Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1976, p. 1

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elation EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 726 6539 Classified Advertising 728 2414 All Other Departments no 6537 112th YearNo 197 VANCOUVER or The future of Canadian swim ming will be discussed today when Olympic coaches Don Talbot of Thunder Bay 0nt and Deryk Snelling of West Vancouver BC meet the top brass of the Canadian Amateur Swimming Asso in the next month The results of hectic year pool will be analysed and future plans will be for mulated for presentation to Sport Canada for approval We have lot of in teresting plans in mind Julian Carroll executive director of the CASA said Sunday at the completion of Future of Canadian swimming discussed the Canadian pionships dication from progra cham We have received an in federal government sources that we will be given the financial backing to continue our swim medals at the showing here talent tanada That hopefully stiiall So far think weve ac complished our mission lwo silver medals and six bronze Montreal Olympics and now fine We now will go into period of concentration on identification in teams travelling abroad and OnlpttlIIOll here in anada against teams MEET SUCCESS Carroll who steps down from his paid position next month to enter commercial swimming as public means taiiadian relations expert European said international manufacturer the Canadian chain pionsliips were success Uh Ltiarru if The Butt ie Exaiiiiiiei for MA Bovine Ontaiio Canada Monday August 23 I976 despite coming after the Olympic Games Canadian swimmers 350 competitorswbroke five iii dividual and seven relay records along with one oin monwealth mark arroll said the meet was scheduled for after the Olyiii pics because the CASA wan ted swimmers not entered in tr Hi tittr l5 Im Copy Comm Home Delivery 85 Weekly 976 current the Olympics to have chan cc for further competition in He said anada will have to continue was generally considered at Olympics aiiadii to advance its swim program on national announced that he had basis if it hopes to retain its agreed to coach the world ranking it Etobicoke Ont Olympic II1I was fourth world in womens events and fifth iii the mens Snelling who came to Van couver to coach the anadian Dolphin Swim liib in 1067 Swim lub beginning late next month in the WEATHER FORECAST Sunny with few cloudy inter vals today Sunny Iucsdiiy Low tonight 14t liiglilucsday 25t HPages Enjoying what may be stim mers swan song the public flocked to entennial Park on Saturday and Sundav $1000 DAMAGE PARK IS HAVEN FROM HEAT WAVE ABOVE Tim Sexsmith of Victoria props his head up with football as he faces the sun with Laurel Mann of Vandals hit Barrie North Barrie police are seeking the vandals who caused about $1000 worth of damage in the cafeteria of Harrie North ol legiate somctinic Friday night At least two sets of adult sized footprints were found in the cafeteria according to prin cipal Earl Rrydgcs He said the vandals climbed over the school roof and entered the building by breaking win dow facing the enclosed court yard Seven plateglass windows were broken along with several light fixtures and dishes The cafeteria had been undergoing cleanup all last week Mr Hrydgcs said Apparently no theft occurred Sgt Frank Light said dish wasliing liquid was spread on the cafeteria floor Scientists warn volcano may erupt iOlNTEA IllRE Guade loupe tRctitcri strong tremor lasting 11 minutes shook this Ficiich aribbean island Sunday Scientists have warned that the boiling Soufrierc volcano could erupt with force of scv crul atomic bombs at any time Iciinis watching the volcano Sunday night reported 122 tremors between Saturday evening and noon Sunday and said their frequency was in creasing The 11 minute tremor during which the volcano threw out rocks and louds of ash was the most violent recorded since Julyti But government officials were planning today to allow some people evacuated from around the base of the volcano to return to their homes for few hours to collect belongings More than 70000 people crc evacuated last week cyclone threat to the island faded Sunday night when weathermcn said Cyclone Etii my earlier reported to be heading towards Guadeloupe with winds of up to 75 kmp turned northeast CAPSULE NEWS Encephalitis patient stable WINDSOR Ont ttPl Str yearcld Amherstburg tint woman who has contracted encephalitis was in satisfactory and stable coiidit ion today race Hospital spokesman said Swiss expel diplomats BERN l= The Swiss government announced today the expulsion of Soviet diplomat and Romanian Embassy employ cc Asked to bury differences MONTREAL itl Philippuios living in Canada are being asked to bury their political differences in campaign to aid SUIHVOIS ot the earthquake and tidal wave which devastated the southern Philippines last week Appeal launched for youth VAVLUIVER itI An appeal has been launched on behalf of to year old youth who was jailed earlier this year because authorities say there is no institution in North America suitable to treat him Man dies in police fire From PReutcr tlt IIESRIRG tI black man was shot dead in loliaiiiicsbtiigs Soweto tow llSIllp today hcn police opened fire on groups ot blacks trying to enforce ti call for thrccrday strike Strong tremors rock city MANILA iReuter totabato City in the southern Philip pines was rocked by strong earth tremor today sending peo plc running into the streets in panic Smith will try to beat PC lXHRIIKiE Ont iCP Ontario Liberril Leader Stuart Smith says he will try to defeat the Progressive Conservative government in Ontano if Treasurer Darcy McKeough increases pmviiicial income tax as proposed Greenpeace meets first ship VANCOUVER lCPl The Greenpeace expedition trying to harass whaling by the Soviet Union in the PaCific made its first intact with Soviet ship on Friday Greenpeace Foundation iokesman said Naiiaiiiio Rt Al thilll lwovycairold Sandy Fudge of Burton Avcmic leans on Iltl father Harry as they sit on the grass The good weather is to continue until WttI iicsday Examiner lhotos Soviet space capsule arrives with samples MOSCth tRciitcri So vict space capsule bringing rock samilcs from the moon has landct ItlSltIt the Soviet ln ion Toss news agency reported today Tass said the spacecraft came down ill the target area Sunday report in the niiiniunist larty newspaper liavda said Painswick rcsnlcnt Sonny Chalmers cuts wooden heading for refreshment ooth in Painswicks new community park now near ing completion Mr hal mers was among about ii scientists at the Vcriiadsky Geochemistry IllSIIIlItt near here were preparing to receive the samples and begin analys iiig tliciti The rocks and lunar soil were drilled out from depth of tip to St11 feet below the surface by the automatic lunar probe Lima 24 which touched down on thc tiioon last itslncsdtiy NEW PARK NEARS COMPLETION lozcii people who showed up at the park on Saturday to help with woodwork and in stall playground equipment cost of more than 360000 lnnisfil tow iiship has improved the park pro HER THIRD TRY ondrak defeats lake or Birth day present lOltONIO Angela Koiidrak of Toronto completed the l2riiiilc swim across Lake Ontario Sunday after nearly 24 hours in the lake She went into the water at NiagaraonthcrLakc Ont at 130 am Sunday and arrived at Ontario Place on lorontos lakcshorc about 120 am today feel like prime said Angela as she was assisted from rubber dinghy where she relaxed for few minutes before being taken to hospital Aiigclc was admitted to hos pital for observation and hospital spokesman said today she was in fine condition Angela said she felt fine after the swim and didnt want logo tohospitnl just want to go home and have hot bath she said IILIIHIIAIES BIRTHDAY As Wcll as celebrating her successful swnn Angela was also celebrating her seven tcciith birthday As she touched shore crowd of about 300 began singing Happy Birthday 11 was fantastic birthday present and dream come true she said Angela who twice before failed in attempts to swim the lake swam strongly throughout the night Hcr pace at the beginning was recordcd at about 64 strokes minute But later she slowed to about 54 Estimate strokes and by nightfall Sunday she was tiring She had to swim about 40 miles to make the112milecross ing Among those cheering her on were Debbie Roach of Mis sissauga Ont who successful ly swam the lake last year and coin lctcd relay crossing with her aniilyoiiSaturday Three other persons said they will attempt to swim the take this week They are Kim Lumsdoii of Toronto the daughter of veteran marathon swimmer Cliff Lumsdon Jim Weideniann physical educa tion instructor from Dcarborii Mich and Dave iauchi of llraiiipton Ont Son rescued by parents ADDLESIONE England Rcutcr 72year old ciclc gionnairc and woman staged daring rescue mission to spirit her runaway son from the French Foreign Legion in for sica to England in an HINDU lance Sadie Galvin who dreamed tip the plan with the help of the former legionnaire arrived at her home here south of Lon don last week with her 20year old son Barry revised after discussion WASHINGTON AP Lt icn Danicl Graham retired military intelligence chief says analysts rewrote an estimate of Soviet progress iii missile war hcad development after Henry Kissinger disagreed with their original conclusions was employed at 1A when one fully ciHirdinatcd National intelligence Estimate on Soviet strategic attack systems was lltllltltti for rcwritc by Dr Kis singcr bccausc he disagreed with certain conclusions irar ham said lrahani said Kissinger then Vldltig such baseball diamond and two tennis courts Children at Wornica school raised much of the money needed to pay for the playground eqmp ment Examiner Ihotol things as head of the National Security ouncil and now US state sec retary wanted the estimate to indicate faster Russian progress toward achicvnig multiple independentvorientcd rcentry vehicles MiltVsi The estimate was changed in his direction he said He said the incident occurred in late 1960 or early 1970 when the Nixon administration was working toward an agreement with the Soviet Union on limit ing strategic nUclcar weapons WANTED HANGES The general who retired last January as director of the De fcncc intelligence Agency sugr gestcd that Kissinger wanted more ominous intclligcnce csti mate to support arguments that such an agreement was un perativc to curb Sov1et missile gains An associate of Kissinger said Grahams version of the incident was not fair representation of what hap pened He probably told them to look at the NIE tNilthnttI in telligcncc Estimate again and consider all possible inter ptctations of the cvtdence he said iraham said the original con clusion reached by specialists from various government in telligence agencies was that the Russians had more likely tested shotgunstyle multiple war head than the more sophis ticated MlRV capable of aim ing nuclear bombs precisely at separate targets The Imted States and Russia completed their first Strategic Arms Limitation SALlW agreement in 1972 but it placed no limits on MlRV arheads in 1973 the Pentagon announced officially that the Russians had successfully tested MlRV armed missiles Patrol car kept busy The Ontario Motor Leagues patrol car came to the did of 41 drivers during the peak traffic periods Friday and Sunday on Highway 100 Spokesman Bill Duncan said 20 northbound drivers were helped Friday and 21 were helped Sunday as they headed south Sixteen calls involved flat tires four were for gasoline for water two starts two tows two for accident assistance near Highway 401 one elec trical problem and one transmission failure DONKEY HAS THE LAST HEEHAW One of the animals in the donkey baseball game at Alcona community centre Sunday night takes turn for the nurse in this case Lions lub mcnibcr Dennis Mul VlIllII Morc than $200 was lHlSttI as lnnisfil council members and municipal staff faced the Lions to raisi funds for thi Alcoiia toin ltl unity lrogiani niing tiroup lheic wcrc conflu ting IIlttlrlfS about who won 1hc context Extiiiiinci lliiitm Gunmen holding 90 hostages in hijacked Egyptian plane AlRtt tAl1 Seven gun men held more than 00 persons hostagc aboard an Egyptian airliner in southern Egypt today and threatened to blow up the plane unlcss they are given fuel to fly outside Egypt on airline spokesman said lntcrior ministry sources at Luxor airport said the Illjtltk ers ItI1Ii£1tlSltllI twoAlgc ruins also diiiitindcd the ri lease of five pcrxns ailcd 1l1 Egypt in Olllltttlllll with two assassination titttltipts The hijackers tIulltlHI to be members of new organization callcd thc Abdcl Niisser Mme ment named after the late Egyptian president The giiniiicn tUIlllIIdlItIttltlI the Egyptair plane after it took off from tairo for Itltil lhi scnil official Middle Ilt Wks igciicy rcpoitid tlic Illjitlktlx ordcicd IIlt pilot Ill ily to Hen ghai Ill neighboring ibm TIlt tttmli stint itii tillii iilif the guniiici hi ihil not how enough tucl and Illt plane ltiiv did at Lusiii Security torns ininimlincly surrounded the tiitt liltI Iltltit tlitiistcr liitiidouh Suitiii lcw finders thought the one day strike wasn until October to Luxor to taki chargi of thc negotiations FUIUIILNIIHSHELD An intcrior ministry coiiinui iiique fllti thctc wtrc 90 pin ciigcrs listed on the Racing 737s inanilcst including thc hi pickers and and crew of I1t Fourteen ptISMllLJlS iic Arabs thc iirlinc said and most of thc otlicrs gitc liclicycd to be French and lapaiicsc Egyptian officials were rc ported to believe the IlljiltktlS had been trained and hired by the Libyan goycrntntnt IIIilfl lrcsidcnt Nliuitiiiiiiir Khtidtify Egyptian IrtSltitDI Anwai Sadats niain Arab encmy fllltI relations between then mun lflt arc poor Egypt has dt tlISIfI Khadaly of dirtcling wave of tcrtoiiwt ittmks in Egypt lll recent months The I1Il1 lcadci hakidcincd hc tlliirgiis llic llljillkll Itlllflfltilfi the rclcasc of thrcc Libyan piilcd last month iltci thIj said Kligidnly lind oidcrcd tliciii to kill or kidnap friinict IIfif1 Itltltl fittict tl lclicisk now It on ii ctilc in Egypt inlci ltlI tltltlhlly wince toil Thoy ilm rallcd lot the Itilt of tIlI ttiJintigIt of South Yetncii itlitics 1ft Egypt and lalcstitiitiii Imth of whom Jtt living IltilI on charges of trying Ill tisstissiiititc ii former prime itiitiistor of South yiiiiii viii iig ti lic mm Hit Inquest to be held in to drowning of 12 NIHNiRiAi coin titt inquest is to be Iitltl lhui sdtiy into thc drowning of people who rode ti foot boat into rough seas I¢ISI Monday near lerce Que at the tip of thelaspc peninsula oiiincr Stanislm Dcry spot ialist in amniotic law said he decided to hold the inquest ch soon in possible because dc IdlIS surrounding the incident need to be clarified Despite largiscale scorch opcration which found the over turned boat the only body ft covered so far has been that of 20year old Francoise Louettc of Nantes France Miss Louette whose body is to be returned to her family Wednesday was member of group of nine tourists from France who set out with three Quebccers on an excursuin around Bonaventure Island near Perce 360 miles northeast of Quebec ity Mr Dery coroner on the justice departments staff was named Friday to coridiict the IIXQIgfiilllli SHA Btll About 50 pttttlt Ami tw dettI 91 cxtit llt illtIIIII some of then dV nn people wining poi hr toa while llilltt iii anoint with how ttttlliit from tip izv optrated 1ft Itrt Mcutiwhilc Thc switch for IIH othct IXXIHS by ptiilttf liycrs hélttlipttrs dlitl coast guard tsscls was contiiiiiiig Quebec provincial police said I£tl week the warch would be called off Sunday But proyin cial police spokesman said it has been dccidtsl to continue the search At least one person who AII nessed the boats departure has said the young tourists iiiststed on making the trip pestering fercc fisherman Rene Methot until he agreed to take them out despite litlot waves and strongwinds Eyewitnesscs said the boat was badly overloaded and the occupants had no liftJackets when they set out

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