it rLittle House on mom ii iiAiiiiiroii DE smut lumui i2 PITIIIOIOIIBN MINI All 21 6m mm motion 555 SP Flintstones To Tell The Truth Whats The Good Sl2vMovie The Hut wave Lasied Dayst it Focus ttvOtitario Schools Ptdebrit Sweepstakes tn 3Daybeat WritMr 9Univmity oi the air 4News DAri of Cooking ilPrigbtenstetn 355 In 025 7Dialing Fu Dollarit km of Fortune 7Window On The World Wine SW Dinab OGambn Not For Women Only OJael La Lanna 1W 0f Nihi +Summer Semester ITorvnto Today Flares You Cartoon Playhouse tn Item 155 +iattieiales nltr Your Choice 777 Employment File 3SI2vSummer Schools um 100 bRornper Room rHollymdmnu Canada AM i020 Youm and 2vrToday rPnce ls light Route Tapuin Kangaroo 7mm Donahue Show 7H Day 77 Morning Show $Irouble With Tracy $lt our love ll Special Place 312Fnendbr Giant any tratei Own itis WNA nTlme Rockeunip 3512 Mon Arm 000 ySpyiorve ruinNews 7llInN¢WS kMovre on Better Mum suem sluflours whom tumortiiy iim yDelinition Father 9me But NM It In Touch 110 Win Private Lie N79Nws IrCm Cum Party Game 72 Laverne and Shirley lzRoclioni Files Good Tim iiLury Subway Show 2r Bowlma For Wm un Nature or IvNov the Am trToncenlntion no smen Court outu on re Go Fflovio roam In The Honeyowonen 277m Dual 7To Tell The Truth or MA iiikrv Griiin Babb Vtmon Sho PILOT Ikflovio Without pgsmw PILtVI Chm and the Sum 2Wild World of Annuals nus irmw Spam ZI News ration 5512 Victor Bur 22 Beverley Hillbillies yum The Price Is Right Switch gov 5° 97 John Allan Cameron PlLuT Nu tirFatOf Land l2 George Hamilton IV JiSIiv North From LA ï¬rm mum Rouge Happy Days Wicks tclovh t1 lo Tb 22Ho¢ans Heroes iron 33g 2Movm On 22 Be My Gust m1 mm 21 MtDuyn Our Iqu 2th Factory FA The world rum M0 Huckleberry Hound 7W rm MI 7712 News 9JoymDym 53w 33661 Hunt Switzer UnlimMId Fflerv Griffin Uncle Bobby Show ppm ttoun¢ and The Midday Man In The Family Restless I210 34m 51 Forest Ramon 127 Farm News 7mm 1er 1Couunnndu Turn i2 12mm 3m Lively Woman 27v Gong Show 225 Trouble With Tracy 3Leave It To Beaver NW il Young an the Search For Tomorrow Rm 22 Ed Allen 7All My Children 33 wand Bunch Mr Dmsup l2 Party Game Wont at Little awaits ms 24km llI Dun rThe Black World HitFae MIN rme min News ncm L38 Tunier to Liw yam tiio km 0r Corr Magazine nvtanadnn Cavalcade 1i Daybeat AW Work kits Your Chute Cross Wits 3512Take Thirty nThat Girl Maverick OAll In The hmtl 1243mm Altair 7Ryans Hope 315 38 it Dick Van Dyke Gflfll NPR SNews it Double Exposure 330 eAdam 12 i2 Marcus Welhy 512elebrity 0th gutPan cumin 22 News 4Matrh Game nJokas Wild lzilfl ï¬8f My GUS nhm Fm NEDNESDAY EVENING llrilll Movie Roll Freddy nB¢ My Guest 247lll222 Ncws Rnllt It tA Movie Dark ityt ii Movie iTenth LevelI iNews 21 Hours 22 MOVK iJulie IlNight Final it Definition 27 rLilllt House on that itt0 Prairie zJohnny Carson 2479 NPWH ll Movre llwilight for 22 Sports Probe In Touch Godsl 7Mary Hartman Mary Purly Gflm Ir Bet Convoy Hartman 12 Lawrence Welk Show 512 Pipes it Larry Solway Show 1zoo rim Thc Jeffersons 4A Frankie Avalon iDont Make Wavasi Bowling for lulliiis 900 1200 77onceritriition 2Doctors DMovic iCrack in the 5men Court 4Movie The Little Mirtori 22 Honeymooners Foxsi uMerv Griffin 21 Movie iEmbassyl 71he Adventures of Prairie IrBeretta Haji Bibl btrikmi Spam Movie iDealh 100 Misses Sentence 2A Tomorrow Sound of Petuia lzn High Rollers NBC News 351 News Letslniakulwl ll GrealDebate 15 Bmerley Htllbtlires Vim sMoyie rm Mummy Sportsmt it Ghost Hereetm Agar le l2 Hamil Tait Seas JMovie ICat People Burr char ll TH Stomach pain an obvious Thmtemn Il Dear Dr Thosteson ii yearold grandson has iust come humc from thc hospital He was taker thcrv with set erc stomach pains He had seven or eight blond tesb and shah to relieve the pain The doctor could find nothing wrong Sou were told it IS nothing but growing pains When my children were small our lamin doctor said there was no such thing as growing paths The boy was home two day and had another attack Would you give us your medical VI of lhc cause of hi trouble or do you also think it is grow ing painsy HI don believe in growing pain when they are asmci ated urth stomach complaints What are often labeled grow trig paths are the little muscle aches youngsters tor anyone can dmelnp alter cndle hours of non stop and termmus activ it These arc the kindgt oi pains which keep ltttllllttgt and father hopping in the wee hours rnasxaging little lcga Willi stomach pains one ttiust look tor spuii ic cause Has he beciimc allergic in ii certain food ran tnilkt llas appcridi tlllb been mrisidcrui Has he discoi cred patch oi viild berrics Continuing storriach pain is an oll0tl sign of something seriously amiss Dear Dr Thostesoii have heard that alfalfa pills Will help the problem of hemorrhoids Have you ever heard of this be fort After my baby is born hope to use this method if you can give me some proof the all falfa pills work DOCTOR SAXï¬ sign pregnancy Leaf ly it vegetables and other bulky foods can help prevent contributes to constipation and thus the herriurrhoids Dear Dr Thosteson What can be done to eliminate en iargcd breasts on young man who is in otherwise good physi cal condition What about sur gerv ls it practicallB You don say how young the young man is Such enlarge ment occurs in about 10 per cent of all male adolescents The vast majority recede with out treatment Breasts that do not rcccde on thctr own can be reduced The prowdurc is Similar to that used for enlarged lenialc breasts Best to allow plenty of time for the matter to take care of itself plastic surgeon cart advise you in any specific case Overweight can also cause this Dear Dr Thosieson had xrays of my spine in preparation for an operation on disc in my lower spine The ray technicmn told me that they had been unable to remove all of the dye that had been in jected into the spine Will that dye cause me any trouble am 70 and had the operation about five years ago lslill have lot of back pain Mrs The injection of the dye is part of the xray procedure mailed myelogram It pro vrded contrasting material that helped outline the spine so the doctors could get better view of the disc problem Most dye is removedat theendoftbe procedure The residual amount should not cause you trouble Your present back pain Mrsnt Hemorrhoids are pretty is most likely due to the origi common among regmint nal sptne problem would re women The prob em PO elargcmeiit of VtHIS in the rec tai areal often disappears af terwards In any event dont know of any specific value iti alfalfa ta blets for hemorrhoids The problem usually stems from constipation also common in regnancies The pressure mm the enlarged uterus in ALSO SPORTS LAKES HALIFAX CPI Nova Scotia licence plates roclaim the province as tanadas Ocean Playground but it has its share of lakes as well The vince has 516 troutfishing akes within easy reach of high ways DEATHGRIP How lipr PDOL ON 5H THE or WLé EMERGENCY NEIGHBORS ARE 0TO0LE On yevrus pm Magma IL BET COMPLNNIN THE srLL bid that MVQTSGI Olio riggtagn FEW KEG Li OFF ABOUT THE NOISE COLLECTOR Nahï¬r TRUCK AN mm AGAIN so THE I5 5ICKi ml the mo 40 mm Pawnmany Aug ma FlNisiitN THEM OFf oww ARE slGNiN MAYBE 9714mm Ann BEFORE THE DRIVtR PETITlON5 PLEPéIN THEY RE An Arizona reader wants to 115443 fat Thorn uh lio lm COME BAG 5me To THE CHEERN 482 WP Pertinlflue Home opwunmamun cam America top players play mm day but youll have tzoienot WEST EAST 8mm Am them out Your imagination in to The answer is that prac gzgifmm LI girdes YOU LOUTEI ltcally all of them use El IIIOL format or 51 min ARE élMPLY 10 system based in standard in inkIi relates Owen WI notes TAUNUI April iOMly 80 JEALOUé QJ American principle but if Mam tau Pet wall to 14 574 11 MW Exxmlosomrmflxgw SOUTH il Hwy me at them has lllb own 1ng mm Freon acquaintance could 8mm mm Sperm mt WW1 d5 oow time its said Wm 251 zvgzzixv un 14 itdl aggziri Vt ilall IJU Aria rBrt fllfllNlhlay East West vulnerable 31 Ilylfnhllu 11 Ill Suddenly and will work out an it Mm Mm 131587 itth It p42 twin lllrlll 42 it li you planned Plum Path lung ldle It CANCII NM 31July It Post lflhh Pam 12 Show in Brain aw who Some now could cause filming Mm MIH HHHHIU1IHANE ale her an at Arms you to do an aboutiaco on your piano Have the engine running Travel may be in valved LEO July 1340 it Today you could protect youuoli into the middle oi two loominqu unrelated incidents and come out emollino like road tintin Claliy VIRGO laInpi ll Dont be alto to think big to day There apot received tor v0u at the top Lady Look iii on your side LIINA 33Oct 18 You have on to drop tow words to the right people today and theyll get your massage Others are waiting to go to bat tor you SCORPIO Oct 24May Take advantage at any oppor tunity to meet new people to day You could make an an quaintanco wholl be an onor moo asset in the More IAGIYTARIUI Nov 28000 11 Goals you once thought im portant will be replaced by more signiiicant one Your reason it change will be im usual CAPRICORN Dec Jan 10 Dont close your mind to day to proposals at Manda no matter how outlandish they sound second look could show they make good some AQUARIUS Jan ailFob 10 Opponunitios lot profit could come today in unorpoctod ways it could be business tip or chance lot good buy PISCES Fob NMawh 20 sudden turn at events will draw you closer to someone youve known but have never been at tracted to This persons depth wrtl Surprise you Your Birthday Aug 25 1976 This year holds great promise ior you but you cant aiiord to coast Many important plea sent and profitable changes could be in the oiling sen PollySWEQifllEEm Hot water sets blood stains by Iolly ramor Poilys Problem DEAR ltlll board llittl llllli lllIlilI ii llilll of fabric wriikii lltttllllllllllv for pioiiiiiiig in ii iii iiluckii Atty iiiliric Nllilp will gladly give you tllli rim iiiiii would am much like to know wlllil will take liliil blood out of clothing Mllti ii II DEAR MRS Lli The blood iitiiltiu lire doubtliiiii wt in the garment It It has been wuiilicii in hot water Otherwiite look In cold water liHlil niitiiiieii ii the Itiiiii remains iii three tiiblelpoonii lioiiiiisliold ammonia in ii gallon of ulto wuriii thltl and Inuit tor iiiiii an hour or no It Iltlln Iii iiilll there rub detergent in Halo and then wash titiliig ii bleach that lit utili lor the iiihric iii course all Inth remedieii tire to lN uiiirii only It iiiilt tor the fabric in question IillilN llllAR lillilh My Pet liivv li tliiit lilitlirlpllillt and overthecounter drugs do llill lllth lilllllllllllilll tlilliN Iiir llwil use on the lllbtl lltc illNlillllil lliVil known Wllill iiiiy ilfi no longer satisfactory or mini lie Iilltly litlllllllllililiil MliS DEAR FULLY was shocked li read that illli of tin renders cut up lleii collars and put lllilll lti llil iiiplmiird to keep bugs out These illltIIN iirc toxic to iVill limit and ruler and hate to think of any food absorbing this To kecp the burnt out just scatter ii fcw liin lttivcit around after throwing liniy all infested food Tlicn clctin llplltllildN and put food in tightly closed jars Thc enclosed article by lliilpii Niiilil Uilriinit about these flcti collars and tlicirdiirigcr MltS It DEAR POLLY have so many niirnc rind addrcirrr labels that have been obtained one way or another rind linvc found wonderful use for them other tiiiin ihcir ï¬nal one My husband and have our bmiksbcives fiiil of books lllill wcrc often quitt costly so pasted it liibcl on the inside cover of each oni Whenever book is loaned to smutone Ilic brirrowor has no trouble rcmcriibcring from whom it was biirrowvd iir books get returned rathct than forgotten MRS it Al DEAR POLLY use the pointed cnd of grapefruit spoon to dig out the stem part of strawberries radishcs etc You can put finger down to the edge of the spoon without cutting yourself and make neat job of surgery without squashing the fruit discovered this after an eye operation when could not see too well MRS DEH DEAR POLLY Our back yard garden produced tomatoes and so on for us but was real source of food for the squirrels We cut an old green garden hose into various lengths and laid the pieces around the plants The squirrels thought they were snakes and left our produce alone VERA MAY EVICT BIRDS IORQUAY England iCP The scream of seagulls at am every day is driving sleep less holidaymakers away from this Devon coastal town Ex rts say an unusual number of irds have taken to the rooftops because this summers dry weather has made cliff perches crumble Polly will send you one of her peachy thankyou cards ideal for framing or placing in your family scrapbook if she uses your favorite Pointer Peeve or Problem in her column Write Pollys Pointers In care of this newspaper HE CAN MAKE TOO BADYOUEE A6 wwv NBN FRIENDS A6 WINTHROP 31 4A5 AN BOD CQOSSED HER pICKEV LINE at SHES BEEN PICK THE CASTE At STING DA rw ma sum HEAlEF is at txit LAJ Ct in iivv LN ACT NR at IWWN Inf Lt RNK= NLL Llama H4 At Iiia9 MONEY IN THE DRAWER VICTOR has cash register levitated to yow business gl inqune obow the indiyiduo Cleri Pesponsibrlii and Complete Ptolit Contol features at Jury OFFICI 19ml hr hit 18 OUTFITTEIS mum Jr AN W1 0va IS 55 more me am msul numm an no MRIQANCE sow 223 xf an Le but CWDNOYWY arrth setuer LIADMxvitAa VI 14x Mini 02 01 2556in Doucr ma Jaw 1W wine manic AfvroNtvAn Writs HII FEE ff ewttillili WON ï¬rmer MAM Momma Qï¬ltk mica L7 may 5E tidl 570 tweeEVERijw I5 SAFE ltQt an paperlch Non mueuwI V1 mam lt1 v4 terms tr worm 5er 433 we hanks gt aeamr gt vQt yI1N it It Edi WHATS TH Fuss JUST youyt bEEN DSSED OUT RESTAURANTS WIN AT BRIDGE DAILY cnosswom liie Milimiuid lint wed ll ilitwuidiiiJ amtii lutiihy mug mm at Andrew the jump in mimi that is given the some general Itifll in oil over llll world It the rulrw from one In four of partner llitil or iililllld tiiirid lipuili or heart illlilllllll It lille liirtrwr lirms mill tiiirripa imi ilitlill in high tuitiii but the unit if brand that iii lilter in Iliki grime won it your tinttiling in ii minimum dont Xlltil you In lilIl unlit but it you do iiIirivriilwi dont llllVi two 02 VIEW WI Mrb tiiiyiilliiu lllill limltri like an Wm mwnmu hm Mr burly TINll from the Norths limit in It ltIliiillb MV wriii ri irlllv wrrik iur tlrlr tml rlnlurr Mia Velma Wright lrkeiiyirittiri Church but imrwglt on iiniiirduy August it at pm with ltlklllllli tuliuwmgrii the lapiariewmma dtrin Vulture Centre limoe at trawling were Mr and Mr my imiirorw Mr and Mr Norrie iJIlIlirrmc lienii iitriiiurm is liimnpuma of Ailiatlm and Mr and Mr Jim ltuwii lrum tum 1e hyiiilitiiliy Elm All in the billlllhb of Carl Hm binarin who mourn away merrily 235 KNOW THE RE NOT DEALING WITH YJLJK it win Fosktrr ER mm 34 THAT BIG HOLE litit lrom Suitiiin standpoint it mm auwm am Wm WM Mn ltrlt Mitiiiittlii flour tiiiiirml Hr iirwii iiiritkwumi Aug in check in liiih Niillll 41 Kit iiimlimi who lint trim not lived on are tut lilh jump holidaying wiili tire Smite itliHMll in in home in Immtu 4m trimAny alumni writ mm Ill Mr Mustmm at Alllbllfll rm Mriritiny itlriiiu in honor iiiWily ilinrritnlm number of iridim from firmer dilltilled liill Wllili Niiitli sliiiwiIl Iml ltli flotilli iiltllll liiIi siii wrlii vvmy ixrwiiiitton Iii biiiltbb lliiri wait within in HM play Hritilli Hilimi ll hlftllll litl iliiw tiiimrm iiriti llttlHI till FUNNY BUSINESS LETS TAKE LITTLE VACATION AND eEt BACK To lT ALL think he has split pesonality He wags one end and growls at the othet 201 Iris camp9 l3 GET BACKON maroon SOFA IM PLAvm iN THE LADiE$ DART MATCH PET ARE you COMIN 10 WATCH SC EHERV 95 SVECKLE 3335 gtv 1C riNE WINDYQJI mmr MTAKIN MY IE tNMVHANDS ANDY APP BORN lOSER FRANK mistrust DONT it siLLY WAN THEM TO IN THE BOTTOM is 70 Lb warlg