maximum 40 words Card of Thanks 25 words Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra 21 Cents per line Coming Events BIRTHS ARFON Jim and Sun at 727 Essa Road are happy to nnnniinr rr thr arr lVrTl at their unimhrrr lJRiITIH Rohnrtn His I5gtOIS Auuust9 i976mRoyalv Hospital BRIVII sistm tor Jetlrrw rTnII Rmrt Granrlclauattim for Bot and Rhoda Hardy OI Mirthiirst 1an Inn and Alirrinarronol Barrrn ir torra Mondays min Is lair or IaEn IIiisrmys Child is lull OI gram WIrtmerys Chilri rs tall at wow hursanys turn has tar to on Fridays Chilri Is IOVIIIL annaivmu Saturdays Child works hard tar its irvmq And tiiirt that is har an ill Sabbath Day Is tan and wrsr nnrt nonri and my tliIrlrrH ttrnr Inn thIs verse by CIIIIIIII Liillrn always want to kririw wtm Ilrly rit llll wwwk erlht17hlrliIUaTt Ktl TIII Hill nttini Important InliirnmlInn luv mm Iiwna mint nan mu RIITII AnrinIinI rltiirli NtII In llllit tIII name at VIIIIr tIIiIi IIIt tiny rIi tliri VVIIIK month and year rit Iirrtti thr wniritil IIII Iittwr Vllqil Intmmntiiin prIntrIi Inrssaar an iinrnrrw nrwrntinwnt Irnrri In Babys Rank III anIty thnis mTtarv rat tor BJIIII yITniIrIIII Rirtrr Mainp Ia Imlv $5 on ITTITXIITIIHT an wm SITIITIIIHIIIV0Vi91nit wnrri WHONF 17 MIA ENGAGEMENTS ER HANsEN Ml antiViva Itl IIPHltV nt CFB Hairlan TIIITUUIIII tir unrmnrvninntot ttiIII tIlllK rtnurilitvr minim Mm ll to Strrn Ovv tmnmn san Iii VI and Mr SwinO HmisIn ti RI Nu minim vIlir TOTFAN Mr and Min Hlliilit tit Barrie nrr TimurIi rII isirIIIIHI ttir mnmrirrmnni rt II mil TIII lrr ma IIiIIIir to Mr WIIIHTITI Ii tl IInr MI antiVim Alwx Inttnn ILI HIi III ltru wmirtina In Trkl mi ii IIIIII IIIIrir Iv irltlillil II IVMJTIATII iIIt litrilll Iiillili MI I1 HANNF IRMAN Mr Jim rIII rm MI Ltilll it Illlrr II it IiIIIrlltIII TITI inllilillITiiill Iii IiiIIIt III twirrn lFilIt Ii KrItItlTlI II III ill MI Jltrl MI NIiI II nilllii ltn WrIirl III tA rlvw lillllill A4IIII III ItIIIr IllulITIIIIIlIII IIrbrt iv DEATHS TINi 0R TIIIIIGS Harry ltrirrttrr mriiTIrWiI III lion OI At thi limo Vn tnrin Hospital narrrrr on Irlilny fiiiriilsl 70 I°7h timins Harry lllrl iTrlIwrIi tmstmnd nt FIOIIIHI Armin lillll4ILI lly sistrvr in law Mrs IliI MI Iltrlvl IIIIi nrptnvw Dim itmrsiin Ristmu III II film Aliy IinIIal HUttll If Wrirslivy Street Bar rm srr th In tlrv harm on Monday mriiisl Bi it it In Interment Park IIiIl rtlriliry IUIOITTU on Arrival IliIiiiI Iilii Ii OITIV Iritiri mlrrri HEIIII till IIIIrI iiitIIrnIy Arr fiIIxIIistm 107A iIiiIn in II It Arw Iiiinwui tnrsimnti tit rrIIIII ttriflrwi lIIttIrI Iitttr Iriiiiiit MI iilr LtI IlIlIIT Lnlttir ILIIIIIIIII rirr NII hrinnlli AIIIIII imin IIIITII TII itirtinn Kristina it rw LII IiirtItJI trump RD Wmui Ni ii nnr it III Irntis Tiitv Ivmv irrllriily iIInrmil Ii In mmn wit riirtlirli rIIs IiII IN MEMORIAMS IIINI II rr gt Mr Illltrirr uni rm ii tli III INt tir lint IJIIILIIII III In II IV It II iV III rv IIJ it HIri in Iirriritlldttrr III LI aim xii gt ii ii II it It illIVIARKII EVERY SATURDAY BEGINNING WGUST 28th tod Highway 90 ssalrh Inr Igris vast ot Angux Groups Iniluiduols dealers IITI Irrittx antiques homo baking on are asked to drop line to General Delivery Angus TOM I50 Millionaires Bargain Bm Flea Marisol or Inll 24 III ILH more IITIIIthnIuII Spam in 0p pruninmtily 20 dealers Buyers and RIL9l woirh Thi upnip tiir IIIIthor details about IHt vIHlOlIAlRIQ BARGAIN BOXIIIAMARRFI Aul IInllhllI gin Ii pipsentx TOUR OF BARRIE AREA HOMES Km Smuntui II An nI tuf 00p AiiiiLMONiV IK KI TH 53 IM hides HO SIC BINGO EVERY MONDAY Sp In CANADIAN LEGION Brnruh I4 iprunbw zruen St and Candies Rd CKPOT $400 CONSOLATION 00 SIF imrmimo ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Ox RU rat Ins arm mx To In lxru Ir sInai II ween rli iiiLthlr Pr Hid rr 26 ONJ NON LHik Cook Iltd Lvs A1 TL TRJII RLZTLI cnasr TrciwnruAso ltiï¬ WMIRFSS Antes my wk ammo ruii arku poor ans oer pictured Apll Mm Trux Tilclhxlt 482511 OUN CEMEN TS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births $500 DECEASED boxes hump back trunk word additional words9cents per word All claims 090m Esue Wtonut hlgh bad dOUbIe bed $500 CIiItord Kendra Rodwell late at Jean Co oniorio MuniCipC Board the Townshi OI Oro in the U91 In Ouc ioneer $5 00 County or Sithcoe Retired Far BarrAuction Services pm IN THE MAITER or SeCtion 44 at The Planning An IR so 1970 GAL Bristol Depression Limoges The Barrie Examiner Saturday August 21 T976 wrrï¬euwu 777v74 brOSS copper oak hall stand Him NOTICE TOCREDITORS leather inset occasional table VPIJBLIC NOTICE PUBlIC NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF CLIFFORD KENDRA RODWELL and coifee table one board pine bread tray pine blanket deadline for classified TOWNSHIP OF ESSA mer who died On or about the 20th day at July I976 must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of August I976 after which date the Estate erI be distributed having Au2I2753 349 previous day noon Saturday and IN THE MATTER at referenCe to this Board by the Honourable John Rhodes Minister OI Housing Ola proposed plan at subdivision OI lands comprising port at Lots to 24 inclusive Conression IV in the Township OI Essa Ministers HE NO AJT 74099 THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORES OF NEWSPRINT HELP WANTED Still3IviiithwtlitlIlHï¬rIillIIiIIIIMIHIUIIIII regard only to the claims of AVAILABLE UNTI EXANMTIXEI APPOINIMFNI FOR HEARING iiiiinï¬irnii 1I3with iili$TIvEtii Which undersigned shall FURTHER NOTICE PHgGEnaWM THE ONTARIOMUNICJPALthgflsDhereyagprlt III wimp in Inf 1h noqce Mo yo EQHIIIIAII SII DIEDovet Ontario this at the hour of eleven rlrurk lIriraI time in the Iorenoon II the PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE SALES EPS 29th dOolJuly 1976 Municipal Building Hamlet anIrr tor the heariqu Of all parties interested in supporting or Opposing this applir ution STOP COMMUTING MURRAY POUND ondBARBARA TOWNSHIP OF ORO Mal Wr IW Wk POUND Executors by their It you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing the In rm tuinrw mun IIva vmni in our jiispttrp and III will not be entitled to Iiiwnnilr II lllll snlm rtmmrlmunt tm SOIIUOTSI BOO InOYI 99 Imrri um IIIII IIITII who ilu Itlrtliry rnI hnkunm CONDER SUGG BIGELOW any fur ther nntir at the nor endings Rubiarum Iii IIWSTMITIHI MILLER KENNYRREED In the event the derision IK reserved persnrs taking part in the IIIll llll it I1 HIT In II gt NW Wv IV In IIW II 73 Owen Street SIXTY OF OVER hearing may request LI 0in at the derision train the presIdIng Im MW Im WINK VW 0w II Barrie Ontario Board Member SIIrh rim rsinrr will he rnnilerl to you when available It tr ti li rflii II TIII Itiii Il igriljlnnilv IIVWTl luv TIIIIIITtrIwIIt AU7 I4 YI DATfDutTIIrrTiitutIiis 77niIIIuyrii July I976 x° idalonsflis INADEQUATE ACTING SECRFIARY 728 094 SH WAITT Hirwrriil Turin nun II um mm It tIIlIlull tr IF NOTE The DILIPHsFd plan sIIhIIivIsInn the proposed OIIIr IaI Plan VIIIIIlIII1 er IJCIII ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Amendment and other IliTlHlTirllIttlI rrinrnrning the Thrive 1p I9 IIIIItrlrllIII SOIUdGYv S5Il pliratrari may be examined at the Township II Tssa Munir rpal OIIILP MUS WWW ll WWWr all OIIOOm IS OF To in Baxter duringnnrrnalOIIiCehIIIiTs maziwzxiiyIIlllleldliIjiIIliliiIi OVER 250 INTERESTING ITEMS The Ontario Ministry at Housing has been asked by your muniripal Arih Roth 915 fl TO BE SOLD In MINESING council to determine the need tor new Senior Citizen housrng in this Clerk Treasurer liliiIlIIInI IIII I1IHI Iii in COMMUNITY CENTRE HWY area If there is need rentgearedtoinrome accommodation will triwIIinIp at Essa 26 belween Barrie and be developed by the Ontario Housing Corporation at the request at Au71 IAI HitW min Irn III Collingwood Partial Iist Tiiiany your anIIIUPG OIHICI wrnr ItTI IIIII rm IlITIIiIJTI II hrt um Irr In Hit III In mt IYdeIOIbIe Iangv ï¬OIelwlh IF puhIir meeting will he held at Oro Community Hall in the hamlet In IIIIIWIIIWHIIJII IIIINWIMWMIII Win amp 00 CI amps 197 to disruss the II III MINI Imgp SpnnIIg WIleeI 805m Iegdcliotlindrverllorryii l1IuglcIfiitaional geared to inCOme ac WWI 9V9rY PldPOVOT WIII VUIIIIRI Nit AM miv rim vim MW hi and other rockers pine cup ommodonom represemoiive of ihe Oniorio Housing Corporation deadline lUI Idhhllillil made to Iorward replies to box Idifljffh 1IIIIj HIICVLIETHL bomdsv mOITOQOIYv IOOII Id will be present at the meeting tO discuss the Senior Citizen Housing WUrd ads numbers to the ndvertIser as II II WOIIUI IUrnlue bId elm Pro mm licatians tor Senior Citizen Housing will also be soon as possible we acrept no nonn PP nlnq wwir lr mmmn Ir INTI with OPIG large CheSII We boks available at the meeting and at the Clerks Oitice Oro Township IUIIIIY 9599 OI I055 IKIII IN MI III In OId Palmlng PTMS ond OIIiceI tOIIowing the meeting damage OIINIQWI CNS II II engravings pub lord Neuteld prewous day Through miller rmlure or delay TIM warni IIIIIT wi In Royal Bayreuth StatiordshIre clerk In forwardIng surh replies 1iirixeriII Nor itake milk Lamnhor AUQI howeve Otherwme IIMIMIII IIIniII MW and MW it In III hlFlrlglhl In Sta rts OMQR hm Ilghlfu Aw mum mu Intuit In lyltthi1l IItrrrrr RARVIII II mm rr Inni nm TIII IIRSI DISASIIR MOVII my MW wit um IW MI VII 41 WIIIZRI EVERYBODY DIIb tIIIlri rivk ItrIrIIIIIIIIIIII tIIIr nIInrrr it iIR aug Ing iinnv II II mm HUI FJflx hit lvr Ile LVIIl Ii IItiJ yIIIi yillrl II III IIIIIrI Iv yIII $ll IIIinr mu rhii IIl in DII AI Lw iir II 7m WIIIITI Ir IIIII Iuur rim fillNlhll iIY Ill IINIY rIv iI rm SI iLlINII WINI Ii WW II IlsiliklhilnliF II wrurr IIIIIh II MIT lllil in It IriIItII INT II it In Int It mm min III Minn RI iJliIlri IIIIIIII ummxrr IIIIIIwiII IIII IIIItII IIIrII ItII vIIIiIrI 51 tvtr up In IIIII at run iwrI iti HIIII EMPLOYMENT WANTED Iiliti NI at Iri IIITII nu th IIII Ir til Mir rIv lmnr II Am ill vIIIrtI UJIlirwtr Ah III II IIIIIIII th ll win Hi lItl MOI HI Ix nw lIII tiri rTIt IINT It Ii ii Linklr imk xiv HimMy UNI WIT5 Mimi IiIIIII 3m Iii IIL Ilti lI it Im rum ACOHKNLFRIEMAN PHILLIPS win II II l1 will Int rim rum in rm It IIllr II PRODUCTION twin ITI IEI rriIil SIIIIIJ III LIIIHHIII iIII NIT rIl vtrw JOSEPH BOLOGNA MIiH MN rllr III STOCKARD MANNING xilr II BECK lurinivlniw MED BEAT Iw nit RICOHMENDINT IOSE FERRER RUTH GORDON HAROLD GOULD LARRY HAGMAN SALLY KELLERMAN LATTIIITTirIIrTiIIrirIriT Thur uni ti riI irIIIIIIIII Hint up 1533 Shown Daily LESLIE PHILLIPS 0mg we THIS WEEK IN THE xiii EXAMINER Sorun Jpa Sh PHVgQEI2I3254M DMDWB6 1owoodside Drivegorillia lenses7343 Ends tonight Bambi Gus Barrie Twin DriveIn Theatre 2212 Barrie Twin DriveIn Theatre 7221 Held Over 2nd Week Imperial Times 710 910 IMPERIAL CINEMA Us Screen Now Playing Its hilarious coasttocoast 180 mileanhour goforbroke outrageous road race with the worlds most expensive cars MGREATESTMYSIERYOFALLBECAUSE NO WBHNG WILLEVERSOLVEIT ilTlSlHElIIGHESTSUSPENSE BECAUSENOMANCAN BEARIT TTISTHE GREATESTFEAR BECAUSE ITISTHEANCIENT FEAROFTHE UNKNOWN ITISAWARNING FORETIOLD FORTHOUSANDS OFYEARS lTlS OURFINALWARNING And its all just for glory and gumball machine lllll IIII III II KH IKh ltrliliiilliii Ill IItl II HIII tI Iii lIt IIIIIILNI INII HIII lll lI HAT IV III Nil tliI IIIII HIT Iiiili IIIIIII mm rt II I1ikiIi IIIii HIMHIIII TWENIIEIHLTNIIIRT Ki liwuts GREGORY PECK LEE REMICK THE OMEN HARVEY ERNHARDMACE NEI IFEID HIva Hurting DAVID WARNER BIII II WHITELAW mwrmm MACE NHIFEID mumi HARVEY ENHARD main REHARD XNNFR Hindu AVID IERRYCLII WITH TANman numbylfllltfl ORIGIN MTRMK Al NT RECORDS MS iII iRIl IIIIIIIRIII III IIII kit I1k Killiihl tiltkl Pi mIL rumC NI Plus Ado Ett3 We CHARLES IIIIIHIIII an vrwiiihti it It rug Ijtivi4yl sI ITIII II IIIlt III Inn 1in Mn IIII IN iii Tl nEFRAH arren Oates Peter Fonda in III Race With The Devi Plus at the DriveIn Only an nun mm In ww mecuom twpn