Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1976, p. 12

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rm Barrie Examiner Mflnjiayglmuu 23 I976 mums APTS To RENT MlSSlSSAUGA COURT APARTMENTS Two bedroom aporImenIs colored ap pliances drapes included Nexl Io Slmcoe Plaza 7263383 AUPI APTSTORENT nmcmronnu oAIIIii SEPTEMBER Sikkim min hilflultu RITIHIT an gm How uJahlr In r¢l4tl¢ ImVII IIIsaw LeiN PolkIN or III mi tuned Nu Don 1an 737 I8 ILf Mm LIMI IV om inII two Immnn quIIIImu II It LEI RENT TO OWN Inqu mm Ixp IM Almn no pen IILmw 2s mu IRLKS Von lITT ILIr SIvNmhcI LTfllh uw AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE I9 yILfIVT Ivmaton Lknv mum mix III eII Irlrwhvw LLL WI AR 30 with TV LTEIII weekly hone Innate Wilton Iomm New Low Rental Rates RENT TO OWN Av Ilhpdl In II mix man Trll a9 NO was or ILII on telephone 19 Kim 633 In wt 0054 Kl yawnn 2° pOI Wk um new mpl um II IT exl Phone and an RCA T9 Inch par woak $4 ML WI mm Phllm 25 Inch per week $4 50 NI Ll In am Zen1h per week 56 7o mow Nm RIM Imv Mn To modals ronlod on an annual mg Av uni wanL Imv basis Shall Iorm slighlly Iwu Dom IIdlr AMI sN Huh IJI Jr ITI Iu II uIx Im munic hm rm OpenMon Tues Thurs FII v¢ Hi Iw LIxu luuump Ill 934 mun ITRL LLTI to HIUJI nwr kt Ir so day IN Ls 014 IKI is un wn iU pl Lrl JLI TI ITNr II ITIIIIII lam Rainy cs II noun 737T T82 Ivnwr NI IL II LV TF ourcu 33 II rwvnvc LRK AIR quiIIIoIILI Ion Him wpxsus Mew Lmea II phan CARSWANTEDTOBUY India mmpl In Ior Intmmmmn III INN URGENTLY REQUIRED Fm Barn Nowosl Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOEILES ORV HARDY MOTORS DUNLDPS DE MDDNSTDNE Sumnwr clearance nl organs BRADFORD ST 728 Including models of Hammond ElecIrohome Baldwm Farlisa uo Am Tana Ophgon Orcona 19 IL ifill Phone 83520I6 Open daily III pm mei Evenings Thursday Friday LAWN Tuesday MWFTF gt BOTQILEQ all xvihnmwaar LA HM mm IT g1 iu Hum Ions Lona Doubli sprlflq All mamwa SIL Tnvprmnp 3959 BRAND NF gt Quasar Color Consolv HIMsum rJlLIIG works In mamv and lull IMVILIJLIIIIII warren Non 00 INST $5 SDWNAIV IIII Im iVTt TT paymons OlL ENVL lamam lnc dehul mxigm KIA KIllY TV Barn Show maPIam I182 LETS GD SAILING SAILBOAT RENTALS AND SALES Hwy miles noth oI Barrie TRUCKS ANDTRAILERS 0L SLNL IL llt HR 0005 Sittd Jr lJ ILI LKI or WP mm Iuvg Gunmh yum lvIvvV uweir on PM II Ha LNI LI Lva aav ruV 6m anon Vam erJ 99962 In tux was Tan 48 UT I3 RII Lnv EIalek MWFTF Vtltli gummy $400WEEKLY cw Qmwlm HaI glp buy IS WIA super umlh Chronadlol Teiev Mon win no money IM mmmn 00w ano no pavmrms Novemuor IT mans 06 Phone TTITQTHGEIWEV Ionian Kah max sop k9 Barrie Shoaprnq Plaza no llfl ELECTROLUX HOOVER Carnan AUTO ACCESSORIES kmnmaz FINN Queen used vacuum Hume SNAnaun TelephoueM 0853 CLNW New NW NEAY DLTY work bench Ior 5am also Urwx ups 1IVQ Man L1th uIIII Iarler sIeeI Iramc Bow gmammmhor Telephone 26 °I35 PIANOSUNcaosmooecnw Elmyalc 58 am an under Ramos In tho yellow 0009 Saws Io MowNG musselr oumvs Trhaxre yuma bunk and wars TV lamps mums kNhen Lha rs and anone Ibw Summers Cal 726 t8 REFRIGERATOR T2UOITLXT square moor whrz econ 0m Lovaae S85 Telephone 78 5890 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR Ior sale Grew In Nor Gum mallon Asking I3 MOTORCYCLES TOWN SUZUKI BAYMART PLAZA Noun le Somme All makes and models Saleiy mspecnons Malouygle Paris Auessones SIIS Amo Nana 5w and rocker BayIIeld ST 7269544 ma Hi Please ptone 26 3054 days bearte Au73 DLIMD YRAIER saw sIaes JUJ whreifl IOU LUVD oreraea 018 TH Jm saw mIun 0w gram err Toieohonu In VINNV 33 NF HAIR low adaw NIL wvh nTICLts POI sm MW WW =° wwm mm rToav No 44 with abnc AW Ben war he aue Lomprve wr slam Roar phone Lseub VIS Cd 39 90 USEDCOLORED TVS it JLLEPPU SE CutR WAL LNVaLP n1 her WA URL 0st aunt work Lona on AIS Lon Is we qa on HTML Reasonably Dwefi um ws an weoxnv 436 HII rwcaxnxxs BLE LHCDSSJOJWNQMM nave Ioe sw be annual Ion up It 30 empwnc 95 uCVIIOxv Iw quq zeaAOfi rev LL nos In nu tum ewr TVJ am am an KIRK aw 4th my MLVM uvr 93 at 56 wr an 29 fAmanroluu ATTENTION LiomoL OWNERS FARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS ARTICLES FOR SALE LINE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDING WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 20 653 TF summit MR CARDEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 3112 Rani Examiner 17 ACOUSTICAL RACTORS ALITI llLlN nknnLIla llllIlll NIIIIIqu Invml OH IIII Nib Nl ALUMINUM ALCAN ALUMINUM smINO SullII lusiia oavnslmugli IIImI Windows IIy all gum aluminum IIII aglma illui anIIIIgi meIi wwloawas slmimvmk lnslallod VIITI Old Faslnanad II Ida GIBSON General COITIIOLIOI 7265609 STLINLI MIIII IAlIA Alla TIugTIrIQ IIna lxhuiole IIIIn Pamnun Sum 30 03w ALTERATIONS lALIl ANl gunflammn LIIIIILIIIII Mm lulgplinne IJu mumm flue APPLIANCES ELETNLL ImeLIII IIII IIIIILIIuIl 05 and Inns III Album III 38 IN NLIAIR LIIih ELIIIIDIMII III nvunae In mmmlmu Am Man 30 ul INTERIOR RIMULLIIINI Nihliurn Hum LIII Nun JIoJNII II Ii HT Rolwammmmlnblr REILIILT ENCINLS Mun tau IIILl Fouling In IELIIILT all onqma TIIIII Mnm Supply Id 25 CARPENTRY ANl mmqu nvwmn Immx IJJI remx gimouwd In ARIINIIR LuannMd Imam vIIIII INN II le arm on by MRIINTI IIly mum uiu rammlvlr Iv Rm Mn 30 CARPET CLEANING HRI ILIIR VinI MI Ruyiflldl you In pvs Iv II II In Imvudoumnq 35 any CLEANING BUNDANI LDLIPLL will Llann mmgm Iarmy homo our IIophtmp 11va CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM TEN INC and Supplwu IIwwm lm HImales Inuow Baum 35 IL IaInIuI 18 Vpnrssmxmc DRISSES HI rnaJv IOKIT AQUINU Im Ivnv SpoIulpnq pnvrurih gown MI allmauws Olfl 16 DRVWALL BOARDING TIIII slud Ld minwlt Iul Hum mum to 29 we amass FOR shit LTRLL mm IIInu III III IIL nun nummun LL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE 0in Business Directory Nomi livlp ILINI lmik Iwm llIfl ails bulow llNlQLT aw prml III Ilwu Iuld and Will ainch you 0T IIIH lmvxf Iub pruhlv EAVESTROUGNING LIII NIUN nahIa ATIIIHIIHIII Jfl Uh LHlleulliIIINL nth who IIIIII moi mi mp auliuinilv Ill 1J4 Ilo Nun lvwoll EXCAVATING ARI ILL flu Him III WEST GROVE CO NSTRUCTION Backhoe Excov Trenching Harizonial Augming AIING Nil Illlllil uml lmlltliu In unvIIu All II pu Tum LITIIITiuITP IIuII LIIIIIu Imulugn llhllv lIHI LII 1th FIREPLACES FIREPLACES 5pm IainIna III IHTlLII ul alum anliqm ETluk Cuslnni LLIIll and Ilimigimd All won kIIIaInIIIp giiulanlmnl PETER HENSTRA BARRII SID HENSTRA IORONIO AND liluplun Mm and slum IHNIAL TlTITT biIIII Lin IIRIII ALI 737 287i 2937934 MAIUNRV Illulr mummy all IIml mm NANDYMAN FREE Gal 0ng Inniwd ash IquIIIl away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 487 5525 holwmn ILIa III and 30 In LAWN CARE Gunmal MaIIIIIIiaIIi Tram and edgus TI Iinmud Palms Inxiallod LII WIIIdow Clummiq Sm VII ox Sm llIIOI Iulnling all Muvmg Jobs Days 7268424 Evenings 4362387 ANILNIN AINTIR You LII 1t LIII nonunion MW Im 72634 mm In rm mints f6 Sm WHY IS EVERYONE TALKING ABOUT UNCLA MED FREIGHT Rwauw avmyana like save money and ltmixamlx lmylng brand name IuInIILIIO lirw IIUIIT our wmoltnuxo TI WITH IIIT Illll IEJLvRLAA IABII IuIIIIA IAMJ HUI ll NI TI yIITLIIx at HOW Ian Sun poapli are dmng lusl IhaI by In corlons $19 um Table in II Lipi LIIITyII SIBQ 50 TIIILT1LLT IAYAWAY AND CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE MASTERCHARGE CHARGEX ARE WELCOME FREE DELI UNCLA MED FREIGHT 232DUNLOP ST BARRIE Inn NI In Ear ERY AI III 726 2900 Cal OI IOwn all called Au 27 BOATS AND MOTORS DOGS AND PETS $66 $200 94 AP MI gt gt 33 GARDEN SUPPLIES ugh wH CAMPING EQUIPMENT WI rumnsmnn ARTCLESWANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Lu IWI ARTICLES TO RENT max IIflw DOGS AND PETS AV Flour1 3n wk IKIILTOVT EDGE AOL 1n UT 42 ng pacos QRV as PLREBRE DUDE 5m esmu SCCD CI II If nu HI 9mm 1049 OV COME Tr rm Au 71 IF NN Ilia advuI Iiwrs NANDT MAN Rt IAINS puma PAVING MANIERI IAVlNli III DI ivawayi ul NI AI IIIpuIIIIy Ilhxbllilil Ill Innmun 20 00 ININL ll AN III Iuuluiu NHLi uumllnu animal Ilnwwlnmh ul Illfi IAINIINh Inuiilu IiIInIIu Iimnu luIIII up IIIuIIIIoIiuIII pumimu IulquIiuu Iona Iillnllllu mmmu IIIIIIIIIquIqu mummy IIIJ III Parking Lal IIII III NuIInIImlla Mlle mm In mm Cm EATING COOLING Com vol Work UMILIIL iIIAIINL IILIIIIEIIIIu FREE ESTIMATES Iliul upIInklm ylmiu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiu IIIIII IIIuIiIl ILIIIIIILIIIIIII Suivha IIIIIIIIIuImIIIa TlulLIl IIll 0909 NOME IMPROVEMENTS INILRIUR NIMUIIIILINI mt mum III In AJh IMII In Nahuatlus IIvIIIIIIIIIu NILI MONI im IIImi Inflow pluy In mommy nllliu Tilllfll pdiu Aluu IIIIIIIIIIIU wullmpnimu Mull tlll Van ANIININV NIIAINI Imkinu IIIIIuIIIIy IuIiInlIlIuIi 10 ynuu an panama Ileaaxlilnnle IMVIJI William Guaranioe WIT llllill Serving Slrnroa County lur It years PAVING UlllVl WAYS PARKING llllS CIINIIIII ll WIIIIK Ruthms Illlm ll livinu spam Inninilliulll IIIIINI ANTI ummu mug Lu lTLIIUIIh iliumhmu ITTEITITIIIIIN Imimn Au WORK GUARAN1EtD imIIJIIR Lilllilhlllu IllI rm ESTIMATES mcom TAX III III III INILIMI IA Mom Aug minnow sh nun mwm MANIINI IAVINI Ill Inn hm nmhmkemh IIIIwullu iIIIII Slap TII TIIIHITII WIuh LIIIIuIiIamI Hunk Imw Plumes INSULATION IIIlUl IA ONTIIAI IINL PIIIIII SIMLUI ILLNUMV lIIuIlIIIIIIII IILIInIJqu Iuwm hmmnv NMN llmwu IIl ll III wnIk and Iapalis Tllfl IIIIIINIIII Mull Iil Ilh LANDSCAPING LLLTTINL PROIIRTY LNVIIL IIIHT gmduu Ihllfl IIIIIIsIIIIIu Imnuiiulilu IllaI IIo AS TO LMLNAITI LANL AIINI AMI Ill all16pm PICTURE FRAMING OAIL IL Dunlap SI Laol unluin Irumlng III all Typo WI IImR ImIIIy nun Ilmno nu 1770 RIDING INSTRUCTION Lawn mi VII mum lanthanum Inuullnilillhu mum Ian IIII paluu LIIIIIIIIIIJ IuTnlIlIlIu Wlllli arms IIILIINL INsIIIuIIION IIIIIII um IIIIIua IumIIIeII IIuIIIn IIIa InIIIuhn AWN CARE WIIIIIyiimIgIIIIIIm IMIIIW SIRINI IIANLII IIIIIIIH mum ROOFING mum cunluig gunelul nunmun llnwwhuilsuh 7H5 AND II ROOIIM an um um Napaiu II isllllullus 17 Law II WIILI IRAVINI mum IIIIwmg IIIluv Imi IIILIII Inmmmu laugh nw VI Tammi 19 our Stucco MUSIC INSTRUCTION RUSSII lIIIlIRl Tpruy mm BIIIIIII IIIIaIInI InIuiml wull and InIIIIIu GUITAR LESSONS Llngnlnl and Inns nsIImulos Illn Nuuull MIIIIIIIIsI populm MaII ol Phvlll Gun Spudm Ialnplmna WIT 41W 720 IAIN MUSIC INSTRUL HON Gufluv Al imdiim IIalm Canadian Aradoniy nl mu HI mu lnuw lama Minn III Baylllld SI Twn munilu IIInl IIuluIInaIII loand Im ham pIaIIILn rnllllll 53733237pm wnuh am higumar and udvani ad 728 ITW EANLIST AND MUSIC Sludlul Boyllild Mall GuIIaI lanai Yamaha molliad EXPERIENCED TREE CUTTERS WIlI do In Ilmmg daad Ilm III In am and dilpauod 776 INTO 728 37 WATLLILIA° all ago glnuru 70 4973 PAINTING PAINTING IIIIoIIaI lunar ulnbluhod man 25 yuan IIoo uIImalct waIII guaIunInad Uri 7609 THE WATERMAN lalrny 456 39TH Wall PAINTING papal hanging auyananrod nan wunmmg pnulld lloo aslunuhn JuIII RIIIiaidsnn I76 70 75mm NNPQWCIEJLI9 VELLINGA IAINIINC and LT0TTIQ AILENS WINDOW CLEANING Sp lIIIuIIuI aIaIIm WoIlI quaIanIaad Ialuu In Imam apaIIInnIIIs and IIOVOI Ellllblltlfid 30 yams 726 2609 716 0002 Tulophnna 77B ION 331L¢L19e£ f111clési°l Sm PUBLICTNOTICE IIIIIL lm gDIITg on down aI KRAZY KELLYS TV Kelly has more In II llIflIl lw knows who IO do wiIII and lw go In make room Ior IIIIII mmqu In Chm Ihaso sample voluna 26 color console 44300 Mt pay Lll 50 weakly RCA XLTOO portables 38300wlt pay lust 50 weekly QO Zenith Chromaoolor 399° wt III pay ILIsI OOwNkly 2T Motorola Duasar 59300 wt pay ILIsI 50 wonkly FREE FREE BwlIiyi IT or nor with purchase oI any of Ihese superb values you have your homo absolulely IIae ol sensaIional piece hina dumwwam KN woth 2° 05 pl8e STOIIIIQSS sleal Crown Shel lmlil Lilllly xel worlh IQ 93 or believe II or nol Slazengor Iennis lkTIk1llll and Kflly saye II anI heal your besl deal Ill gIve you II on Ialnlosx Haul arv Ing kmle NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENTS Til NOVEMBER PHONE TONIGHT DELIVER TONIGHT 7371182 7371182 KRAZY KELLYS TV In busmess over 20 yrs sto re buying power service backs our producIs BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA ramsSMWU msoifu FARM MACHINERY uh WI 99 BROWN AND BELL La mumM wax Form Dairy EqqumenI DELAVAL UN NW 965 SALES AND SER vm LV nus rm 3T omplpig LIng do 00 Im2 zu na mu 8WF13 wrr It TI Eamon em and SuLID us firmly Uva 80 ES NOI Hwy IVDVWOQI Ix MK PW Rm 3396 T26 0338 CI 28 bfoé Ini our Ins $21 momma WV LNWANTEIgtI My NW Imsna saw vr mm POULTRY AND CHICKS 17 3w gt OQQ irIF unrvmmn IIA FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CLASSIFIED SALESPERSDN Friendly GnhuSIOSIIC salesper son required Io learn IOSSITIed adverIIsIng In planl and Du soles Coll Wilson ior InvervIew 7266537 WANT ADS PHONE 7282 IF iiiiiwhiaro TAURUS EAL ESTLIL lIT REALM NILP WANTED PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Raquliad Im lmgn IIIIIIIIIIIII Imm uI Ilmmullva IImInl IIIIII In I8 rippllmuu aulumnllva IIIIIInII mi NAILle llll IWIIN SIILIIIII ILAILII III INIAILIU 7373000 IIIIII II In your sIIImI vIsIIIII III IImIIIl pinionmu and Tilllhlllllg pralenml Iuiullmil IIIIIQa ImImIII NH Iuuca mlmy IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII wIIlI quIIIIIII amino and AMBITIDUS Real Estate Salespersons AW21111121III Required NOW llllIllI Experience preferred buI noI essential Ml llllullllflyllllllll High income Ior hard working individuals MIIII II Call for conIidenIiaI inIerviaw CANADYLET LIMITED are curranlly accapling applications Im 10 lollowing Mll lllllMISllN IlIlllllll poslIIons PLATING IRSONNIL pm In mlangIII sIIlII SPRAY OPERATOR Iarhnlquos QUALITY METALIZIN vuuum malallmr BUTPING PERSONNEL Duy sIIIII CONTROL OPERATOR Day hlll prm InIII ad In him Ill IIII luIl IIIIIIul plilln npmiamad in larquois and minimal IIIUVIII Tnpmlanrml drawingbluepi Inla nm rarnalm and venue gang Day PITIIII Imarmnul In lm IruIImd IUI Ilm TIIIIIU IT LI TIelerulily uxpmiemud III IIIuIIIl polishing procedures Day slim and III III mIIIIIIinI slIIII MATERIAL HANDLERS Day alIIIl Apply in person to Mr Andaman I37 John SIraaI ll UUISIANUING SALES OPPORTUNITY Wall llfiTLEfilIEHrll duaII IrIl IIIIII III III mill AWIIIIIIIIIIII xii plln IUIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIy HIT MIII IIUIIIIII IIIIIIIaIIIIIIII lm Ilm IUIIIIII IIII llltlfll Im II null zllII IIIIIIII III RmJIIIII wu IIIU III Ilia ruudlng II In WEN IIIII IIIluv llIITI lIll In IIIIIIII uslulilisliwl HIIIIUTIT IIIIII IIuvI Ilm ability In HITIIIT Hth lIIIhIIIlII Wu wIIII WIIIIIII IIIIvllII 5TNHDIIC RIIIIIYTIETILICI III IllllIlI III AIJIIIIITUIIII TIHIIIIII IIll UIIIIITIIIHIT IIIIwnvuI ITIIAIIIUTIHIII Illll Ilm IIIIIIIIIII In IIII TIHIIIIII IIIIII BOIIIG IUVIILINI Ill IIIIIIIIIIIIy Ellsltnlll and IIIIIIIIIIm In AIIHI ITIIpnsilmt leT puimm Iluaaa ruply III writing 5min isrpIIIIIIIIII IIVTIIII Id IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII unpm TIH II IIIITIIIloIu IIIIII WIIIUTU IMcDonaids IK nlllmrIy IAMWIIIIIIII II In lllJ HDMEMAKERS Counlar and Rik hen positions availahla aI MrDuIirvds Ruslaurani Paid brooks has lead UTIIIOIII supplied ulmdula pay ImusI Shihllexibilily Apply 01 Rosluuranl 30 III THE JOB varied Iyping and clerical dulias poinng customer accounts preparing daily and monlhly cash ruporls CLERICAL OPPORTUNITY THE SKILLS good Iyping abilin previous Clerical experience underslanding and apIiIuda for aucurmng This varielyrplus posiIian In our branch allire could be yours gt4 PRODUCTION WORKERS limiIed number ol vaconries has 0urred In Ilia plant and lllf company will accepl appliralions up lo Wodnesdoy Auguu 25 T976 Minimum Physiral Requiremenls Weigh T55 lbs Applicalion Iorms available Irom securlly oIIII= Name Address HI film ITX IIILUJI ml llvl IUIHTUII IIIIII HI IIIJ Il AIIII ACCOUNTING TRAINEE purl 30 In Monday IIIIu rIduy ALI7T 13577IO ALIIU ruquuu ri IIIIIIII IIIIIVIIIIITY III IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII Olllllllllllly IIilluquv qrrIIIIIrIIv III buntnivi pIiIuIrIIIly Willi rm rounIIIIg IIIIIIIII April IIIII SIHHIIII Iirnrt II ITlIIIH lm II III raunlingrmnm Thu TIOV IlIt IMIIIIIIIIIIIy In qurI aIHIIHIIlIIl rilelIImII Will exposuu Iu IVIIIIIY Imul III IIIIaIIIIrIl llIUIHNII IT rI medium sued IIIrIIIIIIriI IIIuI Th0 rmnpuny IIIrI III III IraI Iiva salmy and lull IIIIch Il bermlIIs Subrnll rrnunir llIVIlHHI TnIII Ir Submil resurnrg In Mr Ridd 7283995 L°°d Tod TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORP LTD 69 Dunlop SI Barrie Meta Products Au I40 fly MIIIUIIVI INT Au MANSIII LD DI IIIUH CHIIIIAL pg p30 TI Ill Luau I1IIIIl InIv BAHIIIL Slllll Ir lyplviq Iilwq IIImu 776 minor rIIJIHTIII It Im Sonny Lllllll4l rI IIII vanIsIIIg Imlvl wuulrl III asaiI Inn rIII haunting putty LIrwrIIII MILI hug III Hlllvl wr III Illflliq VIIqu II II ll IT BlLTRllI ASH APVT Tl Br Heighi simlrwq lunl NI WINJun Aw BIII wrmnr MLTrlq JIII Ivy MWMIELIPWANTVEOMAW VNELP WANTED NELP WANTED OYS and GIRLS am Extra Money and Wm Przzes THE BARRlE EXAMINER HAS RDUTE OPENINGS VICTORIA iNNlSIII AREA TDRDNTDGROVE or ARIA ornr HURONIA Ro ARIA SHIRLEY AVE COLLIER BLAKE AREA Please fill out the application below and return It to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield SL Barrie or Phone 7268539 Telephone

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