiition ll Siippoxitoilci or licpiiiiioii II tliiilmciit with it spccml iipplimloli Satisfaction or your moncy icliindcil n1 Special offer from the Colonel to fight inflation feeds 510 hungry people $500 GROVEANDDUCKWORTN12651IO He said the collection was llI tisticiilly priceless but the gul lery hiid placed monetary value of 520000 on the pieces Staff Sgt YD McQueen of Calgary city police said his an investigation uad had cstnb lislied an unof icial figure of 3750000 for the value of the sto 3ISBAYEIELDST1261220 4SBSAROAD7262501 lcn pieces IMPERIAL CINEMA Barrie Twin Driveltln Theatre 487 Hold Over 2nd Week 710 910 pm WHO IS HE WHAT IS HE 15111 itll or FEAR HIM CAN WE STOP HIM IS HE AWARNING IS HE THE BEGINNING IF THE END SCREEN NOW PLAYING SCSI Msazmwsn At WALT DISNEY ROBIN CRIISQEUSN 2r IMPERIAL CINEMA Its hilarious Add Iiw All 1AM mortalan Barrie Twin DriveIn Theatre 487 12 NOW PLAYING PM PM mu n41 vl SCREEN NOW PLAYING ly the tilt the worlds greatest r1 ma luv TIME Mm M5 Ill 13 MIA NH um ELSA IMMIXIT MI WA H7 SQUID WI sum WA mm WI CHARLES BBONSON BREAKOUT in mmm