Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1976, p. 2

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at ANTIQUE ADILLAI IN OLDWAIER PARADE oldvvater antique car enthusiasts are still talking atsiut the recent parade $Itisitxi by the iitique RO STATION The need in substituni senior citien htsi it the township be discussai public meeting or hrsday Aug 31 iii Oro Szatioz miiitnunity hall ro toutishtp council has asked an Ontario Housing representative to explain government financing at the innting to which members of the Marigold Jolly Elders club tux been invited Rent would be geared to the income of residents iti senior citien housing pnovided by Oti tario Housing Township residents over the age of 60 iv ill be surveyed to see if there is enough interest iii the progratn HORSE SHOW OLDWATER Staff Gerorgian Bay riding club will hold Iiorse show at the old ater fairgrounds on Sunday Sept 19 ARENA GRANTS LORETTO Staff Ad jala council has approved grant of $5000 for the Tot tenhani and district community centre fund The council which is headed by Reeve Peter Kear as also voted $2500 to the Beet on arena fund JOINT MEETING RILLIA Staff lrainage at Silver creek will be discussed at joint meeting of Orillia township and city coun cils to be held tonight at the Orillia council chambers PLANNINGCHANGES DRILLIA Staff public meeting will be spoii sored by the Orillia planning board at the city cotincil chain bers on Icdnesday evening to present amendments to the of fiCiaI plan Otie change would be in land iise frotii tourist com nterCial to residential for land bounded on the north by Shan noti Street on the west by High Street on theeast by Gill Street and on the south by Lake Sun CIK TO PRESENT BRIEF DRILLIA Staff The Orillia and District hamber of onnie Gitten ot took part in personal development sessions iii leadership itid cotntiiunica tioiis along with recreation actnities it Geniwa Park Lake touchicliing She was selected by Sinicoe lttstrict inesing MOONSTONE Statti De sign for future epansion of the Hillsdale ater system is being considered by membets ot the Medonte tow nship couticil The plans call for new booster pump and councillors have been discussing costs with trustees II was proposed the cost be lev ied against new developments rather than the police village Trustees James Rumble and Douglas St Denis in discussing ty of serv ices for the village as ed that all hydro services lll eluding pritnary conntxtions be made underground in new plans for subdivision Members of the township council sug gested the subdivider meet with the village trustees Automobile lnb of America which procufled down the villages main street Michael Miller wearing QTY 11mg toiniiierce present brief on the proposed property tax reforms to the Ontario govern ment commission at Twin Lakes Secondary school on Thursday Sept The com mission will be in session frotn to in and from to to hear submissions The chamber has opposed some of the proposals on the ground they would be detrimental to small businessmen and that they could cause economic hardship if implemented in their present fortii OlNCILMEETING STROUI Innisfil township council will hold its second regular tneetiiig of the month Swiss OllIItI is shown is he mtendod greeting to iItll and visitors riding iii an ear model ladillac lhcre on Wednesday at 730 in in the municipal building tltli Line at Highway It RENOVATIONS ORO SIAIION Local con tractors have been invited to submit tenders on the job of renovating Oro township coutr ciI chambers The deadline for submissions is Friday Atig 27 PROPERTY TAX ORO STATION ro town ship will Iiave at least fotir representatives at the Ontario property tax reform meetingon Ihursday Sept at Twin Lakes Secondary School Orillia Re resenting ro will be Reeve allace Key deputy were at llllltllt cars in parade IIioto iy yril Mar tin Call Oro meeting on senior housing reeve Iiartes Simpson clerk llenry Neufeld and depiin clerk Don McKay IIl CLASSICS ELMVALE Staff Training classes for ill Homemaking members on the project Focus on Living will be coiidtictcd at the Ontario ministry of agriculture and food North Simcoe office building here on Monday and Tuesday Aug 30 and 31 Similar classes will be held at Waverley Anglican church Iiall on Wednesday and Ihursday Sept atid anti Minesing Anglican church hall on Tuesday and Wednesday Sept 7and8 Nursing home group Alliston club guests By MARGARET STOLTZ ALLISTON The Sunshine club entertained residents of the Good Samaritan Nursing Home last Thursday afternoon with Mrs Ida McKelvcry and Mrs Kcarns in charge assisted by Mrs Arthur Morden and Mrs Murray Floyd Leanne and Gwyneth Mc Kelvey provided entertainment with vocal solos being ac companied by Torn Sliephard and in piano ditets with their mother Mrs Marjorie McKerey Recognized for having August birthdays were loe Smith and George Peacock The residents of the Ilonie look forward to these iiiotitlily pro grams and also the Monday evening visits of members of St Johns United Church ou plestlub PERSONALS Mr John Annette of Quesnel was recent visitor at the home of his aunt Mrs Ilalbett and they visited Rev MINESING GIRL AT SEMINAR oop Rarrie to participate with 36 othen in 10th iiiiiiial youth seminar sponsored by lnited tootxratncs of in tario Itctute also shows lynden Hillier ot op crative iollege ot tanada Consider extension of Hillsdale mains resolution was passed by the township councillots to ac cept the subdivision igreetiient as presented by Brock itid ol borne dev elopcrs Rrodigan presented in engineering report for improv ing municipal drain as re quested by the Ontario ministry of transportation atid com iiiunicatioiis The clerk Howard Robinson was iii structed to prepare bvtaw The roads department have been putting crush gravel on Concession where construc tion work was done earlier council was advised new sign was discussed for the narrow bridge on Concession at the oldwater River and Mrs William Annette iti Owen Sound last Wednesday accompanying Mrs Jean Hand and Miss Mary Hand who visited with Mr and Mrs Bob ameron and their famin also at Owen Sound Mrs Fred Ellis and children Susan and John of Adelaide Australia were guests of Mr and Mrs Ellis last week Mr and Mrs Robert Elliott and Mrs urrie of Guelph visited Mrs Hazel Morrell last Wednesday Mr and Mrs tolin Ilatcher and family of Edmonton Alber ta spent few days with his mother Mrs Ediia Ilatcher en route home after having visited famin atid friends iti Sudbury Toronto and Ottawa Mr and Mrs Jack Slater visited friends at Illuevale last Tuesday Mrs Jean Hand spent the weekend with relatives iti Kit chetier and Burlington Mrs Marguerite Knipe and her granddaughter Kathy Knipe of Gtielpli left early in the month for holiday with relatives in the Brit iin Isles Mr and Mrs Herman ole have returned from holiday at their cottage on Georgian Bay near Waubaushcne Mrs Geri trude Hanccy was guest for three days last week Mr and Mrs Elmer Stolty atid granddaughters Barbara arid Wendy Haddock of Bell Ewart spent few lays this week with family iti Stratford and Cambridge GOLDEN AGE LIII Some 40 members of the Alliston Goldcti Age Iub at tended the county senior citizens picnic at Midlitirst on Wednesday Mayor Oakla Gray brought greetings frotn the town of Alliston and John Latimer of the Alliston police force contributed vocal numbers to guitar accompanir tncnt as Allistons contribution to the program It was an en joyablc outing in lovely set ting oii gorgeous day atid seems to attract tnore seniors each year The Alliston and District Hor ticultural Society chartered bus for the Scottish Festival at the on Thursday Mr and Mrs Dunn and family have returned from threeweek vacation oii their house boat Plan Easter fish fry at Alcona Beach park Ry DORIS RATT ST IAllS At the hurchviirthe lark Alcona Reach Easter Day will be celebrated on Friday Aug 27 complete with fiin try on the beach as Ill Itibhcai times Mr and Mrs Reg Arlen and children of Guelph spent few HILLSDALE By MRS LE HILLSDALE Several peo pie from lltllsdale attended the Sinicoc otinty senior citictis picnic on Aug tit it Spr ingwater Iroiiiciil lirk Midliurst the ug tit tiioctitig ot the mucus IllillIt sot read iti it Lariat ingand Mrs Douglas ctlicd the art ot candle making The draw was won by Mrs Morrison Mrs John McFadden flew to Saskatchewan recently to it tetid tier uncles tuneral Mr and Mrs John ltztchic ind son lobti of Detroit are spending their vacation with Mrs Ritchies mother Mrs Willis Moon Mrs Sydney larke was iti Toronto last lliursda visiting her granddaughtci leiri tlatke who iizidctucttf sit get IIlTilitlltIZii Mrs lliotitpsoz nan and Mrs Mr and Mrs tlitf Iorter of Penetanguishene celebrate their 39th editing IIlItttISII It and Its Icvixic IIII so weekend parents Mr and Mrs Rodney Stark and daughter Pamela and William Stark of Oakvilie called on Mrs Iiernice Train oii Saturday it it Mrs Ullt Row at helped days with Mr and Mrs Paul Stuiiden and faintly Judi lralick enjoyed weeks vacation with her sister and brother lIl law Mi and Mrs Brian McKcnie in Ioron II Shannon and Shane Stovell visited their grandparents III St atherines and they went to Marineland Niagara Falls They then visited their maternal grandmother in thgevvay Mrs Ray Dagenais of Acton Mass was dinner guest ot Mr and Mrs loelratt Mrs Degenais iiid daughter Mrs Howard Edwards lett to Air ittidi for their Iltllllt oi Saturday Hm Fttgttsot tied iti was buried ziit iti tar lsi tk Sytiipathy goo out to his stir crnon iiid tainin Roy iii be remembered as one of Itinistil policemen when the township had otin two Harry Fcrier was the other officer and he died tizt iiion llov was the th cat TIl tgt iIIV tl li1theabsencio Itct iitct Lee tratg Hunter was prtJvIitI Rtltt Mdiittaitt limit the servite and llitt ilwil croft inid ttc itssti i7 it uls tl IIAAIRIRU est ticttttati Reuter Dr Ivan eit ot the Frankfurt Rattelle Institute has developed helmet IIIl ifl tgt II t1t tiort all based on the interference principle that sources of sound waves of the same pressure and frequen cy cancel each other out if they reach the saute spot siniitlta neously DRILLIA ltuiiiI residents favor preservation of farmland through lociil land use planning rather than ii freeze imposed by the provniciiil government ii SlllVtly by Sim coc lZiist MIIGoriloiiSmith in dictich onstitiients also want the drinking raised to and they say teachers and civil servants should not have the right to strike In his latest newsletter Mr Smith said 43 people favored provincial freec on farmland while 272 supported local con trol and lH were undecided IIie btilk of those residents in favor of the freeze Were ur ban Mr Smith said Those opposed fall into the rural category and the Iiiilk of these people were in favor of land use control through of ficial plans and zoning bylaws DRINKING Milt On in res iondcnts siip OIII the driii iiig age at lit while 467 said it should be over um said 20 years of age andiltisiiid It In the question of selling alcoholic IiiVeiages at sporting events it was lift in favor and liltlopposwl On the right to strike the fol ly wastlit Ilittagainst lbe laIIy was HZIBM against giving civil servants the right to strike and 353 lSti against allowing teachers to strike Of those restxinding 222 were over 65 years old 1th between the ages of 45 and if 200 bet New landuse bylaw planned in Innisfil SIItOUl Althouin two years old lnnistil townships landusc toning bylaw has never been endorsed by the pro vincial government The township is preparing new bylaw to replace the 1974 document The new bylaw will implev nieiit the strategy iii new of ficial lan approved by council earliei this year The old bylaw merely updated the 1968 official plan In deciding to proceed with the new bylaw council noted that the ministry of housing and the Ontario Municipal Board OMB have recommended that course of action instead of revising the 1974 bylaw Jerry Jordeii planning con sultant with Ainlcy and Associates He will prepare the bylaw at aii estimated cost of $7000 submitting montth progress reports to council The townships new official plan is being delayed at the pro vincial level until the OMB rules Oct Ztl on Barrics at tempt to annex 13500 acres froin Innisfil The township plan would let the city annex just 6000 acres The old zoning bylawto which more than 800 objections were received frotn township residents did not describe special annexation area Freeze of farmland favored in survey ween 30 and 45 102 between age 18 and 3t and two under age 18 Urban respondents totalled 523 and rural 328 Wins award for column MIDLAND high school teacher at Midland secondary school has won an award from the Canadian Community Newspaper Association for best column in weekly newspaper Bill Smiley whose humorous column appears in 135 news papers was the first recipient of the George Tadogan Award given at INAs annual con vcntion Head of the English depart mcnt at Midland Secondary School Mr Smiley is former publisher of the Wiarlon Echo Fair dates ItaII fair dates for this and neighlmringarcas follow Barrie Aug 2428 rillia Sept to 12 Stayncr Sept 1415 Becton Sept 1445 Beaverton Sept 1718 Cookstown Sept I748 Midland Sept 1748 Lindsay Sept 2226 Oro Sept 2425 Collingwood Oct Coldwater 77 Oct 12 Elmvalc Oct 89 Sept 30 to DERIVED FROM GREEK The rhinoceross name comes from the Greek words meaning nose and horn Property tax reform studied at Creemore CREEMORE Staff Members of Creemore council will be asked to give their views on proposals for property tax reforms Reeve Fergus Grose stated It is very involved and should be studied carefully point by point said the reeve when asked his opinion Among the new proposals are Reeve to run at Alliston ALLISION Staff former member of Simciw Younty finance committee Reeve Peter Cameron has an tioiinced his intention of atom ding in the Alliston election in December intend to run again be said in reply to ii qIHSIIOII III also confirmed he had rltIIVIII copy of proposed property tax reforms which members of council are studying We are all concerned about tams he staid when asked for comment Deputy Reeve Jamsr Dicksy said Ilt consultred If too early to make ItIHIUH on It clcc tion plans Ill haw to give it some thought he replied to question suggestions for taxing govern ment property raising business tax assessments changing farmland taxation and revising tax exemptions except for churr ches and cemeteries Members of fretmore cottn ciI besides the reeve include Councillors farm Iowan Douglas Gill Itiith Gaeter and Ralph McDonald Now serving his fourth year as reeve Mr Grosc said he hadnt definitely made up his mind about the coming election but had thought of retiring ltefore he became reeve he had been councillor for two years During IIHIISSIOII of property tax reformti it was pointed out government commission headed by WIIIIS Hliiir WIII hold om of wrics of bearings til Orillm on Thursday Sept to riNivc HIIIHIIISZRIOIIS III Win for residents of Sim cm and Vittoria DIillIIOrv and Htttv nose mid he felt rcmrmrc should be ciiibriiitting brief POI IAl ROLS OIIOIAIION Omcouncil has asked Hi JIIUIIU Ircaiziirci to reconsider any NRIHIIHI pingJain that would IIlrtll or patrul by the On farm Irlivinl iiil IIl letter altn go In lhc Attorney ficmralnoffici DISTRICT NE WS 2The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Auaust 24 I976 0n Personal Chequing Accounts with $200 minimum balance GREAT IDEA Toronto Dominion nocharge Chequng can save you money on every cheque you write ITS SIMPLE just open TD Personal Chequing Account if you dont already have one Keep balance of $200 or more during statement period and you automatically get nocharge chequing If your PCA balance falls below the $200 all cheques paid in that statement period will be charged the normal rate of 16¢ per cheque ACT FAST Nocliarge cliequng starts With statement periods beginning on or after August 215i Any questions9 Your TD branch has all the answers TORONTO DOMNP It pays to become aTD customer

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