Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1976, p. 14

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tThBerrlBemlnon YutdméuuWt1919 M31 wwmfl smcus so all Lost AND sauna till WANT mama SALE 930 spmfrmfiaay 200 it bumV Nous TO lNT Mitt trltts Saturday Table ssw To mom1Pi3°loll3ii33liiismil23 PERSON motors goo TV tens ruas turnlture cruiser misslno tram Potterlsw Izehlnsts tur costs winter clothing Murine August In 1976 tierlu ulster man household lterm quantity movers and car at white vinyl Itecll wi rail iltI isrsttoatrt bases 17 Hloitwav miles stripe eieptmnelotiectl Ill In it north Georgian Matt White tears at on 275 BLAKE $1 BARRIE WANT items nut HAIR trust to little over rlrentelu salary pent to Eldlltlfltl person Teephona House at elIlnI asvttslil Etlecutive luluiy townhouses Mail 17s at and bedrooms BARR PLAZA BARBIE EARN EXTRA Mimrzv show out Preslige location To do basic secretarial watll surh as typing tiling dlriatian Ittltlnt amounting tlittttlmls etc Home knowledge at the ad vettlslna tteld would he an asset but not essential Corn party ltenelits Oltlres located In Iradlrlid Send resume In eluding salnry requirements to ALI THE YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directriry Noed help ritlna line at Christmas srtts anti nitts to trlerids neighbors telallvul its my Inuit over the ads below The OllVGillIOS easy ptatlteille enit no stimulants IILTRITE sMostovorloohino bay needed Our heautltuil lillistlateit toil It tlielr held and will assure nu shwt ldnggmm wafln dry pagetelsstoaua neitls yontouulrllunty III CA54LARY tn loifiletl Olin if it or Iental oppllrotions now being taken tolerances now wme mm Ws 20 Inch TV 350 weakly lllillltl llllillttllittllvllly tiiIIIItI Christmas ratsiouiie snil Iittoiniatlon Monarrh Greeting arils lient Cannon iterttlltun New LOW liiltftlliitl° NEWMARKE Ontario Attit Bill CROSSON Mal hating Manager Fm oppornlmant to inspect iii Call 7262361 AuJtl It iii Ir OWNMHU mm ACOUSIICAI colituctos uvssrsouomtlo WW C001 rm cm Aluugm HUNOL dwwufl illitittkll Allitrtitiultt anyutttnrgtiliig All MTt ATNO Mummy arr13irttiilzlzxr MANSllllD lllNMAN lilNlllM 3mg I032gnawnlahmrms 1ttiIIi gxiiliriieuilhy mm mud zaflrzumzmyrmn an tluwe oilsIi in COMPANY llMllLD it Mr mt sllrtllllitr uvssrriiiiiisiimu sp mmm WWW rm X15 fifilfifttillilgtm 17511 RENT TO OWN iiullsts Ituulliig lIlIII rattling IatitIIls he VI asIltriIItIss lull NM New luwall mm JilllN ii IILLI linllllll ALUMINUM ml All AN AI UMINUM SIDING cunmo IIOMI IMHOVIMIIIB cm 9lh Pet weoII 84 tmIIII ltlltlfl anveslmuuit Ilum INtsllImI usuriiiiiimo litrllane Wu 335 Iranmgm 57 TWO bedroom apartments colorgd up thllco 25 Inch pot week $450 windows awnings WEST GROVE aims 3° muhy mu Plume10 gym puuncos drapes indudod No to smcoe Zenith 26 PerweelI $670 tinIllenilnsuius Iluttewuth CONgtpUCHON mm mm mm lmmg llu hellrmutt pliiy ruatrt lauitdty Mtlta All models rented on an annual tlllml Wit BOChhoa Excav IIqu us All ulntln wall II atlr MNliiil IFI tmlsiw PTOXO basis Short teir Iiltllted number at vaialti Ie Im IIIIulteIl In the plant and the Mrmmmwdmma MW um mil It It to mm Mum iglttly llenr hi AUQI higher company will strap tplltnlltltta up to in Wednesday August GBSON nmm Hut mqu masts 75 I976 HOTlIUIIlOl Augeting lurking Inasmin darnallltart youu on rillmbA PNNlth 04 llmiuml Open Mon Tues Thurs General Contrm to petleme ItsssiimumJusIss nrsrlm Interim uuluritaa HEDRIIUM Annulment nvellntitltiiu at ht stilthlitu teal Pm Am Established Illysurs Ill IMH 91m 2zrmrtteltltay at tire linrmilsi lowers gt l9Pm Mmmm PY Rqm 7265609 mjl IIItum nilerilinZ1mmsIililizr Insulile to IsiluztIttllllmnlsiTiz Phone us mill Saturdaymgpm Weight ibblhs 3mm IAtlthitit thAVAllitls mul miniII hullrllnu tu Itlllimo uflc mlmlao at rays revertitius AUTO ACCESSORIES Hahn dmmy um lttii tAl In In IIIIIIIIIII IIIillIlInqu mm tum allr AVAII Alli stti tMEIER III APP 00 0m WWW Wm tum in limitlust Minnm tiMlIt nstlmir amiss itssmls lussiIII ml Slumus lully tnrnluituii apartment an AR Motiliu Isalstors hutlailes AI llllilswlth Imnnuni Hellrill In Munsl tutrllr tmilm sintin Main iloui IIIlairlr tor res onsthtte starters alternatms tire enhance mature lttilsliietIu imlple arkinu laIIiiis mime In Iiispm fixrsmlfaJWPMPBgzr 32 Miisii iristsut mm 1mm AI ullllldlllhllllletl Nirpets Valytflnllfll MOTORCYCLES fllIIII litlfl llama tiling Am mum Itd inttum Plata uranium Amitme at no iIIiI Mm hut mi Musk tli Myltatrt it Two Irmlrttrs trial fit DROIIM uruuirp tlrtoi neat I9 NIINION tsnutmmmma aint Hit animatert lusttilt ti7 tilMM downtown htuvct Ie iluuintm anti tittun 000 oytmm tetupymn mmhm eglrrrustur rum4 Kallile Ianiultml HM Humility 14 Ml islonm ion on MT Tl 68 APPUANCDS HgTTLhhm siMlirt ttONIIMV ltllululltrlt IIIII luIs IAtttilIiMiu Mimi 6mth MytiIll WW sun 1500 mm Immomiaye 0v II iIlIIwin IIrIIt saltlilu hoe ssllrmtlu um Mull uuliur Ilussas rumutm mutt EASIEMI NT APAR lMENl tot rant lion Just went Unit on time tilll liles BOATS AND MOTORS mun mm In mlmmum uslrun built and nod nu WWW East anti ltvmu NW twlltmfli had last srtier amt wind sI inert Best Tilitillilm hum mm Itirltitnnni sitiiierlwnltiiliioe ariiisiuva Iittiti Alttlilttl Ml telephone In 494 re 11 23801 All wtlihltlunslllp guaranteed No nits pivote Hull poi month an lm talurmIInInn 1m Avallaltll sIm °Ml Ileimmm PETER Hi NSTRA mm tritium Instrlit mm liutum INCH HoNnA 75 um mm Mi anw pine unit guiltn rrtuIIII lander sarvitas IAKEFNIINI ith tiinIIItrtt Itnnisilml out at Irate snilnu 75 Plus helmets wl on Its we ttkrAItl alltlaltv Eurspan iriul ARR 737287 mim no 45 printout mo luv Point area avaria IIIIn rm sist mi sum Telephone and latter trailer plus on How Waekdn law innumimu Am wt WM Hielit Isl stilt ILi illnlilti lelatttmtm rut ml tioni wipers horn Iluhlel stolen pail Mm no Nlll Mm mill we mm Saturdaysttnl INlrtiiiitt litMiiIlLIllNI tut 293 793 mmhmww lulllrmmnu WWW mil ll it iwt imimutMM amllnlmm Iimiml ARTCLESFOR SALE ill IHLtilttlll insiumnv that 0W rmomu Mg Anti tritium New and own lilac Irv not It list Nu or It II tieilrtlurillily Inlrttltnms Nil Jvitl YORK AIR Iltltrtltiunel lan Ioni MIME it Vlltmel Whit iiililidill unummu using wm21mxi tru mm Hinmgtle limit omit swirlinuni NW WNW PM mm mnm IIIIIIlIIIItsiuii Irlt MIJ entiitllv iIIIatmi Iiitier tirtol rtn Iiel Tau mm 001 human mm mp rtmmtAI IltikttAl is all IIII tall lean arm mourn silo Ilinntlllv in I009 SAL Inboltlaltouany plank ARE YOU LOOKINGIOR NIWLIIALIINOI mm mm plum itaitIrIlIIn Real IlsIs It Will USE COLOR TVS épmwxbihlcgalml Norman Shelsweli Realtor ls pleased to nilnuum the expansion mm mum Mu my my StiltllritllilitlDVlzfivxliluilafiailslxcyflll AlIv teasonnhle utter will he entail wm WM vmv mp mm mum Rem Tun humuu Olmm we me now llmml Iu imlmIllihlirlmm rm EARN IOSA Killed In Iiulct lIIiIIrIlnu ulils only We Itodlt tit mom hit new stIIIlI Ion gvfemins ally lolaled on West Street with on expanding ulttpetent stull tn W7 EARPIN ANDMN BY ON KLMPLNFEI BAY tale Inn in Im tlrIIIIrIIst ionllnn III tonic early tor tmst UNFltllerItll lt thtIIIIInt that titlunt lvim lion Itt IltIIlI anti mark and white ml Mtanttmfiic Wlli mve mummw HT alpmm mannmmu Hm hum mm aw Andmnuémm mm lvs tv mm mum 39 Johnson ntntol steal Inu anIiI nittrnis lit in our Barrie Ollire soles stall We ullet our sales people the Am 13 hmhn my 23 Kmumm mm mm Mn Mm mum Bil 419 Ilxllllllltl ii Ill It ouownq litmus tlllltvlllls tillllllurIs litplural tileteriml Available any IIIrIt HP tier All it It in tl9hunvy Itati ll sot llrmt mmtir unit an mm net rumour up gym woumu on ARTICLESWANTED aToptomrnlsslonspiltairangeinents Awmun Mmmhmm mm lug sclsunerl lAVlNllllll isivpnuiir IM tau mzltltmiiiglfl only Raina wall Financial bonuses based on mnmlsslon tucalvail rutum iIIIIIMllllllu rum mm IIIl WW onuwuy puykmn Lu 50 ll 0400 ROUM Hm mm Ies teatime It uinl Inc tanks Itlsttes Ilit tltlils nilr by In wfiehmyd anti ltl iIII nllItrl twaliitu sltil Iitiiiiias In HRANII NF 23 erasai int mm Ilium tiiiezbalflinr Into and ends Pr lxcellent alilr oinitmdotlon Ienii Iilly aletl mm mm mm JUST GlVE US tom com lllltlesl rItIII shti lvlrsptlilltu mt Mil television tIrIIiutinu works In Irrawai lleDP fllatllmtmfl lions aluminum III Nu tut lI sinill YOUR CASTOFFS Cannot Work CERAMlGOLD SAlLS Minisrt ttlt in and tuII itiailIltaI tIIIeI warranty Now PIANO WANT ttlt Small or itteItIIntI company uppon me Sum yw nmumm anmmwu only $5910 PM Inst 50 weekly with no site aorta tone and Imitltinn lclcplltllle ff sttMAygs mlel mum mm Mum muny dawn mi Mummy 43 3st company buslness that is built an integrity and Servli CARP gums NM Mam mum Mum Noveiitrwr Phone triniunltiae delivery DOGSAND 9515 It you are Interested in iolnmg prolassiottnl Raul tstute lmre between Math and SIIOp WrittenGuarantee Refliiltldlllr Ictlll ample milling limo mm my V4 NH 5mm II 3393 mil WNlli ltlmltlti lilllr mm mmwn eyrmmw Inc Piaya III AVIS punt pa pymefimnflt 93 3w° an tlevltnluu yinii Iur tats with iIlyiat s4 pitta amt oroornlnu reasonable rates tatview Previous experiential prelelullle but nntltetessrtty Humllmmu Uta AUTOMOTWE Lme An commicul pl General Maintenance Serving Sinicoe County WSW It in 5W oinm CARSEbfisALE buys III new 20 supei zwnnEDGtHiIl AQUARIA Aquariums If WM Mm mu uumuhmw HullYullltt television with no rttunay tith plants all nIIessorlcs Lowest HWMWHM Mum Mu um Trees and Hedges at years Mm my In MM Wm AMANU 000 lulu Ml tm cfsyfiLnvvnytsz éuyghwvuzllrly uR JAgaoh 009 lllt writll lrlyuut all Has lull Irllluit 4Iii Illnmd hwwfl tlon luietltlnnr anvil Tilt 7749 or oven 001 Salon Shunt ooinu 91M lrflt Inuim IliItIi 32 TV WWW PM and lltlplna or all mIIIIIII optllls P°°°°d nuns pom Mt Rf 5de ROLUX DOVE onwm sptéeoetfut 7I4A4h quk Exterior Painting Irirrlas only ttrwse at leaum lama Irtttnr to II Mllllll it it to rss nmsi awn kenmmue Filler Quaen used vacuum mommnu bum IIONIIAlII count will Ilsim tstllllu0l Window Cleaning Services UlWlWAYSI Sinlllztglp It mm an clarinet ltntt up Telephone 7260853 delivery I79 Pet Studio tuctory humus attics leiphan I3 059 gnu Moving Jobs VOLKSWMJ tIEAVV DUIonrII benchtorssiaJlso Puafnpfin Enemy Sheep uniIquI WORK wtlttsstilllvsl lllftllth ID 63W duty utility MIN WW II lies roast lYHIldlIOlAII ust Aslrln hath ooort onrlltlnn telephone in Oils as tfltvpmun 37 0745 wild Days 7268424 Evenings 4362387 client Ioitrlltlnn altar Iltlti III 3015 To service our varied lines at ollice equipment In the Barrie Orlllla Carola meme IlilHtS Will PRIVAIF SAIL mu minim rm 505 N°9°W Emvm LAB tUPS remastered struts tattooI °°° MOM 0ch am Suppln liIm two GUARANTEED is rivaling dead elm turrtrs and mun wllilll mum imwm masts °° WWW wormed llnmtilon slim parents my We are looking tor neat tttatuta permit with Grade education in Itimnm Illlivoty limit II HIE EsttMAtgs dII arsed 12w in ms ixtwm Iiirung Vti lmllll mu sliimsm 50 tinned aims slsiiemtt 705416 mt no Itihit It inm mm FM °°r unhmm mm Mm mmN 10 no MW mm and good mechanic al aptitude and hllnwladga ol lla elortronics llsltnitry IIIIINIIIIIAIII painting liluilill lg ir rimEmmi ItUII mrman Slitllrttl nur Itlttillll out this Is permanent posltlon with good snluly tango and liberal RESSMAKING Immnni In um are uuo lintnir Ilnot IIIIriilIip 000 WI etliilttit hm and cm 00d mama my Had 35 in muslin III it mint hy Itistt AQIIINU sttlim tltAN UP PiutIIrl muqu MAtlItllI tAeru III PuttIs ow WWW now lm nit luliniig lrt print suits gowns unit srsdtlln snarling garioiul tottfllltlilllltll Sid lbs and St he astltr WAIIIMAN tdmy in lttlrlmtlfaltlltlzrrulnl00shllglgll7lo lllil mil zillthRiAN Ignaz on Trttonttl Mlt JIM TtllN ulnruliutis 76Wmslay mum llnwm mi rim wml autism0d PBtmI mm rim tltW two war HEVII limit not hard iniinitis $3er Show qaslhlily was Unit It AliIaiIIeBlvrl DRYWALL Nm VMW Mm moo mmm mpg tunnluu 0mm my My Mu ill it lrlaphoug no house rlenn utis temmtelllng add lotls IIIOI IA CONIIIAI lING Prsllas gt 30 all Iieusurialilerutas 3567 sidewalls It thinr rurbs Ngw LUNGS WIILXM LIAHING sail kalltti Uilt anon tut parts Phone liftIle RF OLD nullsit Sheep Dnu DIYWAII IOAIIINNO taping rnutui 59 ettvtlrttI It not um ma wflksmn lrwmmm A074 stint tunliinns aiiuusllr unit iIutIimit CAllttNllllPMNINI Vuu name it rfitngh 69 Wm RIIIL slate wnuim tor tulle in 07 liter All up adlalllngs it my we III it all no no or anon simpl lllllll st 400 or trust at tor Ttltitltllttt no Lltl tiller In im VUL RSWACl Stlllltu tor parts bust IlttIl lIIItttrnrtt zti OLI IQNIII It In It 0RD Lit MI lstt iitn wnuttlt IT DIX IIHK IIItitlatl Atlvr lit sum AllL Satin Itt lii lull INIWQI tactory mi IIItlttiltu Ionltttllttt ttittts new trsl its rs $600 Iairphnnt Milli nttrr It WM COME 28 ti standard tool blur In uniting nulltron As rs hast tot Ill tt M95 It in to5 LRELIN lit good audition DIK Mitt txh ssii lTIT Asking Si or bcs otter IIIIthorw 159 ss ALCLN llY USA to spoon new shrtw saws mo TtIcttttottt 31s IDLF 5L LY TIlnnv JO It hmos new Lsl boat as use slitfi1 vucs 46 on IIs AN Ivan 2t outlier rt SD tlrphortc Ls aN CARSWANTED TO BUY URGENTLY REQUIRED For lorrve Newest Cor Deaigr TOP CASH GOOCCLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES 03V NARDY MOTORS H6 MANORD ST 1294272 09 DR to cots Your Motors Ltd Batty gt 53 NH JUNK CARS WANED driest once DUMP TRAILER uni wheels hand pump operated horst Pertect Telephone 0755 FREE FLORIDA VACATION FOR Accommodations Only WITH THE PURCHASE OF EVERY NEW ELECTROHOME COLOR TV During the Month at August BUYERS CHECK LIST No down payment No payments zil SKTtmbt it 39in We sewn Mia we self TThSAu3i tor grain etc It solid sides DOSE RMAN PINSCHER pups tot sale to approved homrs LI mates Show pro sports rnrItully setettvrl line men to prodme tap nous Price $400 earn 5w Ions inquiries phone Otlllln AW Wu tot viewinu appointment and humor detnils GARDEN SUPPLIES Pol liNG SOILS Govt llSHl WI rtle our own Dont Insr valuable plants Bravs Gnrdwt Centre Ferrlurlir telephone no 295i CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOOT Glenda motor ttotrlItsIrllInt condition only H100 miles Askinu $10750 telephone All ITIIS REAL ESTATE LTD REAL FAIMEIS MA ET LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOX AND Hound Tech Shop English riding equipment and apparel Robinson Herawarv Jl Dunlap St Battle 77 ltl NEW NORSE TRAILE RS Si5651tnd up Used horse tramrs I975 horsr trailer I974 horse trailer Escellent condition Reasonath priced Phone 776 1551 HORSE BOARDING available Ex ceilent are and tord larar has stalls Near Orillla 705 325 2olltt ONE VEARLING chostnust all quartrr horse well mannorod Call In NH astItor Jackie POULTRY AND READV to lay pullers Also term tresh egos Craig Nunttt Poultry Farm Stroud 416 Ian FEEDSEEDANDQRAIN CUSTOM COMBINING availabil HELP WANTED TAURUS AMBITIDUS Real Estate Salespersons Required NOW Experience preferred but not essential High income for hard working individuals Call for confidential interview MR THOMPSON 737 BOOT IIILP wstrtsti lItIr triltlttn COST ACCOUNTANT Third year IIIA student at equivalent tor growing firm In the Barrie area Initially responsible tar maintaining manual standard cost system and implementing new standards variance analyses and management reports you will be dealing directly with senior and top line management We require an aggressive sellstarter with euperience In lab and WWAFP IIIII mm PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Required lot large martular tutor at decorative metal trim lor the appliance and automotive industry NOTICE APVUCATION OF CHANGE OF NAMI TAKE NOTICE that on Tumdoy the 2Ist day at September lflb at the hour at I000 oclock In the larenoari an application will be made to the presiding Judge at the County Court at the County at Slrncm at the Cour lel DWIN SllllZlil IiiIlll Ill UNIAIHI to years supervision in metal p°°l9 ond Shlng standard costing willingness to work hard get handle on this thouse Warsley Street Barrie prelerrod department and obtain satlslaction tram iob well done and 0mm 04 WONG Excellent hinge boneiii deadline that the name at Diane Boldocl at the Township at Tirty in the County at Simcoa to Diane Truman AND TAKE NOTICE that any pct 50 obtaining to said application may appear at the alarm tlonod hearing and be heard DATED at Battle Interested candidates are asked to send detailed resume ln dicating salary requirements to 80 R97 the Barrie Examiner Au28H package Salary commensurate with qualilicatiorls and our parlance Apply in conlidenco to LEONARD TODD DECOR FULL tIME soles halp rsquired llrwpwlragr at tearIs ISMHTIII Apply VIII and Drapery Mill Outlet Baytitld St North Telephone 716 2556 Int nppmntmrrrlt SALES OPPORTUNITY NURSE neoumeo tor rursiriq Ontario this Earn $l50 l0 V49le nqmr Outwits Mint harr tronsthglirm 6h day Auw 776 140 goy 5y Husband and wile team toIepriwens tut BURNS MENZ Midland required tor the Barrie area 00qu PA IE5 7055265451 partitime ENCHNEER up LME BUM TF A028 Long ouch hm company SewId lass tor Csnsdien Mist 90w interview telephone 737 2723 12 pm until pm TThSAu8 For IIELP trump Distillery ailingwwd Ont Phase lert 705 4690 Mr Lever SHOP CLERI wanted Steady position an perttlme bssis Apply Normerl Shoes 71 Dunlop Street West Downtown Barrie WINE Ontario Solicitors tor the Applicant Aui724 3i Western grain specialty combine Com DOTIT9 rates Drying and trucking available Phone 36 4553 or 436 2451 GOOD QUALITY baled hay l000 bales under cover Also 25 acres second cut 0000 muted hat Dalston Telephone 726 2048 MAY FOR sale no rain 900 50 33 KNIT AUSEIGLER WALL turnace Wth that Maines ostat 9000 working condition also Ttuo VIAVS am amt runs tpr loo gallon oil tank Reasonably prued sumso MC 04 tor trues paid 790Wmla FRFnlUK Yeteotone Nsd BICYCLE CNlLD no also 30 aallon SCRAP EWCLES wanted top on atr heater sis bothnawdconditron pore tec meIYf DLl up amtqu Leaves bicycieSio Telephoortnw EBABVSITTED EQUIDED in my home tor learners rhila to months old In riuavs light housekeepmq Newton and Grove area will pay steel Friendly enthusiastic solspar BOYS and GIRLS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 726 7717 inANDVPEHSON responsible tor gen llergi msmtanonce and repairs Tale 7266143 mm Eralueuton VIKING trosttree l69 W05 son reqwrad to learn classtrod tom COLE BROS Cars aK rucss wanted is cubL tool used one year Boas an WWW 03TEW9 advorming In pbm and 00 ADPHENYICE F09 aissssmoeaurea DlREL pHUNl to rhsmg an up Fast pickup his one single metal vacuum HAY 22 acres at second cutAitalia Nay mmediateir Must be capable or itttmg 7282M lassoed communeMs 9m arms tor Manges Matthewsed by pm day prosdung Watt vrh motion at mouthed Digpioy sortWs whxh must by Node ow to pubtueurt heavy material and meeting the public sales Apply in person between Is elft C0 WI Wlo rvw Glass Alliance Blvd Berna Ont CAEPENTERS AND carpentu helpers for rough carpentry Painters na helpers Call 12504 collect REQUIBED iMMEDiAtELV titles leaner GE aid works tine no It tepladaer mm OVING SALE tourist tent sleeping tishrna rods tackle electric Stave limo JOHQT copper Kettle clocks unis tools much Miscellaneous lJ inccCr ATER SOFTENER do Graini new standn9 Telephone 720 M69 Dalston SYRAW 25 acres at straw tor sale 25 cents bale bale your own Telephone 07 unevenmgs SECOND CUT Altaita Hay and Barley Straw in the hell Weenimi Telephone no 0790 litter so 504° 41 on or Sls TRUCKS AND TRAILERS IVJ KORE tart lvIs Four speed transrwsston mtofl labchassis like new no wtles new Ea Woods Hiltsdate $35 In TF titter welders and swantzce tttitrs L173 EWL Rmvblew MU knest treexer new $200 FARM MACHINERY yuem 775 toy mien0 Emel an WWH as Ist 00 7° Volw PI Metal Products Ltd Ito 1100 Dow mums ounmoncn $723 od at Mm EKuhye chm 25 Tox WIK grain dryer tor sale 570 anew 00 ctelitty hair UdlUSGDlQ $15 005 U3 V9 J° MAYUQE fiEuAaLE New GMC one tnit ton 59t Grgnae with Wm uds9cts and LCD 13 LXT its FcQlHttt Winch iymorl eIeItriL typewriter $1M exer SPVQ LOW as wees Allndla tIie unalounaeué Telephmelfmla au tea or MASSEV renouso Lot MY hm mm mo rsrea TcleDflWUTOSIS 90 Wt 75 11 SL500 Corvusc tnephmemzx we pROwkER YRAILER putt tune ion header with pICIUDflndTltl Why love being on AVON VMAYURE RESpONSBE mwflwdnn its FORD mr Lizs 900 run mom to Men snow Calder Hunter 322190 Innate Rpresmow Hing AVON icom MD 9006 mm MW NOVts as $5 MW mm Aldo V000 pone traiiet suts helmets boots mom am in mm shape PltOMIfllllzl rm Wm WM FRUITSAND VEGETABLES Imam mm you ooi can 723 Ympmcm VICTORIAIINNISFIL AREA DODGE Ma 53° 3°37 APPLES Apoit Koole and Son Con 9652 today tor rntervrew or maumn power starring Dower brakes pIECE solid wow Bosnayt French Cessmn 00 907 0596 lwr AVON 85 EMPLOYMENTVWANTEP nnWEWMMM automatw ColePNt rovincial dining room suite in on Sundays Your containers SYUoENTS AvMLAeLE WOO Im Wm MNNUM LASSltito ADVUtlSING Cosh Discount Rates it pond within days Ornahuonserm Wyetde sortuon Throe tmuliv maulom cents per card msorttorr tolol I6 ti breealoomod Cushiontloohrta loosilon under both propane limit it way retriaeratm burner stove Reese ton Ming hitch captains chairs stereo AM FM tr actl lathes iosel toad pan trt under wt stoma reading lights maowheeis wlh om l5 belted tires root client condition ssoo or best otter Barrieomario hone 726 03 Lecrmc stave 1s inch RCA men 0000 well and grill Clean elephant716 sow uttersp 974 HARDWICK deluxe gas range otin torerthour salmsm Coil Student Manpower 72s 4140 to sr range tor the help you need iExPcnctlceo oucsns syntable Consist supervisor with ether children tc play wth Lunch Ina snacks LITTLEHURONIA RD AREA SHIRLEY AVE COLLIERBLAKE AREA MT Au3i Booxxttotw AccOuNtANt Charterea Acrourler ottice recurred Don annual Nashville mIW Reply stating Quit tications and rack 500 Ii consoer trade in its 30 used months in excellent tom Thank ivin Weekend mm no mount Mtiornlr 044 Its ns 753 strain in mm Telephone rugsg mks It gmnngIe Opry per encore 80 Bar Exit 332 snaete are Mb mfl WW Wm vv too tr 371 are écono PLAYER meantime codas wt to uncalth mils Eaton is otter Tole hers WCMGIIM3 Alsosmsn Call OK Johnson Travel tor ln nattfn reiteziezlrzgzgmfifmfigIfeh 31 0703 Per mtoctory rm rm mm atterSp ed kitchen table and two chairs s25 mmtsm325¢tl6 7500 with School Telephone 711 ms Two YRALERS 7° ugmenVP gtmn so Au26 DUI and It flamingo voigggngnee collect OUALIFIED ELEMENYAIIV school xiv 31 tmw hmnma In tltth wheel also flat bed tandem wen PLANY 7lternaator 30 3769207 uh Wow no court as to cuinssn art no ts and W0 on 0° any 30 eggmumnbe° 0223 YELECARE Why tight your problem IDIRECYOD or NUHSINGwantedtovso tor two to live rear oas In Eaaehi Folio Froo ton pickup ms an In is Toluphvne 20st AMI AND 01K nous Al prion Insertion orders are mooted as contratum to he Warmers Theaters insulted Advertising Department requires ed advertisers to hits techat adverttsmt in my aim twst Insertion in order that dry error or omission be reported Weam lrtorderthetsomemuyba Ibed nursing home proterence given to DIre use Hat dinner nutritious those with experierme in gerigtricg mucus lugs termed yard creative pro Salary commenswaee th QImVIEMB 970m at CtVITiC Telephone 725 025 or ADDIV Admmgtrator Crman wasp teleahmcnl use Valley Nursing Home Box 309 Use moreOnt lBROKEiS WANTED drivers mth own cars interested persons please contact Jack Tag 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