Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1976, p. 9

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cu sq1 lt The Barrie Examiner Saturday August 21 19769 CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH IN WINTER SETTING Bahai representative comes from Canada From July 27 to August representatives from the worlds religions gathered in Canterbury England to ob serve the 401h anniversary of the World Congress of Faiths The Congress is direct out come of the Parliament of Religions held in hicago in 1893 Although other attempts were made to institutionalize this ideal the World Congress of Faiths is the longest lasting best organized and successful The Congress heard guest speakers from six major faiths For Hinduism Swami Nirlip Tananda and Professor Bishop Washington Universi ty USA for Buddhism The Most Reverend The Lord Ab bott Kosho Ohtani of Nishi Hongwanji Kyoto Japan for Judaism Dr Ezra Spice handler of the Hebrew Union College Hebrew University Jerusalem for Christianity Archibishop The Right Reverend George Appleton MBE CMG for Islam His Excellency Saduq aMandi formerly Prime Minister of the Sudan and for the Bahai Faith Mr Douglas Martin Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Canada SPECIAL HONOR The choice of Mr Martin is special honor for the Canadian Bahai community Mr Martin has been Secretary of the Na tional Spiritual Assembly since 1965 has lectured widely at Bahai Schools in Britain the USA and Canada and con tibuted extensively to Bahai publications in several coun tries His subject Bahaullahs Model for World Fellowship presented the example of world community where re ligious differences and theological division have been replaced by the conviction that all religions are in reality one It expands on the theme Bahaullahs Plan for World Fellowshi originally presented George Town send the first Bahai to address the ongress at its formation in 1936 Both its founders Sir Francis Younghusband exv plorer and scholar and Lord Herbert Samuel statesman knew AbduHtaha son of the founder of the Bahai Faith who travelled to many coun tries aiid in 1912 arrived in Mon treat to establish the Faith of Bahaullah in Canada Through the several plans designed by AbduLBaha for the expansion of the Bahai Faith the community of Bahaullah has grown to iii clude over 69500 localities around the world more than 950 in Canada It is significant also that AbdiilBaha assigned an especially important role for the aiiadian nation in pro moting the cause of peace and cooperation apans afterhour schools means no afterschool play TOKYO IAPl Half of Ja pans junior high school pupils spend their aftersehOol hours going to another school to learn to pass the tests to ad vaiice to the right higher schools and eventually to the right job Education ministry officials say they dont know how many afterhour schools ijukul there are in Japan because they are not legally recognized in stitutions recent poll in city near here showed 52 per cent of Grade 61 per cent of Grade 53 per cent of Grade 11 and 57 per cent of Grade attend such schools Two out of to iiinior That white linegoes by vision TORONTO Itll Did you ever wonder why the solid Imc tn the highway seems to go on forever in some places while 111 other places the dotted line lasts to feet and seems to haw designed with racing cars in mind The decision where the line is dotted and where it is solid is not made by the foreman of rindpainting crew flipping coin Its sure not by guess and by God says Glen Raycrott special maintenance services engineer with the ministry of transportation and coiiimii iiications The principle is that driver should haw 1200 feet clear sion at til miles an hour It1 ruimred at lower speed 9011 feet at so in Till feet at to iii and Sill feet at 11 high school pupils take addi tional lessons ut home from pri vate teachers the survey showed Those who rise to the highest positions in Japans govern ment and business generally come from small group of elite universities and entering those universities is considered easier for students from prestigious high schools This makes the shiken jigokuVexamination hell way of life in this nation of 111 million people STILLMANSWORLD The ordeal is primarily for boys since Japanese business and government still are The road crew measures the 1200 feet of clear lSlOII by us ing two markers attached by 12tlifoot ire On cacti marker there are two targets One is 12 inches above the pavement and the other is three feet nine inches above the pavement the distance the average driver is off the road As the road crew climbs hill the solid line is painted at the point where the target dis appears GETS WORSE As you and 45 other cars fol low Ilatltttrlliitltl along some winding twolanc road and the children in the back are whiii ing for their supper there Is something else to add to your frustration Although the speed limit ii Ontario has been lowered mainly mans world Home Yajinia 35 mother of Grade boy who attends juku said Though oppose the competitive examination system it is how the social framework is set up and feel pity for my child if he lags be ind on the social ladder of suc cess ller son Goro who has home tutor besides attending the jukii said Siiicel started going to the juku my grades improved quite bit But just dont have time to play liikii sessions are usually two hours twice week with tut tioii averaging 5000 yen i317 But month within the last year the lines have not been changul Thus in places where the lines were marked on the basis of the 12oo fect required for speed of fill and the limit has dropped to 50 the Illrl11lttl 300 feet of dotted lines Joseph Gleason traffic con trol engineer with the ministry said there may be few places here the ministry could create new passing zones But we tiiid that It would be very rare he said And we Itoiit think ll would be worth while to spend all those re sources to create few some what IIIQIIUIIIIII paving zones PARIS APAt hourly in tervals every Sunday mornin whitehaired riest in an 01 fashioned acetrimmed cassock celebrates mass in basement auditorium better known to Parisians as boxing stadium The French Roman Catholic hierarchy has refused Msgr Francois DucaudBourget 69 the use of church because he reads mass in Latin in direct defiance of the Pope Well dressed worshippers in the thousands ignore the official anathema and regularly attend the illegal mass in the stadium known as Salle Wagram Expensive cars are parked in Sets record Priest refused use of church dense rows all around the hall while Mons DucaudBourget is preachin Officials of the hall estimate is regular congrega tion at more than 5000 persons REVERSE DECISION Some leading members of the French Bishops Conference re gard Msgr DucaudBourget the official chaplain of the Sov ereign Order of Malta as the fountainhead of conservative rebellion against the Pope and an attempt to reverse the his toric decision of the Vatican II ouncil to modernize the Ro man Catholic Church Church officials say privately they are more concerned over the activities of Msgr Ducaud straight on historical facts NEW YORK AP 77 Uncle Sam was food inspector dur ing the War of 1t112 George Washington had to borrow money to attend his first in auguration The Wright Broth ers did not fly the first airplane These facts may not change the course of history but they are the stuff of life for Joseph Nathan Kane his hobby and his profession The 77yearold native New Yorker has devoted the last 53 years to digging out unusual facts discovering who did things first and setting the record straight on any histori cal inaccuracy he comes across Although he collects historical data much of which he compiles into books Kane does not consider himself historian All am is factualist factdetector as Ive been called lay no claim to any thing elsc he said in an inter view If its first thats fine But Im not promoting any cause BOOK IS UPDATE Kanes first book Famous First Facts and Records an up date of which has just been published deals with strictly American firsts from the firv st abdominal operation to the first woman mayor In it he authoritatively debunks old myths and gives credit to pio neers and inventors who have long gone unnoticed Facts About the Presidents also written by Kane and also recently reissued provides de tails on the lives of every American president since George Washington Kanes apartment is filled with mementos including old radio microphones first edi tioiis what he claims is the first fountain pen and letters about firsts and purported firsts sign on one wall reads The Man with New Idea is trackpot Until it Succeeds In 1921 Kane was given contract to do book on the story of American inventions In the course of his research he found endless historical iii accuracics and determined to set the record straight It took 10 years to complete First Fac ts RAN FEATURE SERVICE In addition to writing and up dating his books Kane at one time ran the Kane Feature News Service Ile was host of his own radio quiz show Fa mous Firsts in 1945 and wrote questions for such shows as The 401111 Question Break the Bank Whats the Word and Thats Fact Ile also worked for time as publicity agent and freelance reporter Among the cyehiowrrnisiiig facts Kane has teircted out in his years of research are these Siniuel Iierpoiil Langley constructed and flew heavier Illilllrtlll machine more than Seven years before the well publicized flight from Kitty Ilawk Nt ltStln111tl Wilson provisions inspector during the War of 1812 went by the nickname Uncle Sam and lie habitually stamped inspected packages with the initials US This prompted the rip plication of the nickname to the federal government hzirlic Mctarthy vcii triloqiiist Edgar Bergens diiiii my was awarded the degree of Master of Innuendo and Snap py Comeback by Nor thwcstern University first and in this case last Evciyonc knows that Ben jaiiiin Franklin was great in ventoi but few realize that he also invented the torciiiiiiicr of the electric chair Out of the many odd and sometimes outlandish firsts he has recorded Kanes favorite is the sewing machine Waltcr lliint invented one to years he tore Isaac Singer came on the scene but lliiiit neglected to patent it Someday Im going to write book on it Knnc said Signor Hill star of US movie SAN FRANCISCO AP He wears chines and openneck shirt His eyes are cobalt blue the hair light brown With the name of Terence Hill he might be an actor from the studios of Hollywood or London But when he speaks on the telephone to Rome the words come in cascade of Italian Terence Hill is the mest no table product of the spaghetti western aside from lint East wood who is also film making in San Francisco Real name Mario Girotti born in Venice reared in Dresden and Rome Hill is starring in his first CSTmade film Windfall It is not western but an adventure comedy about an Italian who inherits billiondollar empirc on the provision be appear iii San Francisco within 20 days Among those who aid or impede his trek from Home are Jackie Gleason Valerie lerrinc and Slim Pickens Its 2i 2oth enr tiiryrFox release IIlllGlIOIIl is 13 hence was born in the second year of the European war Yet he reiiieni bers it FATHER IIIIISI My father was chemist and we lived outside Dresden from 1941 to 1945 said the ac tor can remember the sky being red from the fire bomb ings lle rciiiciiilwred buying the veii to be an actor when he Is four or live when didnt es en know hat being 111 actor meant He did iiothirigalxnit it until his school days when di rector Ilino RIM llStIWtttri hini UNITED CHURCHES COLLIER STREET CHURCH 113 COLLIER ST NEAR CITY HALL loo In Mt Putor In John Howl Assist Poster Roy loootu Rotiod Anodoto 1000 AM Rov Knowles WHO ME CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH WILL BE WORSHIPPING WITH US WELCOME TO ALL GRACE Grout St East at Cook St Minister Rov Arthur Storey lo 00 ooosmr HUMILITY For Tm Phono 7260796 Tho Friendly Fellowship BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 10am Topic TALKING TO OHESElF Boost Hintstor lov Kelvin Johnston Organist Mr Gorrowoy at diving meet Those were the days when Italian directors were choosing their actors from people on the street Girotti made his debut in Holiday for Gangsters playing young hoodlum llc appcarcd with Gina Lollobiigida in Anna of Brooklyn Yves Moiitaiid in The Long Blue Street and Burt Lancaster iii Ilic Leopard WED 730 PM HOUR OF POWER BlBlE STUDY it PRAYER FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Boytield St at Dalton St August 22nd 945 am SUNDAY SCHOOL All through the summerl MORNING WORSHIP 30 EVENING PREACHING SERVICE Rev Earl Grigg Speaker BA BD Pastor Rev Ear Grigg Dir of Chr Education 11000m Rev Carl Bull Sunday some for sciwutici Cindi lax ededoo My Thundoy LeRoy Pennell Pastor HERITAG BAPTIST IllRfll Barrir Mos Exciting Autch 323Little Ave Summertime Blessing Foi three and hull Yotlhs now people have been responding to the Jvl3t at the emf the setrte every Sunday Last ifor LOIIV for ioemhersHri 1000 SouJoy School 1100o Proochltg Sonico 630 on Doctrou bu 700 pro Evorfitg Proochhg Sonia Wodnosdoy 710 pm MidNook Sonko 700p Visitoth Annivonory Sonic Sunday Soot 12 We have rented the toolities oi the new Stroud Arena Complex for the celebrotzms of our lst anniversary The adult service will be held in the SOCseat upper auditorium while the children will meet In the 300rseot lower auditorium free hot roast boat but cheOn will be served to all in attendance that morning Ourget than the more publicized rebellion of another French churchmen Msgr Mar cel Lefebvre who has been barred from celebrating mass and has been threatened with the churchs most severe pcnaltv excommunication The Vatican fears that the movement headed by Ducaud Bourget and Lefebvre may lead to serious breach within the church that could disconcert and discourage millions of Catholics throughout the world The official Vatican newspaper warned that Lefebvre has set out on path that leads to schism and perhaps to heresy Glassblowing now science VANCOUVER tIl Les Wakida was hired three years ago as technician making sure the machinery in Simon Fraser Universitys scientific glass shop worked properly But his interest in glassblow ing grew He Iias become so skilled in the craft that he now is British oliimbias first ac creditcd apprentice scientific glassrblower The labor department granted the status to Mr War kida 112 at the recom niendatioii of glass shop super visor Ietei Ilatcli who says Wakida has natural apptitiide for the work Mr Wzikitii was given credit for three years of his foiirrycar apprenticeship because he be gan blowing glass within couple of weeks of starting work after graduating in me chanical technology from the Institute of lechnology Mr Iliitch says the appren ticeship is the beginning of move toward supply of Tana diairtrnincd glasshlowers to take the place of the English people and Europeans who dominate Canadian scicntific glussblowing From his first primitive cf forts three years ago Mr War kirln has progressed to the point where he has just completed three stage oil diffusion pump for SFUs clicmistry depart iiiciit He says the completion of his apprenticcship will get him in the front door fora job put ad ds Ill still have to he qual ified and demonstrate my work that the real test Mr Wakida says he has en joycd glass blowing from the outset but says the learning process is neverending Youre always learning You dont call yourself really qualified glassblower for years Stlt IIZl FOR FOOD ANIIGONISII NS ltli This small Nova Scotia towii derives its 111111 from Mic mac Indian word meaning where the bark is scraped llttlll the trees The Air tigoiiish region in the northern part of Illt province still con tains the primitive beauty of the plticc where bears once scinpcd the trees in an effort to reach chest nuts SQIAWK lOlI1I AMIIIIRSI ilgt laiitrniiinr in French mciiiis loud noise The word aptly describes the noise of wild fowl in thc Iaiitiaiiinr Marshes Ho sqiiaiciiiilcsotlow lying grass land on Illt northciii tip ot be my of Fundy near this Nova Scolia town SERVICES 778 1497 was hurrli Eirrrtnrg dttcndtm M714 girdlemin lutheron Church 220 Steel Street Barrie Worshlp Service 100 min Sunday School 945 am Rev John Klein Pastor FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH 729 Crawford St Barrie 945 om Sunday School for the whole family 1100 crm Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Service Wednesday 800 pm Christian Growth Hour Rev Wayne Domm726A8750 Secretary 7285614 Mrs Florence Downing Friendly Welcome Awaits You diam0 momma CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 159 COLLIER STREET BARRIE CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm ReodingRoom open Tues1hurs24 pm ihurs730lti3opm Tel7261602 HlWAY CHURCH Anne St at Hwy 400 Affiliated Willi HIP Ponierostal Assaiiitilie of Canada Rev Roy Running PASTORS Rev Howard Courtney Worship in the comfort of AIR CONDITION 950 Join our exciting Sunday School llam Worship Service Subject Spiritual Portraits 7pm Indoor Camp Meeting Subject Where Christ Is Wort Aug 25th pm Gospel Believers it singing group with tho USA military Station In Wont Gomony ANGLICAN CHURCHES ST GEORGES Burton and Granville 900 om HOLT EUCHARIST 1030 tIJlt HOLY EUCHARIST Rector Rev Kaye BABTH ST GILES CHURCH 95 Cook St Barrie ST THOMAS SHANTY BAY The Van Basil Tanks Rev John Dowkor August 22nd 51 GILES not thMllNlllN 111111 41 Ill ttlllY 111MMIJNIUN ST THOMAS TRINITY CHURCH Rev John Spears Rector Canon Noinby Assistant Bum Holy Communion 10 om Holy Communion and Sermon Nursery care and Junior Congregation provided llillit vlllltNllvl IRiirl ti Thurs 1030q in IT ii Holy Communion Vn up 14 Him im 31am Mllllitlllittlll tiiigit PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and WOrsley Sis SUMMER UNION WORSHIP AT NDRE with FIRST BAPTIST 100 Rev Roy Waldoch GREAT QUESTIONS OE LIFE Direct Ouoltiori Nurlory Iocilttiu Avolohlo All ViSitors Welcome Westminster Presbyterian Church I70 Steel St Minister 1000 AM MORNING WORSHIP HOW TO PRAY Essa Road Presbyterian Chum Ii 59 Essa Rd tIl Burton 19 Minuter Rea Gerard Byluciiif Div Organist Mrs Vern Diamond Sundoy Aug 2104 ll 00 MORNING WORSHIP near Puget Puult Mills Nursery Provided Wednesday 30 Bible Study Prayer MHLI Ever you Netruriie Christ Cemred Ministry wiiio mow MUM the senIre transition 63° Wetrnrnt BAPTIST CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST in SUMMER UNION WORSHIP of ST ANDREVlS tOwon at Worsloyl 10am Rov Roy Woldock GREAT QUESTIONS OE lIFE Diroct Ouostioii EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 120 St Vincent Stroot Services for Sunday Aug 22nd are as follows 830 am and 1100 am Born Crucified 945 pm Bible School for all 700 pm Family Service Spoon musrc tor the day will be provided by Mu Jano Bloch In tho Morning Worship Sorvico and tho Tushryoh Singing Group from Bradford at tho pm Family Sorvico AIMhoronouogotroutbolltohovolohtoooyhooroflhdoyor fiht WHITE Pastor Frank Wues 7283017

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